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Summary Examination of glyoxylic acid-induced catecholamine histofluorescence in the hypothalamic median eminence of adult male rats revealed a linear pattern of fine varicosities coursing through the ependymal and fibrous zones, suggestive of juxtaposition to tanycytes. In order to determine the origin of these terminals, adult rats were subjected to complete isolation of the medial basal hypothalamus, using a small Halasz-Pupp knife. As rapidly as 24h after this deafferentation degenerative axon profiles were observed dorsal, as well as anterior and lateral, to the knife track. Occasionally at three days postoperatively, and routinely by seven days after surgery, fine-sized new fibres were seen passing through the knife wound. The linear profiles of varicosities observed in the normal median eminence remained traceable in the experimental preparations; the site of origin for these terminals therefore appears to be neurons of the arcuate (A12) and rostral periventricular (A14) regions. The results also indicate that fibres innervating the isolated area are capable of morphologically demonstrable new growth. The observations bear functional implications in assessing endocrine regulation following MBH isolation of the type used in this study.This study was supported by USPHS Postdoctoral Fellowship 5-F22-HD00630 (CT) and USPHS Grant NS-11642 (JRS). The authors wish to express their appreciation to Yvonne Cheung and Patricia Walker for technical assistance  相似文献   
Summary Structures identified as annulate lamellae, lamellar bodies and subsurface cisternae were found in neurons of the hyperstriatum accessorium of the avian forebrain. Annulate lamellar arrays with up to six lamellae were present in the larger somata. The lamellae were made up of fused smooth-surfaced cisternae forming pores or annuli and were surrounded by a dense filamentous to granular material. Stacks of nonfenestrated, parallel, regularly spaced cisternae, designated as lamellar bodies, also appeared in the cytoplasm. When flattened they were reminiscent of the electron dense subsurface cisternae. Continuity could be demonstrated between peripherally located subsurface cisternae and lamellar bodies. The dense filamentous to finely granular substance was also located between these structures. Annulate lamellae, lamellar bodies and subsurface cisternae were always observed in conjunction with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The functional significance of these structural associations is considered.  相似文献   
Summary Using a highly sensitive antibody to somatostatin, its hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic distribution in the rat was re-examined by light microscopic immunohistochemistry (PAP-method). The scattered somatostatin-producing perikarya occur in multiple layers within the subependymal neuropil surrounding the third ventricle. They supply with short-distance projections the following hypothalamic nuclei: 1) preoptic nuclei (especially their suprachiasmatic and medial components), 2) the peripheral zones of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, 3) the ventromedial and 4) arcuate nuclei, and 5) the ventral premammillary nuclei. Furthermore, the following long-distance projections have been observed: In a rostral direction (A1) rostral of the anterior commissure to the lamina terminalis, (A2) to the OVLT, (A3) to the olfactory tubercle, and (A4) rostrally and caudally by-passing the anterior commissure to the dorsal part of the stria terminalis.More caudally, at the retrochiasmatic level an ascending dorso-lateral projection joins the ventral amygdalo-hypothalamic pathway in a reciprocal manner (B1). In addition, a descending ventrolateral tract projects to the optic tract bending dorsal to it in different directions: (C1) medial to the median eminence, (C2) lateral to the corticomedial amygdala, and (C3) caudal for additional support of the arcuate and ventral premammillary nuclei.The principal tract of somatostatin-containing fibers descends in the subependymal neuropil to the median eminence (D).The results are discussed with reference to a possible participation of the somatostatin fiber system in the afferent branch of the circuit connecting the hypothalamus with the amygdala via the stria terminalis.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk.  相似文献   
Summary The ventricular surface of the subfornical organ of the frog is made up of ependymal cells with numerous apical microvilli, occasional cytoplasmic protrusions and many vacuoles projecting into the lumen of the third ventricle. Between these cells dendrites of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons reach the ventricle to terminate in bulbous enlargements. In addition, flask-shaped encephalo-chromaffin cells, containing granulated vesicles and aggregates of filaments in their cytoplasm, project into the cerebrospinal fluid. Surrounding the centrally located capillaries are enlarged dendrites and axons of heterogeneous morphology, some of which appear to originate within the subfornical organ, intermingled with dendrites and axons of normal structure. The glial cells in this region, especially the microglial cells, often contain large lipofuscin inclusions, suggestive of degeneration and subsequent phagocytosis of some of the enlarged dendrites and axons. The normally scarce neurosecretory peptidergic axons become more evident and form typical Herring bodies in stalk-transected animals. Neuronal perikarya of varying morphology are predominantly located peripheral to the region of enlarged dendrites and axons. Supraependymal macrophages are particularly numerous on the subfornical organ.Abbreviations used CSF cerebrospinal fluid - SEM scanning electron microscope, scanning electron microscopy - SFO subfornical organ - TEM transmission electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy Supported, in part, by NIH grant NB 07492The skillful technical assistance of J.G. Linner and the secretarial assistance of Ann Gerdom are gratefully acknowledged. The SEM studies were made possible through a grant from the Graduate College of Iowa State University and the use of the SEM facility in the Department of Botany  相似文献   
Summary The sites of uptake, decarboxylation and retention of 1-dopa and the uptake and retention of dopamine and 6-hydroxytryptamine in the small intestine of the guinea-pig have been localised histochemically with a fluorescence technique for arylethylamines. In segments of ileum from untreated guinea-pigs only noradrenergic axons are fluorescent; these axons were eliminated by surgical denervation (crushing nerves running to the intestine through the mesentery) or by chemical denervation with 6-hydroxydopamine. In denervated segments of ileum, cell bodies and processes of intrinsic neurons become fluorescent after the injection of 1-dopa, dopamine or 6-hydroxytryptamine and the inhibition of monoamine oxidase, as do cells of Brunner's glands and Paneth cells. About 11% of the nerve cell bodies in the submucous plexus and 0.4% of those in the myenteric plexus become fluorescent. Varicose intrinsic axons which take up amines are found amongst the nerve cell bodies of the myenteric and submucous plexuses. They also ramify in the principal connections of the plexuses, in the tertiary strands of the myenteric plexus, in the deep muscular plexus and contribute sparse supplies of axons to arterioles in the submucosa and to the lamina propria of the mucosa. The axons are resistant to the degenerative actions of 6-hydroxydopamine.It is suggested that the intrinsic amine handling axons are more likely to utilise an indolamine related to 5-hydroxytryptamine than they are to utilise a catecholamine as a neurotransmitter.  相似文献   
Summary Cilia of the 9+2 pattern are found electron microscopically in nonependymal cells of the habenulae and the interpeduncular nucleus of the tadpole of Rana esculenta at an early stage of development (8 mm length, head to tip of tail). A comparison is made between these and the ependymal and sensory cilia in the same specimens. The cilia project into the neuropil emerging from a perikaryon rich in free ribosomes and displaying a prominent Golgi apparatus. These perikarya contain dense core vesicles. Synapses with vesicles of the clear spherical type have been observed along the ciliary shaft. On a purely morphologic basis the authors hypothesize that these cilia, at least in this early ontogenetic stage, may extend considerably the conducting surface of the cell and represent a sensory structure which could be stimulated by terminal processes belonging to distantly located cells. In addition, they could also be involved in the trophic exchange of material with the adjacent structures.  相似文献   
Gengliosides generally provide a small portion of the complex carbohydrate content of cell surfaces. An exception is the central nervous system where they comprise up to 5–10% of the total lipid of some membranes. This tissue is unique in that the quantity of lipid-bound sialic acid exceeds that of the protein-bound fraction. Over 30 different molecular species have been characterized to date. These range in complexity from sialosylgalactosyl ceramide with 2 sugars to the pentasialoganglioside of fish brain with 9 carbohydrate units. Virtually all cellular and subcellular fractions of brain that have been carefully examined contain gangliosides to one degree or another, but the majority of brain ganglioside is located in the neurons. Their mode of distribution within the neuron has not been entirely clarified by subcellular studies. Calculations based on reported values for axon terminal density and synaptosomal ganglioside concentration in the rat reveal that nerve endings contribute less than 12% of total cerebral cortical ganglioside. It is concluded that the plasma membranes of neuronal processes contain most of the neuronal ganglioside. These and other considerations suggest the possibility that gangliosides may be distributed over the entire neuronal surface.  相似文献   
Summary After application of a rapid, selective silver impregnation procedure for light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy, individual neurons are distinguishable by a light silver precipitation. The silver content is sufficient that entire nerve cells can be observed light microscopically; on the other hand, electron microscopically the cytological details are still visible. Brains of mice were fixed by phosphate-buffered aldehyde perfusion, and pieces of tissue left in a 1 % K2Cr2O7 solution for 13 h before impregnation in a 0.5 % AgNO3 solution for 2h. Thick sections (30–50 m) of the impregnated tissue were cut; from these sections, suitably stained neurons were dissected out and re-embedded for ultrathin sectioning, thereby allowing observations on the same neurons at the EM level. A thin silver deposit was observed along the delimiting neuronal membrane, the microtubules and the smooth ER, including the spinal apparatus of the dendritic spines. The fine cytoplasmic details of the impregnated neurons and the surrounding tissue are well preserved and, therefore, suitable for subsequent determination of synaptic relationships of the impregnated neurons with the adjacent neuronal elements.  相似文献   
Summary Immunoreactive vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was detected in a population of amacrine cells in the retina of the rat. Processes of these cells reach both the inner and outer half of the inner plexiform layer where they form sublayers. The VIP neurons are different from previously known amacrine cell types.  相似文献   
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