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Summary The long-range structure of 5S rRNA gene clusters has been investigated in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Using aneuploid stocks, 5S rRNA gene clusters were assigned to sites on chromosomes 1B, 1D, 513 and 5D. Cluster sizes were evaluated and the copy number of 5S DNA repeats was estimated at 4700-5200 copies for the short repeating unit (410 bp) and about 3100 copies for the long repeat (500 bp) per haploid genome. A comparison of wheat cultivars revealed extremely high levels of polymorphism in the 5S rRNA gene clusters. With one restriction enzyme digest all varieties tested gave unique banding patterns and, on a per fragment basis, 21-fold more polymorphism was detected among cultivars for 5S DNA compared to standard restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected with single copy clones. Experiments with aneuploid stocks suggest that the 5S rRNA gene clusters at several chromosomal sites contribute to this polymorphism. A number of previous reports have shown that wheat cultivars are not easily distinguished by isozymes or RFLPs. The high level of variation detected in 5S rRNA gene clusters therefore offers the possibility of a sensitive fingerprinting method for wheat. 5S DNA and other macro-satellite sequences may also serve as hypervariable Mendelian markers for genetic and breeding experiments in wheat.  相似文献   
Two hypotheses exist to explain ontogenetic eye reduction in Astyanax cave fish: first, after lens induction by the primordial eye cup, the lens plays the role of a central regulator of eye and retina regression or, second, the retina itself is an independent unit of eye development. A comparative study of five blind cave fish populations and their surface sister form was performed to investigate the differences of ontogenetic eye regression between the cave populations during different stages of development. The study revealed that, in addition to the initial formation of smaller primordia, eye regression is also caused during later ontogeny by different relative growth and specific histological characteristics. Whereas the cave fish lens never properly differentiates, the regressive process of the retina is transitorily interrupted by ongoing differentiation. In the newly-discovered Molino cave population, even visual cells with well-organized outer segments develop, which are secondarily reduced at a later ontogenetic stage. This result shows that the retina and lens are independent developmental units within the eye ball. Presumably, the genetic systems responsible for both show independent inheritance, which is also corroborated by hybrids of F 2-crosses between the cave and surface fish, in which lens and retina development do not correlate. During ontogeny, the eye size differs between the cave populations. In Pachón cave fish, the relatively large eye size correlates with an ancient introgression from a surface population, which may have delayed eye regression.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 287–296.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Clip cages have been used widely by experimental ecologists to contain insects on plants.
2. Under controlled conditions, the effect of applying clip cages alone and clip cages and the chrysomelid beetle Gastrophysa viridula on systemic leaf expansion of Rumex obtusifolius was investigated. Treatments were applied to the fully expanded fourth leaf and expansion of leaf 8 was measured over a period of 22 days.
3. The application of clip cages reduced the rate at which leaf area increased and led to reductions in final leaf areas.
4. Clip cages have systemic effects on plant development and these effects are sustained even after the clip cage is removed. Investigators should take this into account in designing experiments.  相似文献   
Summary The chromosomal genes chvA and chvB of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which mediate attachment to plant cells, were found to be essential not only for tumour induction but also for the formation of root nodules on plants.  相似文献   
Summary A complete ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeat unit has been cloned from the genome of Pisum sativum (garden pea) and used to construct a map containing a total of 58 cleavage sites for 23 different restriction enzymes. Regions encoding 18s and 25s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) were identified by R-loop analysis. A 180 bp sequence element is repeated eight times in the intergenic nontranscribed spacer (NTS) region, as defined by eight evenly spaced RsaI cleavage sites. Sequence heterogeneity among these elements (subrepeats) is indicated by the presence of an NcoI site within the five RsaI subrepeats distal to the 25s rRNA gene but not in the three subrepeats proximal to this gene, and also by the presence of an additional RsaI cleavage site in one subrepeat.The approximately 4000 copies of the rDNA repeat in the pea nuclear genome show considerable heterogeneity with respect to the length of the NTS region, and differences are also frequently observed between different genotypes. In both cases the length variation appears to be due primarily to differences in the number of subrepeat elements.Comparison of rDNA restriction maps for two pea genotypes separated for hundreds or perhaps thousands of generations reveals that they contain many rDNA identical repeat units. This data is consistent with the view that new rDNA variants are fixed only infrequently in the evolution of a species.Differences also exist between the rDNA repeats of a single genotype with respect to the degree of base modification at certain restriction sites. A large number of sites known to exist in the pea rDNA clone are not cleaved at all in genomic rDNA, or are cleaved in only some copies of the rDNA repeat. We believe these examples of incomplete cleavage results mostly from methylation, although it is difficult to rule out the possibility of sequence variation in all cases. Most putative modifications are best interpreted in terms of cytosine methylation in CG and CXG sequences, but at least one example is more consistent with adenine methylation.We also have constructed a more detailed restriction map of the wheat rDNA clone pTA71 and present a comparison of this map to our map of pea, pumpkin, and wheat in order to assess the amount of useful evolutionary information that can be obtained by comparison of such maps.  相似文献   
Chalcone synthase (CHS) genes in Petunia hybrida comprise a multigene family containing at least 7 complete members in the strain Violet 30 (V30). Based on a high sequence homology in both coding and non-coding sequence, a number of CHS genes can be placed into two subfamilies. By restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis it was shown that both chromosomes II and V carry one of these subfamilies, in addition to the other CHS genes identified so far. Members of a subfamily were found to be closely linked genetically. Analysis of the Petunia species that contributed to the hybrid nature of P. hybrida (P. axillaris, P. parodii, P. inflata and P. violacea) shows that none of the CHS gene clusters is specific for either one of the parents and therefore did not arise as a consequence of the hybridization. The number of CHS genes within a subfamily varies considerably among these Petunia species. From this we infer that the CHS subfamilies arose from very recent gene duplications.  相似文献   
Two crosses between Triticum turgidum wheat lines differing in their response to chlormequat (CCC) were tested. In the F2 population of one cross, which was segregating for the Rht1 dwarfing allele, each plant was cloned by separation of two tillers, one of which was treated with CCC. The tall (rht1/rht1) and the intermediate (Rht1/rht1) genotypes showed a greater response to CCC than the semi-dwarf (Rht1/Rht1) genotype, as expressed by culm length and date of ear emergence. The F3 families of another cross and their two semi-dwarf parents were grown in a three-replicated field test in paris of rows, one of which was treated with CCC. In one of the parents and in 1/4 of the F3 families CCC induced a wide-angled tiller growth, suggesting a monogenic control of this growth habit in response to CCC.Based on an M.Sc. thesis presented by the senior author to the Faculty of Agriculture of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  相似文献   
Summary The Serratia marcescens chiA gene encodes a secreted chitinase activity which contributes to the fungal growth inhibition exhibited by this bacterium. The coding region from the chiA gene was fused to the promoter and 3 polyadenylation region of the Agrobacterium nopaline synthase gene. Site-directed mutagenesis of specific nucleotides surrounding the initiating AUG of the coding sequence of this chimeric gene resulted in up to an eight-fold increase in the amount of chitinase protein detected in transformed plant tissue. Analysis of the chiA mRNA indicated that these nucleotides also affected mRNA levels. At least 50% of the chitinase protein produced in transformed tobacco cells was the same molecular weight as the S. marcescen secreted protein.  相似文献   
Summary Dominant alleles of the Kr1 and Kr2 genes reduce the crossability of hexaploid wheat with many alien species, including rye and Hordeum bulbosum, with Kr1 having the greater effect. However, a cytological study of wheat ovaries fixed 48 h after pollination showed that the wheat genotypes Highbury (kr1, Kr2) and Chinese Spring (Hope 5B) (kr1, kr2) were crossable with Seneca 60 maize, fertilization occurring in 14.4 and 30.7% of embryo sacs respectively. The latter figure was similar to the 29.7% fertilization found in Chinese Spring (kr1, kr2). Most embryo sacs in which fertilization occurred contained an embryo but lacked an endosperm and where an endosperm was formed it was usually highly aberrant. All three wheat x maize combinations were karyotypically unstable and rapidly eliminated maize chromosomes to produce haploid wheat embryos.  相似文献   
Summary Methods for calculating the probability of detecting a carrier of a recessive gene by utilizing matings among related individuals are presented for single and litter bearing species. The confidence level for detection of heterozygosity depends upon: (1) the genetic relationship between mates, (2) the number of mates per male and the number of offspring per mate, (3) whether an estimate of recessive gene frequency before selection is available and (4) the magnitude of that frequency. Methods of computing probability of heterozygosity vs homozygosity utilizing Bayes theorem also are presented. In the conventional progeny test method, a sire initially is assumed heterozygous before calculations are made, but no prior information concerning his probable genotype is utilized. In the method using Bayes theorem, prior sources of information from relatives or from estimates of population allele frequency are utilized. This method gives the exact probability that a sire is not a carrier, given prior information and that he produces all normal offspring. These methods could be used in any sexually reproducing species to identify not only detrimental genes but beneficial genes as well.  相似文献   
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