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Summary The development of neurons possibly related to the outgrowth of axons from the labial palp-pit organ was studied in Pieris rapae. Serial sections of six successive stages between pupation and emergence of the imago were examined with the electron microscope. At pupation the palp contains an apical scolopidial organ (ASO) and cellular strands connected to it. The ASO consists of three type-1 scolopidia, which are characterized by the presence of a ciliary 9 × 2 + 0 pattern throughout the dendritic outer segment and a ciliary dilation beneath the cap. The scolopidia show two special features: (i) the dendritic outer segments reach beyond the cap, and (ii) an intricate junctional complex develops between the dendritic inner segments and the scolopale cells. The cellular strands comprise two types of cells: (1) bipolar cells regarded as neurons due to their cytological features, and (2) enveloping cells, which are wrapped around the bipolar cells. The strands degenerate about 10 h after pupation. The sensory cells of the ASO degenerate consecutively between 28 h and 130 h after pupation. However, their enveloping cells survive and endure in the imago, which emerges about 160 h after pupation. An ASO similarly lacking sensory cells was observed in imagines of Pieris brassicae. It is hypothesized that the ASO and the bipolar neurons of the strands play a role in pathfinding of the axons of the labial palp-pit organ.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4/G1)  相似文献   
Summary The funnel-canal organs on the dactyls of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, are innervated by 3–24 sensory cells with unbranched dendrites, which attain a length of 500–1400 m. The outer dendritic segments are enclosed in a dendritic sheath and pass through the cuticle within a canal. Two dendrite types can be distinguished according to ultrastructural criteria: Type I has a long ciliary segment, A-tubules with an osmiophilic core and arms, and a thick ciliary rootlet. Type II possesses only a short ciliary segment and a thin ciliary rootlet. Each funnel-canal organ contains two type-I dendrites. Their ciliary bases appear a few m distal to those of the type-II dendrites (1 to 22 in number). Two inner and two to eight outer enveloping cells belong to a sensillum. The innermost enveloping cell contains a large scolopale. In the second enveloping cell single scolopale rods are present. Thus, the funnel-canal organs are characterized by structural features typical for mechano-sensitive scolopidia, on the one hand, and for chemoreceptors, on the other. Therefore, the funnel-canal organs are very likely bimodal sensilla (contact chemoreceptors). A comparison with other arthropod sensilla shows that cuticular mechanoreceptors of aquatic crustaceans generally exhibit a scolopidial organization.  相似文献   
Summary The reactions of the previously described neuro-epithelial bodies (NEB) (Lauweryns et al., 1969, 1970, 1972a, b, 1973a, b, c, 1974, 1975) in young rabbits to: (1) hypoxia with normoxaemia in the arteria pulmonalis on the one hand, and (2) hypoxaemia in the arteria pulmonalis with normoxic aeration on the other hand, has been investigated by means of cross-circulation experiments and light microscopical, electron microscopical and morphometrical techniques.Hypoxically aerated young rabbits, which received normoxaemic blood in their arteria pulmonalis from a donor rabbit by means of an arterio-arterial cross-circulation with mutual exchange transfusion, revealed an increased exocytosis of the dense-core vesicles of their NEB. Normoxically aerated young rabbits which received hypoxaemic blood in an identical manner, did not exhibit an increased exocytosis.It is concluded that the NEB apparently react directly to the hypoxia of the inhaled air and not to the hypoxaemia of the pulmonary blood. By the release of serotonin and a polypeptide substance, they may produce a local vasoconstriction in hypoxically aerated lung areas, enabling an intrapulmonary regulation of the V/Q ratio. This is regarded as additional proof that the NEB — while being modulated by the CNS — probably are intrapulmonary chemoreceptors with local secretory activities, reacting to the composition of the inhaled air.  相似文献   
Summary In an attempt to further our knowledge about the structure and function of the recently identified intrapulmonary Neuro-epithelial Bodies (NEB's) (Lauweryns et al., 1972a, 1972b), lungs of 84 neonatal rabbits and 6 neonatal mice were studied along four different lines of investigation. Several routine and silver staining methods, Falck's fluorescent amine technic and histochemical and electron microscopical techniques were performed.1. In order to test the probable chemoreceptor function of the NEB's, animals were exposed to hypoxia. Under such circumstances, the corpuscular cells of the NEB's secrete their dense-cored, serotonin-containing vesicles at their basal vascular pole. 2. After reserpine pretreatment, the NEB's of otherwise normal animals reveal a distinct amine depletion, the corpuscular cells exhibiting a decreased yellow fluorescence and ultrastructurally a clearing up of their dense-cored vesicles. 3. Studied on serial sections with the electron microscope, various types of morphologically afferent-like and efferent-like nerve endings, making contact as well with the corpuscular cells as amongst themselves have been detailed. 4. Cytochemically the corpuscular cells react positively with alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, acetylcholinesterase and Solcia's lead hematoxylin stain for endocrine cells producing polypeptides and amines.It is proposed that the NEB's provide an intrapulmonary, hypoxia-sensitive neuro(chemo-) receptor system in addition to the well established central and peripheral (e.g. carotid body) chemoreceptors. They contain and secrete serotonin and probably also related amines or peptides, which could influence the pulmonary vasoconstrictor response. According to classic morphologic criteria, they possess a dual innervation, both afferent and efferent.Various other possible functions of the NEB's in normal and diseased lungs are briefly proposed.This study has been supported by a grant from The Council for Tobacco Research — U.S.A. and the Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek — Belgium. We thank P. Theunynck for performing some of the histochemical studies, B. Van Rijkel, B. Emanuel and R. Renwart for technical, G. Pison and St. Ons for photographical and N. Tyberghien for secretarial assistance.  相似文献   
We studied electrophysiological properties of single chemosensory neurons in the mouthparts of the spiny lobsters Panulirus argus and Panulirus interruptus to complement our growing understanding of the behavioral roles of mouthparts of decapod crustaceans. Food mixtures and 13 single compounds were used to characterize the response specificity, sensitivity, and time course of individual neurons in the endopods of maxilliped 2 and 3. Additional chemoreceptors were found in the mandibular palp and basis of maxilliped 1 but they were not characterized. Neurons were broadly tuned, with the five most potent single compounds being ammonium, adenosine-5′-monophosphate, taurine, glutamate, and aspartate. Cluster analysis indicated that the neurons constitute a heterogeneous population that could be placed into seven groups linked according to their most excitatory compound. These neurons in the mouthparts had concentration-dependent responses, with thresholds between 10−7 and 10−4 M and without saturation even at 10−3 or 10−2 M. They also quickly adapted when exposed to their best compounds at 10−4 and 10−3 M. A comparison of the response properties of these neurons in the mouthparts with those of chemosensory neurons in other crustacean appendages shows that neurons in the mouthparts have relatively broad tuning biased toward detecting and resolving high concentrations. Based on these comparisons, we suggest a functional distinction among the chemosensors on the different appendages: long distance detection by the antennae, precise location and collection by the pereiopods, and detailed assessment of quality by the mouthparts.  相似文献   
Summary The chief cells of the aortic body (subclavian body) of adult New Zealand white rabbits were examined by ultrastructural stereological analysis. The chief cell nuclei occupy 26.5% of the total volume. Dense-core vesicles account for 16.5% of the cytoplasmic volume, followed by mitochondria (11.6%), endoplasmic reticulum (3.3%), and Golgi apparatus (0.6%). The dense-core vesicles measure approximately 131.6nm in diameter (corrected) and exhibit a heterogeneous size distribution. Both perivascular adrenergic nerve terminals and presumptive afferent terminals presynaptic to the chief cells are observed. The mean synaptic vesicle size of the terminals adjacent to chief cells is 54 nm. The heterogeneous size distribution of the dense-core vesicles of chief cells may indicate the storage of different biogenic amines and/or different secretion or maturation states within the chief cells.Supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the American Heart Association (77630) and with funds contributed in part by the Texas Affiliate. The author wishes to thank Ms. Teri Heitman for her excellent technical assistance  相似文献   
During the past 100 years many experimental investigations have been carried out in an attempt to determine the control mechanisms responsible for generating the respiratory responses observed during incremental and constant-load exercise tests. As a result of these investigations a number of different and contradictory control mechanisms have been proposed to be the sole mediators of exercise hyperpnea. However, it is now becoming evident that none of the proposed mechanisms are solely responsible for eliciting the exercise respiratory response. The present-day challenge appears to be one of synthesizing the proposed mechanisms, in order to determine the role that each mechanism has in controlling ventilation during exercise. This review, which has been divided into three primary sections, has been designed to meet this challenge. The aim of the first section is to describe the changes in respiration that occur during constant-load and incremental exercise. The second section briefly introduces the reader to traditional and contemporary control mechanisms that might be responsible for eliciting at least a portion of the exercise ventilatory response during these types of exercise. The third section describes how the traditional and contemporary control mechanisms may interact in a complex fashion to produce the changes in breathing associated with constant-load exercise, and incorporates recent experimental evidence from our laboratory.  相似文献   
Surface ultrastructure and cytochemistry of parasitic helminths.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Scanning electron microscopy of various regions of the body of the marine gastropod Pleurobranchaea californica (McFarland) has revealed a characteristic cell type that bears cilia with dilated discoid-shaped tips. The tips of the cilia consist of an expansion of the ciliary membrane around a looped distal extension of the axoneme. These kinocilia have been observed in numerous other marine invertebrates and are generally referred to as paddle cilia (Tamarin et al. 1974) or discocilia (Heimler 1978). Although many functions have been proposed for paddle cilia, little empirical evidence supports any of the proposals. In Pleurobranchaea we have found that the distribution of this ciliated cell type corresponds exactly to areas of the body known from behavioral studies (Lee et al. 1974; Davis and Matera 1981) to mediate chemoreception. Transmission electron microscopy of the epithelium lining the rhinophores and tentacles of Pleurobranchaea revealed details of the ultrastructure of these ciliated cells and showed that they are primary receptors. These ciliated receptors lie in a yellow-brown pseudostratified columnar epithelium that superficially resembles the olfactory mucosa of vertebrates.  相似文献   
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