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籼,粳稻及其杂种粗线期的核型分析   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
程祝宽  顾铭洪 《遗传学报》1994,21(5):385-392
研究了典型籼,粳稻及其杂种粗线期的核型,结果表明:(1)籼稻品种南特号具有两对随体染色体,分别为第十和第十二染色体,粳稻品种巴利拉具1对随体染色体,为第十染色体,杂种南特号/巴利拉的随体染色体与南特号相同;(2)在粗线期,两品种均可见单核仁和双核仁的细胞存在,说明细胞贩核仁数目与随体数目并不对应;(3)两品种的对应染色体之间,在染色体相对长度,臂比及染色粒分布上均无明显差异。  相似文献   
560 blood samples collected from mentally retarded children in Taipei were karyotypically analyzed for the incidence of fragile X and other chromosome abnormalities. The fragile site at Xq27.3 was observed in 18 patients (3.21%), 11 males and 7 females, out of the 560 blood cultures using M medium. Down syndrome (6.25%), 24 males and 11 females, was the other major category of abnormality. Other abnormalities, including inversion, translocation, deletion, duplication, ring as well as an extra marker chromosome were observed. The overall incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in these children was 14.82%.  相似文献   
杭绮  毛树坚 《动物学研究》1993,14(4):367-373
以草鱼ZC7901细胞株为材料,观察鱼类细胞从间期染色质到中期染色体的包装过程。主要通过(1)分裂期与间期细胞融合,诱导染色体早熟凝集;(2)染色体“伸长”处理;(3)培养细胞的低渗处理;(4)染色质辅展等方法,制作染色体标本,进行扫描和透射电镜观察。观察表明,鱼类染色质的基本结构与哺乳类细胞相同,也是直径约10nm的核丝。染色体的色装有两种形式:一种是多级螺旋化形成直径约300nm的染色单体,  相似文献   
Telomere formation of the normal and broken chromosomes of common wheat,Triticum aestivum, was investigated byin situ hybridization using the biotin-labeled probe of telomere repetitive sequences (pAtT4) ofArabidopsis thaliana with subsequent amplification by an antibody. After double and triple amplification, prominent signals appeared at all the telomeric regions of the normal chromosomes. Prominent signals also emerged at the broken ends of the telocentric and deletion chromosomes that had passed through more than one generation since the appearance. However, broken ends that had passed through only the stages of gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogenesis and root development did not show complete signals such as found in normal telomeres. These findings indicate that a certain time or stage is required for synthesis of the telomeric repetitive sequences with a complete length. Nevertheless, because the broken ends without complete telomere sequences were also healed, restoration of the normal complement of telomere sequences is not necessary for healing of broken ends.  相似文献   
方宏筠  何孟元 《遗传学报》1996,23(3):220-227
本文研究了天兰冰草(Agropyronintermedium2n=42)染色体导入小麦后对小冰麦外植体再生能力的影响,从而分析调控再生能力的基因所在天兰冰草染色体的定位。对异源八倍体小冰麦的研究表明,与天兰冰草强再生能力有关的基因主要分布在附加到中2的冰草染色体组上;对7个异附加系小冰麦的研究进一步表明,冰草强再生能力的性状由多基因调控,这些基因主要分布在附加到TAI-11、TAI-12、TAI-13的冰草染色体上。此外,小冰麦杂种F1的研究表明,在组织培养中同样能够表现出杂种优势。  相似文献   
大麦G-带变动性以及与染色粒的一致性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以大麦为材料,进行了G-带带纹变动性分析以及G-带与减数分裂粗线期染色粒的比较。有丝分裂早中期至中期两个不同时期G-带带纹总数减少36%,染色体组的绝对长度缩短25%,带数减少的幅度大于染色体长度缩短的幅度。染色体组中每条染色体之间带纹减少的比例不尽相同,变幅在0.29-0.50之间。不同染色体绝对长度减少的幅度在0.27-3.70μ之间。从早中期至中期,每单位染色体绝对长度带数具相对减少的趋势。选择第6染色体进行的比较显示,减数分裂的染色粒与有丝分裂的G-带带纹之间具有很好的对应关系,G-带带纹和染色粒间的数目、位置和着色程度上都具一致性。对G-带性质和植物中G-带的应用等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
染色体研究的进展与植物分类学(下)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
染色体研究的进展与植物分类学(下)徐炳声,张芝玉,陈家宽,洪德元(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学开放研究实验室北京100093)(上海第二军医大学药学院上海200433)(武汉大学生命科学学院武汉430072)ADVANCESINCHROMOS...  相似文献   
迷宫漏斗蛛Agelena labyrinthica的染色体(蜘蛛目:漏斗蛛科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报告迷宫漏斗蛛的染色体数目、形态结构和性染色体组成。结果表明,迷宫漏斗蛛体细胞染色体数目是:雄性2n=42,雌性2n=44,性别决定机制属X_1X_2O型。X染色体是全部染色体中最长的和最短的2个(对)。染色体似乎均为端或亚端着丝粒染色体,这由C-显带标本分析所证实,没有亚中着丝粒染色体的证据。C-带标本分析表明,常染色体中,各条染色体的C-带纹,其大小和染色深浅无明显差异,但X_2染色体上有明显宽的C-带纹。C-显带处理没有得到稳定的有重复性的带纹。  相似文献   
During conjugation, the micronucleus of Tetrahymena thermophila undergoes five consecutive nuclear divisions: meiosis, third prezygotic division (pregamic mitosis) and two postzygotic mitoses of the synkaryon. The four products of the synkaryon differentiate into macronuclear anlagen and new micronuclei and the old macronucleus is resorbed. The protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, applied during conjugation, induced several developmental blocks. Pairs shifted to the drug during early meiotic prophase (stages I–III) were arrested at prophase. Cycloheximide applied to cells at pachytene (stages IV-VI) to metaphase arrested the conjugants at the stage of modified prometaphase/metaphase with overcondensed, swollen bivalents. In contrast to other systems, in the presence of cycloheximide, separation of chromatids, decondensation of chromosomes and exit from metaphase I were inhibited in both diploid and haploid cells. Pairs shifted to the drug after metaphase I were arrested at postmeiotic interphase after completing one nuclear cycle. The same rule applied to the subsequent cycle; then cells were arrested at the stage of pronuclei, and those pairs with functional pronuclei and synkarya were arrested at the stage of two products of the first postzygotic division (pronuclei were not arrested in nuclear transfer and karyogamy). Only pairs with two products of the first postzygotic division were arrested at the same stage after the cycloheximide treatment. Pairs shifted to cycloheximide during the second postzygotic division were arrested in development of macronuclear anlagen and resorption of old macronuclei. The postmeiotic conjugants pulse-treated with cycloheximide (2 h) yielded heterokaryons retaining parental macronuclei (i.e. they exhibited macronuclear retention).  相似文献   
Translocation frequencies (as compared to the standard chromosome arrangement typified by that in Chinese Spring) in 9 or more genotypes from each of 15 populations of Triticum dicoccoides in Israel were determined. Data also were obtained from 2 genotypes of the southernmost population (Jaba). A single population from Turkey was also investigated. There were 119 genotypes with translocations in the sample of 171 genotypes investigated (70%). The frequency of translocations in different populations varied from 0.27 to 1.00, and all populations had 1 or more genotypes with one or more translocations. Some populations such as Qazrin appeared to be homogeneous for translocations, but most populations were heterogeneous. A sample of 17 genotypes from 12 of the populations were crossed with the Langdon D-genome disomic substitutions to determine the identity of the chromosomes involved in the translocations. There were nine genotypes with translocations and with the exception of a 2A/2B translocation, none of them involved the same chromosomes. The B-genome chromosomes were involved in translocations more frequently than the A-genome chromosomes. Translocation frequencies (TF) of the various populations were correlated with environmental variables, primarily with water availability and humidity, and possibly also with soil type. In general, TF was higher in peripheral populations in the ecologically heterogeneous frontiers of species distribution than in the central populations located in the catchment area of the upper Jordan valley.  相似文献   
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