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S. Arnaud‐Haond T. Aires R. Candeias S. J. L. Teixeira C. M. Duarte M. Valero E. A. Serrão 《Molecular ecology》2017,26(8):2379-2391
Successful prevention and mitigation of biological invasions requires retracing the initial steps of introduction, as well as understanding key elements enhancing the adaptability of invasive species. We studied the genetic diversity of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia and its associated bacterial communities in several areas around the world. The striking congruence of α and β diversity of the algal genome and endophytic communities reveals a tight association, supporting the holobiont concept as best describing the unit of spreading and invasion. Both genomic compartments support the hypotheses of a unique accidental introduction in the Mediterranean and of multiple invasion events in southern Australia. In addition to helping with tracing the origin of invasion, bacterial communities exhibit metabolic functions that can potentially enhance adaptability and competitiveness of the consortium they form with their host. We thus hypothesize that low genetic diversities of both host and symbiont communities may contribute to the recent regression in the Mediterranean, in contrast with the persistence of highly diverse assemblages in southern Australia. This study supports the importance of scaling up from the host to the holobiont for a comprehensive understanding of invasions. 相似文献
全球变暖引发珊瑚礁区向大型海藻场生态演替现象与日俱增,大型海藻对珊瑚的影响主要包括抑制生长、发育与繁殖,但不同的海藻对不同的珊瑚具有不同的影响,二者之间的关系仍未有定论。为探究热压力所引起二者竞争关系的变化,以枝状风信子鹿角珊瑚(Acroproa hyacinthus)和大型底栖海藻杉叶蕨藻(Caulerpa taxifolia)为研究对象,设置了环境温度(27℃)与热压力温度(30℃),比较藻类间接接触和直接接触珊瑚对珊瑚附生微生物群落结构的影响,并从培养水环境及海藻表面微生物中寻找影响珊瑚表面微生物的原因。结果表明,去除嵌合体后共获得3369713条优化序列,并且大部分细菌得到注释。环境温度下,间接接触与直接接触组微生物表达模式接近,海藻的处理使得珊瑚表面附生微生物种类、丰度、PcoA区分度最高。门水平上,微生物群落主要由变形菌门、拟杆菌门、蓝细菌门、厚壁菌门、放线菌门组成。目水平上,微生物群落主要由红细菌目、黄杆菌目、肠杆菌目、蓝细菌目、假单胞菌目、噬几丁质菌目组成。这些细菌表型主要包括革兰氏阴性、好氧细菌、移动元件含量和胁迫耐受四大类,生态功能主要包括化能异养和需氧化能异养。对12个处理组的36个样本进行核心ASV分析(amplicon sequence variants),共获得139个核心ASVs。以假单胞菌目、黄杆菌目、噬几丁质菌目、红细菌目为主,还包括立克次氏体菌目、伯克霍尔德氏菌目、肠杆菌目、疣微菌目等。通过线性判别分析(linear discriminant analysis)可比较各组中相对丰度具有显著差异的细菌类群。环境温度下,群落中弧菌(Vibrio)、邻单胞菌(Plesiomonas)、奈瑟氏菌(Neisseria)以及螺旋体菌(Brevinema)相对丰度显著升高;温度升高后,珊瑚白化且胞内寄生病原微生物丰度显著升高,如米卡弧菌(Micavibrionales)与立克次氏体菌(Rickettsiales);热压力下,海藻的加入缓解了珊瑚白化、减少了胞内寄生性微生物丰度、显著提高了益生菌海命菌(Marivita)以及Halioxenophilus丰度。因此,在不同温度下杉叶蕨藻既作为压力源转移病原菌,又协助珊瑚抵抗胞内寄生菌,结果有助于理解大型海藻-珊瑚的竞争关系,解释海藻对珊瑚的潜在生态影响。 相似文献
为探究环境因子对针叶蕨藻(Caulerpa sertularioides)生长的影响,对不同盐度、温度和光照强度下针叶蕨藻的生长和叶绿素荧光参数进行了研究。结果表明:藻体日特定生长率(SGR)、最大光量子产量(Fv/Fm)、实际光合效率(Yield)、电子传递速率(ETR)和光化学淬灭(qP)随盐度升高呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,非光化学淬灭(qN)则呈相反的变化趋势,藻体光合活性和固碳效率在盐度27.5‰时达到最高,且与25‰和30‰盐度的差异显著(P<0.05,n=3)。藻体SGR、Fv/Fm、Yield、ETR和qP随温度升高而下降,qN则相反,藻体光合活性和固碳效率在26℃下达到最高,且与28℃和30℃的差异显著(P<0.05,n=3)。藻体的SGR、Fv/Fm、Yield、ETR和qP随光照强度升高呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,qN则相反,且在18.75 μmol/(m2·s)弱光照下出现轻微光抑制,藻体生长、光合活性及固碳效率在光照强度25.00 μmol/(m2·s)时达到最高,但与18.75和31.25 μmol/(m2·s)的差异不显著(P>0.05,n=3)。因此,针叶蕨藻在27.5‰盐度、26℃和25.00 μmol/(m2·s)光照强度下生长最快且光合作用能力最高。 相似文献
Dai‐Chun Li Yan Yang Bing Zhang Xiao‐Jian Liao Zhi‐Hui Jiang Shi‐Hai Xu Bing‐Xin Zhao 《化学与生物多样性》2020,17(5)
Three new butenolides, caulerpalide A and a pair of enantiomers, (+)‐caulerpalide B and (?)‐caulerpalide B, together with seven known compounds, have been isolated from the green alga Caulerpa racemosa var. turbinata. All these structures were determined by spectroscopic techniques. The absolute configurations of caulerpalide A, (+)‐caulerpalide B and (?)‐caulerpalide B were elucidated by the method of ECD calculation. This is the first separation of butenolides from the algae of genus Caulerpa. Additionally, the antibacterial activities of the nine isolated compounds were also evaluated. 相似文献