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《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(3):217-222
The first documented dinosaur footprints from Southeast Asia were theropod footprints found in Thailand at Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary. Since then, Mesozoic vertebrate footprints have been discovered in twelve different localities in Thailand. In 2000, dinosaur footprints were found in Phu Kao National Park in Northeastern Thailand, however, they have never been studied in detail. The following study presents the first map, the complete measurements, the geology, and stratigraphy of the site and surrounding area. The study discusses the nature of the trackmaker and the digitigrade character of the footprints. This discovery represents the first documented occurrence of dinosaur footprints inside the Early Cretaceous Sao Khua Formation from Thailand.  相似文献   
The age of the Silurian “Lower Red Beds” (LRBs), which occur widely in South China, has long been controversial because of the scarcity of index fossils. Here, we report a fauna with abundant trilobites from the LRBs in Wuhan, Middle Yangtze region, consisting of Aulacopleura (Paraaulacopleura) pijiazhaiensis, ‘Encrinuroidesyichangensis, Gaotania hubeiensis, Hyrokybe gaotanensis, Japonoscutellum yichangense, Latiproetus latilimbatus, and Ptilillaenus lojopingensis. These trilobites are common in the Leijiatun, upper Xiangshuyuan, Shihniulan, and Lojoping formations in the Upper Yangtze region, and belong to the middle to upper Aeronian Ptilillaenus or ‘Encrinuroides’–PtilillaenusLatiproetus assemblages. The discovery of this trilobite assemblage suggests that the LRBs are probably partly of middle–late Aeronian age in the Middle Yangtze region. Thus, the lower boundary of the LRBs is likely diachronous in the Yangtze region, ranging from the middle–late Aeronian to the early Telychian. The discovery of the Ptilillaenus assemblage in the Wuhan LRBs expands the paleogeographic distribution of this assemblage and provides evidence of deeper depositional environment of the LRBs in the study area versus shallow waters in other areas of the Yangtze region.  相似文献   
Palaeoskapha sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov. of Menispermaceae is described here for the first time based on a well preserved fossil fruit. The specimen was found in the Relu Formation of western Sichuan, West China. The specimen, straight, boat-shaped endocarp with large ventral condyle, clearly belongs to the tribe Tinosporeae. The wide aperture of the double condyle, combined with a whole shape not deeply invaginated, indicates a genus different from what was already known to science for this tribe. This fossil widens the distribution of the tribe during Eocene from North America and Europe to Asia, where it was formerly unknown.  相似文献   
本文系统地研究了新疆玛纳斯河红沟剖面西山窑组和头屯河组孢粉化石,共计51属108种。根据孢粉属种组成及其含量的变化,自下而上分为2套组合:1.Cyathidites-Neoraistrisckia-Disacciatrileti(CND)组合,2.Cyathidites-Disacciatrileti-Classopollis(CDC)组合。依据组合中一些重要分子的地质时限讨论及其与相关组合的对比,将“CND”组合的地质时代归为中侏罗世早期,“CDC”组合归为中侏罗世晚期。在综合分析和对比新疆一些地区中侏罗世孢粉组合的基础上,自下而上建立了2个孢粉组合带,即:Cyathidites-Neoraistrisckia-Quadraeculina-Cycadopites(CNQC)组合带,Cyathidites-Quadraeculina-Classopollis(CQC)组合带。  相似文献   
The AR-1 layer, corresponding to the Escucha Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the Santa Maria Mine of Ariño, has supplied rich and well-preserved macrofloral and palynological assemblages showing interesting data about both taphonomic and environmental conditions. This single layer is located in the Oliete Sub-Basin from the Maestrazgo Basin in northeastern Spain, and it represents one of the most outstanding single layer fossil sites in the world. This site shows abundant and diverse fauna containing exquisitely preserved vertebrate and invertebrate fossils (dinosaur bones, turtles, crocodiles, fishes, molluscs and ostracods) and also plant remains of Albian age. The assemblage is especially significant for dinosaur phylogenetic analysis. The sedimentary environment corresponds to a freshwater swamp plain with sporadic marine inputs within a deltaic–estuarine system under subtropical–tropical climate.  相似文献   
The Cintura Formation of Albian–Cenomanian age in the Cabullona Basin yielded an important fossil flora, including palynomorphs, leaf impressions and fossil trunks. At the base of the Marquechi Member a poorly preserved palynomorph assemblage is recognised. The palynological assemblage is dominated by gymnosperms, mainly by cheirolepidiacean genus Classopollis. A noteworthy feature is the presence of angiosperm pollen grains of the genera Clavatipollenites, Retimonocolpites and Tucanopollis. A rich, diverse and well-preserved macroflora of leaf impressions has been observed in the uppermost part of this formation belonging to the San Juan Member. There are at least eight morphospecies of leaves including an abundance of taxa with possible botanical affinities to the family Sapindaceae. The angiosperm pollen grains together with the sapindalean leaves constitute the oldest record of such remains in Mexico.  相似文献   
贵州金沙岩孔剖面的寒武系牛蹄塘组为跨阶地层,以镍钼矿层为分界面,其上部属于筇竹寺阶,下部为梅树村阶。近期,作者利用15%左右的醋酸浸泡金沙岩孔剖面牛蹄塘组底部(梅树村阶)的岩样,发现了以球形化石为主的单胞、多胞球形类小壳动物化石,包括Olivooides pearformis和其余两类未确定的球形化石。此次球形化石的发现不仅丰富了牛蹄塘生物群的生物面貌,而且为解译早期后生动物的起源和演化、胚胎生物学提供了化石资料。  相似文献   
岩石组合特征和同位素数据表明,松辽盆地来D13井137.0—142.0m井段属于早白垩世晚期(Aptian—Albian期)营城组。104.2—137.0m井段光山核桃粉(Caryapollenites simplex)-拟榛莫米粉(Momipites coryloides)-朴粉未定种(Celtispollenites sp.)-具缘铁杉粉(Tsugaepollenites igniculus)组合特征可以与前人的大安组孢粉组合特征对比,反映的都是暖温带至北亚热带中生气候,而与晚白垩世嫩江组的孢粉组合特征截然不同,应该确定为早中新世晚期至中中新世的大安组。54.2—104.2m井段小蒿粉(Artemisiaepollenites minor)-拟桦粉未定种(Betulaceoipollenites sp.)-枥粉未定种(Carpinipites sp.)-水龙骨单缝孢未定种(Polypodiaceaesporites sp.)组合特征可以与前人的泰康组孢粉组合特征对比,反映的都是暖温带至北亚热带中生偏旱气候,这与前人依据岩石组合特征确定为泰康组的结论一致,孢粉组合时代分析表明,该井段沉积的时间为晚中新世至上新世初期。研究结果丰富了松辽盆地新近纪孢粉地层学内容,为松辽盆地西部斜坡区井下新近纪孢粉地层学对比提供了新资料,也为邻区新近纪生物地层学对比以及古植被和古气候分析提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
本文总结了塔里木盆地西北缘露头剖面和典型钻井(草1井与托甫2井)剖面柯坪塔格组岩电及生物特征,并在此基础上对中央隆起区32口主要钻井的柯坪塔格组进行连井地层划分对比及地震剖面标定追踪。结合对等T0图分析,探讨了研究区柯坪塔格组三段分布规律。研究表明,柯坪塔格组上段分布最广,除麻扎塔格-塘参1-顺南地区以南没有发育外,其余地区均有发育,地层厚度一般在100—300m不等,在顺托果勒地区及方1井区以北分布厚度最大,超过了300m。柯坪塔格组上段总体分布表现出南薄北厚、东西分布不均的特点。柯坪塔格组中段与柯坪塔格组下段分布局限,仅在和4-顺西1-顺南3-塔中32井以北地区有发育。柯坪塔格组中段厚度一般只有40—60m,柯坪塔格组下段厚度一般为200—300m,两者厚度均表现出南薄北厚的分布特点。  相似文献   
对四川盆地东北缘宣汉七里峡剖面须家河组进行了详细的孢粉学研究,发现丰富的孢粉化石,共计59属113种,其中包括蕨类植物孢子35属62种,裸子植物花粉22属47种,苔藓类植物孢子1属3种,以及藻类化石1属1种。据此建立一个孢粉组合,命名为Dictyophyllidites-Lunzisporites-Chasmatosporites组合(简称DLC组合),并进一步分为上、下两个亚组合。根据孢粉组合内一些重要分子的地质时代延限及与国内外有关孢粉组合的对比,提出其地质时代属于晚三叠世诺利期—瑞替期(Norian—Rhaetian)。该孢粉植物群反映了一个以蕨类植物的真蕨类、石松类和裸子植物的松柏类和苏铁类群等占主导且较为繁盛的植被面貌,揭示出温暖潮湿的亚热带—热带气候环境。  相似文献   
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