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湖南界岭邵东段微体植物群   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
卢礼昌 《古生物学报》1997,36(2):187-216
湖南界岭微体植物群由56属145种小孢子及很少量的疑源类与虫牙组成,并以Spelaeotriletes hunanensis的百分含量最高和同时含泥盆纪与石炭纪双重时代色彩的分子为特征。但其地质时代属晚泥盆世晚期或晚法门期。  相似文献   
2006年3-9月,对陕西省宁陕县境内的两栖爬行动物进行了专项调查,结果表明,宁陕县共有两栖爬行动物44种(亚种),隶属5目14科31属,其中两栖纲2目7科8属13种,爬行动物3目7科23属31种。其动物区系组成以东洋界成分占优势,分布有国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物1种,陕西省重点保护野生动物6种,宁陕县特有种2种。对两栖爬行动物资源现状进行了评价,并提出了保护建议。  相似文献   
黑龙江省的旧石器考古发掘与研究始于上世纪30年代,迄今为止已有正式报道或发表的遗址和地点100余处,分布在黑龙江省境内各处,年代上均属于旧石器时代晚期.2017年初,根据齐齐哈尔市查哈阳农场群众提供的线索,笔者等在甘南县环太平湖水库周边发现多处旧石器地点以及原料产地.经对该地区的踏勘调查和对一处地点的小规模剖面清理发现...  相似文献   
真猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)和披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)是北半球高纬度地区晚更新世动物群的主要成员,其消亡的年代和原因一直是国际学术界关注的热点科学问题。本文对黑龙江青冈县英贤村最新出土的5个真猛犸象和5个披毛犀化石进行了AMS14C年代测定,结果均大于4万年,部分化石可能已经超出了目前14C的测定范围。通过整理并对比已公开发表的中国境内两种动物化石的14C年代学数据,本文认为早期常规14C测年方法所获得的年代值需要重新考虑其准确性。埋藏地层与最新的AMS14C测年数据显示,我国真猛犸象化石年代主要集中于MIS3阶段;披毛犀在我国消亡的时间很可能晚于真猛犸象,至少延续到末次冰消期。中国猛犸象-披毛犀动物群化石仍然需要开展更多的年代学研究。  相似文献   
Ungulate herbivory can impact riparian vegetation in several ways, such as by reducing vigor or reproductive output of mature plants, and through increased mortality of seedlings and saplings. Much work has focused on the effects of livestock grazing within riparian corridors, while few studies have addressed the influence of native ungulate herbivory on riparian vegetation. This study investigated the effect of deer herbivory on riparian regeneration along three streams with degraded riparian corridors in Mendocino County, California. We utilized existing stream restoration efforts by private landowners and natural resource agencies to compare six deer exclosures with six upstream control plots. Livestock were excluded from both exclosure and control plots. Three of the deer exclosures had been in place for 15 years, one for 6 years, and two for 4 years. The abundance and size distribution of woody riparian plant species such as Salix exigua, S. laevigata, S. lasiolepis, Alnus rhombifolia, and Fraxinus latifolia were quantified for each exclosure and control plot. The mean density of saplings in deer exclosures was 0.49 ± 0.15/m2, while the mean density of saplings in control plots was 0.05 ± 0.02/m2. Within exclosures, 35% of saplings were less than 1 m and 65% were greater than 1 m; within control plots, 97% of saplings were less than 1 m in height. The fact that little regeneration had occurred in control plots suggests that deer herbivory can substantially reduce the rate of recovery of woody riparian species within degraded riparian corridors. Exclusionary fencing has demonstrated promising results for riparian restoration in a region with intense deer herbivory.  相似文献   
番荔枝科(Annonaceae)是基部被子植物木兰目(Magnoliales)中较进化且物种数最多的科。目前的系统发育研究将番荔枝科划分为4个亚科,即蒙蒿子亚科(Anaxagoreoideae)、澄光木亚科(Ambavioideae)、番荔枝亚科(Annonoideae)和排石木亚科(Malmeoideae),有107属,2 400多种,中国原产21 属约110 种。番荔枝科泛热带分布,是热带植物区系的优势类群,中国云南盈江位于云南省最西部边境,与缅甸东北部接壤,并与印度的东阿萨姆较近,植物区系处于东南亚(印度—马来西亚)热带生物区系向东亚亚热带-温带生物区系的过渡地带,属典型热带北缘性质,在植被地理和生物地理上十分重要,成为生物多样性保护的关键和热点地区。该区的热带雨林是印度阿萨姆和缅甸北部的热带雨林向东和向北扩散分布的边缘类型,是东南亚热带雨林在纬度和海拔分布上的极限类型。该文报道了采自中国云南省盈江县,引种保存于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的番荔枝科哥纳香属2个中国新记录种,即皱叶哥纳香 [Goniothalamus sesquipedalis(Colebr. ex Wall.)Hook. f. & Thomson]和长梗哥纳香(G. peduncularis King & Prain)。Flora of China将盈江哥纳香(G. lii X. L. Hou & Y. M. Shui)处理为云南哥纳香(G. yunnanensis W. T. Wang)的异名,基于活植物观察、馆藏标本和文献研究,该文对盈江哥纳香的分类地位进行了澄清,将其处理为长梗哥纳香的异名。皱叶哥纳香原记载产于印度、孟加拉国和缅甸等地,长梗哥纳香仅产于缅甸,该文对它们进行了补充描述,并提供彩色图版以便于鉴别。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。哥纳香属2个新记录的发现,丰富了中国番荔枝科植物多样性的认识,为中国云南热带植物区系属于热带亚洲(印度—马来西亚)植物区系,以及与缅甸北部、印度东北部植物区系的关系增加了例证。  相似文献   
为了解广西横县野生种子植物区系特征,对横县野生种子植物进行了调查分析。结果表明,广西横县有野生种子植物1 269种,隶属于163科658属,以被子植物占优势,而裸子植物则贫乏。在科属种组成上,以大科、区域单型属和少型属为主;生活型组成反映亚热带常绿阔叶林群落特征,藤本植物种类丰富。种子植物地理成分均以热带成分为主,兼备亚热带和温带成分。与邻近地区相比较,横县种子植物区系与广东紫金县相似性较高,区系成分组成则与广东新会区、紫金县相近。因此,横县地区野生种子植物种类丰富,热带性质明显,呈热带至亚热带过渡性质,起源古老,具有一定特有现象,与广东地区联系密切。  相似文献   
竹溪县现有种子植物127科483属863种。地理成分复杂,联系广泛,以温带成分占主导地位,占非世界分布属的64.83%,热带分布属则占29.39%,木本植物占种子植物总数的42.59%,主要植补类型计7个植补型组,10个植被型,49个联系。地处竹溪中南部的云雾溪是目前亚热带区域保存较为完整,具有多方面保护价值的综合区,建议辟为自然保护区。  相似文献   
After Hurricane Andrew crossed southern Florida (U.S.A.) on 24 August 1992, native and exotic pioneer species in subtropical hardwood forests (hammocks) regenerated from seed banks. Regeneration occurred in hammocks of metropolitan Dade County and the Long Pine Key region of Everglades National Park. The density of the native pioneer Trema micrantha was significantly higher in hammocks of Long Pine Key than in those of metropolitan Dade County. In contrast, the basal area of the exotic pioneer Carica papaya was greater in Dade County hammocks than Long Pine Key hammocks. Although T. micrantha tended to be restricted to areas of soil disturbance (tip‐up pits) formed by trees uprooted during Hurricane Andrew, especially in Long Pine Key, C. papaya was located throughout hammocks. These results suggest differences in the regeneration niches in which the native T. micrantha required more specific disruptions (i.e., both canopy and soil) than C. papaya (only removal of canopy) for establishment. A broad regeneration niche could in part account for the capability of an exotic species with a dormant seed bank to invade native subtropical forests following natural large‐scale disturbances.  相似文献   
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