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采用结构方程混合模型(SEMM)对实际SNP数据进行分析,为遗传统计学提供一种新的有效的分析方法。本研究的数据是由GAW17提供的,包含697个个体的22条常染色体的上万个SNP和根据这些SNP所模拟的697个个体的性状特点。随机挑选了1号染色体上的4个SNP和3个定量性状作为研究变量,分别进行潜在类别分析和结构方程混合模型分析。根据4个SNP数据,人群被分为3个潜在类别,概率分别为0.53,0.34,0.13。潜在类别1、2和3中的因子均值Q分别为-4.029、-2.052和0,潜在类别1、2的因子均值均低于3(<0.001)。研究表明:结构方程混合模型(SEMM)综合了结构方程模型和潜在类别模型的思想,形成了自己的优势,可用于处理同时包含分类潜变量和连续潜变量的数据。  相似文献   
Most models for incomplete data are formulated within the selection model framework. This paper studies similarities and differences of modeling incomplete data within both selection and pattern-mixture settings. The focus is on missing at random mechanisms and on categorical data. Point and interval estimation is discussed. A comparison of both approaches is done on side effects in a psychiatric study.  相似文献   
In this paper I present a transcendental argument based on the findings of cognitive psychology and neurophysiology which invites two conclusions: First and foremost, that a pre-condition of visual perception itself is precisely what the Aristotelian and other commonsense realists maintain, namely, the independent existence of a featured, or pre-packaged world; second, this finding, combined with other reflections, suggests that, contra McDowell and other neo-Kantians, human beings have access to things as they are in the world via non-projective perception. These two conclusions taken together form the basis of Aristotelian metaphysical realism and a refutation of the neo-Kantian two-factor approach to perception.  相似文献   
It is a well-established fact that encounter rates between different species of planktonic microorganism, either swimming, or passively advected by the flow, are enhanced in the presence of turbulence. However, due to the complexity of the various calculations involved, current encounter rate theories are based on a number of simplifying approximations, which do not reflect reality. In particular, a typical planktonic predator is usually assumed to have perfect 'all round vision', i.e. it can perceive a prey particle at any relative orientation, provided it lies within some given contact radius R. Unfortunately, there is a wide body of experimental evidence that this is not the case. In this study the encounter problem for a predator with a limited field of sensory perception, swimming in a turbulent flow, is examined from first principles and a number of new modelling ideas proposed. A wide range of kinematic simulations are also undertaken to test these predictions. Particular attention is paid to the swimming strategy such a predator might undertake to enhance its encounter rate. It turns out that the predicted optimum swimming strategies differ radically from the results of previous work. Empirical evidence is also presented which appears to support these new findings.  相似文献   
Spontaneous cortical activity of single neurons is often either dismissed as noise, or is regarded as carrying no functional significance and hence is ignored. Our findings suggest that such concepts should be revised. We explored the coherent population activity of neuronal assemblies in primary sensory area in the absence of a sensory input. Recent advances in real-time optical imaging based on voltage-sensitive dyes (VSDI) have facilitated exploration of population activity and its intimate relationship to the activity of individual cortical neurons. It has been shown by in vivo intracellular recordings that the dye signal measures the sum of the membrane potential changes in all the neuronal elements in the imaged area, emphasizing subthreshold synaptic potentials and dendritic action potentials in neuronal arborizations originating from neurons in all cortical layers whose dendrites reach the superficial cortical layers. Thus, the VSDI has allowed us to image the rather illusive activity in neuronal dendrites that cannot be readily explored by single unit recordings. Surprisingly, we found that the amplitude of this type of ongoing subthreshold activity is of the same order of magnitude as evoked activity. We also found that this ongoing activity exhibited high synchronization over many millimeters of cortex. We then investigated the influence of ongoing activity on the evoked response, and showed that the two interact strongly. Furthermore, we found that cortical states that were previously associated only with evoked activity can actually be observed also in the absence of stimulation, for example, the cortical representation of a given orientation may appear without any visual input. This demonstration suggests that ongoing activity may also play a major role in other cortical function by providing a neuronal substrate for the dependence of sensory information processing on context, behavior, memory and other aspects of cognitive function.  相似文献   
Female preferences for male mating signals are often evaluated on single parameters in isolation or small suites of characters. Most signals, however, are composites of many individual parameters. In this study we quantified multivariate traits in the advertisement call of the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. We represented the calls in multidimensional scaling space and chose nine test calls to represent the range of population variation. We then tested females for phonotactic preference between calls in each pair of the nine test calls. We used statistics developed for paired comparisons in such "round robin" competitions to evaluate the null hypothesis of equal attractiveness, and to examine the degree to which females responded to calls as being different from or similar to one another in attractiveness. We then examined the attractiveness of each test call relative to all other test calls as a function of their location in multivariate acoustic space (the acoustic landscape) to visualize sexual selection on calls. Finally, we used methods from cognitive psychology to illustrate the females' perception of call attractiveness in multivariate space, and compared this perceptual landscape to the acoustic landscape of quantitative call variation. We show that correlations between individual call characters are not strong and thus there are few biomechanical constraints on their independent evolution. Most call variables differed among males, and there was high repeatability of call characters within males. Females often discriminated between pairs of calls from the population, and there were significant differences among calls in their attractiveness. Female preferences for calls were not stabilizing. The region of the acoustic landscape that was most attractive to females included the mean call but was not centered around it. The females' perceptual or preference landscape did not correlate with the call's acoustic landscape, and female perception of calls decreased rather than enhanced call differences.  相似文献   
In various environments where primates are presently observed, as well as in forests and savannas which have been inhabited by australopithecines and early hominids, there are (or there have been presumably) categories of substances eliciting taste signals associated with stereotyped responses. Such is the case for various soluble sugars of fruits and nectars, attracting consumers, and for several plant compounds in which bitter or strongly astringent properties have a repulsive effect. The occurrence of such classes of tasty substances among natural products appears to be related to the evolutionary trends that shaped primate sensory perception (for detecting either beneficent or potentially noxious substances) in the context of a long history of coevolution between animals and plants. Here, we present original psychophysical data on humans (412 individuals aged 17-59 years) as an analogy with which to test recent evidence from electrophysiology in nonhuman primates (Hellekant et al. [1997] J. Neurophysiol. 77:978-993; Danilova et al. [1998] Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 855:160-164) that taste fibers can be grouped into clusters of "best-responding fibers" with two more specific clusters, one for sugars and one for quinine and tannins. The collinearity found between human taste responses (recognition thresholds) for fructose and sucrose, as well as for quinine and tannins, is presented and discussed as another evidence of the two-direction evolutionary trend determining taste sensitivity. Salt perception appears to be totally independent of these trends. Accordingly, the appreciation of a salty taste seems to be a recent culturally learned response, and not a primary taste perception. The very existence of primary tastes is discussed in the context of evolutionary trends, past and present.  相似文献   
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