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This paper reports the physical growth and body composition from the first year of longitudinal study of 519 Guatemalan children, and their families, from a disadvantaged urban community consisting largely of refugees of the 1976 earthquake. Four cohorts are described, composed of children of 1,3,5, and 7 years at examination. The children are smaller, weigh less, and have reduced fat stores compared either to NCHS reference data or to upper SES Guatemalan children. Stature (or length) and head circumference deviate more from reference data than do triceps or upper arm muscle circumference. Greater deviations are found in the linear dimensions of males than of females. These children are the smallest yet described from Guatemala City, though they are slightly larger than available rural samples. This suggests a continuum of environmental effects acting upon the growth of children of differing socioeconomic levels.  相似文献   
The effects of protein malnutrition on responsiveness of macrophages to proteosepeptone stimulation and on their chemical composition were investigated. Relative number of resident macrophages in rat peritoneal cavity was reduced by about 50 % during 4 weeks on 3 % protein diet. Similarly, decreased migration capacity of the circulating macrophages to the peritoneal exudate in response to the stimulant, was observed in protein-fasted rat compared to that in the 20 % protein-fed group. Further, the chemical composition of the isolated elicited cells was determined. Total proteins, sugars, lipids and nucleic acids were significantly low in the cells isolated from protein-deficient animals, though the cell size was not affected. However, cholesterol: phospholipid molar ratios were distinctly higher than that in control and increased progressively in the 3 and 8 % protein-fed animals. The implications of these structural changes in macrophages on their functional capability are discussed  相似文献   
Abstract Glycine added to the growth medium of Caulobacter crescentus was found to substitute Cterminal alanine in the peptide side chains of the murein of this species. Murein synthesized in vivo and in vitro in the presence of glycerine was poorly crosslinked as was new murein formed in the presence of the amino acid. The reduced cross-linkage seems to be due to the effect of glycine on the formation of trimeric muropeptides as revealed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) muropeptide analysis of murein formed in the presence and absence of the amino acid.  相似文献   
Production versus light response curves were made of natural phytoplankton assemblages during the year in an incubator at 8 different light intensities ranging from 60 to 1500 Einstein.m–2.sec–1. The shape of these curves is analyzed in relation to the sensitivity for photo-inhibition. At the end of the month of April, there is a sudden shift in this sensitivity at higher light intensities. The algal assemblage becomes less sensitive for photo-inhibition. The influence of light-adaptation, temperature, nutrient limitation and species composition is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary ZnSO4 treatment of early frog tadpoles resulted, initially, in a mitotic stimulation of primordial germ cells. In later larval stages, ZnSO4 was responsible for the atresy of gonads in which germ cell and medullary cell numbers sharply decreased. At the same time, very few germ cells entered the meiotic prophase, while the degeneration of some of them was observed. Our results are discussed in connection with previous findings about the influence of Zn on cellular proliferation.  相似文献   
In hogs naturally infected with Taenia solium larvae (i.e., Cysticercus cellulosae), we studied the host response induced by antigens obtained from the larvae. Histopathological studies of cysticerci removed after 4 and 8 weeks of immunization showed an intense inflammatory reaction surrounding the larvae. The response was greater in the 8-week specimens. A dense layer of eosinophils was in close contact with the external membrane of the bladder wall and, in several cases, the eosinophils had infiltrated this tegument. Many eosinophils were seen in the spiral canal of larvae. This infiltration by eosinophils increased with time. Preparations from the 8-week samples showed many degenerated and disrupted eosinophils whose granules were found in close contact with the outer membrane of the larval tegument and, in some cases, had entered through the broken surface of this structure. More than 90% of the larvae were found in various stages of degeneration; the rest were completely destroyed and surrounded by a mass of eosinophils. After immunization, peripheral blood eosinophilia increased to 17%, whereas the eosinophilia of the control hog was 4% throughout the study. The larval worms removed from control hogs showed intact structures, with a low degree of infiltration by eosinophils and a discrete inflammatory reaction surrounding the bladder wall of the larvae.  相似文献   
Some properties of monolayers of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-rac-glycerol (POPG) alone or of POPG in mixtures with 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) have been measured near 35°C during dynamic compression and expansion at 3.6 cm2·s?1. (2) The mean values of minimum surface tension (corresponding to maximum surface pressure) which could be obtained with pure POPG monolayers at high compression ranged from 15 to 18 mN·m?1 in the presence of Na+, Ca2+ or low pH (2.0) in the subphase. (3) The presence of Ca2+ or low pH in the subphase increased the collapse plateau ratios obtained on cyclic compression. This might represent enhanced respreading into the monolayer of pure POPG from a collapsed form during reexpansion of the surface. (4) Monolayers containing 10% or 30% POPG and 90% or 70% DPPC could be compressed to surface tensions approaching zero. (5) In such mixed monolayers, 10% or 30% POPG did not appear to enhance respreading, as measured by collapse plateau ratios, in the presence of Na+ or Ca2+ in the subphase.  相似文献   
The monomeric composition of the suberins from 16 species of higher plants was determined by chromatographic methods following depolymerization of the isolated extractive-free cork layers with sodium methoxide-methanol. 1-Alkanols (mainly C18C28), alkanoic (mainly C16C30), α,ω-alkanedioic (mainly C16C24), ω-hydroxyalkanoic (mainly C16C21), dihydroxyhexadecanoic (mainly 10,16-dihydroxy- and 16-dihydroxyhexadecanoic), monohydroxyepoxyalkanoic (9,10-epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecanoic), trihydroxyalkanoic (9,10, 18-trihydroxyoctadecanoic), epoxyalkanedioic (9,10-epoxyoctadecane-1,18-dioic) and dihydroxyalkanedioic (9,10-dihydroxyoctadecane-1 18-dioic) acids were detected in all species. The suberins differed from one another mainly in the relative proportions of these monomer classes and in the homologue content of their 1-alkanol, alkanoic, α,ω-alkanedioic and ω-hydroxyalkanoic acid fractions. C18 epoxy and vic-diol monomers were major components (32–59%) of half of the suberins examined (Quercus robur, Q. ilex, Q. suber, Fagus sylvatica, Castanea sativa, Betula pendula, Acer griseum, Fraxinus excelsior) where as ω-hydroxyalkanoic and α,ω-alkanedioic acids predominated in those that contained smaller quantities of such polar C18 monomers (Acer pseudoplatanus, Ribes nigrum, Euonymus alatus, Populus tremula, Solanum tuberosum, Sambucus nigra, Laburnum anagyroides, Cupressus leylandii). All species, however, contained substantial amounts (14–55 %) of ω-hydroxyalkanoic acids, the most common homologues being 18:1 (9) and 22: 0. The dominant α,ω-alkanedioic acid homologues were 16: 0 and 18: 1 (9) whereas 22: 0, 24: 0 and 26: 0, and 20: 0, 22: 0 and 24: 0 were usually the principal homologues in the 1-alkanol and alkanoic acid fractions, respectively. The most diagnostic feature of the suberins examined was the presence of monomers greater than C18 in chain length; most of the C16 and C18 monomers identified in the suberins also occur in plant cutins emphasizing the close chemical similarity between the two anatomical groups of lipid biopolymer.  相似文献   
The ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase purified from maize (a C4 monocot) to homogeneity has a MW of532 000 and sedimentation coeffici  相似文献   
Summary The hypothalamus of male and female rats, given 0.3 g/100 g body weight of 6.7-3H-oestradiol-17 and killed 1 hour after the injection, was examined by autoradiography in order to 1) localize the areas and the cells involved in the uptake of the hormone, and 2) study the intracellular localization of the labelled material.Only nerve cells contained radioactive material while glial and ependymal cells were not significantly labelled. In the anterior hypothalamus, labelled nerve cells were concentrated in areas corresponding to nucleus preopticus medialis and nucleus preopticus, pars suprachiasmatica. The nucleus supraopticus was unlabelled. In the medial basal hypothalamus, neurons corresponding to the nucleus arcuatus and the lateral part of the nucleus ventromedialis showed marked labelling. No significant labelling was observed in the nucleus paraventricularis, pars magnocellularis.Although the individual nerve cells varied in their extent of labelling, the major proportion of the silver grains were consistently concentrated over the nuclei. Castration was not found to influence the results. The findings were essentially the same in male and female rats and appear to suggest that oestradiol exerts a direct effect on nerve cells in certain hypothalamic areas.This work was supported by grants from the Norwegian Cancer Society, Nordisk Insulinfond and Anders Jahres Fond. The skilful assistance of Miss Helga Friedl and Mrs. Jane Larsen is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
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