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Abstract. Long-term after effects on species number and productivity in calcareous grassland were analyzed after cessation of fertilization. Three series of permanent plots were monitored yearly from 1971 to 1993. These series differed in duration of fertilization and in fertilizer composition, notably the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus. Yearly above-ground production decreased in all series after fertilization had been stopped, however at different speeds. The grass/forb ratio also decreased, while species number and Shannon index of diversity (H') increased. In the series where fertilizer treatment was stopped in 1967 (1968-series), productivity and grass/forb ratio decreased equally as in the plots where fertilization with a high nitrogen content was stopped in 1979 (80/Npk-series). However, species number in the plots of the 80/Npk-series increased faster than in the 1968-series. This was probably the result of a higher number of species present in the seed rain from the surrounding vegetation in the period after 1980 than from after 1968. In the plots receiving a high amount of phosphorus (80/nPk series), the productivity decreased more slowly than in the high nitrogen plots (80/Npk-series). At approximately the same total production level, the grass/forb ratio remained higher for another five-year period in the 80/nPk-series. Species number and the Shannon index of diversity increased more slowly in the 80/nPk-series than in the 80/Npk-series. Over a given range of productivity, changes in species number and Shannon index correlated better with the grass/forb ratio than with total above-ground phytomass. Therefore, restoration of species-rich grassland should not only be focused on lowering the yearly production, but also on reducing the grass component of the vegetation.  相似文献   
Abstract. The peatlands of Atlantic Canada are classified in four plant alliances, consisting of 10 plant associations. The four plant alliances comprise the dry bog communities (Kalmio-Cladonion Wells 1981), wet bog communities (Scirpo-Sphagnion Wells 1981), hummock and ridge communities of slope and string fens (Betulo-Sphagnion Wells all. nov.), and poor, intermediate and rich fen plant communities (Scirpo-Myricion Wells 1981). Distribution maps are presented for relevés in each of the 10 associations. Based on species distributions, floristic regions are defined for peatlands in Atlantic Canada. Nutritional characteristics are also described for each plant association. pH and total soil concentrations of calcium, nitrogen and iron proved reliable in separating bog from fen. A boundary between ombrotrophic peatlands and minerotrophic peatlands is suggested, based on a soil pH of 4.0, total soil concentrations of 3.0 mg g?1 Ca, 4.0 mg g?1 Fe, 13.0 mg g?1 N and a Ca/Mg ratio of 2.5. Comparisons between the syntaxa for peatlands in Atlantic Canada and those in Europe are discussed for higher taxa. The possibility of establishing a new order (Chamaedaphno-Scirpetalia Wells ord. nov.) for peatlands in Atlantic Canada is also discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract The present paper deals with a new species, Heratemis ustulatus Wu et Chen, collected from Fujian Province. The new species is distinguished easily from the closely related species Heratemis uegeta (Papp) by the following characters: head blackish-brown, mesonotum reddish-brown, length of ovipositor equal to abdomen. Type specimen is deposited in Beneficial Insects Lab., Fujian Agricultural University, Fuzhou, Fujian Province.  相似文献   
A general model for estimating the number of amino acid substitutions per site (d) from the fraction of identical residues between two sequences (q) is proposed. The well-known Poisson-correction formula q = e –d corresponds to a site-independent and amino-acid-independent substitution rate. Equation q = (1 – e –2d )/2d, derived for the case of substitution rates that are site-independent, but vary among amino acids, approximates closely the empirical method, suggested by Dayhoff et al. (1978). Equation q = 1/(1 + d) describes the case of substitution rates that are amino acid-independent but vary among sites. Lastly, equation q = [ln(1 + 2d)]/2d accounts for the general case where substitution rates can differ for both amino acids and sites.  相似文献   
Abstract. 40 sites, representing different pasture types in Northwest Spain, were sampled in respect of their floristic composition, distribution of above and below-ground biomass and environmental and physical variables. Five plant community types were identified by classification techniques of plant species composition. These communities were then characterized in terms of the percentage of ground covered by herbaceous and shrub vegetation, stones, rocks and gaps as well as their topographic location and characteristics of the shallow soil (pH, organic matter, nitrogen and calcium content). Bio-mass was assessed in terms of above-ground structures, surface crowns and three below-ground layers to a depth of 10 cm. Three types of grazing regime were distinguished: Concentrated Intense Grazing in early spring (CIG), Extended Intense Grazing throughout the spring (EIG), and Non-Intense Grazing (NIG). Grazing regime showed the highest association with plant community type and three broad categories were identified: xeric stressed pastures, which nevertheless received CIG, mesic pastures with EIG, and three kinds of NIG mesic pastures. The xeric communities had the highest proportion of aboveground biomass, as a consequence of their greater proportion of woody perennials. These xeric communities displayed a more gradual reduction in below-ground biomass with depth than mesic pastures, a likely consequence of the low water content in the upper soil layers. The mesic communities had a high concentration of below-ground biomass in the upper layers when they were intensely grazed. However, when grazing was low (i.e. NIG situations), these communities had greater variability in biomass profiles than any of the other pasture types. Possible causes of the patterns in biomass distribution of the intensely grazed pastures are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract. A survey of the vegetation of roadside verges was made across the southern part of the South Island of New Zealand. Samples were taken at 10-km intervals along selected roads providing a climatic range from the suboceanic conditions of the east coast into semi-arid Central Otago, and from Central Otago through the Southern Alps to the hyper-oceanic areas of high rainfall on the west Coast. The variation in the floristic composition is associated mainly with variation in rainfall, continentality, altitude, soil acidity, soil organic matter, and presence of forest. Sites in the arable and pastoral regions on the eastern side of the Southern Alps support a herbaceous vegetation consisting mostly of exotic species of European origin, with a few native grasses scattered through the drier and less fertile sites. A greater proportion of native species is found at higher altitudes. Roadside vegetation in the area of high rainfall to the west is characterized by indigenous ferns and woody species, although vegetation adjacent to cleared areas is more similar to that on roadsides adjacent to farmland on the east coast. The pattern of distribution of both native and exotic species is strongly related to altitudinal and climatic gradients, and the environmental responses of the exotic species are similar to those recorded in Europe. This suggests a colonization of all available sites by the exotic species, despite the relatively short time since their introduction to New Zealand, rather than an incomplete invasion.  相似文献   
Abstract. Models of semiarid vegetation dynamics were evaluated to explain changes in the grassland of interior South Island, New Zealand. Annual records were taken for six years of plant species height frequency and percentage ground cover in five plots established in 1986. One subplot at each site was fenced to exclude sheep, one to exclude rabbits and sheep, and one remained unfenced as a control. Records from 1986–1992 were analysed by ordination. The overall pattern of vegetation change shows considerable year-to-year variation. At some sites, variation in vegetation composition between years was as great as, or greater than, that between grazed and ungrazed subplots. Such variation is particularly evident in grazed vegetation, perhaps because it is under greater stress than ungrazed vegetation. At one site changes in vegetation total cover and species composition could be statistically related to rainfall during the first half of the growing season. The only general trends following cessation of grazing were for perennials to increase in frequency, and for year-to-year changes to become smaller with time. Total vegetation cover values seldom changed as a result of cessation of grazing, but tended to follow year-to-year changes in species frequency. The results do not in general support switch/state-and-transition models of semi-arid vegetation dynamics. Vegetation change follows changes in grazing and climate with little lag. This most closely conforms with the Pulse-phase dynamic model.  相似文献   
Abstract. The sequences of macrofossils in 17 cores from two Tasmanian valley Sphagnum peatlands reveal a wide variety of successional pathways. The most common sequence is from restiad mires to Sphagnum mires to heath. While it is impossible to conclusively separate allogenic and autogenic influences, it seems likely that the rapid rate of change recorded in the upper levels of the cores may, in part, reflect recent climatic change. Most other changes recorded in the core are likely to be predominantly autogenic.  相似文献   
A new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate is described from Sesoko Beach, Okinawa Island, subtropical Japan and its micromorphology is studied by means of light and electron microscopy. The cell consists of a small epitheca and a large hypothecs superficially resembling members of the unarmored genus Amphidinium. The cell is dorso-ventrally flattened and possesses a single chloroplast with a large conspicuous pyrenoid. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the dinoflagellate possesses typical dinoflagellate cellular organization. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that the organism is thecate and the thecal plate arrangement is Po, 4′, 1a, 7″, 5c, 4s, 6″′, 2″″. Most of the characteristics suggest gonyaulacalean affinity of the new species. These are the presence of ventral pore, lack of canal plate, direct contact between the sulcal anterior plate and the flagellar pore, possession of six postcingular plates and asymmetrical arrangement of the antapical plates. Affinity to existing families of the order Gonyaulacales has not been determined. Based on the unique cell shape, thecal plate arrangement and the presence of ventral pore, a new genus, Amphidiniella, is established for this organism and the species is named A. sedentaria Horiguchi gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   
大岩桐叶片培养再生植株的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以大岩桐(Sinningia speciosa Benth.et Hook)叶片为试材,接种于MS附加不同激素组合的培养基上,成功地经愈伤组织至球状体至不定芽途径形成大量再生植株并移栽成活。在各种细胞分裂素中,6-苄基嘌呤(BA)的效果优于激动素(KT)。生长素萘乙酸(NAA)与BA及KT配合使用时愈伤组织诱导、球状体分化及不定芽增殖均有明显的增效作用。其最适宜的培养基组成为:MS+BA2.0mg  相似文献   
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