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The enzyme activity of dephosphorylation of thymidine triphosphate was found in microsomal fraction of rat liver. The enzyme activity decreased at the time when [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA of regenerating liver increased. When the [3H]thymidine incorporation was suppressed by 1,3-diaminopropane, the enzyme activity remained elevated. These results suggest that the enzyme activity appears to be closely linked to DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Summary Ornithine decarboxylase activity was measured during organogenesis in rat embryos grown in utero and whole rat conceptuses maintained in an in vitro culture system. Ornithine decarboxylase levels in vivo showed a distinct peak at embryonic age 10.5 d. Despite identical morphology, protein content, crown rump length and numbers of somites cultured embryos displayed a different developmental pattern and possessed less than half the ODC activity of that in vivo. The data suggest that the normal embryonic programming of ODC activity is significantly altered by the culture environment and that further biochemical comparisons of embryos growing in utero and in vitro may be required to evaluate properly the applicability of this technique to detailed studies of teratogenesis and developmental biology. This work was supported by NIH-5-507-RR5359-17 and a 1980 Research Starter Grant from the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Foundation.  相似文献   
Summary Mammary epithelial cells from lactating mice synthesize and secrete lactose in culture and retain many features of their in vivo morphology if mammary glands are only partially dissociated to alveoli, rather than completely dissociated to single cells. After 5 d in culture lactose synthesis by alveoli cultured on floating collagen gels is 10 to 20 times higher than in cultures of single cells on floating collagen gels. Moreover, mammary alveoli in culture retain sensitivity to lactogenic hormones; the synthesis of lactose by alveoli depends on the continued presence of insulin and either hydrocortisone or prolactin. In addition, within alveoli the original juxtaposition of constituent epithelial cells is retained, and cells are cuboidal and have many microvilli and fat droplets. In contrast, alveoli on attached gels flatten and lose their secretory morphology. These results indicate that the shape of the cells, presence of lactogenic hormones, and maintenance of epithelial:epithelial cell contacts are required for maintenance of mammary epithelial cell differentiation in culture. This research was supported by Grants CA-16392 and AG-02909 from the National Institutes of Health and Institutional Grant IN 119 from the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   
The fine structure, distribution, and fate of cortical granules in human oocytes cultured in vitro are reported. Follicular maturation in women with blocked Fallopian tubes was induced by clomiphene citrate and human chorionic gonadotropin, and preovulatory eggs were obtained by improved methods of laproscopy and oocyte recovery. These oocytes were then inseminated and cultured in a modified Ham's F10 medium for 3 to 72 hr to assess their fertilizability. Cortical granules were observed in all 17 unfertilized oocytes investigated, which had completed various stages of meiotic maturation. A marked increase in their numbers was observed in oocytes cultured for 3 to 6 hr. There was no evidence of spontaneous cortical granule release in any of the oocytes studied. It is concluded that cortical maturation expressed by proliferation of cortical granules is as significant a criterion as nuclear maturation in assessing maturity and fertilizability of oocytes cultured in vitro. A short sojourn in culture before insemination could improve chances of normal fertilization and embryo development, which has been recently achieved in our laboratory.  相似文献   
Summary In a screening program with 7 FITC-labeled lectins as probes, ConA receptors were identified in all of the 28 members of theConjugatophyceae, being under investigation. In nearly all of them RCA120 receptors, too, are expressed. In 3 species only, PNA receptors, and in 2 species UEA receptors have been detected. No binding of DBA, SBA, and WGA was observed. The receptors for ConA, RCA120, and UEA were shown to be associated with different molecules. Each lectin exhibits a unique and specific binding pattern, both chemically, as well as with regard to the topographic distribution on cell surfaces. While ConA receptors predominantly are associated with constituents of the cell wall, RCA120 receptors mostly form part of the surrounding mucilage; the same holds for UEA receptors. Besides a variability of topographic distribution and species-to-species variation, a cell-to-cell variation exists in many species, suggesting that the expression of a lectin receptor is due to the developmental state of the cell and/or depends on external stimuli. In conclusion, we may point out, that FITC-labeled lectins turned out to be extremely useful probes for the investigation of the molecular architecture of cell walls. Calcofluor white ST binding to fibrillar polysaccharides (most probably cellulose) was shown to be inhibited by external incrustations of the cell wall. One species does not show any reaction with calcofluor white ST at all.  相似文献   
Summary Dimethyl sulphoxide at relatively low comentrations, 0.01 to 1 mM, enhanced the conjugation and cell-to-cell adhesion of complementary strains of matingTetrahymena thermophila. The time required to form stable conjugates was reduced by dimethyl sulphoxide. This chemical stimulated the uptake of glycine and glucosamine from the suspending media. Incorporation of 2-14C-glycine and 6-3H-D-glucosamine into protein and glycoprotein was enhanced in whole cells, surface membrane and cilia. Incorporation of glucosamine into the microsomal fraction was increased in the dimethyl sulphoxidetreated cells while there was little change in glycine incorporation. There were no detectable changes in glycine and glucosamine incorporation into the nuclear fractions isolated from conjugatingTetrahymena exposed to dimethyl sulphoxide.  相似文献   
Summary Observations are presented on the patterns of DNA synthesis and mitotic activity in medullary parenchyma cells excised from tubers ofHelianthus tuberosus in four different periods of dormancy. Dormancy break (activation) was induced byin vitro culture on media added with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The cell cycle responsein vitro to different combinations of growth substances has also been investigated.The results show that remarkable changes in the timing of the first and second cell cycles and their phases occur with the progression of dormancy. With increasing time after tuber harvest, the following behaviours are observed: (i) a lengthening of the first cell cycle, chiefly due to a lengthening of the G2 phase (G2 is absent at the beginning of dormancy) and an increase in the time interval between the start of thein vitro culture and the onset of the first mitotic wave; (ii) an increased duration of the S phase; (iii) a remarkable reduction in the cell synchrony.These behaviours, as indicated also by their comparison with thein vitro response of the cell cycle to different hormonal treatments, seem to depend on the physiological status of the tubers at the time of explant. It is concluded that the analysis of the cell cycle is an useful tool for understanding some aspects of such a complex physiological situation as dormancy.Istituto di Mutagenesi e Differenziamento del C.N.R., Pisa, Italy, publication no. 321.  相似文献   
Summary Following a 5 hours ethylene treatment, cortical cells of Pea (Pisum sativum L. var Alaska) epicotyl third internode showed a change in the orientation of both microtubules near the plasma membrane and recently deposited cellulose microfibrils. Control cortical cells had mostly transverse microtubules. The ratio of the average frequency of transverse to longitudinal microtubules was 6.0. After 5 hours of ethylene treatment, cortical cells had mostly longitudinal microtubules, with the ratio of transverse to longitudinal microtubules equal to 0.1. Epidermal cells were more variable than cortical cells with regard to the frequency of longitudinal and transverse microtubules. Observation of cortical cell walls in conventionally stained thin sections revealed that recent deposition of microfibrils had been primarily transverse in almost all of the control cortical cells sampled. In contrast, more than half of the ethylene-treated cortical cells had recent deposition oriented primarily longitudinally. This change in microtubule and microfibril orientation may be early enough to constitute the primary effect of ethylene leading to radial cell expansion.Research supported by NSF grant PCM 78-03244, A1, 2 to PBG and by a Research Corporation grant to WRE.  相似文献   
Genetic distance between populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Three strains of McIntosh apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) with growth habits ranging from the standard parent type to extremely compact (dwarf) were grown in vitro as meristem-tip cultures on Murashige and Skoog medium containing a range of concentrations of benzyladenine (BA). All strains exhibited a similar optima (3 to 6 M BA) for maximum shoot proliferation and culture weight increase. However, tolerance to supra-optimal concentration of this cytokinin was related to growth habit. For example, at 10 M BA shoot production rates as a percent of the maximum rates were 90%, 20% and zero for the extreme compact, moderate compact and standard strains, respectively. Comparisons among field trees and meristem-tip cultures of all three strains revealed similarities in growth and development.Summerland Research Station, Contribution No. 532  相似文献   
Summary Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH)-resistant lines of Nicotiana tabacum have been maintained in callus culture for six years and mutant plants have been regenerated from a number of these lines. This study examines variations in DNA content in nuclei of several of these callus cultures, regenerated plants, and secondary callus from the regenerated plants. The lines selected for study include three easily regenerated lines (I 21, I 24, and I 9) and two lines of poor regenerating capacity (I 1 and I 18). Two of the regenerating lines eventually led to fertile plants and the third produced only sterile plants. In general, the range of total nuclear variability was not as high as anticipated from other studies of long-term tobacco callus cultures. The majority of nuclei in all the distributions were between 3 and 20 pg, and the most frequently encountered distributions concentrated in the 7–18 pg region corresponding to 2–5C by our estimate of the C value for tobacco. Distributions were not identical for plants regenerated from the same culture simultaneously, and the nuclear DNA content of secondary callus cultures from one of the plants examined did not reflect the quantitative DNA pattern of the plant from which it was derived. The greatest degree of variability and highest DNA content for individual nuclei were observed in the primary callus of the poorly- and non-regenerating lines. The variability in DNA content was not associated with the INH-resistant trait.  相似文献   
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