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【背景】微生物转化是对天然产物进行结构修饰的重要手段,具有催化反应快、选择性强、反应条件易控制和污染小等特点。许多微生物能够对蟾毒配基类化合物进行生物转化,在不同位置进行结构修饰,并且产生毒性减弱的活性衍生物。【目的】筛选蟾毒灵生物转化菌株,以期发现活性更好、毒性降低的化合物。【方法】利用蟾毒灵为底物筛选其生物转化菌株,通过HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography)/LC-MS (Liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer)鉴定转化产物;对可生物转化蟾毒灵的菌株进行菌落形态观察和分子生物学鉴定,并优化发酵条件提高转化率,同时测试该菌株对其他甾体化合物的转化作用。【结果】筛选获得一株蟾毒灵转化菌,经形态学与ITS (Internal transcribed spacer)分析鉴定为Naganishia属菌,转化产物为3-去氢蟾毒灵。该菌株生物转化的培养基最适底物浓度为8 mg/L,最适初始pH值为6.5,最佳接种量为3%,最佳转化时间为96 h,最终转化率为48.3%。该菌株可将雌酮E1转化为雌二醇E2,也可将雌二醇E2逆向转化为E1。【结论】首次发现Naganishia属菌株对甾体类化合物具有转化活性,其产生的弱细胞毒性的转化产物3-去氢蟾毒灵有望成为高效、安全的强心药物。微生物转化法选择性高、反应条件温和、操作简单,为大量制备活性化合物3-去氢蟾毒灵提供了一条简便易行的道路,也为更多甾体化合物结构修饰提供了可能。  相似文献   
【背景】目前已报道的海藻酸分解菌多数为好氧菌,未见有关厌氧菌的报道。从分离的海藻酸分解菌中表征的海藻酸裂解酶大多为内切型海藻酸裂解酶,外切型较少。【目的】研究来自厌氧海藻酸分解菌的海藻酸裂解酶基因,表征新型海藻酸裂解酶并阐明其酶学性质,为海藻酸裂解酶的多样性和微生物降解海藻酸机制提供理论依据。【方法】对来自厌氧海藻酸分解菌Sunxiuqinia sp. SH-52的海藻酸裂解酶SHA-4编码基因进行克隆,分析基因序列,构建重组质粒PGEX-4T-1-SHA-4并在大肠杆菌中实现异源表达,经纯化后对其酶学性质及降解特征进行研究。【结果】该酶在28°C、用0.1 mmol/L IPTG (异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷)条件下诱导6 h达到最大表达量,纯化后酶的比活力达到21 U/mg。酶学性质分析表明SHA-4的最适温度为37°C;最适pH为7.5;对PolyMG (杂聚古罗糖醛酸-甘露糖醛酸嵌段)具有底物偏好性;Na+对该酶的活性具有抑制作用,而金属离子Cu~(2+)具有明显促进作用,使活性提高了约168%;SHA-4催化海藻酸的Km值为2.5 mg/mL,Vmax为8.7 mg/(mL·min);SHA-4为外切型海藻酸裂解酶,降解海藻酸终产物为单糖。【结论】异源表达了来自一株厌氧海藻酸分解菌Sunxiuqiniasp.SH-52的海藻酸裂解酶SHA-4,该酶是PL6家族中第一个对PolyMG有底物偏好性的外切型海藻酸裂解酶,而且活性较高,作为工具酶有很好的应用前景,为海藻酸降解机制的探索提供了新的线索。  相似文献   
描述一种采自湖北上泥盆统弗拉阶黄家蹬组中的石松植物。该植物茎轴纤细。叶基纺锤形,螺旋排列。叶线形,叶缘具刺。具顶生的孢子叶球。其孢子叶匙状或披针形,边缘具刺。孢子囊呈圆形或椭圆形。植物茎具原生中柱。原生木质部呈小脊状位于中柱边缘。后生木质部管胞由梯纹分子组成,在加厚棒之间没有类似“威廉姆逊纹”的连接物。该植物与采自湖南中泥盆统基维特阶的Longostachys(Zhu,Huand Feng) Caiand Chen可比较。它们在茎轴、线形和具刺的叶、纺锤形和螺旋排列的叶基、匙状披针形的孢子叶,以及叶、叶基和孢子叶的度量等特征方面均非常相似。两者在解剖特征上存有差别,即当前植物不具次生木质部,不具髓,后生木质部加厚棒之间不具连接物。考虑到现有特征并不足以建立新属种,暂归入cf.Longostachyssp.  相似文献   
Abstract Gram-negative methylotrophs contain a high- M r'large' citrate synthase. Gram-positive methylotrophs, on the other hand, contain a 'small' citrate synthase. These differences in M r coincided partly with differences in NADH sensitivity. Citrate synthases from obligate Gram-negative and Gram-positive facultative methylotrophs were insensitive to feedback inhibition by NADH; only the enzymes from Gram-negative facultative methylotrophs were inhibited by NADH.  相似文献   
Abstract Several approaches have been followed to increase the nitrogenase level in filaments of Anabaena ATCC33047. In a nitrogen-free medium lacking added molybdate and supplemented with 10 mM tungstate, growth was impaired as a result of decreased nitrogenase activity level. Under these conditions, the filaments exhibited nitrogen starvation symptoms and a high heterocyst frequency, with heterocysts being up to 28% of the total number of cells in the filaments, while a regular pattern of heterocyst distribution was maintained. Normal nitrogenase level and nitrogen status were recovered upon molybdate addition, with resumption of growth and decrease of the heterocyst frequency with time until reaching a value of about 10%. The yield of ammonium photoproduction from N2 by filaments displaying different heterocyst frequencies and treated with l -methionine- d,l -sulfoximine (MSX) was determined. Maximal rates were obtained with filaments containing 16% of the cells differentiated as heterocysts. Results indicate that appropriate manipulation of the heterocyst frequency leads to an improvement in the efficiency of conversion of light energy into chemical energy through photoreduction of N2 to ammonium.  相似文献   
The cytochrome composition of membrane preparations from 3 thermotolerant species of Streptomyces was determined from difference spectra. All contained b, c and a-type haemoproteins and in addition, 2 species (Streptomyces thermoviolaceus and Streptomyces thermoflavus) possessed cytochrome oxidase d. A CO-reacting b cytochrome similar to cytochrome oxidase o could also be detected in all 3 organisms. Thermotolerance of the respiratory chains showed no correlation with cytochrome composition. In general, Streptomyces thermonitrificans had the most thermostable activities, whilst those of S. thermoviolaceus were the most thermolabile. Growth temperature exerted no qualitative effects on respiratory chain composition but did affect the thermostability of some substrate-supported oxidase activities.  相似文献   
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