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Reliable identification of individual chromosomes in eukaryotic species is the foundation for comparative chromosome synteny and evolutionary studies. Unfortunately, chromosome identification has been a major challenge for plants with small chromosomes, such as the Citrus species. We developed oligonucleotide‐based chromosome painting probes for all nine chromosomes in Citrus maxima (Pummelo). We were able to identify all C. maxima chromosomes in the same metaphase cells using multiple rounds of sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization with the painting probes. We conducted comparative chromosome painting analysis in six different Citrus and related species. We found that each painting probe hybridized to only a single chromosome in all other five species, suggesting that the six species have maintained a complete chromosomal synteny after more than 9 million years of divergence. No interchromosomal rearrangement was identified in any species. These results support the hypothesis that karyotypes of woody species are more stable than herbaceous plants because woody plants need a longer period to fix chromosome structural variants in natural populations.  相似文献   
Tristeza is a devastating viral disease in all the citrus growing countries throughout the world and has killed millions of citrus trees in severely affected orchards. The citrus species grafted on sour orange rootstock are affected by this disease. Predominantly, the sweet orange, grapefruit and lime trees grafted on sour orange exhibit severe symptoms like quick decline, vein clearing, pin holing, bark scaling and degeneration leading to variable symptoms. Symptomatic expression of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in different hosts has been attributed to virus isolates which are from severe to mild. Different serological and molecular assays have been deployed to differentiate the strains of CTV. Citrus tristeza virus is diversified towards its strains on the basis of biological, serological and molecular characterization. Phenotypic expression is due to genetic alteration and different molecular basis have now been adopted for strain differentiation. This review will give a brief idea about the different CTV isolates, their characterization based on nucleic acid and serological assays. Different methods along with salient features for strain characterization has also been reviewed. This review will also open the new aspects towards formulation of management strategies through different detection techniques.  相似文献   
《Fungal biology》2021,125(10):815-825
The genus Phyllosticta includes both endophytic and phytopathogenic species that occur on a broad range of plant hosts, including Citrus. Some pathogenic species cause severe disease, such as Phyllosticta citricarpa, the causal agent of Citrus Black Spot (CBS). In contrast, other species, such as Phyllosticta capitalensis, have an endophytic lifestyle in numerous plant hosts. Carbon utilization capabilities are hypothesized to influence both host range and lifestyle, and are in part determined by the set of Carbohydrate Active Enzyme (CAZyme) encoding genes of a species. In this study, carbon utilization capabilities of five Phyllosticta species were determined, as well as the CAZyme repertoire (CAZome) encoded in their genomes. Little variation was found among species in terms of carbon utilization capabilities and CAZome. However, one of the tested carbon sources, sugar beet pulp (SBP), inhibited growth of the plant pathogens, also when combined with another carbon source, while endophytic species remained unaffected.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem exchange (NEE), leaf gas exchange and biochemical traits were investigated in an irrigated maize crop grown under Mediterranean conditions. Sub-optimal irrigation water supply determined a drought stress during the early vegetative growth stage (45–49 days after swing) that decreased NEE. Drought, in the late vegetative stage, also caused a reduction of leaf gas exchange. In the latter period, proline, glycine and serine, as well as sucrose leaf contents increased, while starch, proteins and glucose contents decreased. In the early reproductive stage, the crop experienced a longer dry spell that induced a reduction in canopy as well as in leaf gas exchanges, while protein and free amino acid contents decreased with respect to the late vegetative stage. Both ecophysiological and biochemical data demonstrate a good capacity of cultivar Pioneer PR32D99 to endure the environmental stress, related to Mediterranean summer drought, leading to an elevated dry matter yield at harvest. Photosynthetic apparatus appeared fairly resistant to soil water shortage due likely to the increased leaf content of organic solutes, such as amino acids and soluble sugars.  相似文献   

Palynological investigations in the garden of the “Casa delle Nozze di Ercole ed Ebe“ in Pompeii revealed the presence of Vitis and Citrus. Citrus has often been said to be cultivated in Roman times, but no plant remains have ever confirmed this hypothesis as regards Pompeii. In this paper, we give evidence for an early cultivation of this plant in a garden. Analyses revealed that, as already observed in other gardens, the ground was covered by herbs which were the same as those found in ancient and contemporary meadows of the Vesuvian area.  相似文献   
A pectin was extracted from the peel of Citrus tankan with a yield of 2.75%. The uronic acid content was 80.0%, and the degree of methoxylation was 63.2%. The pectin was composed of D-GalA, D-Gal, L-Ara and L-Rha in the molar ratio of 100:11.3:3.6:2.6. The molecular weight was estimated to be approximately 9.2×104. The pectin formed a gel by conventional procedures.  相似文献   
Properties of autolytic breakdown of rat skeletal muscle proteins in the alkaline pH range have been reported. The activity is almost exclusively localized in the myofibrillar fraction, but is not solubilized with Triton X-100. The activity is affected by the KCI concentration in the reaction mixture. In 0.6 M and the more concentrated KCI solutions, the maximum activity is attained. The optimum pH of the activity is in the range of pH 7.5~9.5, and the optimum temperature is between 47~57°C.

This autolytic activity seems to be different from catheptic activity which shows its optimum pH in the acid pH range. Moreover, though more than half of the catheptic activity of rat skeletal muscle is recovered in the myofibrillar fraction, the catheptic activity in the myofibrillar fraction can be removed from the fraction by the extraction with dilute saline solution containing Triton X-100.  相似文献   
The discovery that anisomycin showed plant growth-regulating activity led to the investigation of compounds having p-methoxyphenyl group; the p-anisole derivatives. 4-Methoxydiphenylmethanes and related compounds inhibited the growth of both shoots and roots in test plants. Growth-inhibitory activity in the series of 4-methoxydiphenylmethanes was lowered by an increase in the electron donating or withdrawing ability of the substituent and was parabolically dependent on the Hammett’s σ. Selective actions of these compounds in their growth inhibition are discussed based on correlations between their activities against barnyard grass and other test plants.

Some 4-methoxydiphenylmethanes induced chlorosis, a disturbance in phototropism or geotropism, and root hypertrophy.  相似文献   
Guignardia citricarpa is the causal agent of Citrus Black Spot (CBS), an important disease in Citriculture. Due to the expressive value of this activity worldwide, especially in Brazil, understanding more about the functioning of this fungus is of utmost relevance, making possible the elucidation of its infection mechanisms, and providing tools to control CBS. This work describes for the first time an efficient and successful methodology for genetic transformation of G. citricarpa mycelia, which generated transformants expressing the gene encoding for the gfp (green fluorescent protein) and also their interaction with citrus plant. Mycelia of G. citricarpa were transformed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which carried the plasmid pFAT-gfp, contains the genes for hygromycin resistance (hph) as well as gfp. The optimization of the agrotransformation protocol was performed testing different conditions (type of membrane; inductor agent concentration [acetosyringone – AS] and cocultivation time). Results demonstrated that the best condition occurred with the utilization of cellulose's ester membrane; 200 μM of AS and 96 h as cocultivation time. High mitotic stability (82 %) was displayed by transformants using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique to confirm the hph gene insertion. In addition, the presence of gfp was observed inside mycelia by epifluorescence optical microscopy. This technique easy visualization of the behaviour of the pathogen interacting with the plant for the first time, allowing future studies on the pathogenesis of this fungus. The establishment of a transformation method for G. citricarpa opens a range of possibilities and facilitates the study of insertional mutagenesis and genetic knockouts, in order to identify the most important genes involved in the pathogenesis mechanisms and plant–pathogen interaction.  相似文献   
Nitrogen fertilization often improves the yield of intensively managed, short‐rotation coppices. However, information of N nutrition form on the growth of common species and clones used for biomass production is limited. Thus, this study aims at evaluating N form effects on the growth of two Salicaceae clones. Cuttings of the poplar clone Max 4 (Populus maximovizcii × P. nigra) and the willow clone Inger (Salix triandra × S. viminialis) were fertilized in a pot experiment with four ratios of nitrate (NO3?) to ammonium (50%, 62.5%, 75% and 87.5% NO3? balanced with ammonium (NH4+) to constant total N) for one growing season and under stable soil pH. Plants were harvested for analysis of biomass and morphology of leaves, stem and roots. Respiration of fine and coarse roots (RR) was determined and related to biomass growth. Salix cv. Inger accumulated more total dry matter than Populus cv. Max 4. In both Salicaceae clones, the total biomass was significantly influenced by the nitrate ratio and greatest in plants fertilized with 50% NO3? of the total N supply. Both clones possess a different leaf and root morphology, but no significant influence of the NO3? ratio on the morphology was found. Fine RR rates differed significantly between clones, with significantly greater fine RR in Max 4; 87.5% NO3? fertilization increased the fine RR. Fine RR and total accumulated plant biomass were closely related. Our study is the first to show the tremendous influence of fine root respiration, especially including the carbon‐intensive reduction of NO3? to NH4+, on the aboveground growth of Salicaceae clones. Ways to improve yield in SRC are thus to lower the assimilate consumption by fine roots and to match fertilization regimes to the used clones or vice versa.  相似文献   
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