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河北泥河湾盆地晚新生代介形类生物地层   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过河北阳原、蔚县泥河湾盆地晚新生代20余条剖面介形类生物地层的调查研究,发现非常丰富的介形类化石,计23属60余钟,自下而上可明显地划分为5个介形类化石组合带:1.Potamocypris plana-Candoniella-Ilyocypris组合带;2.Leucocythere-Ilyocypris-Candon...  相似文献   
Tertiary climatic oscillations initiated the origin of anthropoid primates. A paleoecological model of anthropoid evolution is presented which assumes increasing global seasonality in the late Eocene. Size changes are effected to stabilize internal temperature fluctuations under cooler climatic conditions. Because larger body size is associated with diurnality and reduced litter size, these anthropoid behavoral and reproductive features also fit into the model. Dietary changes involving an emphasis on frugivory, which becomes a more predictable dietary mode under seasonal conditions, can be associated with the development of a post-orbital septum, a broad mesiodistal incisal span, the evolution of color vision, reduction of the olfactory bulbs, and the concomitant enlargement of areas of the brain relating to the processing of visual information. Finally, postural behavior or locomotion might be included in this model if frugivorous foraging and feeding behavior led to the development of a basic level of anthropoid locomotor morphology, involving adaptations for arboreal quadrupedalism.  相似文献   
Fire has shaped the evolution of many plant traits in fire‐prone environments: fire‐resistant tissues with heat‐insulated meristems, post‐fire resprouting or fire‐killed but regenerating from stored seeds, fire‐stimulated flowering, release of on‐plant‐stored seeds, and germination of soil‐stored seeds. Flowering, seed release and germination fit into three categories of response to intensifying fire: fire not required, weakly fire‐adapted or strongly fire‐adapted. Resprouting also has three categories but survival is always reduced by increasing fire intensity. We collated 286 records for 20 angiosperm and two gymnosperm families and 50 trait assignments to dated phylogenies. We placed these into three fire‐adapted trait types: those associated with the origin of their clade and the onset of fire‐proneness [primary diversification, contributing 20% of speciation events over the last 120 million years (My)], those originating much later coincident with a change in the fire regime (secondary diversification, 30%), and those conserved in the daughter lineage as already adapted to the fire regime (stabilisation, 50%). All four fire‐response types could be traced to >100 My ago (Mya) with pyrogenic flowering slightly younger because of its dependence on resprouting. There was no evidence that resprouting was always an older trait than either seed storage or non‐sprouting throughout this period, with either/both ancestral or derived in different clades and times. Fire‐adapted traits evolved slowly in the Cretaceous, 120–65 Mya, and rapidly but fitfully in the Cenozoic, 65–0 Mya, peaking over the last 20 My. The four trait‐types climaxed at different times, with the peak in resprouter speciation over the last 5 My attributable to fluctuating growing conditions and increasing savanna grasslands unsuitable for non‐sprouters. All experienced a trough in the 40–30‐Mya period following a reduction in world temperatures and oxygen levels and expected reduced fire activity. Thick bark and serotiny arose in the Mid‐Cretaceous among extant Pinaceae. Heat‐stimulated germination of hard seeds is ancestral in the 103‐My‐old Fabales. Smoke‐(karrikin)‐stimulated germination of non‐hard seeds is even older, and includes the 101‐My‐old Restionaceae–Anarthriaceae. A smoke/karrikin response is detectable in some fire‐free lineages that prove to have a fire‐prone ancestry. Among clades that are predominantly fire‐prone, absence of fire‐related traits is the advanced condition, associated either with increased fire frequency (loss of serotiny and soil storage), or migration to fire‐free habitats (loss of thick bark, pyrogenic flowering, serotiny or soil storage). Protea (Africa) and Hakea (Australia) illustrate the importance of stabilisation processes between resprouting/non‐sprouting in accounting for speciation events over the last 20 My and highlight the frequent interchange possible between these two traits. Apart from Pinus, most ancestral trait reconstruction relative to fire has been conducted on predominantly Southern Hemisphere clades and this needs to be redressed. Despite these limitations, it is clear that fire has had a profound effect on fire‐related trait evolution worldwide, and set the platform for subsequent evolution of many non‐fire‐related traits. Genetics of the triggering mechanisms remain poorly understood, except the karrikin system for smoke‐stimulated germination. We exhort biologists to include fire‐proneness and fire‐related traits in their thinking on possible factors controlling the evolution of plants.  相似文献   
The palaeoecological significance of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts is illustrated by various examples. Genetically fixed and ecologically triggered character traits are distinguished. A summary is given regarding intraspe-cific variability, cyst size and shape, wall thickness, size and shape of the calcitic wall crystals, paratabulation, and archeopyle morphology based on the knowledge, which has been accumulated during the last two decades. Diversity and characteristic cyst associations from different localities are compared. Information on sea level changes, water temperature, oceanographic distribution, and nutrient conditions can be gained from the investigated character traits of calcareous dinoflagellates.   相似文献   
A concept of evolution of ontogeny based on the original data on the comparative biology of Volvox development and published paleoclimatic data is presented. Previously, we have demonstrated that evolutionary reorganizations of asexual development in Volvox are related to the changes in the rate, diel rhythms, and light/dark control of cell divisions. Here, we propose that such rearrangements could take place during much of Cenozoic time (e.g., in Eocene and Miocene) as adaptations to short and warm winter day in high latitudes. This proposal is confirmed by experimental data on culturing Volvox species with different types of development under short photoperiod.  相似文献   
Tracing the tropics across land and sea: Permian to present   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The continuity through the past 300 million years of key tropical sediment types, namely coals, evaporites, reefs and carbonates, is examined. Physical controls for their geographical distributions are related to the Hadley cell circulation, and its effects on rainfall and ocean circulation. Climate modelling studies are reviewed in this context, as are biogeographical studies of key fossil groups. Low-latitude peats and coals represent everwet climates related to the Intertropical Convergence Zone near the Equator, as well as coastal diurnal rainfall systems elsewhere in the tropics and subtropics. The incidence of tropical coals and rainforests through time is variable, being least common during the interval of Pangean monsoonal climates. Evaporites represent the descending limbs of the Hadley cells and are centred at 10° to 40° north and south in latitudes that today show an excess of evaporation over precipitation. These deposits coincide with the deserts as well as seasonally rainy climates, and their latitudinal ranges seem to have been relatively constant through time. Reefs also can be related to the Hadley circulation. They thrive within the regions of clear water associated with broad areas of downwelling which are displaced toward the western portions of tropical oceans. These dynamic features are ultimately driven by the subtropical high-pressure cells which are the surface signature of the subsiding branches of the Hadley circulation. Carbonates occupy the same areas, but extend into higher latitudes in regions where terrestrial surface gradients are low and clastic runoff from the land is minimal. We argue that the palaeo-latitudinal record of all these climate-sensitive sediment types is broadly similar to their environments and latitudes of formation today, implying that dynamic effects of atmospheric and oceanic circulation control their distribution, rather than temperature gradients that would expand or contract through time.  相似文献   
The weevil subtribe Listroderina belongs in the tribe Rhytirrhinini (subfamily Cyclominae), and has 25 genera and 300 species in the Americas. The distributional history of this subtribe was reconstructed applying dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA) using its genera as terminals. The results suggest that Listroderina originated within an area presently represented by the Central Chile, Paramo, Puna, Patagonia and Subantarctic subregions of the Andean region. Posteriorly, the subtribe was affected by extinctions and was confined to Central Chile, Paramo and Subantarctic subregions. Later, extinctions and dispersals took place and the subtribe was restricted to the Paramo and Puna subregions. From there, a dispersal event to the Subantarctic subregion occurred, enlarging again the geographical range of the subtribe. Subsequently, a vicariant event separated the Puna and Paramo subregions from the Subantarctic one. While the Macrostyphlus generic group was confined to the Paramo and Puna subregions and from there dispersed to other areas, the Antarctobius , Falklandius , Listronotus , and Listroderes generic groups diversified in the Subantarctic subregion. The results obtained by DIVA may be linked to major geological events of South America. Thus, the geobiotic scenarios recorded in this subcontinent since the late Cretaceous could be used to interpret the biogeographical events which drove Listroderina evolution.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 339–352.  相似文献   
We are beginning to appreciate that the origin of the modern Antarctic marine fauna is related to a series of key events throughout the Cenozoic era. In the first of these, the mass extinction at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary (66 Ma) reset the evolutionary stage and led to a major radiation of modern taxa in the benthic realm. Although this took place in a greenhouse world, there is evidence to suggest that the radiation was tempered by the seasonality of primary productivity, and this may be a time‐invariant feature of the polar regions. Although there could well have been a single, abrupt extinction event at c. 34 Ma, there is also evidence to suggest a phased extinction of various taxa over a period of millions of years. Important new molecular phylogenetic data are indicating that a wide variety of both benthic and pelagic taxa radiated shortly after a second major phase of cooling at c. 14 Ma. Such a phenomenon is linked to a series of major palaeoceanographic changes, which in turn led to a proliferation of diatom‐based ecosystems. Although the modern benthic marine fauna can be traced back some 45–50 Myr, a substantial component of the modern pelagic one may be less than 14 Myr old. The latter is also characterized by assemblages of high abundance but comparatively low species richness and evenness. A distinctive signature of low diversity but high dominance within Antarctic marine assemblages was maintained by the interplay between temperature and primary productivity throughout the Cenozoic.  相似文献   
Summary Boring algae, fungi and bacteria have been the most constant factor in bioerosion through earth history. Their record reaches back into the middle Precambrian. The only fossil reefs specifically researched for these microendoliths are of Triassic and Upper Jurassic age. Boring worms appear in reefs in the Lower Cambrian. Boring sponges and bivalves first appear also in the lower Paleozoic, but do not become abundant in reefs until the Triassic. Effective substrate excavating grazers are relatively young geologically: Patellids and substrate excavating Echinoids evolved in the Triassic but did not become important bioeroders until the Jurassic or Cretaceous. Scarid fishes are even younger, the oldest representatives having been found in the Miocene. Thus, it seems that the intensity of bioerosion changed significantly during earth history. This may have had consequences for diversity of reef organisms, quality and quantity of reef debris, for diagenesis and record of reef rock.  相似文献   
Synopsis Challenging the generally accepted view of the fourhorn sculpin Triglopsis quadricornis as a cold-stenothermal and true benthic species, novel findings of juveniles in the pelagic habitat of Lake Vättern, Sweden, have been examined and critically evaluated. Young-of-the-year and small-sized, sexually mature individuals, ranging 27–45 and 82–110 mm in total length, were recorded in nocturnal trawl catches from pelagic midwater in August. The sculpin had fed extensively on both benthic and semi-pelagic crustaceans, including large cyclopoid copepods, Mysis relicta, Pallasea quadrispinosa, Monoporeia affinis, Gammaracanthus lacustris, and Saduria entomon. Based on an extensive literature review a series of ecological and evolutionary reasons for a pelagic behavior of this profundal coldwater fish is suggested. Nocturnal, semi-pelagic feeding, and consecutive, thermotactic, vertical migrations up in midwater as shown by Wurtsbaugh & Neverman (1988) in order to maximize energy intake after feeding, are possible adaptations of these juvenile sculpin for minimizing size-dependent mortality due to intra- and interspecific predation and competition from other deepwater fishes.  相似文献   
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