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Euplotes raikovi, like other ciliates, passes through a postconjugal immaturity, operatively identified by an apparent cell inability to form mating pairs under experimental conditions that are the same as those used for inducing mating at maturity. In cells homozygous for the gene mat-2, which controls the pheromone Er-2, Er-2 mRNA synthesis and mature Er-2 secretion were shown to start from the very beginning of the life cycle and continue throughout immaturity, although to extents estimated to be 5- to 10-fold lower than at maturity. In addition, experiments of 125 I-Er-2 binding and crosslinking provided evidence that autocrine pheromone-binding sites, showing values of the dissociation constant of the order of 10?9 M, are on the surface of immature cells. The number of these sites per cell was estimated to increase from less than 106 per cell of 5–7 fissions of age, to about 16 × 106 at maturity. These results were taken to suggest that a pheromone-receptor production is stimulated during immaturity by autocrine pheromone binding to cells and that this production might be essential for the development of a pheromone-receptor density high enough to transform the cell from “immature” to “adult,” that is competent to respond as well to pheromones of conspecific, genetically different cells. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Dense-core granules represent an adaptation of specialized secretory cell to facilitate stimulus-regulated release of stored proteins. Such granules are a prominent feature of mammalian neuroendocrine and exocrine cells and are also well developed in the ciliates. In Tet-rahymena thermophila, the ability to generate mutants in dense-core granule biosynthesis and fusion presents a versatile system for dissecting steps in regulated exocytosis. We have previously shown that defective granules in such mutants could be characterized by several biochemical criteria, including buoyant density, which increases during maturation, and the degree of proteolytic processing of the content precursors. We have now used indirect immunofluorescence, taking advantage of a monoclonal antibody directed against a granule protein, to visualize the morphology and distribution of both granules and putative granule intermediates in mutant and wild-type cells. The results are consistent with the biochemical analysis and extend our characterization of the mutants, allowing us to distinguish four classes. In addition, the assay represents a powerful technique for diagnosis of new mutants. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Secretion of cellulolytic activity by the mesophilClostridium strain C7 was studied while the bacterium underwent progressive carbon/energy starvation and the ensuing continuous decline in growth rate. In the slowest range of growth rates studied the organism was in full response to the global regulation imposed by guanosine 5, 3-bispyrophosphate (ppGpp). The exoenzymes of the cellulase complex were produced at the same volumetric rate whether or not the response was active. However, the volumetric rate of biomass synthesis was reduced 45% or more by the response. Energy necessary to maintain the ppGpp-regulated state (i.e., maintenance energy) was, therefore, diverted from energy going to synthesis of biomass but not from that going to exoenzyme synthesis, making the yield of cellulase activity per mole of carbon-energy substrate independent of growth rate and the exoenzyme complex produced from the substrate with equal efficiency at all growth rates. The primary consideration in improving exoenzyme productivity by bacteria with this type of energy distribution between secretion, growth, and maintenance is simply increasing yield per mole of carbon-energy substrate, with growth rate effects on yield a secondary and minimum concern.  相似文献   
Electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy was employed for measuring barium in β-cell-rich pancreatic islets microdissected from ob/ob-mice. Both the uptake and efflux of barium displayed two distinct phases. There was a 4-fold accumulation of barium into intracellular stores when its extracellular concentration was 0.26 mM. Unlike divalent cations with more extensive intracellular accumulation, the washout of Ba2+ was not inhibited by d-glucose. Ba2+ served as a substitute for Ca2+ both in maintaining the glucose metabolism after removal of extracellular Ca2+ and making it possible for glucose to stimulate insulin release. Furthermore, Ba2+ elicited insulin release in the absence of glucose and other secretagogues. The latter effect was reversible and was markedly potentiated under conditions known to increase the β-cell content of cyclic AMP. It is likely that the observed actions of Ba2+ are mediated by Ca2+, since Ca2+-dependent regulatory proteins, such as calmodulin, apparently cannot bind Ba2+ specifically.  相似文献   
Polygala vauthieri andP. monticola var.brizoides have secondary pollen presentation from a basket-like structure on the style apex. This basket is loaded after the first visit by a bee. Pollen reception, therefore, can precede the issue of pollen. A sticky stigma secretion glues the pollen from the basket under the head of the bee visitor in an exactly predetermined spot on the left side only. This position mostly forms a kind of safe spot, where the bee can not remove the pollen. The exact position on the bee's head is determined by the species specific distance between style tip and nectary in the visited flower. In this way the two sympatric species deposit the pollen 2 mm apart on the visitor and so can avoid hybridization pollination, while being visited by the same group of bees.  相似文献   
Synexin was isolated from bovine liver and found to aggregate adrenal chromaffin granules in the same Ca2+-dependent manner as previously described for adrenal synexin. The chromaffin granule aggregating activity of liver synexin was blocked in vitro by the addition of an antibody prepared to the 47,000 molecular weight band extracted from an SDS gel of an adrenal medullary synexin preparation. Chromaffin granules aggregated by synexin fused when exposed to cis-unsaturated fatty acids at concentrations comparable to those released from phospholipids by stimulated secretory cells. The synexin-induced aggregation reaction was blocked by Erythrosin B, a common food coloring, and by the phenothiazine antipsychotic trifluoperazine and promethazine. The aggregation and fusion of chromaffin granules thus appears to be a useful model system for studying synexin from diverse tissues and for testing pharmacologically or toxicologically active substances for effects on secretory systems.  相似文献   
The bioelectric responses at fertilization of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus are a complex series of membrane potential and resistance changes that occur concomitant with gamete fusion, ionic fluxes, and the cortical granule discharge. This work attempts to separate the electrical effects of sperm-egg interactions from those of the cortical reactions. Two approaches were taken to discern the electrical events associated with insemination, distinct from cortical granule discharge: (1) fertilization of eggs treated with 3% urethane, 10 mM procaine, or 10 mM nicotine, to prevent the cortical reaction and (2) refertilization of fertilized eggs (denuded with 1 mM aminotriazole containing 1 mg/ml soybean trypsin inhibitor). Cortical granule discharge in the absence of sperm incorporation was investigated by artificial activation with 5 μM A23187 or by fertilization in the presence of 10 μM cytochalasin D, which prevents incorporation. These results are consistent with a model in which the sperm-egg interaction triggers both a rapid (50–400 msec), but minor (?10 mV), electrical transient that leads to an action potential and then both the Na+-dependent fast block to polyspermy and the late block resulting from the secretion of the cortical granules.  相似文献   
In vivo increase in haemolymph volume of canavanine-treated locusts substantiates our previous in vitro findings that canavanine inhibits fluid secretion by locust Malpighian tubules. Furthermore when diuretic hormone is applied in vivo after canavanine treatment haemolymph volume is drastically reduced below levels retained in locusts untreated with canavanine. Again this is in accord with canavanine potentiation of semi-isolated Malpighian tubules and enhanced fluid secretion in vitro. The response is specific to canavanine; compounds similar in structure (arginine, argininic acid, citrulline, canaline, ornithine and homoserine) have no effect on the rate of fluid secreted by Malpighian tubules. Only partial competition is obtained with uridine homoserine.  相似文献   
Abstract: The catecholamine secretory function of a preparation of isolated bovine adrenal chromaffin cells has been further characterized under conditions designed to elucidate the mechanism of calcium channel activation and the possible role of cytoskeletal elements in stimulus-secretion coupling. Three related sets of data were obtained: (1) Differences in kinetics, Ca dependence, strength, and additivity of the secretory response to acetylcholine (ACh) versus excess K; (2) the effects on secretion of the Ca channel-blocking agents, Ni, Mg, and verapamil; and (3) the Ca dependence of vinblastine action on ACh- and K-evoked secretion. The results suggest that a major portion of the Ca influx required for catecholamine release enters the cell via voltage-dependent Ca channels with some additional Ca influx via the ACh receptor channel. Comparison of the present secretion data with corresponding known electrophysiological properties of isolated chromaffin cells provides added evidence for a role of chromaffin cell action potentials in regulation of Ca influx and the secretory response. Elevated Ca concentrations enhanced K-evoked secretion to levels comparable to that of ACh but did not induce a vinblastine block of K-evoked release. This provides further evidence against a role of microtubules in the common exocytosis event per se. However, a role of cytoskeletal elements in directing the movement of secretory granules, or an action of vinblastine at cholinergic receptors, remain distinct possibilities.  相似文献   
The Role of Chloride in Acetylcholine Metabolism   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract: The chloride dependence of acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis and release and of choline uptake was studied in synaptosomal preparations from rat brain. The substitution of propionate for chloride, in the presence of 35 m m -potassium, lowered the ACh content of the synaptosomes. However, in the presence of 5 m m -potassium, the ACh level in synaptosomes was reduced, but significantly less so. Propionate had no effect on choline acetyltransferase (EC activity when measured in a standard chloride-containing medium. In the presence of propionate, the spontaneous release of ACh was unchanged, but potassium-stimulated release of ACh was markedly reduced as compared with a chloride-containing medium. The synthesis of ACh, as measured by the net increase in the amount of ACh in the synaptosomes and that released to the medium, was reduced with propionate at 5 m m -potassium and was totally inhibited when the potassium concentration was increased to 35 m m . Choline uptake studies revealed that with propionate only a low-affinity component of the choline transport system existed. Further, the V max was markedly reduced when the potassium concentration was increased to 35 m m . The results suggest that under certain conditions choline transported by a low-affinity system might provide a substantial source of choline for ACh synthesis.  相似文献   
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