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An electrophoretic variant of the X-linked enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK-1) has been used to study regulation of X chromosome expression in the diploid derivatives of the trophectoderm at 8–8.5 days post coitum in the mouse. These derivatives included the chorionic ectoderm and the polar trophoblast. The biochemical analysis suggests that only the maternally derived X chromosome (Xm) is expressed in the diploid trophectoderm derivatives. Cell selection and maternal tissue contamination were ruled out as possible causes of the observed Xm expression. From these and other results, we conclude that all derivatives of the trophectoderm, along with the primitive endoderm, express only Xm, whereas derivatives of the primitive ectoderm show random X chromosome expression.  相似文献   
Catabolism of flavonol glucosides was investigated in plant cell suspension cultures using kaempferol 3-O-β-d-glucoside and kaempferol 7-O-β-d-glucoside labelled with 14C either in the glucose or in the flavonol moiety. Catabolic rates of glucosides were compared with those of free glucose and kaempferol. All substrates were degraded efficiently by cell cultures of mungbean, soybean, garbanzo bean and parsley. Based on 14CO2-formation, glucose from position 3 of kaempferol is 3–5 times more rapidly metabolized than that from position 7. The flavonol nucleus from both isomers is, however, oxidized to the same extent with a considerable portion of the flavonol being incorporated into insoluble polymeric cell material.  相似文献   
Growth and nitrate reductase activity were measured in Paul's Scarlet rose cell suspensions, cultured in media purified from molybdenum and containing nitrate or urea as sole nitrogen source with or without added Mo. Urea could replace nitrate to yield 80% of the fresh weight in nitrate medium. Nitrate reductase activities were compared by in vivo and in vitro assays. The latter varied due to inactivation during extraction. Compared with activities in cells in complete NO3 - medium, activity in NO3 --Mo cells was reduced to 30% and, in urea-grown cells, to trace amounts. Increases in nitrate reductase activity were found when NO3 - alone was added to NO3 - or urea+Mo cultures. In NO3 --Mo cultures, Mo alone or with NO3 - caused a similar increase in activity, whereas urea-Mo cultures required both NO3 - and Mo for enzyme induction.Abbreviations FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide - Mo molybdenum - NADH reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NO3 -+Mo standard MX1 culture medium - NO3 --Mo MX1 medium purified of Mo and used for continuous subculture with nitrate - NR nitrate reductase - PSR Paul's Scarlet rose - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone - U urea - U+Mo MX1 medium containing urea instead of nitrate - U-Mo MX1 medium containing urea instead of nitrate and also purified of Mo  相似文献   
Summary Neonate rat endocranial osteoblasts were cultured on their bone surfaces in control medium (CC) or medium to which either parathyroid extract (PTE) or calcitonin (CT) had been added for 2, 4, 8 or 24 h. Some were cultured for 24 h in CC, then for 2, 4, 8 or 24 h in either CT or PTE medium; or for 24 h in PTE, then for 2, 4, 8 or 24 h in either CC or CT; or 24 h in CT and 2, 4, 8 or 24 h in CC. The dorsal ruffling of the cells in CC was found to be suppressed by later culturing with PTE and the disoriented cells reorganized to form arrays of parallel cells. The effects of PTE were also reversed by CC or CT: the osteoblasts in the second culture (CC) lost elongation and order, and proceeded through a proliferative phase before exhibiting the ruffling form similar to a single CC 24 h culture. PTE-cultured osteoblasts showed an increase in cell overlap and contact so that a more competent barrier was formed separating the bone from the medium. In control or CT medium, however, intercellular gaps were greater than in vivo.We are grateful for the expert technical assistance of Elaine Bailey, for laboratory facilities kindly provided by Dr. Martin Evans, and for financial support from the Medical Research Council  相似文献   
Summary Electron probe microanalysis of unfixed freeze-substituted rat liver tissue embedded in Spurr's low viscosity epoxy resin demonstrated the occurrence of Si as well as P, S, and Cl in the nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Chemical analysis confirmed that the Si in the organelles did not originate from instrumental contaminants. This suggests that Si may be involved in the biochemistry of these subcellular organelles.Supported by Grant GM-08229-12-13 from the National Institutes of Health, USPHS.We are grateful to the Kevex Corporation and Mr. Glenn W. Meyer, Sales Engineer, for the use of the Kevex X-ray spectrometer; we wish to thank as well the Perkin-Elmer Corporation and their Western Branch Manager, Mr. Michael E. Mullen and Senior Microscopist, Mr. Minoru Shinorhara, for use of and assistance with the Hitachi HU 12 A transmission electron microscope. We also wish to acknowledge Mary Louise Chiappino for her technical assistance in preparing the thin sections, the final micrographs and the X-ray photographs, and Darlene Lum for technical assistance in the laboratory.  相似文献   
Summary Our previous isoenzyme investigation ofDrosophila melanogaster cell lines in vitro has been completed with twelve further enzyme systems. The enzyme profiles seem to be in good agreement with a previous hypothesis concerning the precise origin of these cell lines (probably from imaginal discs or nervous tissues). Our results have been summarized with reference to the biochemical genetic map ofDrosophila melanogaster in order to consider a possible functional organization of the genome.Abbreviations NAD nicotine adenine nucleotide - NADP nicotine adenine nucleotide phosphate - NBT nitroblue tetrazolium - PMS phenazine methosulfate - EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid - GOT Glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase - PGK Phosphoglycerate kinase - GPDH -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase - MDH Malate dehydrogenase - PGM Phosphoglucomutase - Aph Alkaline phosphatase - MDH-NADP Malic enzyme - Lap Leucine Amino-Peptidase - LDH Lactate dehydrogenase - -1-OHDH L-3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase - ADH Alcohol dehydrogenase - Aldox Aldehyde oxydase - 6PGD 6 Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - G6PD Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase - Hex3 Fructokinase - IDH Isocitrate dehydrogenase - Est 6 Esterase 6 - Est C Esterase C - ODH Octanol dehydrogenase - XDH Xanthine dehydrogenase - AcPh Acid Phosphatase 1  相似文献   
The bacterial sensing system has been studied on three levels. First, a quantitative method has been devised for measuring the “action spectrum” of the bacterium in response to a sudden addition of attractant. Second, a technique has been developed for the rapid isolation of mutants defective in the transmission part of the sensing system. Third, a study of the effects of light on the transmission system reveals two components, one which generates tumbling and another which inhibits it.  相似文献   
In the assembly of actin filaments that takes place during the spreading of a polulation of human lung cells, after trypsin detachment off the substratum and replating, tropomyosin exhibits a considrable lag in its association with the newly forming filament bundles; it begins to associate with them during the later stages of cell spreading as the actin filament bundles normally seen in interphase cells begin to organize. This lag is evident in a number of cell types that are spreading onto a substratum; it does not appear to be due to a selective degradation of this molecule during rounding up of the cells, since tropmyosin associates with the actin filament bundles after this lag even under conditions where the protein synthetic activity of the cell is inhibited to more than 95% by cycloheximide. The preferential binding of tropomyosin to fully assembled filament bundles but not to newly formed bundles of actin filaments suggests therefore the existence of two classes of action filaments: those that bind tropomyosin and those that do not. This selective localization of tropomyosin and those that do not. This selective localization of tropomyosin on actin filaments was further pursued by examining the localization of this molecule in membrane ruffles. The immunofluorescent results indicate that ruffling is an actin-filament-dependent, microtubule-independent phenomenon. Tropomyosin is absent from membrane ruffles under a variety of circumstances where ruffling is expressed and, more generally, from any other cellular activity where actin filaments are expected to be in a dynamic state of reorganization or are required to be in a flexible configuraion. It is concluded that in tissue culture cells tropomyosin binds preferentially to actin filaments involved in structural support to confer rigidity upon them as well as aid them in maintaining a stretched phenotype. The absence of tropomyosin from certain motile phenomena where actin filaments are involved indicates that these classes of actin filaments are regulated by cytoplasmic mechanisms distinct from that by which tropomyosin (and troponin) mediates contractility in skeletal mulscle; it opens the possibility that different types of actin filaments enagaged in different cellular motile phenomenon in tissue culture cells may be regulated by a host of coexisting regulatory mechanisms, some as yet undetermined.  相似文献   
The regulation of membrane formation in bacteriophage PM2 serves as a simple model for changes in membrane structure in eukaryotic cells. Prior to Pseudomonas host lysis, wild-type virions mature to an icosahedral morphology at the inner face of the cytoplasmic membrane. The proliminary charcterization of two temperature-sensitive mutants of PM2 is described. In cells infected at the restrictive temperature with ts 1, an abundance of “empty” virus-size membrane vesicles are seen. Synthesis of DNA is also reduced in ts 1 infected cells. The preponderance of vesicles is not sen in cells infected with wil-type virus or with ts 1 at the permissive temperature. The “empty” appearance of the viral membranes suggests that viral DNA is not encapsulated. The major viral capsid protein (MW 26,000) is located just out side the viral membrane and normallyl sediments with host and virus membranes; insted, large amounts of capsid protein can be precipitated from the supernatant with TCA. Compared to cells infected with wild type virus, cells infected with is 5 at th restrictive temperature produce inside the cell an aboundance of virus-soze membrane vesicles. Taken Together, These results with viral mutants suggest that formation of a viral membrane of the proper size does not require a DNA core around which to form, or an outer scaffolding of coat protein against which to form a spherical bilayer.  相似文献   
Hepatocytes from rats were isolated by treatment with trypsin and cultured. Plasma membranes at different culture stages were observed by electron microscopy. The activities of 5' nucleotidase and adenosinetriphosphatase on the plasma membranes were examined. The cell coat was also studied by use of the concanavalin A-peroxidase technique. The surfaces of single cells, covered with microvilli, are the site of adenosinetriphosphatase activity only and are devoid of 5'-nucleotidase activity. After a few h of culture, the cells are grouped together in tight clusters or long trails and are separated by an intercellular space of 250 A, partially permeable to lanthanum nitrate. The juxtaposed plasma membranes on which 5'-nucleotidase and adenosinetriphosphatase activities occur also delimit spaces similar to bile canaliculi. The formation of junction complexes and their permeability to lanthanum nitrate was also studied. No enzymatic activity is observed at the junctions. The numerous tight junctions, impervious to the tracer, are always accompanied by a profusion of microfilaments. Mature desmosomes are rare, and are present only in the form of "maculae adhaerentes diminutae." The gap junctions, nearly always permeable to the tracer, form rapidly and assume a variety of shapes (trail, bulge and ring-like), the significance of which is open to discussion. The use of concanavalin A permits localization of the free sugar sites on the surface of the cells, in the pinocytotic vesicles and in the internal space of the gap junctions.  相似文献   
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