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Summary A voltage-dependent anion-selective channel, VDAC, is found in outer mitochondrial membranes. VDAC's conductance is known to decrease as the transmembrane voltage is increased in either the positive or negative direction. Charged groups on the channel may be responsible for this voltage dependence by allowing the channel to respond to an applied electric field. If so, then neutralization of these charges would eliminate the voltage dependence. Channels in planar lipid bilayers which behaved normally at pH 6 lost much of their voltage dependence at high pH. Raising the pH reduced the steepness of the voltage dependence and raised the voltage needed to close half the channels. In contrast, the energy difference between the open and closed state in the absence of a field was changed very little by the elevated pH. The groups being titrated had an apparent pK of 10.6. From the pK and chemical modification, lysine epsilon amino groups are the most likely candidates responsible for VDAC's ability to respond to an applied electric field.  相似文献   
Five analogs of leucine enkephalin containing the CH2S group as an amide bond replacement were evaluated with respect to resistance toward degradation by human serum in an HPLC-based assay using both ultraviolet and electrochemical detection. Analogs with the modification at the 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, or 4-5 peptide linkages demonstrated half-lives of 118, 85, 134, and 318 min vs. 12 min for the parent peptide. A pseudopeptide analog with additional D-Ala2 protection had a half-life of greater than 1000 min, while the potent [D-Ala2]-leucine enkephalin analog showed approximately a 10-fold increase in stability. The significant increase in stability for a compound with protection only at the C-terminus suggests that serum enzymes may have greater specificity toward backbone changes than previously realized.  相似文献   
Summary 1-Methylguanine and 7-methylguanine, both metabolic products of tRNA degradation, are known to induce transformation of Chinese hamster fibroblasts in culture. The effects of these compounds on the cell membrane have been studied by the method of Concanavalin A-mediated hemadsorption. 1-Methylguanine or 7-methylguanine induced a 50% increase of Con A-mediated hemadsorption within 20 hours of exposure of the cells to the agent at a concentration of 10-5 M. This alteration was reversed within 13 days when the cells were grown in the control medium. Prolonged treatment with 1-methylguanine or 7-methylguanine resulted in changes which were only slowly reversed during growth of the cells in the control medium. The effect of the methylated purines on the cell membrane could be completely inhibited by simultaneous addition of dibutyryl-cAMP at a concentration of 10-5 M. The possible mechanism of cell membrane alteration by methylated purines and its relevance to transformation in vitro are discussed.  相似文献   
It was shown that tRNA fromAzotobacter vinelandii grown in the presence of ammonium chloride lacks ribothymidine while that grown in the absence of the ammonium salt contains this modified nucleoside. [32P]-Labelled tRNA from this organism grown in a medium containing the ammonium salt was digested with RNase T1 and the pseudouridinecontaining tetranucleotide, common to all tRNAs was isolated and analysed for the nucleoside replacing the ribothymidine. It was found to be uridine. Cells previously labelled with [32P]-phosphate in the ammonium salt medium were washed and incubated in the ammonium saltfree medium to test whether ribothymidine would be formed upon removal of the ammonium ions. Methylation of the uridine did not take place.  相似文献   
Chemical modification of Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores by 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) results in inactivation of photophosphorylation, Mg2+-ATPase, oxidative phosphorylation and ATP-driven transhydrogenase, with apparent first-order kinetics. Other energy-linked reactions such as light-driven transhydrogenase and light-dependent proton uptake were insensitive to NBD-Cl. The Ca2+-ATPase activity of the soluble coupling factor from chromatophores (R. rubrum F1) was inactivated by NBD-Cl with kinetics resembling those described for Mg2+-ATPase and photophosphorylation activities of chromatophores. Both NBD-chromatophores and NBD-R. rubrum F1 fully recovered their activities when subjected to thiolysis by dithioerythritol. Phosphoryl transfer reactions of chromatophores and Ca2+-ATPase activity of R. rubrum F1 were fully protected by 5 mM Pi against modification by NBD-Cl. ADP or ATP afforded partial protection. Analysis of the protection of Ca2+-ATPase activity by Pi indicated that NBD-Cl and Pi are mutually exclusive ligands. Spectroscopic studies revealed that tyrosine and sulfhydryl residues in R. rubrum F1 underwent modification by NBD-Cl. However, the inactivation was only related to the modification of tyrosine groups.  相似文献   
A series of amphiphilic polymethylenecarboxymaleimides has been synthesized for use as sulfhydryl reagents applicable to membrane proteins. Physical properties of the compounds which are relevant to their proposed mode of action have been determined. By comparing rates of reaction in aqueous and aprotic solvents, the compounds have been shown to react exclusively with the thiolate ion. The effects of the reagents on three membrane-associated proteins are reported, and in two cases a comparative study has been made of the effects on the proteins in the absence of membranes. A mechanism is proposed whereby the reagents are anchored at the lipid/water interface by the negatively charged carboxyl group, thus siting the reactive maleimide in a plane whose depth is defined by the length of the reagent. Supporting evidence for this model is provided by the inability of the reagents to traverse membranes, and variation of their inhibitory potency with chain length when the proteins are embedded in the membrane, but not when extracted into solution. As examples of general use of the reagents to probe sulfhydryl groups in membrane proteins, the reagents have been used to (a) determine the depths in the membrane at which two populations of sulfhydryl groups occur in the mitochondrial phosphate transporter; (b) locate a single sulfhydryl associated with the active site ofD--hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase in the inner mitochondrial membrane; (c) examine sulfhydryl groups in theD-3-glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase associated with the human red blood cell membrane.  相似文献   
Rat kidney-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS) was inactivated by reaction with trinitrobenzene sulfonate (TNBS), and the reaction followed pseudo-first-order kinetics. Inactivation kinetics revealed that only one of the amino acid residues modified by TNBS was essential for-GCS activity. The addition of 10 mM Mg2+ to the TNBS inactivation reaction resulted in a 16-fold increase in the rate of inactivation. Chromatographic analysis on the tryptic hydrolyzates of trinitrophenylated (TNP) derivatives showed that Lys-38 in theGCS heavy subunit was significantly modified in the presence of Mg2+. In contrast to small changes in the catalytic properties observed by mutation of Lys-38 to Arg, the mutants K38N and K38E had a marked decrease in enzymatic activity and about twofold increase inK m for glutamate. These results suggest that the positively charged Lys-38 may sbe involved in the binding of glutamate toGCS.  相似文献   
Several peptide antibiotics have been described as potent inhibitors of bacterial growth. With respect to their biosynthesis, they can be devided into two classes: (i) those that are synthesized by a non-ribosomal mechanism and (ii) those that are ribosomally synthesized. Subtilin and nisin belong to the ribosomally synthesized peptide antibiotics. They contain the rare amino acids dehydroalanine, dehydrobutyrine, meso-lanthionine, and 3-methyl-lanthionine. They are derived from prepeptides which are post-translationally modiffied and have been termed lantibiotics because of their characteristic lanthionine bridges (Schnell et al. 1988). Nisin is the most prominent lantibiotic and is used as a food preservative due to its high potency against certain gram-positive bacteria (Mattick & Hirsch 1944, 1947; Rayman & Hurst 1984). It is produced by Lactococcus lactis strains belonging to serological group N. The potent bactericidal activities of nisin and other lantibiotics are based on depolarization of energized bacterial cytoplasmic membranes. Breakdown of the membrane potential is initiated by the formation of pores through which molecules of low molecular weight are released. A trans-negative membrane potential of 50 to 100 mV is necessary for pore formation by nisin (Ruhr & Sahl 1985; Sahl et al. 1987). Nisin occurs as a partially amphiphilic molecule (Van de Ven et al. 1991). Apart from the detergent-like effect of nisin on cytoplasmic membranes, an inhibition of murein synthesis has also been discussed as the primary effect (Reisinger et al. 1980). In several countries nisin is used to prevent the growth of clostridia in cheese and canned food. The nisin peptide structure was first described by Gross & Morall (1971), and its structural gene was isolated in 1988 (Buchman et al. 1988; Kaletta & Entian 1989). Nisin has two natural variants, nisin A and nisin Z, which differ in a single amino acid residue at position 27 (histidin in nisin A is replaced by asparagin in nisin Z (Mulders et al. 1991; De Vos et al. 1993). Subtilin is produced by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. Its chemical structure was first unravelled by Gross & Kiltz (1973) and its structural gene was isolated in 1988 (Banerjee & Hansen 1988). Subtilin shares strong similarities to nisin with an identical organization of the lanthionine ring structures (Fig. 1), and both lantibiotics possess similar antibiotic activities. Due to its easy genetic analysis B. subtilis became a very suitable model organism for the identification and characterization of genes and proteins involved in lantibiotic biosynthesis. The pathway by which nisin is produced is very similar to that of subtilin, and the proteins involved share significant homologies over the entire proteins (for review see also De Vos et al. 1995b). The respective genes have been identified adjacent to the structural genes, and are organized in operon-like structures (Fig. 2). These genes are responsible for post-translational modification, transport of the modified prepeptide, proteolytic cleavage, and immunity which prevents toxic effects on the producing bacterium. In addition to this, biosynthesis of subtilin and nisin is strongly regulated by a two-component regulatory system which consists of a histidin kinase and a response regulator protein.  相似文献   
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