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A system is described consisting of a mode-locked Ar ion laser and time-resolved photon-counting electronics. The system is capable of measuring fluorescence lifetimes in the subnanosecond time domain. The Ar ion laser is suitable for the excitation of flavins, since the available laser wavelengths encompass the first absorption band of the yellow chromophore. Due to the high radiation density and the short pulse, both the time and wavelength resolution of the fluorescence of very weakly emitting compounds can be measured. Experiments have been described for flavin models exhibiting single and multiple modes of decay. In these examples lifetimes were determined both from deconvolved decay curves and from direct analysis of the tail of the curve, where no interference of the exciting pulse is encountered. Both determinations showed very good agreement. Due to the highly polarized laser light the decay of the emission anisotropy could be measured directly after the exciting pulse. In principle, fast rotational motions might be detected. An anisotropy measurement conducted with a flavoprotein with a noncovalently attached FAD is presented.  相似文献   
We evaluated the effect of increased plasma cortisol levels on fish antipredator behavior induced by conspecific chemical alarm cues. The experimental model for the study was the Frillfin goby Bathygobius soporator. We first confirmed that the alarm substance induces typical defensive antipredator responses in Frillfin gobies and described their alarm substance cells (epidermal ‘club’ cells). Second, we confirmed that intraperitoneal cortisol implants increase plasma cortisol levels in this species. We then demonstrated that exogenous cortisol administration and subsequent exposure to an alarm substance decreased swimming activity to a greater extent than the activity prompted by either stimulus alone. In addition, cortisol did not abolish the sheltering response to the alarm chemical cue even though it decreased activity. As predators use prey movements to guide their first contact with the prey, a factor that decreases swimming activity clearly increases the probability of survival. Consequently, this observation indicates that cortisol helps improve the antipredator response in fish.  相似文献   
Most of the previous work on the effects of social stimuli on circadian rhythms has involved the use of constant environmental conditions. In the present experiments, male golden hamsters were maintained in a light-dark cycle and exposed to females daily for 1-hr intervals. Periodic exposure to female hamsters in estrous condition resulted in advances of the males' activity onsets on subsequent days when females were not introduced (probe days). Periodic exposure to female hamsters without regard to the stage of their estrous cycle produced similar but smaller effects. With repeated exposure to female hamsters, there were decreases in the wheel-running induced during the hour when females were present (pulse hour), perhaps reflecting habituation to socio-sexual cues. These results suggest that exposure to an arousing stimulus during the normal resting time of hamsters can result in phase shifts of their endogenous circadian activity rhythms. Non-photic events may have effects on the phasing of biological rhythms even when light-dark cues are present. Therefore, under more natural conditions, socio-sexual cues may play an important role in regulating the timing of activity in hamsters.  相似文献   
Isothiocyanates (ITCs) found in cruciferous vegetables have been associated with a reduced cancer risk in humans. We determined serum albumin adducts of allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), benzylisothiocyanate (BITC), phenylethylisothiocyanate (PEITC) and sulforaphane (SFN) in 85 healthy men from a dietary, randomized, controlled trial. After enzymatic digestion of albumin we determined the adducts of the ITCs with lysine (Lys) using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. At the beginning of the study (and after 4 weeks) 4.7% (2.4%), 48.2% (35.3%), 5.9% (10.6%), and 24.7% (23.5%) of the samples were found positive for AITC-Lys, BITC-Lys, PEITC-Lys and SFN-Lys, respectively. This method enables the quantification of ITC adducts in albumin from large, prospective studies on diet and cancer.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have become a major class of protein therapeutics that target a spectrum of diseases ranging from cancers to infectious diseases. Similar to any protein molecule, mAbs are susceptible to chemical modifications during the manufacturing process, long-term storage, and in vivo circulation that can impair their potency. One such modification is the oxidation of methionine residues. Chemical modifications that occur in the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) of mAbs can lead to the abrogation of antigen binding and reduce the drug’s potency and efficacy. Thus, it is highly desirable to identify and eliminate any chemically unstable residues in the CDRs during the therapeutic antibody discovery process. To provide increased throughput over experimental methods, we extracted features from the mAbs’ sequences, structures, and dynamics, used random forests to identify important features and develop a quantitative and highly predictive in silico methionine oxidation model.  相似文献   
One biggest obstacle in molecular programming is that there is still no direct method to compile any existed mathematical model into biochemical reaction in order to solve a computational problem. In this paper, the implementation of DNA Strand Displacement system based on nature-inspired computation is observed. By using the Immune Network Theory and Chemical Reaction Network, the compilation of DNA-based operation is defined and the formulation of its mathematical model is derived. Furthermore, the implementation on this system is compared with the conventional implementation by using silicon-based programming. From the obtained results, we can see a positive correlation between both. One possible application from this DNA-based model is for a decision making scheme of intelligent computer or molecular robot.  相似文献   
Removal of a side product to overcome unfavorable equilibrium is a prerequisite for the asymmetric amination of ketones using ω-transaminase (ω-TA). Alanine has been preferred as an amino donor because its deamination product (i.e. pyruvate) is easily removable by several enzymatic methods. Here, we demonstrated that the removal of pyruvate by an innate metabolic pathway could afford equilibrium shift of the ω-TA reactions.  相似文献   
A hydrogeochemical study conducted in the southern Wimmera of western Victoria, south-eastern Australia reveals a small group of lakes that possess a range of chemical character so diverse that it compares to that recorded for lakes from the entire region of western Victoria and south-eastern South Australia. Principal Components Analysis and reaction path modelling using PHRQPITZ confirm that the chemical diversity of the lakes is largely inherited from the groundwater system. Three end-members (in the Eugster–Jones–Hardie framework) were identified: (i) Path 1B groundwaters transmitted via the fractures of a sandstone monolith; (ii) Path 2A-1A groundwaters derived, in part, from a limestone aquifer; and (iii) groundwaters that carry an essentially meteoric, Path 2A signature. The relative contribution of these path 1B and/or path 2A end-members largely determines the evaporative pathway (1B or 2A) that is subsequently followed, and creates a broad spread in the data. Sulphate reduction, ion exchange, silicate hydrolysis and carbonate mineral solubility also play important roles locally, in some cases displacing lake waters from one evaporation field to another. The chemical processes identified likely contribute to aquatic biodiversity in the region, due to the strong control on the ionic composition of the lakes.
L. C. RadkeEmail:


The determination of protein–protein interfaces is of crucial importance to understand protein function and to guide the design of compounds. To identify protein–protein interface by NMR spectroscopy, 13C NMR paramagnetic shifts induced by freely diffusing 4-hydroxy-2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPOL) are promising, because TEMPOL affects distinct 13C NMR chemical shifts of the solvent accessible nuclei belonging to proteins of interest, while 13C nuclei within the interior of the proteins may be distinguished by a lack of such shifts.


We measured the 13C NMR paramagnetic shifts induced by TEMPOL by recording 13C–13C TOCSY spectra for ubiquitin in the free state and the complex state with yeast ubiquitin hydrolase1 (YUH1).


Upon complexation of ubiquitin with YUH1, 13C NMR paramagnetic shifts associated with the protein binding interface were reduced by 0.05 ppm or more. The identified interfacial atoms agreed with the prior X-ray crystallographic data.


The TEMPOL-induced 13C chemical shift perturbation is useful to determine precise protein–protein interfaces.

General significance

The present method is a useful method to determine protein–protein interface by NMR, because it has advantages in easy sample preparations, simple data analyses, and wide applicabilities.  相似文献   

A multilayer film of argon adsorbed on the basal plane of graphite at 103 K was simulated using isokinetic molecular dynamics. The local chemical potentials in the film were evaluated using three algorithms suggested in the literature: test particle insertion, real particle calculation and the ratio method, which relies on calculations of the local energy distribution functions for test and real particles. Although none of these was suitable for calculations involving the partially solidified first adsorbed layer, the test particle and the ratio method produced useful results for regions in the film corresponding to second and higher layers. The ratio method is shown to be the most realistic, giving constant local chemical potentials of reasonably high precision for all points other than in the first layer.  相似文献   
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