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The transfer of excitation energy in intact cells of the thermophilic green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus was studied both at low temperature and under more physiological conditions. Analysis of excitation spectra measured at 4K indicates that the minor fraction of bacteriochlorophyll a present in the chlorosome functions as an intermediate in energy transfer between the main light-harvesting pigment BChl c and the membrane-bound B808-866 antenna complex. This supports the hypothesis that BChl a is associated with the base plate which connects the chlorosome with the membrane. The overall efficiency for energy transfer from the chlorosome to the membrane is only 15% at 4K. High efficiencies of close to 100% are observed above 40°C near the temperature where the cultures are grown. Cooling to 20°C resulted in a sudden drop of the transfer efficiency which appeared to originate in the chlorosome. This decrease may be related to a lipid phase transition. Further cooling mainly affected the efficiency of transfer between the chlorosome and the membrane. This effect can only partially be explained by a decreased Förster overlap between the chlorosomal BChl a and BChl a 808 associated with the membrane-bound antenna system. The temperature dependence of the fluorescence yield of BChl a 866 also appeared to be affected by lipid phase transitions, suggesting that this fluorescence can be used as a native probe of the physical state of the membrane.  相似文献   
Transfer efficiencies between phycobilisomes and photosystem II antenna chlorophylls were determined on membrane fragments isolated from low and high light adapted Anabaena cells. The observed increase in energy transfer in high light adapted cells is a consequence of shorter interchromophore distances and a decrease in the number of jumps of the exciting photons. Calculation of the rates of energy transfer and the coupling energies indicate that the weak interaction inferred for energy transfer between phycobilisome and photosystem II in low light adapted cells is replaced by an intermediate interaction in high light adapted cells.Abbreviations LLA low light adapted - HLA high light adapted - PBS phycobilisome - PS photosystem  相似文献   
Summary As an initial step towards developing a transposon mutagenesis system in tomato, the maize transposable element Ac was transformed into tomato plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Southern analysis of leaf tissue indicated that in nine out of eleven transgenic plants, Ac excised from the T-DNA and reintegrated into new chromosomal locations. The comparison of Ac banding pattern in different leaves of the same primary transformant provided evidnece for transposition during later stages of transgenic plant development. There was no evidence of Ds mobilization in tomato transformants.  相似文献   
Milk samples from the stomachs of harp seal pups were analysed for Cu, Zn, Se, Cd and Hg, as were liver, kidney, and muscle from mother-pup pairs. Tissues were also analysed for MeHg. Milk contained, in addition to essential trace metals, Cd and Hg (57 ng/g and 6.5 ng/g respectively).
Pups had mercury in all three tissues. The percent methyl mercury in liver of pups was higher than in liver of mothers. Mercury in muscle was mostly methyl mercury in both mothers and pups. Total mercury in liver of mothers but not pups was correlated positively with selenium. Estimates of ingested mercury by pups indicated they had acquired most of their mercury during gestation.
Although mothers had cadmium in liver and kidney, it was not detected in tissues of pups. Cadmium did not transfer across the placenta, while mercury did. Tissue concentrations of Cu and Zn were higher in pups than mothers. The presence of metallothionein in pup tissues was postulated.
A strong positive correlation of copper and selenium between mothers and pups indicated transfer of these elements from mother to pup in direct proportion to their concentrations in maternal liver and kidney.  相似文献   
Summary Transformation and regeneration procedures for obtaining transgenic Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera plants are described. Regeneration frequencies were increasedby using silver nitrate and by adjusting the duration of exposure to 2,4-D. For transformation, Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 containing a binary plasmid with the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (NPT II) and the b-glucuronidase gene (GUS) was cocultivated with hypocotyl explants from the oilseed B. rapa cvs. Tobin and Emma. Transformed plants were obtained within three months of cocultivation. Transformation frequencies for the cultivars Tobin and Emma were 1–9%. Evidence for transformation was shown by NPT II dot blot assay, the GUS fluorometric assay, Southern analysis, and segregation of the kanamycin-resistance trait in the progeny. The transformation and regeneration procedure described here has been used routinely to transform two cultivars of B. rapa and 18 cultivars of B. napus.  相似文献   
Mouse strains which develop tumors at a high incidence with characteristics very similar to human cancers have been derived over the last 8 years. The tumors are caused by defined genetic alterations in the mouse genome. Three areas of research have contributed to the derivation of these mouse strains: (1) Molecular analysis of human tumors has shown that distinct oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are consistently involved in a high percentage of primary tumors. (2) Regulatory enhancer-promoter sequences have been identified which direct gene expression to specific target cells, preferentially mammary epithelial cells. (3) The introduction of recombinant DNA molecules into fertilized mouse eggs by microinjection and integration of the injected DNA into the genome of injected cells has given rise to mutant mouse strains with unique and defined genetic alterations. Studies with different promoter-oncogene combinations introduced into transgenic mouse strains have led to the following general conclusions: (1) Oncogenes expressed in mammary gland cells predispose transgenic mice to mammary tumors. (2) The oncogenic potential of individual oncogenes in mammary epithelial cells differs. (3) Oncogene expression initially often causes a preneoplastic state affecting growth and differentiation parameters of cells. (4) The expression of different oncogenes synergizes to reduce tumor latency. Synergism can also be observed with physiological growth signals like estrogen or growth hormone. The oncogenes with a role in mammary carcinomas which have been investigated in transgenic mice will be described here. The phenotypic consequences of oncogene expression and the implications for the multistep carcinogenesis model will be discussed.  相似文献   
Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) is recognized as playing an important role in normal cell proliferation and development. Chemically induced alteration of GJIC has been proposed to be associated with abnormal cellular growth and/or tumor promotion. Several in vitro assays are currently used to determine the effects of chemicals on GJIC between cultured mammalian cells. One of these assays, the scrape-loading dye transfer (SLIDT) technique, is based on monitoring the transfer of the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow from one cell into adjacent cells via functional gap junctions. The objective of our study was to evaluate and compare various approaches for quantifying results obtained with the SL/DT technique. Confluent cultures of either WB rat liver epithelial cells or LC-540 rat leydig cells were exposed to the animal tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), solvent (0.1% ethanol), or culture medium for one hour at 37° C prior to analysis of GJIC. Inhibition of dye transfer was clearly evident following TPA exposure. Quantification of this dye transfer was assessed via four approaches: manually counting the number of labeled cells; measuring the distance of dye travel from the scrape line; quantifying the amount of cellular dye uptake; and determining the distribution of dye away from the scrape line. Our results suggest that while the SL/DT technique can be effectively used as a tool to determine the qualitative presence or absence of GJIC, its use in quantifying changes in GJIC following chemical exposure is limited. Since concentration-dependent responses are critical in chemical testing, application of the SLIDT method should be restricted to a screening assay for qualitatively assessing the presence or absence of GJIC. Another assay (e.g., electrical coupling, microinjection, metabolic cooperation, radioactive metabolite transfer, or fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching) should be considered to quantify changes in GJIC and construct chemical concentration-response curves.Abbreviations FBS, fetal bovine serum - GJIC, gap junctional intercellular communication - HBSS, Hank's balanced saline solution - SL/DT, scrape-loading/dye transfer - TPA, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate.  相似文献   
Summary Tn21-related transposons are widespread among bacteria and carry various resistance determinants at preferential sites, hs1 and hs2. In an in vivo integrative recombination assay it was demonstrated that these hot spots direct the integration of aminoglycoside resistance genes like aadB from Klebsiella pneumoniae and aacAI from Serratia marcescens, in a recA background. The maximum required recognition sequence which must be present in both the donor and recipient plasmids is 5 CTAAAACAAAGTTA 3 (hs2). The double-site-specific recombination occurred with a frequency of 10–5–10–6. The resulting structures include not only replicon fusion products but also more complex structures carrying two copies of the donor plasmid or simply the donor gene flanked by hs elements. hs1 and hs2 are thought to act as recognition sites for a trans-acting site-specific recombinase. By the use of Tn21 deletion derivatives, it has been shown that the recombinase is not encoded by Tn21. This new integrative recombination system is involved in the acquisition of new genes by Tn21-related transposons and their spread among bacterial populations.  相似文献   
Summary The nucleotide sequence of a 4.1 kb DNA fragment containing the fixABC region of Azorhizobium caulinodans was established. The three gene products were very similar to the corresponding polypeptides of Rhizobium meliloti. The C-terminal domains of both fixB products displayed a high degree of similarity with the -subunits of rat and human electron transfer flavoproteins, suggesting a role for the FixB protein in a redox reaction. Two open reading frames (ORF) were found downstream of fixC. The first ORF was identified as fixX on the basis of sequence homology with fixX from several Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium strains. The second ORF potentially encoded a 69 amino acid product and was found to be homologous to a DNA region in the Rhodobacter capsulatus nif cluster I. Insertion mutagenesis of the A. caulinodans fixX gene conferred a Nif phenotype to bacteria grown in the free-living state and a Fix phenotype in symbiotic association with the host plant Sesbania rostrata. A crude extract from the fixX mutant had no nitrogenase activity. Furthermore, data presented in this paper also indicate that the previously identified nifO gene located upstream of fixA was probably a homologue of the nifW gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Azotobacter vinelandii.  相似文献   
The effects of the local anesthetic dibucaine on coupling between electron transport and ATP synthesis-hydrolysis by the coupling-factor complex (CF0CF1 ATPase) were investigated in thylakoid membranes from Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Monatol. Evidence is presented that inhibition of ATP synthesis was produced by a specific uncoupling mechanism which was based on dibucaine-membrane surface interactions rather than on the interaction of dibucaine with the ATPase complex. Dibucaine reduced the osmotic space of thylakoid vesicles. At low pH of the medium it stimulated ATP hydrolysis beyond the rates obtained with optimum concentrations of ‘classical’ uncouplers. After addition of dibucaine, there was displacement of membrane-bound Mg2+ and strong thylakoid stacking in the presence of only low Mg2+ concentrations. Inhibition of ATP synthesis and transmembrane pH gradient increased with medium pH. Hydrolysis of ATP by isolated CF1 and the CF0CF1 complex was only slightly affected by dibucaine. The data are discussed assuming the involvement of localized proton channels on the membrane surface in protonic coupling of electron transport and ATP synthesis. A hypothesis for the mechanisms of action of local anesthetics at the thylakoid membrane is presented.  相似文献   
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