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Microplot and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of soil incorporation of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys conoides and green alfalfa mulch on the population dynamics of Meloidogyne incognita on corn. Reproduction of M. incognita and the incidence of root galling were reduced by the addition of A. conoides and/or green alfalfa in all tests. Numbers of juveniles were reduced by as much as 84%, and eggs were fewest in early to mid-season soil samples from microplots. Yields increased in treatments with A. conoides and/or green alfalfa in greenhouse tests and in the microplot tests in 1979. No interaction was found between the fungus and green alfalfa in the reduction of the nematode population.  相似文献   
Summary Autoclaved or natural field soil amended with 0.1 to 5.0 per cent (W/W) of margosa cake, rice husk and sawdust with or without supplemental nitrogen were tested for lytic activity and bacterial numbers. Generally, non-amended autoclaved soil caused little or no lysis of mycelium ofF. oxysporum f. sp.udum; non-amended natural soil caused more lysis. Amendment of soil with margosa cake, rice husk or saw-dust with or without supplemental nitrogen greatly enhanced its lytic effect on the fungus. The degree of lysis depended on the dosage of amendment used and the stage of its decomposition in the soil. The extent of lysis increased as the bacterial population increased. Amongst bacteria,Bacillus subtilis was very common in most lytic zones.  相似文献   
Simultaneous inoculations of alfalfa with Meloidogyne hapla larvae and Ditylenchus dipsaci at 16, 20, 24, and 28 C did not depress penetration of either nematode in ''Nev Syn XX'' -a selection resistant to M. hapla and D. dipsaci, ''Vernal 298'' -a selection resistant to M. hapla and susceptible to D. dipsaci, ''Lahontan'' -a cultivar resistant to D. dipsaci and susceptible to M. hapla, and ''Ranger'' -a cultivar susceptible to both M. hapla and D, dipsaci. Infection with D. dipsaci depressed growth of susceptible ''Vernal 298'' and ''Ranger'' at all soil temperatures, except for ''Vernal 298'' at 16 C. Infection with M. hapla alone did not depress growth of any of the alfalfas. A combination of M. hapla and D. dipsaci resulted in a synergistic weight depression on ''Ranger'' at all soil temperatures. Inoculation of the four alfalfas with D. dipsaci 2, 4, 6, and 8 wk before inoculation with M. hapla at 16, 20, 24, and 28 C did not influence the resistance or susceptibility of ''Nev Syn XX,'' ''Lahontan,'' or ''Ranger.'' However, galling of ''Vernal 298'' by M. hapla was affected by soil temperature, plant age, and inoculation with D. dipsaci.  相似文献   
Summary Soil samples, roots and shoots were collected from barley crops at three locations which had received different combinations of N and P for 10 years, and from long-term fertilizer experiments on barley in a sandy soil and on barley and wheat in a loamy soil.Soils were analysed for available P by an anion exchange resin procedure, roots were examined for intensity of VAM infection, and shoots wee analysed for N and P.Vesicualr-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection was found at all locations. It was most abundant at the three locations with least soil-P and lightest at the two locations high in soil-P. Within loocations an inverse relation was found between soil-P level and intensity of infection. Infection was also intensity. by increasing N-fertilizer. Spore counts from selected samples correlated well with infection intensity. Shoot-P did not differ significantly between treatments in spite of significant differences in soil-P. This points to the significance of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza: a lower soil-P level accompanied by a higher infection intensity seem to counterbalance each other to a certain extent.  相似文献   
Summary In an incubation study addition of green manure caused a reduction in the ammonia volatilized initially from both sodic and reclaimed soils but extensive volatilization occurred from the sodic soil, amended with green manure, after the tenth day till the conclusion of the experiment after 9 weeks. Volatilization from the reclaimed soil was much less. There was a slight build up of organic carbon and ammoniacal nitrogen in both the soils though greater in the reclaimed soil. More of nitrate and nitrite accumulated in the sodic soil.  相似文献   
Heat penetration and thermal lag in the submersed soil surrounding the roots of aquatic plants depends on two fundamental thermal properties of the substrate, volumetric heat capacity (CV) and thermal conductivity (k). The relationship of these parameters to the fractions of organic and mineral matter, gas and water in natural and simulated aquatic soils was investigated. The gas fraction was found to be insignificant and it was possible to make good estimates of CV and k from a knowledge of substrate water content alone.  相似文献   
李忠意  杨希  赵新儒  程永毅 《生态学报》2021,41(19):7743-7750
为研究不同有机物料对喀斯特石灰土元素有效性的影响,采用40 d的室内培养实验,比较了单独添加不同比例(1%、3%、5%)的生物质炭、鸡粪肥、羊粪肥对喀斯特石灰土有效N、Fe、Zn含量的影响。结果表明:添加生物质炭提高了喀斯特石灰土的pH值,而添加鸡粪肥和羊粪肥降低了喀斯特石灰土的pH值;添加3种有机物料均增加了喀斯特石灰土的有机质含量,大小关系为:生物质炭 > 鸡粪肥 > 羊粪肥,但添加鸡粪肥和羊粪肥土壤有机质的化学活性和微生物活性更高。受pH、有机质活性、碳氮比等因素的影响,添加鸡粪肥和羊粪肥能增加土壤有效N含量,但两种有机肥对土壤有效N的提高效果相差不大,而添加生物质炭反而降低了土壤有效N的含量;3种有机物料均能提高土壤的有效Fe和有效Zn含量,其中鸡粪肥效果最佳,其次为羊粪肥和生物质炭。当3种有机物料的添加比例为5%时,生物质炭处理土壤的有效N、Fe、Zn含量分别是对照处理的0.92、1.13、1.21倍;鸡粪肥处理土壤的有效N、Fe、Zn含量分别是对照处理的1.22、1.63和3.39倍;羊粪肥处理土壤的有效N、Fe、Zn含量分别是对照处理的1.27、1.34和2.59倍。所以,相对于生物质炭,有机粪肥对喀斯特地区的石灰土有更好的改良效果。  相似文献   
冀北承德地区土壤生源要素生态化学计量与空间分异特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤生源要素生态化学计量和空间分异特征对指导土地利用优化具有重要意义。以京津冀生态屏障区组成部分的承德市为研究区,采集1597件土壤样品,运用地统计学、全局Moran′s I指数、克里金插值和冗余分析等方法对承德全域主要土壤生源要素的空间分异特征及其影响因素进行了系统分析。结果表明,承德市表层土壤生源要素全钾(STK)、有机碳(SOC)、全氮(STN)、全磷(STP)和全硫(STS)平均含量分别为21.962 g/kg、18.826 g/kg、1.168 g/kg、0.587 g/kg和0.193 g/kg。垂向分布上STN、SOC和STS含量总体随深度增加而降低,STK和STP垂向分异受成土母质控制,高地质背景区STK和STP含量随深度增加逐渐升高。SOC和STN含量显著相关,空间耦合程度高,C:S与SOC含量显著正相关,C:N和C:S空间分布稳定,土壤生源要素的化学计量比主要受SOC含量控制。SOC空间自相关极显著,空间分异受结构性因素控制;STK空间自相关程度较高,分布稳定;STP空间自相关较显著,分布异质性较大;STS空间自相关相对最弱,受人为活动影响较明显。SOC和STN空间...  相似文献   
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