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In this paper we discuss and demonstrate the importance of several factors relative to the relationship between time and evolution of biosequences. In both quantitative and qualitative measurements of the genetic distances, the compositional constraints of the nucleotide sequences play a very important role. We demonstrate that when homologous sequences significantly differ in base composition we get erratic branching order and/or wrong evaluation of the evolutionary rates. We must consider that every gene may have a different evolutionary dynamic along its sequence, generally linked to its functional constraints; this too can seriously affect its clocklike behavior. We report some cases showing how these factors can affect the quantitative measurements of the genetic distances of biosequences. Presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop onGenome Organization and Evolution, Spetsai, Greece, 16–22 September 1992  相似文献   
Light-limited cultures of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle and Heimdal (3H clone) were grown over a range of growth rates between 0.06 and 1.64 d?1. Variations in cell volume, cell quotas of carbon, nitrogen, and protein, and maximal activity of the enzyme nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) were measured and examined as a function of growth rate. NDPK from T. pseudonana showed Km values of 0.24 and 0.68 mM for thymidine 5′-diphosphate and adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP), respectively, which are similar to those found for NDPK from a variety of organisms, from bacteria to mammals. An apparent activation enthalpy of 3.52 kCal·mol?1 was determined from Arrhenius plots. No thermodynamic transition points were noted over a temperature range from 10° to 25°C. NDPK activity was significantly correlated with growth rate but not with cell volume, carbon, nitrogen, or protein; for interspecific comparisons, normalization of enzyme activity to cell number may be most meaningful. NDPK activity per cell versus growth rate followed a U-shaped relationship, being relatively constant between 0.5 and 1.0 d?1 and rising at higher and lower growth rates. Over this range, enzyme activity may be regulated by substrate concentration (ATP or other nucleoside triphosphates) or by adenylate energy charge. At higher growth rates where energy charge and substrate concentrations are probably high, changes in enzyme concentration appear to be required. The reasons for a rise in enzyme activity at low growth rate is unclear. Simultaneous measurement of nucleoside di- and triphosphate levels alongside NDPK measurements may help clarify the relationship, but these preliminary experiments indicate that NDPK is of limited usefulness as an index of in situ growth rate.  相似文献   
By application of immunocytochemical techniques at the electron microscope level, glucoamylase was localized to the cell periphery in Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum during and following growth on starch, sucrose or glucose. Levels of immunolabelling were found to be relatively independent of growth substrate and of phase of growth, whereas previous studies had demonstrated strong dependence of glucoamylase activity on growth conditions; previously high levels of glucoamylase activity had been detected after growth on starch (i.e. during the stationary phase after growth) and only very low activities detected during exponential growth and following growth on glucose. The results presented demonstrate that levels of the glucoamylase protein are independent of measurable enzyme activity, and imply that the protein is constitutive. This indicates that the protein can exist in active and inactive states in the cell. By analogy with similar systems, we consider it likely that maturation or activation of newly synthesized glucoamylase occurs during (or following) transport through the cytoplasmic membrane. Electron microscopy of individual protein molecules which had been subjected to negative staining revealed that the enzyme consists of two domains of approximately equal size which are linked by a hinge region.  相似文献   
Quantitative carotenoid analysis of a natural bloom of Euglena sanguinea Ehrenberg revealed the presence of β,β-carotene (1% of total carotenoids), monoesters of adonirubin (3%), diesters of (3S, 3′R)-adonixanthin (13%), diesters of (3S, 3′S)-astaxanthin (75%), 19-monoester of (3R, 3′R, 6R)-loroxanthin (1%), (3R, 3′R)-diatoxanthin (6%), diadinoxanthin (1%) and neoxanthin (traces). The carotenoid content amounted to 0.7% of the dry wt. Methods employed included TLC, HPLC, VIS, MS, CD and H NMR (400 and 500 MHz). The high content of ketocarotenoids is characteristic of secondary carotenoids produced under stressed growth conditions. Previously secondary carotenoids were associated with green algae (Chlorophyceae), but have now been encountered in Euglenophyceae.  相似文献   
Apoptosis in three lymphoma cell lines has been studied following cytotoxicity induced in vitro by normal human blood lymphocytes utilizing either natural killer (NK) or antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic (ADCC) mechanisms. Guinea-pig L2C leukaemic lymphocytes, but not the human cell lines Daudi and Jurkat, revealed a degree of time- and temperature-dependent apoptotic death upon simple culture in vitro. NK cytotoxicity at low effector: target ratios (E: T) induced both release of51Cr and apoptosis. However NK cytotoxicity at higher E : T, and ADCC at all E : T, increased the level of51Cr release while reducing the level of apoptosis. The findings were consistent with the apoptotic process being cut short by intervention of necrotic death. The same characteristics accompanied ADCC whether the effectors were recruited by Fc regions of antibody coating the targets, or by bispecific antibodies attaching one arm to the targets and the other to Fc receptors type III on effectors. This finding, and the high level of cytotoxicity elicited by the bispecific method, confirm the belief that NK cells, in addition to exerting NK cytotoxicity, represent the principal effectors for ADCC among blood mononuclear cells. Our results suggest that NK cells have both apoptotic and necrotic mechanisms available for killing their targets, but use only the latter for ADCC.  相似文献   
T. Kikuchi  O. Miura 《Plant Ecology》1993,106(2):147-154
Spatial structures of landforms as constants affecting vegetation patterns are discussed based on analyses of hilly land regions, mostly in the vicinity of Sendai, northeast Japan. The lower part of a hillslope is characterized by relatively active processes of soil erosion, landslides and slope failure. It supports a plant community different from that on the upper part of the hillslope. These two parts are termed the lower hillslope and the upper hillslope, respectively. The upper hillslope consists of valley heads with no stream water nor stream channels. Since a valley head is comprised of several micro-scale landform units, an upper hillslope can be subdivided into these landform units. Plant communities vary in their species compositions and structures as well as in some other ecological characteristics paralleling changes in their respective micro-scale landform units. However, the variations in species composition within upper hillslopes are not as extreme as those between the upper and lower hillslopes. xx]Papers presented at the Vth INTECOL Congress at YOKO-hama 1990.  相似文献   
Total DNA was isolated from 10 species of microalgae, including representatives of the Chlorophyceae (Chlorella ellipsoidea, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Monoraphidium minutum), Bacillariophyceae (Cyclotella cryptica, Navicula saprophila, Nitzschia pusilla, and Phaeodactylum tricornutum), Charophyceae (Stichococcus sp.), Dinophyceae (Crypthecodinium cohnii), and Prasinophyceae (Tetraselmis suecica). Control samples of Escherichia coli and calf thymus DNA were also analyzed. The nucleoside base composition of each DNA sample was determined by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. All samples contained 5-methyldeoxycytidine, although at widely varying levels. In M. minutum, about one-third of the cytidine residues were methylated. Restriction analysis supported this high degree of methylation in M. minutum and suggested that methylation is biased toward 5′-CG dinucleotides. The guanosine + cytosine (GC) contents of the green algae were, with the exception of Stichococcus sp., consistently higher than those of the diatoms. Monoraphidium minutum exhibited an extremely high GC content of 71%. Such a value is rare among eukaryotic organisms and might indicate an unusual codon usage. This work is important for developing strategies for transformation and gene cloning in these algae.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of cell walls (thecae) of three taxa of scaly green flagellates (Prasinophyceae) was investigated. The theca of Tetraselmis striata, Tetraselmis tetrathele, and Scherffelia dubia consists mainly of carbohydrate (80% of dry weight), with proteins (5%), calcium (4%), and sulfate (6%) as minor components. The principal sugars (60% of dry weight) are the 2-keto-sugar acids 3-deoxy-manno-2-octulosonic acid (KDO), 3-deoxy-manno-5-O-methyl-2-octulosonic acid (5OMeKDO), and 3-deoxy-lyxo-2-heptulosaric acid (DHA). Arabinose, gulose, galactose, galacturonic acid, and in S. dubia, xylose and rhamnose were also found. Examination of scale preparations from Mantoniella squamata, Mesostigma viride, Pyramimonas amylifera, and Nephroselmis olivacea revealed that the 2-keto-sugar acids were always associated with the presence of typical prasinophycean scales on the cell surface. In contrast, 2-keto-sugar acids were not detected in the cell wall of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii nor in polymer preparations from the culture medium of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Dunaliella bioculata, Dunaliella primolecta, Asteromonas gracilis, Hafniomonas reticulate, Pedinomonas tuberculata, Monomastix sp., and Micromonas pusilla. We conclude that 2-keto-sugar acids are chemical markers for prasinophycean scales.  相似文献   
Abstract Pathogenesis mediated by Shigella flexneri requires invasion of the gastrointestinal epithelium. It has been previously shown that HeLa cells challenged with S. flexneri show alterations in their phosphotyrosine-containing protein profile. In this report, we demonstrated that bacterial water extracts (WE) abrogated the invasion of HeLa cells by S. flexneri in a dose-dependent manner. A proteinaceous component of S. flexneri was shown to be responsible for this inhibitory activity. Proteins encoded on the 140-MDa plasmid were not responsible for the observed inhibition. WE from other Gram-negative bacteria also inhibited Shigella invasion of HeLa cells. HeLa cells pretreated with WE showed changes in the profile and the intensity of phosphotyrosine-containing protein bands. These data were consistent with a surface protein component in WE which initiated aberrant host cell signaling at the membrane which may account for the inhibition of bacterial entry.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of zinc deficiency on fatty acid desaturation in rats fed two different types of dietary fat, a mixture of coconut oil and safflower oil (7∶1, w/w, “coconut oil diet”) or linseed oil (“linseed oil diet”). In order to ensure an adequate food intake, all rats were force-fed by gastric tube. Zinc deficiency caused statistical significant reducion of Δ9-desaturase activity in liver microsomes of rats fed coconut oil diet and tendencial reduction (p<0.15) in rats fed linseed oil diet compared with control rats fed diets with the same type of fat. In agreement with this effect, zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat increased the ratio between total saturated and total monounsaturated fatty in liver phospholipids and liver microsomes. Zinc deficient rats on the coconut oil diet had unchanged Δ6-desaturase activity with linoleic acid as substrate and lowered activity with α-linolenic acid as substrate. In contrast, zinc deficient rats on the linseed oil diet had increased Δ6-desaturase activity with linoleic acid as substrate and unchanged activity with α-linolenic acid. Because linoleic acid is the main substrate for Δ6-desaturase in the rats fed coconut oil diet, and α-linolenic acid is the main substrate in the rats fed linseed oil diet, it is concluded that in vivo Δ6-desaturation was not changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat. Activity of Δ5-desaturase was also not changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both dietary fats. Levels of fatty acids in liver phospholipids and microsomes derived by Δ4-, Δ5-, and Δ6-desaturation were not consistently changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat. Thus, the enzyme studies and also fatty acid composition data of liver phospholipids and microsomes indicate that zinc deficiency does not considerably disturb desaturation of linoleic and α-linolenic acid. Therefore, it is suggested that similarities between deficiencies of zinc and essential fatty acids described in literature are not due to disturbed desaturation of linoleic acid in zinc deficiency. The present study also indicates that zinc deficiency enhances incorporation of eicosapentaenoic acid into phosphatidylcholine of rats fed diets with large amounts ofn-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   
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