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Biodegradation of 4-chlorobiphenyl by Micrococcus species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Micrococcus sp., isolated by enrichment culture, grew on 4-chlorobiphenyl at 2 g/l as sole carbon source and produced 4-chlorobenzoic acid in the culture medium as a dead-end metabolite. The organism degraded 4-chlorobiphenyl by 2,3-dihydroxylation followed by meta-ring cleavage to yield 4-chlorobenzoate and carbon fragments for cell growth.  相似文献   
The structure of the mating call of lake frogs (referred to as R. ridibunda) from 16 populations in Greece was analyzed for local variation using multivariate statistics. The populations of Thrace and of the island of Samothraki form a group giving the same type of mating call, whereas the mating call of the other populations differs in the degree of temperature dependence of four parameters, and specifically in the number of pulses/pulse group and pulse groups/call. Discriminant functions distinguish even single call series with a probability of 97%, intermediate mating calls are absent, and there is a significant, but slight differentiation of external morphological characters. These results have strong taxonomic implications. We conclude that the lake frogs of Greece comprise two species. The mating call of the lake frogs from Thrace resembles in all parameters that of the Rana ridibunda in the terra typica restricta (Guryev, CIS). Accordingly, the lake frogs of eastern Greece belong to R. ridibunda. The mating call of these lake frogs consists of 20 pulses/pulse group and of 7 pulse groups/call on the average. Most of Greece is inhabited by the second taxon, Rana balcanica sp. n. Its mating call is characterized by 27 pulses/pulse group and 4 pulse groups/call on the average. The two species in Greece do not differ with respect to coloration and size, but several standardized indices vary significantly: body length/digitus primus length; body length/callus internus length; body length/snout-eye distance; body length/tympanum diameter; tibia length/callus internus length; maximal head width/snout-eye distance.  相似文献   
乌云伞的解剖学及花粉形态学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
八角莲属(Dysosma)是小檗科(Berberidaceae)一个重要属,全国共有7个种,大约分布于北纬23—32°,东经94—122°之间。湖北八角莲属有4个种,其中乌云伞(Dysosma lichuanensis Z. Cheng, sp. nev., ined.)为内定种,是多年生草本,它的形态特征与八角莲(Dysosma  相似文献   
杨树拟茎点菌溃疡病的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本病系我国杨树新发生的一种病害。病原菌的分生孢子有2种形状,无色透明、单胞,呈纺缍形孢子大小为1.64—2.74×9.59—13.7μm。线形孢子顶端弯钩状大小为1.37—1.78×15—27.4μm。病原菌适宜生长的培养基为PDA、麦芽粉、豆饼粉培养基;温度为25—32℃和pH6—10。本病于4月下旬发病,5月中下旬分生孢子成熟,6月中下旬为分生孢子飞散高峰期。经室内采用多菌灵、甲基托布津、福美砷的200倍液浸泡插穗30、60、90分钟处理均有药害,采用100—200倍液浸泡10分钟无药害,对病害有防效。造林地幼树可采用上述药剂的100倍液进行刮破病斑涂抹,防效可达87.5%。  相似文献   
The obligate biotrophic fungus Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) employs virulence effectors to disturb host immunity and causes devastating stripe rust disease. However, our understanding of how Pst effectors regulate host defense responses remains limited. In this study, we determined that the Pst effector Hasp98, which is highly expressed in Pst haustoria, inhibits plant immune responses triggered by flg22 or nonpathogenic bacteria. Overexpression of Hasp98 in wheat (Triticum aestivum) suppressed avirulent Pst-triggered immunity, leading to decreased H2O2 accumulation and promoting P. striiformis infection, whereas stable silencing of Hasp98 impaired P. striiformis pathogenicity. Hasp98 interacts with the wheat mitogen-activated protein kinase TaMAPK4, a positive regulator of plant resistance to stripe rust. The conserved TEY motif of TaMAPK4 is important for its kinase activity, which is required for the resistance function. We demonstrate that Hasp98 inhibits the kinase activity of TaMAPK4 and that the stable silencing of TaMAPK4 compromises wheat resistance against P. striiformis. These results suggest that Hasp98 acts as a virulence effector to interfere with the MAPK signaling pathway in wheat, thereby promoting P. striiformis infection.  相似文献   
Summary— The interphase nucleus of the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, displayed two types of bodies some of them, the dense bodies, lying apparently free in the nucleoplasm while the others were attached to the nucleolus and were, therefore, referred to as nucleolus-associated bodies (NABs). The presence of DNA, RNA and histones in dense bodies was investigated by means of post-embedding immunocytochemistry and cytochemistry using a monoclonal antibody to single and double stranded DNA, a polyclonal antibody to rye H3 histones and RNase A-gold complexes. The dense bodies were shown to contain significant amounts of RNA but neither DNA nor histones were detected; their composition was thus similar to that of the dense bodies described in higher plant cells. We propose that dense bodies might be implicated in the assembly of the 25 to 45 nm granules observed throughout the nucleoplasm of Chalamydomonas interphase nuclei. The composition of NABs was found to be distinct from that of the dense bodies since they were labeled by the antibody to DNA, specially in cryofixed and cryosubstituted specimens. The presence of DNA in NABs together with their intimate association to the nucleolus suggest that they may correspond to specific segments of chromosomes.  相似文献   
We examined population substructure of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops sp). in Shark Bay, Western Australia, using 10 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). For microsatellite analysis, 302 different animals were sampled from seven localities throughout the bay. Analysis of genetic differentiation between sampling localities showed a significant correlation between the number of migrants ( Nm ) calculated from F ST, R ST and private alleles, and distance between localities–a pattern of isolation-by-distance. For mtDNA, 220 individuals from all seven localities were sequenced for a 351 base pair fragment of the control region, resulting in eight haplotypes, with two distinct clusters of haplotypes. Values of F ST and (φ)ST for mtDNA yielded statistically significant differences, mostly between localities that were not adjacent to each other, suggesting female gene flow over a scale larger than the sampled localities. We also observed a significant correlation between the number of female migrants calculated from F ST and φST and the distance of sampling localities. Our results indicate that dispersal in female dolphins in Shark Bay is more restricted than that of males.  相似文献   
Iron availability may limit carbon and nitrogen fixation in the oceans. The freshwater cyanobacterium, Anabaena, was used as a laboratory model for the biochemical and physiological effects of iron. Increased iron nutrition, in the range of 10?8 M to 10?6 M resulted in increases of approximately four fold in carbon and nitrogen fixation rates. Chlorophyll concentration increased, and the relative amount of in vivo fluorescence was reduced with more iron. Natural samples of Trichodesmium, collected off Barbados and incubated with increased iron for two days, showed similar effects. Trichodesmium responded to iron additions indicating that it may be Fe limited in its natural environment. These responses to iron are consistent with the biochemical roles of iron in photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. The results are discussed in the geochemical context of the sporadic total iron input to tropical oceans and possible implications to spatial and temporal patterns of productivity.  相似文献   
Continuous cultures ofComamonas sp SGLY2 were grown anaerobically prior to establishing steady states at different oxygen flow rates. At a low oxygen transfer rate, no dissolved oxygen accumulated in the medium and all nitrate was reduced to dinitrogen. Concurrently with the increase of dissolved oxygen concentration in the liquid phase, the rate of denitrification decreased. However, at a dissolved oxygen concentration near saturation (33 mg L–1), a part of the electron flow always diverted to nitrate with production of dinitrogen: the aerobic denitrification rate was equivalent to 35% of that calculated under anaerobic conditions. These experiments reflected the co-utilization of oxygen and N-oxides and the production of dinitrogen, up to saturated conditions, which implied synthesis and activity of the four denitrifying enzymes under various aeration conditions.  相似文献   
A bacterial strain secreting potent chitinolytic activity was isolated from shrimp-pond water by enrichment culture using colloidal crab-shell chitin as the major carbon source. The isolated bacterium, designated asAeromonas sp No. 16 exhibited a rod-like morphology with a polar flagellum. Under optimal culture conditions in 500-ml shaker flasks, it produced a chitinolytic activity of 1.4 U ml–1. A slightly higher enzymatic activity of 1.5 U ml–1 was obtained when cultivation was carried out in a 5-liter jar fermentor using a medium containing crystalline chitin as the carbon source. The secretion of the enzyme(s) was stimulated by several organic nitrogenous supplements. Most carbon sources tested (glucose, maltose, N-acetylglucosamine, etc) enhanced cell growth, but they slightly inhibited enzyme secretion. Glucosamine (0.5% w/v) severely inhibited cell growth (16% of the control), but it did not significantly affect enzyme secretion. The production of chitinolytic enzymes was pH sensitive and was enhanced by increasing the concentration of colloidal chitin to 1.5%. The observed chitinolytic activity could be attributed to the presence of -N-acetylglucosaminidase and chitinase. Chitinase was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and preparative gel electrophoresis to three major bands on SDS-PAGE. An in-gel enzymatic activity assay indicated that all three bands possessed chitinase activity. Analysis of the enzymatic products indicated that the purified enzyme(s) hydrolyzed colloidal chitin predominantly to N,N-diacetyl-chitobiose and, to a much lesser extent, the mono-, tri, and tetramer of N-acetylglucosamine, suggesting that they are mainly endochitinases.  相似文献   
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