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The minor lymphocyte stimulating (Mls) locus codes for lymphocyte activating determinants (LADs) on murine B lymphocytes, but not T lymphocytes. This observation was strengthened by a series of techniques which allow deletion and addition of T and B cells. These included the use of cytotoxic antisera such as anti-Thy 1.2, anti-MTLA, anti-MBLA, and complement, and the use of a goat anti-μ antisera, and finally the use of a fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS).The studies in this report document the organ distribution and the ontogenetic appearance of the surface LADs on the surface of B lymphocytes from DBA/2N (H-2d, Mlsa) and CBA/J (H-2k, Mlsd) mice. Adult-like ability to stimulate H-2 identical BALB/c (H-2d, Mlsb) and C3H/He (H-2k, Mlsc) responder cells appeared at about 4–5 weeks of age. Inability of neonatal cells to induce an Mls-defined MLC was found not to be due to a low frequency of B lymphocytes or to the presence of suppressor cells, but due to the absence of the Mls-coded LADs on their surface. These data support the concept that the Mls-coded LADs are present on adult B lymphocytes and are specific markers of B-cell differentiation, which is preceded by membrane IgM and the δ homologue of human IgD, Ia, and the receptor for the third component of complement.  相似文献   
To investigate whether the antibody response and T-B-cell collaboration in vitro can be obtained in the absence of mitogens, a method of obtaining an in vitro primary anti-sheep red blood cell antibody response by rabbit spleen and lymph node cells was developed. We used Marbrook culture vessels and a specially prepared medium containing 10% autologous serum and maintained at pH 7.4–7.6. The system was shown to be devoid of any polyclonal mitogens as assessed by [3H]thymidine incorporation and by direct examination for blast cells in stained smears. The primary response increased continuously over the 5-day cultivation period and only IgM but not IgG plaque-forming cells (PFC) were detected. In over 20 experiments, the response ranged from 357 ± 17 to 4425 ± 110 PFC/107 cultured cells with a median stimulation index of 52. The spleen cells required less antigen than the lymph node cells and 2-mercaptoethanol inhibited the response of the spleen cells but not that of the lymph node cells. Lymphocytes were separated into highly pure T- and B-cell populations by negative selection using antibody-coated human erythrocytes to rosette either T or B cells and Ficoll-Hypaque centrifugation to remove rosetted cells. Upon cultivation, B cells alone gave a low IgM response, whereas B cells reconstituted with T cells gave a response similar to that obtained with unseparated lymphoid cells. We concluded that: (a) optimal conditions for obtaining primary in vitro antibody responses using rabbit spleen and lymph node cells were established, (b) T-B-cell collaboration was demonstrated in the rabbit primary antibody response to sheep erythrocytes, and (c) the primary antibody response in vitro and T-B-cell collaboration may occur in the absence of detectable polyclonal mitogens.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In den Oocyten des telotroph-meroistischen Ovars vonDysdercus intermedius Dist. findet während der Endphase der Oogenese, 4–14 h vor der Eiablage, eine Synthese von nichtribosomaler RNS statt. Eine in vivo-Markierung dieser RNS läßt sich erreichen, wenn radioaktive RNS-Vorstufen einem Nucleotidpool zugeführt werden, der im Ooplasma vor der Chorionbildung angelegt wird.Diese vor der Eiablage gebildete RNS zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Turnover aus. Sie erscheint zunächst in Form einer hochmolekularen Vorstufe und wird im Verlauf weniger Stunden in kleinere, nichtribosomale Moleküle mit S-Werten zwischen 30 und 5 umgewandelt. Im frisch abgelegten Ei fehlen RNS-Spezies, die dieser endogenen Oocytensynthese entstammen; es sind nur noch ihre Degradationsprodukte, die sich innerhalb der Nucleotidfraktion ansammeln, nachweisbar. Die endogen synthetisierte RNS wird demnach im Gegensatz zu der in den Nährzellen synthetisierten und im Ei in stabiler Form gespeicherten RNS nicht für einen Bedarf während der Embryogenese konserviert.Die endogen synthetisierte RNS zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Poly (A)-Gehalt aus; 57% hybridisieren mit an Glasfaserfiltern immobilisiertem Poly(U). Wenige Stunden vor der Eiablage findet man kurzlebige oocytäre RNS-Moleküle an Polysomen assoziiert. Die Inkubation dieser Polysomen in einem in vitro-Proteinsynthese-System liefert Polypeptide, deren Auftrennung am SDS-Polyacrylamid-Gel ein charakteristisches Bandenspektrum ergibt. Die Molekulargewichte der 4 Hauptbanden liegen bei 65000, 48000, 44000, und 40000. Keines dieser Proteine ist mit einem Chorionprotein identisch.Die Kurzlebigkeit, der relativ hohe Poly (A)-Gehalt sowie die Fähigkeit, die Proteinsynthese sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro zu aktivieren, spricht dafür, daß die spät-oocytär gebildete heterogene Population von RNS-Molekülen mRNS-Komponenten enthält.Bei Frl. Heidrun Greipel bedanken wir uns für die ausgezeichnète Assistenz.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Nosema parkeri sp. n. is described from nymphs and adults of the argasid tick, Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley, from a laboratory colony. Schizogonic and sporogonic stages are described from various tick tissues. Spores are binucleate, measuring 3.2 (3–4) × 1.9 (1.8–2.5) μm. Transmission is transovarial and transstadial. The parasite does not appear to affect adversely the development or reproduction of the tick. Dermacentor andersoni Stiles was experimentally infected. Attempts to infect Swiss mice by tick feeding or by injection of infected tick suspensions were unsuccessful. The microsporidan differs in structure from Encephalitozoon ixodis Weiser) and Nosema slovaca Weiser & Reháček, the only other microsporidans known from ticks.  相似文献   
Summary There was no significant difference in the mitotic indices of the cultures maintained at different CO2 concentrations, i.e. 0%, 5% and 10%. However, considerable variation was recorded among different individuals. Supported by National Cancer Institute Contract No. 1 CP 43251.  相似文献   
Summary While numerical methods of classification seek to strictly formalise one part of the classificatory process, a human classifier uses a variety of different approaches to obtain a satisfactory organisation of data. In this paper some means of increasing the flexibility of numerical methods are discussed, in particular the possible uses of the taxonomic hierarchy. It is first necessary to show that higher taxonomic units contain ecologically interesting information. Then, using a two parameter classification method a means of progressing from higher to lower taxonomic units, during analysis and in a data dependent manner, is outlined. A similar procedure is possible with nested samples. However, since the value of a classification resides in its ecological interpretation, an automatic classification requires some means of ascribing meanings to classes. While such a semantic analysis seems theoretically possible, its practical attainment presents considerable difficulties.Contribution to the Symposium on Plant species and plant communities, held at Nijmegen, 11–12 November 1976, on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Professor Victor Westhoff.  相似文献   
Abstract Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was utilized by a symbiotic mixed culture which was composed of Pseudomonas putida VM15A and Pseudomonas sp. VM14C. The PVA oxidase was found in the culture fluid, membrane, and cytosol fractions of VM15C. The membrane-bound PVA oxidase was purified by several steps of chromatography. The enzyme (p I = 9.6) exhibited the maximum activity at pH 8.0 to 8.4 and 45°C, and utilized secondary alcohol as well as PVA. The enzyme showed the PVA dehydrogenating activity linking with phenazine ethosulfate, indicating the possibility that PVA oxidation is coupled with an electron transport chain on the bacterial membrane.  相似文献   
D W Grogan  J E Cronan 《Gene》1983,22(1):75-83
A nonselectable gene carried on a poorly selectable recombinant plasmid has been physically mapped by deletion analysis. Our method involved cloning the plasmid into a coliphage lambda vector and treating the recombinant phage with a chelator. Virtually all particles surviving this treatment carried large deletions within the plasmid insert. Further deletion analysis was done by inserting a selectable lambda sequence into one such deletion derivative and repeating the chelator selection. Chelator selection was also used to isolate deletions constructed in vitro. The deleted phage are readily characterized by restriction mapping, and the gene in question scored after infection of a mutant host strain. These techniques have enabled us to physically assign the cyclopropane fatty acid synthase gene of Escherichia coli to 0.8 kb of a 16-kb segment after characterizing only a small number of isolates. This approach should be generally useful in the mapping of plasmids for which no convenient method exists for selecting or scoring the gene in question.  相似文献   
S Molineaux  J E Clements 《Gene》1983,23(2):137-148
Visna viral DNA, like other retroviral DNA, exists in two circular forms in infected cells. The larger probably contains two copies of the LTR, the smaller, one copy. Recombinant DNA techniques were used to clone unintegrated circular visna viral DNA in the lambda WES . lambda B vector. Circular visna viral DNA was digested with the restriction enzyme SstI, which yields a 9.2-kb viral DNA fragment containing 90% of the viral genome colinear with the restriction map of linear viral DNA. This fragment extends from a site about 900 bp from the left (5') end of the viral DNA molecule, through the 3' region, including U3 and R sequences at its right (3') end. The recombinant clones isolated contain visna viral DNA inserts which range in size from 3.1 kb to 9.2 kb. All the clones contain the 5' region intact, but most had sustained deletions of varying lengths in the 3' terminal region of the cloned fragment.  相似文献   
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