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Transitions in growth irradiance level from 92 to 7 Em-2 s-1 and vice versa caused changes in the pigment contents and photosynthesis of Oscillatoria agardhii. The changes in chlorophyll a and C-phycocyanin contents during the transition from high to low irradiance (HL) were reflected in photosynthetic parameters. In the LH transition light utilization efficiencies of the cells changed faster than pigment contents. This appeared to be related to the lowering of light utilization efficiencies of photosynthesis. As a possible explanation it was hypothesized that excess photosynthate production led to feed back inhibition of photosynthesis. Time-scales of changes in the maximal rate of O2 evolution were discussed as changes in the number of reaction centers of photosystem II in relation to photosynthetic electron transport. Parameters that were subject to change during irradiance transitions obeyed first order kinetics, but hysteresis occurred when comparing HL with LH transients. Interpretation of first order kinetic analysis was discussed in terms of adaptive response vs changes in growth rate.Non-standard abbreviations Chla chlorophyll a - CPC C-phycocyanin - PS II photosystem II - PS I photosystem I - RC II reaction center of photosystem II - P photosynthetic O2-evolution - I irradiance, Em-2 s-1 - light utilization efficiency of cells, mmol O2·mg dry wt-1·h-1/Em-2 s-1 - light utilization efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus, mol O2·mol Chla -1·h-1/Em-2 s-1 - Pmax maximal rate of O2 evolution by cells, mol O2·mg dry wt-1·h-1 - Pmax maximal rate of O2 evolution by photosynthetic apparatus, mol O2·mol·Chla -1·h-1 - LL low light, E m-2 s-1 - HL high light, E m-2 s-1 - LH low to high light transition - HL high to low light transition - k specific rate of adaptation, h-1 - specific growth rate, h-1 - Q pool size of cell constituent, mol·mg dry wt-1 - q net synthesis rate of cell constituent, mol·mg dry wt-1·h-1  相似文献   
In intact, uncoupled type B chloroplasts from spinach, added ATP causes a slow light-induced decline (t12 ≈ 3 min) of chlorophyll a fluorescence at room temperature. Fluorescence spectra were recorded after fast cooling to 77 K and normalized with fluorescein as an internal standard. Related to the fluorescence quenching at room temperature, an increase in Photosystem (PS) I fluorescence (F735) and a decrease in PS II fluorescence (F695) were observed in the low-temperature spectra. The change in the F735F695 ratio was abolished by the presence of methyl viologen. Fluorescence induction at 77 K of chloroplasts frozen in the quenched state showed lowered variable (Fv) and initial (F0) fluorescence at 690 nm and an increase in F0 at 735 nm. The results are interpreted as indicating an ATP-dependent change of the initial distribution of excitation energy in favor of PS I, which is controlled by the redox state of the electron-transport chain and, according to current theories, is caused by phosphorylation of the light-harvesting complex.  相似文献   
The fatty acid, sterol and chlorophyll composition of the calcified, unicellular alga Thoracosphaera heimii (Lohmann) Kamptner are reported. The presence of 4,23,24-termethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol (dinosterol), 4,23,24-trimethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3-one (dinosterone) and the predominance of C18, C20 and C22 unsaturated fatty acids, including the acid 18:5ω3, indicates that T. heimii is a dinoflagellate. The fatty acid: sterol ratio (1.3), is typical of dinoflagellates. The geochemical significance of dinosterone, the high relative concentration of 4-desmethyl-5α-stanols and the role of 23-methyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol in the biosynthesis of dinosterol in T. heimii are also discussed.  相似文献   
Senescence of rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Jaya) leaves was regulated with kinetin and abscisic acid (ABA) sprays at the reproductive stage. The effect of such sprays on grain-filling and yield was analyzed. Spraying 100-day-old plants with kinetin solution (100 μg ml-1) significantly delayed senescence as indicated by higher total chlorophyll and protein levels in the three uppermost leaves compared with the controls. In contrast, spraying with ABA (15 μg ml-1) significantly promoted foliar senescence. The number of spikelets per panicle, number of panicles, percentage filled grains, panicle weight and grain yield per plant and the mobilization and harvest indices were significantly increased by kinetin treatment, while ABA decreased most of them. The possibility of increased grain-filling and thus, yield due to delayed foliar senescence by kinetin treatment and decreased grain-filling due to hastening of senescence by ABA is discussed.  相似文献   
The occurrence of photoinhibition of photosynthesis in leaves of a willow canopy was examined by measuring the chlorophyll-a fluorescence ratio of F V/F M (FM is the maximum fluorescence level of the induction curve, and FV is the variable fluorescence, F V=F MF 0, where F0 is the minimal fluorescence). The majority of the leaves situated on the upper parts of peripheral shoots showed an afternoon inhibition of this ratio on clear days. This was the consequence of both a decrease in F M and a rise in F O. In the same leaves the diurnal variation in intercepted photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was monitored using leaf-mounted sensors. Using the multivariate method, partial least squares in latent variables, it is shown that the dose of PPFD, integrated and linearly weighted over the last 6-h period, best predicts photoinhibition. Photoinhibition occurred even among leaves that did not intercept PPFDs above 1000 mol·m–2·s–1. Exposure of leaves to a standard photoinhibitory treatment demonstrated that the depression in the F V/F M ratio was paralleled by an equal depression in the maximal quantum yield of CO2 uptake and a nearly equal depression in the rate of bending (convexity) of the light-response curve of CO2 uptake. As a result, the rate of net photosynthesis is depressed over the whole natural range of PPFD. By simulating the daily course in the rate of net photosynthesis, it is estimated that in the order of one-tenth of the potential carbon gain of peripheral willow shoots is lost on clear days as a result of photoinhibition. This applies to conditions of optimal temperatures. Photoinhibition is even more pronounced at air temperatures below 23° C, as judged from measurements of the FV/FM ratio on clear days: the afternoon inhibition of this ratio increased in a curvilinear manner from 15% to 25% with a temperature decrease from 23° to 14° C.Abbreviations and Symbols FO minimum fluorescence - FV variable fluorescence - FM maximum fluorescence - PLS partial least squares in latent variables - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - VPD water vapour-pressure deficit This study was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council. We are indebted to Dr. Jerry Leverenz (Department of Plant Physiology, University of Umeå, Sweden) for guidance with the modelling of the photosynthesis data.  相似文献   
A brief pulse of red light (R) given to darkgrown seedlings ofArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyn. potentiates rapid synthesis of chlorophyll upon transfer to continuous white light. The time course for potentiation of rapid greening shows that a R pulse in the LF (low fluence) range has maximal effect within a few hours, and that there is a small VLF (very low fluence) component as well. Partial reversal of the effect of R by far-red light (FR) indicates that the pulse acts through phytochrome. As it does in the wild-type (WT), a pulse of R accelerates greening of long-hypocotyl (hy) mutants. The extent of induction by the R pulse was about the same in the WT and in allhy mutants studied. Reversibility by FR was greatly decreased in thehy-1 andhy-2 strains. It is possible that these mutants contain a species of phytochrome with defective phototransformation kinetics. If there is such a defective phytochrome species, it nevertheless appears to be active in the potentiation of rapid greening. Dedicated to Professor Hans Mohr on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Spore germination in Dryopteris filix-mas occurs via a cascade of cellular responses, and chlorophyll formation, mitosis or rhizoid elongation are commonly used as parameters to determine spore germination. Detailed investigations of these parameters led to the hypothesis that they are regulated by different, independent phytochrome-mediated responses. This concept could be confirmed, as is described in this paper which demonstrates that perception of light via phytochrome occurs within two different phases separated in time. Presence of the far-red absorbing phytochrome form, Pfr, for 36 h, induces chlorophyll formation and the first unequal cell division, by which a rhizoid initial and a protonemal initial are formed (first phytochrome-mediated response). However, rhizoid elongation requires a second period of Pfr, presence (second phytochrome-mediated response). There is a clear temporal distinction between the first and the second phytochrome-mediated response with respect to the coupling of Pfr to the transduction chain; Pfr is unable to induce rhizoid growth until 60 h after the start of the first red irradiation. The effectivity of Pfr for inducing the second response shows an optimum at ca 96 h after the beginning of the presence of Pfr; thereafter, it declines slowly. The fluence-response relationship and the presence of red/far-red reversibility demonstrate that rhizoid elongation is a low-fluence response mediated by phytochrome and is independent of the first phytochrome response.  相似文献   
Leaf tolerance to high temperatures, as determined by electrolyte leakage and chlorophyll a fluorescence, was compared for Artemisia tridentata (Asteraceae), a widespread shrub of the Great Basin, Colorado Plateau, and western slope of the Rocky Mountains, and Potentilla gracilis (Rosaceae), a herbaceous forb common to high-elevation meadows of the western United States. Species-specific and treatment-specific differences in leaf temperature, high-temperature tolerance and chlorophyll a fluorescence from photosystem II were compared, to test the hypothesis that plants at ecosystem borders will exhibit species-specific responses to climate change. Measurements were made for plants exposed to a climate change warming manipulation on a major ecosystem border at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Colorado, United States, in July and August 1995. In July, daily maximal leaf temperatures were significantly higher for P. gracilis than for A. tridentata. Leaf temperatures were slightly lower in August than July for leaves of both species, on control and heated plots, despite the fact that daily maximum air temperatures were not significantly different for the two months. High-temperature tolerance was determined for leaves treated for 1 h at temperatures ranging from 15°C to 65°C. LT50 was approximately 46°C for both species on control plots, but was 43°C for leaves of both species from heated plots, contrary to the predictions of the hypothesis. No shift in LT50 (acclimation) was apparent between July and August. Changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence from photosystem II (F V /F M ) were used to characterize the photosynthetic response to high temperatures. For both A. tridentata and P. gracilis in July, F V /F M was about 0.7, but decreased for temperatures above 40°C. The results suggest that plant responses to global warming at ecosystem borders may be influenced by factors other than leaf-level physiological tolerance to elevated temperatures.  相似文献   
We have analyzed precursor pools in the chlorophyll (Chi) synthesis pathway for a set of eighteen well studied Chl b -defident mutants in monocotyledonous (barley, maize and wheat) and dicotyledonous plants ( Antirrhinum, Arabidopsis , soybean, tobacco and tomato) that form abnormal thylakoid membrane systems. All of these mutants have a partial block in Chl synthesis and nearly all of them accumulate protoporphyrin IX (Proto), the last porphyrin compound common to both heme and Chl synthesis. The large number of mutants at several genetic loci affecting this critical branchpoint in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis suggests that the Mg-chelatase enzyme, catalyzing the first committed step of Chi biosynthesis, is a multimeric complex composed of the products of some of these genetic loci, and perhaps regulated by others. We hypothesize that these mutants are Chi b -deficient and have reduced amounts of light-harvesting antenna complexes (LHCs.) and develop abnormal thylakoid membranes as a direct result of limited Chl synthesis. The observed bottleneck in Chl synthesis can also explain the light-intensity-dependent and temperature-dependent expression of the mutant phenotype. This hypothesis offers a simple explanation for the wide variety of pbenotypes that have been reported for the many Chl-deficient mutants in the literature. Our findings are also consistent with the notion that Chl b is made from "left over" Chl a molecules and suggest that the Chi b -deficient mutants should be considered more appropriately as leaky Chl-deficient mutants.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic and physiological methods were used to study the evolution of the opsin gene family in Drosophila. A phylogeny based on DNA sequences from 13 opsin genes including representatives from the two major subgenera of Drosophila shows six major, well-supported clades: The blue opsin clade includes all of the Rhl and Rh2 genes and is separated into two distinct subclades of Rhl sequences and Rh2 sequences; the ultraviolet opsin clade includes all Rh3 and Rh4 genes and bifurcates into separate Rh3 and Rh4 clades. The duplications that generated this gene family most likely took place before the evolution of the subgenera Drosophila and Sophophora and their component species groups. Numerous changes have occurred in these genes since the duplications, including the loss and/or gain of introns in the different genes and even within the Rhl and Rh4 clades. Despite these changes, the spectral sensitivity of each of the opsins has remained remarkably fixed in a sample of four species representing two species groups in each of the two subgenera. All of the strains that were investigated had R1-6 (Rhl) spectral sensitivity curves that peaked at or near 480 nm, R7 (Rh3 and Rh4) peaks in the ultraviolet range, and ocellar (Rh2) peaks near 420 nm. Each of the four gene clades on the phylogeny exhibits very conservative patterns of amino acid replacement in domains of the protein thought to influence spectral sen sitivity, reflecting strong constraints on the spectrum of light visible to Drosophila.  相似文献   
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