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Daniel Pajaud 《Geobios》1976,9(4):481-502
A benthic taphocoenose from the Pliocene I of Aguilas (provinces of Murcia-Almeria, Southern Spain) conseals four Cirripedia (family of BalanidaeLeach): Balanus (Balanus) perforatus angustusGmelin, B. (B.) amphitriteDarwin, B. (Megabalanus) tintinnabulum tintinnabulumLinné and Creusia (Withersia) phryxaPajaud.The study of the last one is especially interestingfrom an ecological point of view. Indeed, all species, well-known in the Creusia-Pyrgoma group are more or less dependent on Anthozoa since Miocene, the cuplike basis of their shell buried on corallites. But not corallites were gathered in the deposits of Aguilas and the morphology of Creusia phryxa leads us to believe a fixation of the shell on a flaccid substratum. From which we may suppose that the host of this Cirriped was perhaps an Actiniaria.  相似文献   
白脊藤壶形态的变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国沿岸白脊藤壸Balanus albicostatus Pilsbry有圆锥形、陡圆锥形和圆柱形。其形态与年龄、浪击、群集度及基底的粗糙度有关。壁板表面的脊和色纹数也与年龄、浪击和基底的粗糙度有关。壳口面积小于40mm~2时,其面积增大缓慢,大于40mm~2时,其面积增大与基底面积增加呈正相关。随着年龄的增大,基底由椭圆形变为圆形。盖板的形状与年龄和腐蚀度有关。 白脊藤壶广泛分布在我国沿岸,是潮间带隐蔽岩岸的优势种。因其形态变化极大,故分类学家曾把其变异的个体订为不同的亚种。藤壶的形态变异问题,早就引起生态学家和古生物学家关注。因水生动物外壳的形态和结构可作为环境变化的指标,故可为生态学家、古生物学家和古地理学家提供重要的信息(Rhoads and Lutz,1980)。国外曾对半寒藤壶Semibalanus balanoides、缺刻藤壶B.crenatus、小藤壶Chthamalus challenger和C.depressus的形态变异进行了研究。本文着重讨论白脊藤壶的形态变异及产生变异的原因。  相似文献   
Sex allocation theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites predicts increases in relative allocation to male-specific function as competition for fertilizations increases. Theoretical models developed specifically for competing acorn barnacles predict that the proportional allocation to male function increases toward an asymptote of 50% as the number of competitors for fertilizations increases. Experimental manipulations were used to investigate how mate competition affected both relative and absolute allocation to the sex functions for two species of acorn barnacle: Semibalanus balanoides and Balanus glandula. The ratio of male to female allocation did not increase with the number of competitors for either species. However, both species showed increased allocation to male function (estimated as total mass of sex-specific tissues) with increased crowding. Allocation to female function seemed to be limited by other factors and did not vary with mating group size as predicted. Allocation to male and female function were both positively related to body size, but a trade-off between male and female function, a key assumption of prior models, was not observed.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet light has intriguing potential as a marine antifoulant, targeting almost any species and applicable to almost any surface, while not accumulating in the environment. This study field-tested the effects of periodic ultraviolet-C illumination on marine macrofouling. Across four experiments, several UV illumination duty cycles were tested against controls with no illumination. Duty cycles between 1:2 (time with UV:total time per cycle) and 1:20 were all similarly effective, inhibiting almost all macrofouling at three different temperate Northeast Pacific and Northwest Atlantic sites. Susceptible taxa included barnacles, bryozoans, tunicates (colonial and solitary), and, to a slightly lesser extent, mussels. Duty cycles of 1:30 and 1:60 reduced but did not eliminate biofouling. Measurements of ultraviolet illumination on oceanographic sensors showed similar results. The results suggest further investigation of ultraviolet light as an antifoulant for marine sensors, including susceptibility of other taxa, optimizing illumination patterns, and exploring the potential for evolved resistance.  相似文献   
Experiments were carried out to evaluate the influence of rearing temperature and food concentration (20 and 30 °C, 1×105 and 2×105 cells ml−1) on the starvation threshold and nucleic acid content of the larvae of Balanus amphitrite. The larvae were also field-reared using micro-enclosures. Laboratory-reared larvae were larger in size than the field-reared larvae. An increase in size, DNA content and instar index of the starved II instar larvae was observed indicating that the absence of food may not be fatal to this early instar. The temperature at which larvae were raised and the food concentration had variable influence on the capacity to withstand starvation. Exposure to increased temperatures during starvation eliminated the effect of doubling food concentration during their feeding period prior to starvation. The larvae reared at 20 °C had comparatively lower nucleic acid content. The laboratory-reared larvae had ca. 1.7 times greater RNA:DNA ratio than larvae raised at comparable temperature in the field.  相似文献   

Toxicological tests on the present status of resistance to acaricides in six strains of the two‐spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) in New Zealand are reported. Resistance to parathion appears widespread; cross‐resistance to formetanate is developed. Resistance to Plictran has not developed, and there is no indication of high levels of Kelthane resistance. The levels of genetic incompatibility operating between the strains are also investigated. The causes of such incompatibilities and their possible exploitation in integrated control programmes are discussed.  相似文献   
Segmented organisms and structures have fascinated biologists since William Bateson first described homeotic transformation and recognized the fundamental evolutionary significance of segmental organization. On evolutionary time scales, segments may be lost or gained during major morphological transitions. But how segment loss compares to gain on developmental time scales remains mysterious. Here, we examine the ease of reverse development (opposite to normal growth) by comparing developmentally plastic leg segment loss versus gain in individual barnacles transplanted between different water flow conditions. Plastic segment addition occurred rapidly (one to two molts) and exclusively near the limb base. In contrast, developmentally plastic segment loss—the first observation in any arthropod—took much longer (>10 molts) and, remarkably, occurred throughout the leg (23% of losses occurred mid‐limb). Segment loss was not a simple reversal of segment addition. Intersegmental membranes fused first, followed by elimination of duplicate tendons and gradual shortening (but not loss) of duplicate setae. Setal loss, in particular, may impose a severe developmental constraint on arthropod segment fusion. This asymmetric developmental potential (time lag of phenotypic response)—plastic segment addition (amplified normal development) is faster and more orderly than segment loss (reverse development)—adds a new dimension to models of developmental plasticity because the cost of making a developmental mistake in one direction will be greater than in the other.  相似文献   
Shahdadi A  Chan BK  Sari A 《ZooKeys》2011,(136):1-12
A new species of intertidal acorn barnacle Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. was identified from the Iranian coast in the Gulf of Oman. Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. inhabits low exposed rocky shores and also attaches to shells of molluscs and the barnacle Megabalanus species. Parietes of Tetraclita ehsani ranged from white to pink which is different from Tetraclita serrata (in South African waters), which has green parietes. Morphology of the tergum and cirrus III of Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. is distinctive from other described West Indian Ocean species which have pink or white parietes (Tetraclita rufotincta, Tetraclita achituvi and Tetraclita reni). The tergum of Tetraclita ehsani is very narrow and the basal margin is slightly concave or straight, in contrast to Tetraclita rufotincta and Tetraclita reni, in which the tergum are board and with a very concave basal margin. Cirrus I anterior ramus of both Tetraclita ehsani and Tetraclita reni is antenniform and thus differing from the cirrus I of Tetraclita rufotincta (see Chan et al. 2009). Cirrus III of Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. is non-antenniform and lacks multicuspidate type setae, which is different from Tetraclita reni by having an antenniform cirrus III and with multicuspidate setae.  相似文献   
We used SEM to investigate the morphology of the cypris larvae from a range of species of the Cirripedia Acrothoracica, representing all three families and including the first detailed account of cyprids in the highly specialized Cryptophialidae. Special attention was given to the head shield (carapace), the lattice organs, the antennules, the thoracopods, the telson and the furcal rami. The cypris larvae of the Acrothoracica fall into two morphological groups; those of the Trypetesidae and Lithoglyptidae have a well-developed carapace (head shield) that can completely enclose the body and sports fronto-lateral pores, numerous short setae and lattice organs perforated by numerous small, rounded pores and a single, conspicuous terminal pore. The fourth antennular segment has the setae arranged in subterminal and terminal groups. There is a developed thorax with natatory thoracopods and a distinct abdomen and telson. In comparison, the cyprids of the Cryptophialidae exhibit apomorphies in the morphology of the carapace, the antennules and the thorax, mostly in the form of simplifications and reductions. They have a much smaller head shield, leaving parts of the body directly exposed. The shield is conspicuously ornamented by deep pits and hexagonally arranged ridges and bears a few, very long setae but lacks fronto-lateral pores. The lattice organs have numerous elongated pores, but no large, terminal pore. The fourth antennular segment has all the setae clustered in one terminal group. The thorax and thoracopods are rudimentary and not suitable for swimming. These reductions and simplifications in morphology correlate with cryptophialid cyprids being unable to swim. They can only disperse by antennular walking resulting in small, but highly gregarious populations of adults. The variations in antennular morphology and telson structure were traced for the genera of the families Lithoglyptidae and Trypetesidae. The traditional non-cladistic taxonomy in the suborders Pygophora (Cryptophialidae+Lithoglyptidae) and Apygophora (Trypetesidae) was based largely on symplesiomorphies in adult morphology and cannot be upheld. The Lithoglyptidae and Trypetesidae may form a monophylum, but evidence remains scarce. We expect that the use of larval (cyprid) characters will in the future play an important part in more detailed phylogenetic analyses of the Acrothoracica and also shed new light on their reproductive ecology.  相似文献   
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