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The nuclear Rrn18 gene coding for small-subunit ribosomal RNA was amplified from Chlamydomonas humicola and C. dysosmos. The sequences were identical, in agreement with the combination of these two species under the name C. applanata on morphological and physiological grounds by Ettl and Schlösser (1992).  相似文献   
The organization and nucleotide sequence of a gene from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii encoding a member of the DNA photolyase/blue light photoreceptor protein family is reported. A region of over 7 kb encompassing the gene was sequenced. Northern analysis detected a single 4.2 kb mRNA. The gene consists of eight exons and seven introns, and encodes a predicted protein of 867 amino acids. The first 500 amino acids exhibit significant homology with previously sequenced DNA photolyases, showing the closest relationship to mustard (Sinapis alba) photolyase (43% identity). An even higher identity, 49%, is obtained when the Chlamydomonas gene product is compared to the putative blue-light photoreceptor (HY4) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Both the Chlamydomonas and the Arabidopsis proteins differ from the well characterized DNA photolyases in that they contain a carboxyl terminal extension of 367 and 181 amino acids, respectively. However, there is very little homology between the carboxyl terminal domains of the two proteins. A previously isolated Chlamydomonas mutant, phrl, which is deficient in DNA photolyase activity, especially in the nucleus, was shown by RFLP analysis not to be linked to the gene we have isolated. We propose this gene encodes a candidate Chlamydomonas blue light photoreceptor.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial mutants of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that are inactivated in the cytochrome pathway of respiration have previously been isolated. Despite the fact that the alternative oxidase pathway is still active the mutants have lost the capacity to grow heterotrophically (dark + acetate) and display reduced growth under mixotrophic conditions (light + acetate). In crosses between wild-type and mutant cells, the meiotic progeny only inherit the character transmitted by the mt parent, which indicates that the mutations are located in the 15.8 kb linear mitochondrial genome. Two new mutants (dum-18 and dum-19) have now been isolated and characterized genetically, biochemically and at the molecular level. In addition, two previously isolated mutants (dum-11 and dum-15) were characterized in more detail. dum-11 contains two types of deleted mitochondrial DNA molecules: 15.1 kb monomers lacking the subterminal part of the genome, downstream of codon 147 of the apocytochrome b (COB) gene, and dimers resulting from head-to-head fusion of asymmetrically deleted monomers (15.1 and 9.5 kb DNA molecules, respectively). As in the wild type, the three other mutants contain only 15.8 kb mitochondrial DNA molecules. dum-15 is mutated at codon 140 of the COB gene, a serine (TCT) being changed into a tyrosine (TAC). dum-18 and dum-19 both inactivate cytochrome c oxidase, as a result of frameshift mutations (addition or deletion of 1 bp) at codons 145 and 152, respectively, of the COX1 gene encoding subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase. In a total of ten respiratory deficient mitochondrial mutants characterized thus far, only mutations located in COB or COXI have been isolated. The possibility that the inactivation of the other mitochondrial genes is lethal for the cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Sex cell contact in Chlamydomonas is due to complementary sex-specific glycoproteins (mating-type substances, MTSs). Their interaction causes an instantaneous but labile flagella agglutination between sexually different gametes. The dynamic nature of this contact permits partner exchange between agglutinated gametes and accounts for the transitoriness of the contact, flagella adhesion being terminated upon ensuing pairing. This paper describes molecular events that underlie the adhesion potential of differentiated (+) gametes. In the contact-establishing interaction with its receptors on the (?) flagella, the agglutinin of differentiated (+) gametes is inactivated. Compensating for this inactivation, the adhesion potential of gametes in agglutination is sustained by continuous replenishment of the inactivated MTS by newly synthesized units. If this glycoprotein neosynthesis is blocked by tunicamycin (TUM), the adhesiveness of differentiated (+) gametes ceases. It is postulated that this complex interaction with incapacitation and neosynthesis forms the basis of the dynamic nature of the flagella contact and eventually accounts for its termination at pairing.  相似文献   
The blue light dependent utilization of nitrate by green algae under common air and high irradiances, besides its assimilatory nature, is associated with the release of NO2 and NH4 + to the culture medium. If the CO2 content of the sparging air was increased up to 2%, previously excreted NO2 and NH4 + were rapidly assimilated. When under air and high irradiances the cell density in the culture reached values corresponding to 25 g Ch 1.ml-1, no further growth was observed and the highest values of NO3 consumption and NO2 and NH4 + release were attained. Besides low CO2 tensions, increasing NO3 concentrations in the medium stimulated the release of NO3 and NH4 +. Under CO2-free air the consumption of NO3 and the release of NO2 and NH4 + on a total N bases were almost stoichiometric and their rates saturated at much lower irradiances than under air. Under CO2-free air high rates of NO2 release were only observed under the blue radiations that were effectively absorbed by photosynthetically active pigments, i.e. 460 nm, but not under 404 and 630 nm radiations. However, the simultaneous illumination of the cells with 404 and 630 nm monochromatic light showed a remarkable synergistic effect on NO2 release.The results are discussed in terms of the close relationship between C and N metabolism, the photosynthetic reducing power required to convert NO inf3 sup± -N into R – NH2-N and the blue light activation of nitrate reductase.  相似文献   
Initial Cu++ sorption by Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. (Cu++-sensitive) and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard (Cu++-resistant) was rapid in the first 5 min of Cu++ incubation with little sorption after 2 h. On a cell to cell basis, Cyclotella sorbed ca. five times more Cu++ from the medium than Chlamydomonas. In MBL medium with EDTA Cyclotella and Chlamydomonas cells sorbed 21.0 and 4.41 nM Cu++/106 cells respectively in 6 h with 0.3 mg Cu++/l in the medium. Proportionally similar quantities of Cu++ were sorbed when the cells were Cu++ incubated in MBL + citrate or filtered lake water. Cleaned cell walls of Cyclotella sorbed little Cu++ (1.7 nM/106 cells) as compared to living cells (17.5 nM Cu++/106 cells) in 3 h. Therefore, in living Cyclotella most of the Cu++ taken up must be absorbed by the protoplasm or perhaps by the organic layer surrounding the silica wall. Cleaned cell walls of Chlamydomonas sorbed 3.5 nM Cu++/106 cells and living Chlamydomonas cells sorbed 2.6 nM Cu++/106 cells. This indicates that most of the Cu++ sorbed by Chlamydomonas cells remained bound to the cell wall and probably did not readily enter into the protoplasm: When placed in Cu++ free medium after Cu++ incubation, Cyclotella and Chlamydomonas cells released 46 and 59% respectively of the Cu++ sorbed.  相似文献   
The gap between the theoretical biological potential of microalgae and the biomass productivity obtained with algal culture in tubular biophotoreactors is due to a reduced growth rate related to hydrodynamic stress of pumping. High levels of mixing are necessary to reach a turbulent flow of the culture, in order to optimize the light regime. The optimal conditions of pumping to produce this significant liquid mixing may produce some cell damage. Factors affecting this hydrodynamic stress (geometry of the bioreactor involved, type of pump utilized, morphology of algal cells, physiological conditions of microalgae, etc.) are discussed.  相似文献   
Recovery from 60 min of photoinhibitory treatment at photosynthetic photon flux densities of 500, 1400 and 2200 μMmol m?2 s? was followed in cells of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown at 125 μMmol m?2 s?1. These light treatments represent photoregulation, moderate photoinhibition and strong photoinhibition, respectively. Treatment in photoregulatory light resulted in an increased maximal rate of oxygen evolution (Pmax) and an increased quantum yield (Φ), but a 15% decrease in Fv/FM. Treatment at moderately photoinhibitory light resulted in a 30% decrease in Fv/FM and an approximately equal decrease in Φ. Recovery in dim light restored Fv/FM within 15 and 45 min after high light treatment at 500 and 1400 μMmol m?2 s?1, respectively. Convexity (Θ), a measure of the extent of co-limitation between PS II turnover and whole-chain electron transport, and Φ approached, but did not reach the control level during recovery after exposure to 1400 μMmol m?2 s?1, whereas Pmax increased above the control. Treatment at 2200 μMmol m?2 s?1 resulted in a strong reduction of the modeled parameters Φ, Θ and Pmax. Subsequent recovery was initially rapid but the rate decreased, and a complete recovery was not reached within 120 min. Based on the results, it is hypothesized that exposure to high light results in two phenomena. The first, expressed at all three light intensities, involves redistribution within the different aspects of PS II heterogeneity rather than a photoinhibitory destruction of PS II reaction centers. The second, most strongly expressed at 2200 μmol m?2 s?1, is a physical damage to PS II shown as an almost total loss of PS IIα and PS II QB-reducing centers. Thus recovery displayed two phase, the first was rapid and the only visible phase in algae exposed to 500 and 1400 μmol m?2 s?1. The second phase was slow and visible only in the later part of recovery in cells exposed to 2200 μmol m?2 s?1.  相似文献   
The amount of zinc adsorbed onto the cell surface of the unicellular green algae Scenedesmus subspicatus Hodat and Chlamydomonas variabilis Dangeard was operationally defined by extraction with EDTA; it was a function of the concentration of free ionic zinc remaining in the growth medium, rather than that of the total (free plus complexed) zinc concentration, and could be described by Langmuir isotherms. Conditional adsorption equilibrium constants for zinc were 0.123 and 0.039 L ·μmol?1 for S. subspicatus and C. variabilis, respectively. A portion of the zinc adsorbed onto C. variabilis was released into solution after 1 h of contact with the metal, providing a possible tolerance mechanism for this alga; the division rate of C. variabilis was not altered by up to 12 μmol Zn2+· L?1, although the cell yield obtained during the stationary phase was significantly decreased. The amount of transported or cellular zinc, for both algal species, was operationally defined as the zinc remaining with the cell after EDTA-extraction; it was a linear function of the free ionic zinc concentration remaining in solution, suggesting that the zinc transported into the cell was not derived from the total adsorbed fraction, although the latter may contain some zinc originating from specific sites leading to zinc transport.  相似文献   
The time in the cell cycle when CO2 provision was required for cell development and division was determined in synchronous cultures of Chlamydomonas segnis Ettl bubbled with air (0.03% CO2) or air enriched with 5% CO2 under continuous light at 25°C and pH 7. Provision of CO2 (% in air v/v) during the G1-phase was found to be essential for the completion of the cell cycle. There was no demand for CO2 supply throughout the S-phase and mitosis. Using cultures adapted to CO2 concentrations ranging from 0.03 to 5% in air, the apparent CO2 concentration (Km) required for the cells to develop during the G-1-phase and to attain one half the maximal rates of photo-synthetic O2 evolution was calculated as 0.05%. This value increased to 0.1 and 0.5% during the S-phase. For total protein and carbohydrate accumulation, which would reflect inorganic carbon (CO2+ HCO3?) assimilation, the Km (% CO2) were ca. 0.1 and 0.14 throughout the cell cycle, respectively. The CO2 concentration at which the cells exhibited the shortest generation time (6.7 h) was 0.1%. These results showed that during development, cells photosynthesizing (evolving O2) at maximal rates but accumulating protein and carbohydrate at one half the maximal rates or less would complete their vegetative life cycle in the shortest time.  相似文献   
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