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自然界中,细菌与细菌之间、细菌与其他生物之间存在广泛的相互作用。细菌产生的代谢物质可以提高自身在自然界中的竞争/生存能力。解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens)能够产生种类繁多的抑菌物质,有效地抑制真菌和其他细菌的活性,是一类应用较广的生防菌。到目前为止,解淀粉芽孢杆菌的抑菌作用研究已经广泛开展,但是生物体是复杂多变的,仍然有很多东西是未知的,并且利用解淀粉芽孢杆菌进行生物防治的前景十分广阔,所以加强对抑菌物质的机制研究、提取相关抗菌物质尤为关键。本文综述了国内外有关解淀粉芽孢杆菌的抑菌机制研究,为进一步探究解淀粉芽孢杆菌的抑菌机制、抑菌基因和基因工程菌做好铺垫。  相似文献   
本文以早熟品种冀麦31号和晚熟品系88—4284萌动种子为材料,报道了等离子束处理对小麦种子萌发的影响和细胞学效应。观察表明,等离子束长时间处理抑制种子发芽。在根尖细胞有丝分裂中期观察到染色体断裂和断片,冀麦31号染色体断裂的频率为0.49—1.34%,88—4284为0.21—2.14%。随着处理时间延长,染色体断裂频率逐渐提高。有丝分裂后期和末期出现大量的落后染色单体和染色体桥。在花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ,经过等离子束处理的材料出现环状单价体。后期Ⅰ观察到染色体倒位造成的染色体桥和断片。在四分体期还有微核出现。  相似文献   
Coral diseases have been increasingly reported over the past few decades and are a major contributor to coral decline worldwide. The Caribbean, in particular, has been noted as a hotspot for coral disease, and the aptly named white syndromes have caused the decline of the dominant reef building corals throughout their range. White band disease (WBD) has been implicated in the dramatic loss of Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata since the 1970s, resulting in both species being listed as critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red list. The causal agent of WBD remains unknown, although recent studies based on challenge experiments with filtrate from infected hosts concluded that the disease is probably caused by bacteria. Here, we report an experiment using four different antibiotic treatments, targeting different members of the disease-associated microbial community. Two antibiotics, ampicillin and paromomycin, arrested the disease completely, and by comparing with community shifts brought about by treatments that did not arrest the disease, we have identified the likely candidate causal agent or agents of WBD. Our interpretation of the experimental treatments is that one or a combination of up to three specific bacterial types, detected consistently in diseased corals but not detectable in healthy corals, are likely causal agents of WBD. In addition, a histophagous ciliate (Philaster lucinda) identical to that found consistently in association with white syndrome in Indo-Pacific acroporas was also consistently detected in all WBD samples and absent in healthy coral. Treatment with metronidazole reduced it to below detection limits, but did not arrest the disease. However, the microscopic disease signs changed, suggesting a secondary role in disease causation for this ciliate. In future studies to identify a causal agent of WBD via tests of Henle–Koch''s postulates, it will be vital to experimentally control for populations of the other potential pathogens identified in this study.  相似文献   
生物固定化技术是现代生物工程领域中的一项新兴技术。简要介绍了生物固定化技术,较为系统地阐述了单独包埋和混合包埋两种具体固定化工艺技术及其在处理氨氮废水中应用效果,展望了固定化技术在含氮废水处理中的应用前景与研究发展动向。  相似文献   
为了筛选出兰州百合鳞片埋培繁殖的最适温度和鳞片层次,解决兰州百合种源不足、繁育周期长的问题,该文以兰州百合鳞片为材料,采用温度(20、25、30℃)和鳞片层次(外层、中层、内层)二因素完全随机区组设计,研究了二因素对兰州百合鳞片埋培繁殖效果的影响.通过对鳞片疑似发病率、分化率及小鳞茎分化数进行统计与分析,结果发现不同温...  相似文献   
The accurate non-surgical diagnosis of breast lumps allows assessment of breast cancer patients for conservation or neoadjuvant primary treatment before surgical intervention. We have analysed the accuracy of clinical assessment, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), and mammography in over 868 women seen in a symptomatic breast clinic. Clinical examination by an experienced breast physician, together with FNAC, detected over 99% of the cancers with a 12% false positive rate. A cytological diagnosis of definite carcinoma was obtained in 69% of women with breast cancer with no false positive result from the women with benign conditions producing a 100% positive predictive value. These results indicate that it would be acceptable to give pre-surgical systemic endocrine or chemotherapy to women with positive cytology which is therefore a prerequisite for a neoadjuvant therapy programme.  相似文献   
Species worldwide have begun to shift their range boundaries in response to climate change and other anthropogenic causes, with population declines at the trailing edge of a species' range often foreshadowing future changes in core parts of the range. Therefore, we analyzed a 30-year (1991–2019) data set for the California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) near its southern range boundary in southern California, USA, that included the largest regional population (San Bernardino Mountains) to estimate trends in territory occupancy and reproduction. We then assessed how these demographic rates were affected by habitat, wildfire, fuel treatments, and climate. Mean occupancy declined from 0.82 to 0.39 during our study, whereas reproductive output showed no temporal trends ( young/occupied territory). Territory extinction (extirpation) rates were relatively low in territories with more large trees (≥50 cm dbh), and colonization increased strongly with large tree density for low-elevation territories within the shrub-woodland ecotype but not for higher-elevation territories within mixed-conifer forest. High-severity wildfire had an adverse effect on occupancy: territory extinction rates steadily increased with the amount of high-severity fire within an owl territory during the previous 10 years, while colonization declined to nearly zero when ≥40% of a territory burned at high-severity during the previous 10 years. The effects of high-severity fire were unlikely to be confounded with post-fire fuel treatments, which primarily consisted of the removal, burning, or scattering of brush and small trees and snags (<40.6 cm dbh) and affected much smaller areas than high-severity fire. Of the 40 territories that received fuel treatments within 10 years of a fire, only 3 of them had post-fire fuel treatments that affected >5% of the territory, whereas average area burned at high severity for all 40 territories was 17%. Fuel treatments intended to modify fire behavior and reduce the likelihood of large, high-severity fires led to increases in territory extinction and colonization such that their net effect on occupancy was minimal. Our simulations of occupancy dynamics indicated that high-severity fire accounted for 9.6% of the observed decline in occupancy, whereas fuel treatments effectively accounted for none of the decline. Spotted owl reproductive output was lower at territories where fuel treatments occurred, but low- to moderate-severity fire resulted in much larger, population-level reductions in reproductive output (141 fewer young) from 2006–2019 than treatments (19 fewer young). Thus, the benefits of fuel treatments that reduce fire occurrence and severity appear to outweigh potential short-term costs to spotted owls and their habitat. Because high-severity fire only explained a modest amount of the long-term occupancy decline and much of the decline occurred in the 1990s before large fires occurred, additional factors are likely adversely affecting the owl population and merit further study. Nevertheless, the large observed population decline, limited evidence of owl dispersal among mountain ranges in the southern California metapopulation, and negative effects of increasingly large and severe fire suggest that California spotted owls at their southern range boundary are vulnerable to extirpation. In an era of climate change, owls in the core part of the range will likely become increasingly susceptible to warmer temperatures and increased severe fire activity in the future. Thus, the restoration of historical, low-severity fire regimes through fuels management while maintaining large trees is important to improving owl persistence.  相似文献   
近年来,酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(tyrosine kinase inhibitors,TKI)类药物治疗HER2+乳腺癌进展迅速,但出现治疗耐受仍是迫切需要解决的问题。本研究采用TKI(AEE788、Lapatinib)处理HER2+乳腺癌细胞BT474和SKBR3,发现HER3在mRNA和蛋白质水平上的表达均上调。MTS及克隆形成实验结果显示,siRNA干扰HER3的表达能够显著抑制BT474、SKBR3细胞的增殖,表明干扰HER3可增强细胞对TKI的敏感性。为进一步考察TKI促进HER3表达的可能机制,Western 印迹及免疫荧光检测发现,AEE788、Lapatinib能够上调FOXO3a的表达且促进其入核。干扰FOXO3a可逆转TKI对HER3的诱导作用,说明TKI通过激活FOXO3a上调HER3的表达。综上所述,FOXO3a反馈上调HER3表达介导HER2+乳腺癌细胞TKI治疗耐受。这一研究发现,为临床解决TKI治疗耐受提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
Objective: To provide extended intra-oral delivery of a saliva substitute. Intervention: Three different types of prostheses containing saliva substitute were designed and assessed: a two-part device resembling a mandibular complete denture sealed by cobalt-samerium magnets, a one-part clear resin device for the edentate patients and a flexible mouth guard type of appliance containing a lubricant releasing bubble for the dentate patients. Setting: A teaching hospital Oral Medicine and Rheumatology Clinic. Subjects: 8 edentate and 3 dentate Sjogren Syndrome sufferers. Outcome measures: Subjective dryness after a week of wearing the lubricating appliance. Results: The majority of the subjects wore the appliances for 6–12 hours during each 24 hours. The initial dryness severity diminished after wearing the lubricating prosthesis. The patients preferred to wear the appliance at night. Conclusion: All criteria were fulfilled on designing a saliva substitute lubricating appliance and some of the subjects have worn this prosthesis successfully for up to 3 years. Particular benefit was obtained by night-time wear.  相似文献   
Anomalie m.p. is a spontaneous and heritable hindlimb abnormality described earlier. Twenty years later, Pleurodeles waltl larvae from the strain bearing anomalie m.p. and reared at room temperature or at 30°C, expressed abnormalities (ectrodactylia, hemimelia, ectromelia). A morphological study of all the hindlimbs and an analysis of the hindlimb skeleton of samples from the experimental animals confirmed that most of the skeletal malformations were identical to those previously reported and affected the disto-proximal and prepostaxial pattern of the hindlimb. Analysis of the effects of rearing temperature on the expression of anomalie m.p. showed that the effects varied according to the developmental period at which the heat treatment was applied; the sooner the heat treatment began, the more numerous and more various were the degrees of severity of the malformations. Moreover, heat treatment induced the expression of two additional malformations not yet described: the first one, named 'reversed knee joint', was characterized by a reversal of the knee joint, and the second one, named 'twisted foot', by a downward twisting of the foot. The epigenetic effects of rearing at 30°C on hindlimb development are discussed with regard to the differentiation or patterning.  相似文献   
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