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达乌尔黄鼠显带染色体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
达乌尔黄鼠分布在我国北方及蒙古和苏联等区域,对牧草及农田危害甚大。有关达乌尔黄鼠的核型国内外已有报道(Lyapunova等,1970;蔡有余等,1985;马继霞等,1985)。签于其染色体的一些特征,达乌尔黄鼠有可能成为染色体工程及检测环境诱变剂等方面的实验材料。虽然苏联Lyapunova等(1978,1980)对黄鼠属某些种的G-带和C-带进行过比较研究,我国蔡有余等(1985)对达乌尔黄鼠的C-带和Ag-NOR进行了观察,但无法对其染色体进行逐个地准确识别,特别是对Χ染体色的正确识别。为此,我们对达乌尔黄鼠的显带染色体进行了较详细的研究。  相似文献   
In this experiment, electron and y-ray-radiation were used to irradiate dry seeds of Vicia faba. Experimental results show that electron just as affective as γ-ray has significant mutagenic effect on cells. In the range of the dose, the frequency of chromosomal aberrations on the root tip cells, there are singnificantly dose-effect. But the relationship between the dose and frequency of aberrations is close to straight line and redplication. An analysis from the type of chromosomal aberrations by electron also leads to different results, in which there are more bridges and rings by electron than by γ-ray. Therefore, electron possibly have stronger two hit aberrations, and the frequency of aberration increased in proporti on with the square of dose.  相似文献   
The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes in 9 species of 5 genera from China. It is found that all these analysed species are diploid. The karyotypes of most species are made of m and sm and of a few of st chromosomes. These are grouped into four types, 1A, 2A and 1B, 2B. Blyxa is the most primitive, and Hydrilla is the most advanced.  相似文献   
Chromosome numbers are reported for 26 species and varieties of Umbelliferae which belong to 3 subfamilies and 19 genera in this paper. Of these, 13 counts are new records and some problems about chromosome numbers of Umbelliferae are simplydiscussed.  相似文献   
From standpoint of floristic division, Sichuan is located in the middle part of Eastern Asiatic Region (Takhtajan 1978) or is the area where Sino-Himalayan Forest Subkingdom and Sino-Japan Forest Subkingdom meet (wu 1979). Here exist many socalled Arcto-Tertiary elements and newly originated species or races. In order to bring the light the origin and differentiation of Eastern Asiatic elements, cytological investigation on plants of this region are very significant. The materials of the following 5 species were collected on Mt. Emei in Sichuan Province. Voucher specimens are kept in CDBI. 1. Toricellia angulata Oliver var. intermedia (Harms) Hu PMC meiotic examination revealed n = 12 at diakinesis (Pl. I fig. 9) Toricellia, consisting of 2 spp., is endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region. Based on our result along with the report of Toricellia tiliifolia (Wall.) DC. (2n=24) by Kurosawa (1977), we argue that the basic chromosome number of Toricellia is 12. Many authors, such as Airy-Shaw (1973), Dahlgren (1975, 1977), Takhtajan (1969, 1980), Thorne (1983), have adopted Hu’s (1934) treatment erecting it as a monotypic family Toricelliaceae. Its systematic position, whether closer to Cornaceae than to Araliaceae or vice versa, has been in dispute. Cytologically it seems closer to Araliaceae, as shown anatomically (Lodriguez 1971), because the basic chromosome number of Cornaceae s. 1. is x=11, 9, 8 (Kurosawa 1977), whereas that of Araliaceae is 12 (Raven 1975). 2. Cardiocrinum giganteum (Wall.) Makino Somatic chromosome number, 2n=24 was determined from root-tip cells (Ph. I. fig. 8). Cardiocrinum (Endl.) Lindl., consisting of 3 spp., is endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region. C. giganteum (Wall.) Makino is distributed from Himalayan region to S. W. China. The present report is in accord with the number reported by Kurosawa (1966) who got the material from Darjeeling of India. However the karyotype of the present plant is slightly different from that given by Kurosawa. In the present material, the satellites of the 1st. pair of chromosomes and the short arms of llst. pair of chromosomes are visibly longer than those of Kurosawa’s drawing (fig. 1, 2) The plants from Yunnan, Sichuan and Hubei Provinces, named as C. giganteum var. yunnanense (Leitchtlin ex Elwes) Stearn, differ slightly from those of Himalayan region also in outer morphological characters. The taxon needs both cytological and taxonomical further studies. 3. Disporum cantoniense (Lour.) Merr. PMC meiotic examination revealed n=8 at diakinesis (Pl. I. fig. 6) This species is widely distributed from Himalayan region through Indo-China to our Taiwan Province and Indonesia. Three cytotypes (2n=14, 16, 30) were reported for the taxon including its variety, var. parviflorum (Wall) Hara, by various authors (Hasegawa 1932, Mehra and Pathamia 1960, Kurosawa 1966, 1971 Mehra and Sachdeva 1976a). Some authors consider D. pullum Salisb. and D. calcaratum D. Don as synonyms of D. cantoniense. So D. cantoniense may be a species aggregate with different extreme races. Sen (1973a, b.) reports that the somatic chromosome numbers of D. pullum and D. calcaratum from Eastern Himalayan region are 14, 16, 28, 30, 32. He also discovered that chromosome alterations in species of Disporum involve not only the number but the structure as well. He found that in species of Liliaceae where the reproduction is mainly vegetative, polysomaty often occurs. In China we have not only D. cantoniense and D. calcaratum but also D. brachystomon Wang et Tang which is similar to D. cantoniense var. parviflorum (Wall.) Hara. These taxa need further critical studies. 4. Paris fargesii Franch. PMC meiotic examination revealed n=5+2B (Voucher no. 112) or n=5 (Voucher no. 62) at MI and AI (Pl. I. fig. 1. 4. 5.). This is the first report for the species. A bridge and a fragment were also observed at AI. Paris polyphylla Smith is extraordinarily polymorphic species. Hara (1969) regards all chinese extreme forms, such as P. fargesii Franch., P. violacea Lévl., P. pubescens (Hand. -Mzt.) Wang et Tang, etc. as infraspecific taxa of P. polyphylla. Needless to say, the various races of P. polyphylla Smith in China need further critical studies and are good material for further study to understand the speciation. 5. Reineckia carnea(Andr.) Kunth Reineckia is a monotypic genus endemic to Eastern Asiatic Region. In the present material somatic chromosome number in root-tip cells is determined as 2n=38 (Pl. I. fig. 7). According to the terminology defined by Levan et al., the karyotype formula is 2n=28 m+10 sm. The length of chromosomes varies from 14.28 μ to 5.5 μ. The idiogram given here (fig. 3) is nearly the same as that presented by Hsu et Li (1984). The same number has been previously reported by several authors, Noguchi (1936), Satô (1942), Therman (1956). The karyotype is relatively symmetrical (2B, accorling to the classi-fication of stebbins 1971) in accord with the opinion of Therman (1956).  相似文献   
Meiosis and/or mitosis of six species of Fabaceae (Leguminosae) from Baoxing County, Sichuan, China, were investigated. The voucher specimens are conserved in PE. Eight pairs (n=8) and 10 chiasmata in meiosis of pollen mother cells have been observed in Medicago lupulina L. (Pl. 1, A-C). Meiotic observation on pollen mother cells in Lotus tenuis W. et K. shows 6 bivalents (n=6) in MI and 9 chiasmata in diakinesis (Pl. 1, D-E). In this species 12 somatic chromosomes (2n=12) in anther wall cells have also been observed. The chromosomal formula may be expressed as 2n=12=8m+2sm+2smSAT (Pl. 1, F-G). In pollen mother cells of Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb., 7 bivalents in MI and 7 chromosomes in A II have been observed (Pl. 2, A-B). From A II (Pl. 2, B, the inset on the right) the chromosomal formula, n=7= 2m+2sm+lstSAT+2t, may be constructed. Only three chromosomes in this karyotype may be found to have counterparts in the one reported by Srivastava (1963), which shows striking differences between these two karyotypes. Meiotic MI shows 7 pairs (n=7) in Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray. Vicia sativa L. is very variable in its chromosomes. Our observation shows 6 pairs (n=6) in MI and in diakinesis in pollen mother cells. In Vicia villosa Roth, all the previous chromosome reports are 2n=14 or n=7, but the result of our work shows that somatic chromosomes are 2n=12 in anther wall cells (Pl. 3, D, E). The karyotype in our material (Pl. 3, E) is that the longest pair of chromosomes are metacentric, the pairs 2-4 are terminal, 5 are metacentric and last pair are submetacentric, differing vastly from the idiogram (Pl. 3, F) presented by Yamamoto (1973). Therefore both the chromosome number and structure in our material are greatly different from those in all the previous reports. The evolutionary trends of chromosomes in the genus Vicia is discussed in the work. Srivastava (1963) holds that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 6 and thus both 5 and 7 are derived. The present author would propose another possibility that 7 is the original basic number and the other numbers are derived ones. First, as shown in Table 1, x=7 occurs in 47 per cent of species in the genus, but 6 only in 28 per cent. Secondly, x=7 is predominant in the perennial and primitive section Cracca. Thirdly, in genera related to the genus under consideration, such as Lens, Pisum and Lathyrus, x=7 is also the predominant basic number. Fourthly, according to Raven (1975) 7 is the primitive basic number in the angiosperms and x= 7, 8 and 9 are the predominant in the angiosperms.  相似文献   
人工酵母染色体(YAC)技术是人类基因组分析及疾病相关基因的分离、克隆中的关键技术。在基因组YAC文库基础上特定目的基因的分离克隆涉及YAC克隆的筛选,嵌合体、缺失体和共转染克隆的检测与处理,插入片段的分离及其结构特征的分析,亚克隆的快速构建等等。近年来,有关技术取得了重要进展,已趋于成熟,并正得到广泛应用 。  相似文献   
家蚕分子连锁图谱的构建及分子标记育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李斌  鲁成  周泽扬  向仲怀 《遗传》1999,21(4):54-56
国际蚕分子育种计划(International Silkworm Project)是Rhode Island大学的M.R.Goldsmith在1991年提出来的,也叫基因标记育种计划[1].该计划主要包括两步工作:第一步是制作蚕的分子基因图, 第二步是数量性状定位分析(简称QTL分析,也叫数量性状定位作图:QTL Mapping).最后利用分子标记直接在DNA水平进行重要经济性状(数量性状)的选择、固定,即实施"分子育种",用很短时间育成兼具高抗、强健、丝多、质优、易繁等特性的新蚕品种,本文对此进行简要介绍.  相似文献   
原癌基因c-myc是普遍存在于动物组织中的一个高度保守的细胞凋亡相关基因,决定着多种动物细胞的凋亡。我们首次以人c-myc的基因组DNA为探针,用生物素标记的原位杂交和酶联级联放大检测系统在玉米中检出了c-myc基因的同源序列,并对其进行了染色体物理定位。在第5染色体长臂近末端、第4染色体长臂近着丝粒及第1染色体短臂近着丝粒处检测到杂交信号,信号与着丝粒的百分距离分别为96.21±4.46、24.11±0.47和10.02±1.04,本结果为寻找和研究植物细胞凋亡基因提供了重要线索。  相似文献   
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