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Addition of the arginine analogue, canavanine, to cultures of nitrogen-fixing Anabaena cylindrica at the onset of akinete formation, resulted in the development of akinetes randomly distributed within the filament, in addition to those adjacent to heterocysts. The total frequency of akinetes increased up to five-fold. A feature of akinetes is their increased content of cyanophycin granules (an arginine-aspartic acid polymer) and addition of canavanine to cultures at an earlier stage resulted in entire filaments becoming agranular and containing agranular akinetes. The effects on akinete pattern appeared to be specific for canavanine since other amino acid analogues, although increasing the frequency of akinetes (approximately two-fold), had no effect on their position relative to heterocysts. In ammonia-grown, stationary phase cultures of A. cylindrica, akinetes were observed adjacent to proheterocysts and in positions more than 20 cells from any heterocyst. These observations indicate that nitrogen fixation and heterocysts are not essential for akinete formation in A. cylindrica, although the availability of a source of fixed nitrogen does appear to be a requirement.These results suggest that during exponential growth some aspect of the physiology of vegetative cells suppresses their development into akinetes and that the role of the heterocyst may not be one of direct stimulation of adjacent vegetative cells to form akinetes, but the removal or negation of the inhibition within them. A model for akinete formation and the involvement of canavanine is given.  相似文献   
A mass spectral fragmentation pattern of permethyl 6-C-glycosylflavones is proposed from the MS data of permethyl derivatives mono-O-deuteriomethylated in the 2″-, 3″-, 4″- or 6″-positions. The synthesis of these compounds via O″-glycosyl-6-C-glucosylflavones is described.  相似文献   
Esterhazya macrodonta is scarcely visited by hummingbirds, a fact that may be related to its low flower production and nectar features. Received 14 September 2000/ Accepted in revised form 31 January 2001  相似文献   
Summary By use of an antiserum against the crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) several types of bilaterally symmetrical neurons have been mapped quantitatively in the ventral nerve cord and in the brain of the meal beetle, Tenebrio molitor. The general architecture of these neurons was reconstructed from peroxidase-antiperoxidase-labelled whole-mount preparations. From the subesophageal to the seventh abdominal ganglia two types of neurons show a repetitive organization of contralateral projection patterns in each neuromere. The first type has few branches in the central neuropil and a distinct peripheral projection. The second type is characterized by an elaborate central branching pattern, which includes ascending and descending processes. Some of its peripheral branches were found to supply peripheral neurohemal areas. In the protocerebrum, 10 CCAP-immunoreactive neurons occur with projections into the superior median protocerebrum and the tritocerebrum. Immunopositive neurons were mapped in larval and various pupal stages, as well as in the adult. All types of identified neurons were found to persist throughout metamorphosis maintaining their essential structural and topological characteristics. The CCAP-immunoreactive neurons of T. molitor are compared with those described for the locust. Putative structural homologies of subsets of neurons in both species are discussed.  相似文献   
The sensory cues for a less known form of frequency shifting behavior, gradual frequency falls, of electric organ discharges (EODs) in a pulse-type gymnotiform electric fish, Rhamphichthys rostratus, were identified. We found that the gradual frequency fall occurs independently of more commonly observed momentary phase shifting behavior, and is due to perturbation of sensory feedback of the fish's own EODs by EODs of neighboring fish. The following components were identified as essential features in the signal mixture of the fish's own and the neighbor's EOD pulses: (1) the neighbor's pulses must be placed within a few millisecond of the fish's own pulses, (2) the neighbor's pulses, presented singly at low frequencies (0.2–4 Hz), were sufficient, (3) the frequency of individual pulse presentation must be below 4 Hz, (4) amplitude modulation of the sensory feedback of the fish's own pulses induced by such insertions of the neighbor's pulses must contain a high frequency component: sinusoidal amplitude modulation of the fish's own EOD feedback at these low frequencies does not induce gradual frequency falls. Differential stimulation across body surfaces, which is required for the jamming avoidance response (JAR) of wave-type gymnotiform electric fish, was not necessary for this behavior. We propose a cascade of high-pass and low-pass frequency filters within the amplitude processing pathway in the central nervous system as the mechanism of the gradual frequency fall response.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - f frequency of EOD or pacemaker command signal - JAR jamming avoidance response - S 1 stimulus mimicking fish's own EOD - f 1 frequency of S1 - S 2 stimulus mimicking neighbor's EOD - f 2 frequency of S2  相似文献   
Flower pigmentation patterns were scored in 185 senseChalcone synthase (Chs) transgenotes and 85 antisenseChs transgenotes; upon first flowering, 139 (75%) of sense transgenotes were found to be phenotypically altered, as were 70 (82%) of the antisense transgenotes. The observed patterns document the range of phenotypic variations that occur, as well as confirm and extend the finding that senseChs constructs produce several types of morphologybased based flower pigmentation patterns that antisenseChs constructs do not. Long-term monitoring for epigenetic variations in one population of 44 senseChs transgenotes showed that 43 (98%) were capable of producing a cosuppression phenotype. The primary determinant of sense-specific patterns of cosuppression ofChs was found to be the repetitiveness and organization pattern of the transgene, not position effects by, or readthrough from, flanking plant DNA sequences. The degree of cosuppression observed in progeny of transgenotes carrying multiple, dispersed copies as compared to that observed with a single copy of the transgene suggests that sense cosuppression ofChs is subject to a transgene dosage effect.  相似文献   
We conducted a systematic assessment and comparative study on the biochemical and cellular characteristics of cultured cotton cells during the entire process of somatic embryogenesis (SE). All staged cultures were widely investigated in this assay. Cell and tissue ectogenesis manipulation combined with flow cytometry (FCM) was employed to cellular study during the whole totipotency process of dedifferentiation and redifferentiation. We identified two phases of chromatin decondensation during the dedifferentiation and redifferentiation. At the same time, sharp increase in the ratio of indoleacetic acid (IAA), isopentenyladenosine group (iPAs) at the same stage of cell dedifferentiation and redifferentiation process serve as distinct biochemical maker of dedifferentiation and SE initiation with the unique feature. Our results suggest the two phases of chromatin reorganization associated with endogenous auxin/cytokinin dynamic activity may underlie dedifferentiation and redifferentiation during the entire SE process in cotton.  相似文献   
The effluent of a pharmaceutical company was examined microbiologically. Its bacterial count was 2.15 × 105 c.f.u./ml and there was evidence of faecal contamination with MPN of > 1800. The organisms encountered included Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The resistances of the 25 bacterial strains isolated from the effluent to the commonly used antibiotics were studied. About 80% of the isolates were resistant to Amoxycillin, 76% to Nitrofurantoin, 64% to Cotrimoxazole and Augmentin, 60% were resistant to Nalidixic acid, 52% were resistant to Tetracycline and Ofloxacin, while resistance of 12% was obtained for Gentamicin. Among the eight antibiotics tested, seven patterns of drug resistance were obtained and all of them were multiple-drug resistance with the number of antibiotics ranging from 2–8. All the strains of E. coli and S. aureus had high MIC values for Cloxacillin and Amoxycillin. In all, 13 strains of the bacterial isolates had evidence for the production of -lactamases. The potential of the effluent in spreading drug resistance and the public health implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Huge body of evidences demonstrated that volatile anesthetics affect the hippocampal neurogenesis and neurocognitive functions, and most of them showed impairment at anesthetic dose. Here, we investigated the effect of low dose (1.8%) sevoflurane on hippocampal neurogenesis and dentate gyrus-dependent learning. Neonatal rats at postnatal day 4 to 6 (P4–6) were treated with 1.8% sevoflurane for 6 hours. Neurogenesis was quantified by bromodeoxyuridine labeling and electrophysiology recording. Four and seven weeks after treatment, the Morris water maze and contextual-fear discrimination learning tests were performed to determine the influence on spatial learning and pattern separation. A 6-hour treatment with 1.8% sevoflurane promoted hippocampal neurogenesis and increased the survival of newborn cells and the proportion of immature granular cells in the dentate gyrus of neonatal rats. Sevoflurane-treated rats performed better during the training days of the Morris water maze test and in contextual-fear discrimination learning test. These results suggest that a subanesthetic dose of sevoflurane promotes hippocampal neurogenesis in neonatal rats and facilitates their performance in dentate gyrus-dependent learning tasks.  相似文献   
Summary The putative replicative form of the abutilon mosaic virus (AbMV), a geminivirus, was purified from infected plants. It was shown to consist of a bipartite genome of 2660 and 2640 bp. This double-stranded DNA has a closed or relaxed circular conformation and part of it is packed in nucleoprotein complexes with a chromatin-like structure. Similarities between the geminiviruses and the animal simian virus 40 are discussed against this back-ground.Cloning was performed under L2/B1 conditions according to the licence of the ZKBS 1526/1This article is based on a doctoral study by A.A. and T.F. in the Faculty of Biology, University of Hamburg  相似文献   
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