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In the euxinic waters of the NW’ Black Sea shelf, tower-like carbonate build-ups up to several metres in height grow at sites of cold methane seepage. These structures are part of an unique microbial ecosystem that shows a considerable biodiversity and a remarkable degree of organization. The accretion of the build-ups is promoted by the growth of centimetre-sized, methane-filled spheres constructed by calcifying microbial mats. Progressive mineralization of these spheres involves the early precipitation of strongly luminescent high-Mg-calcite rich in iron sulphides, and closely interfingered aragonite phases that finally create the stable (mega-) thrombolithic fabric of the towers. Within the microbial mats, microorganisms occur in distinctive spatial arrangements. Major players among the microbial consortia are the archaea groups ANME-1 and ANME-2, Crenarchaeota, and sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of the Desulfosarcina/Desulfobacterium group. The intracellular precipitation of iron sulphides (greigite) by some of these bacteria, growing in close association with ANME-2, suggests iron cycling as an additional biogeochemical pathway involved in the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM).  相似文献   
Uniquely preserved Late Devonian calcispheres were found in a core of the deep borehole Sosnowiec IG-1 (Upper Silesia, southern Poland). These enigmatic calcareous microfossils are interpreted here as acritarchs that underwent an early post-mortem calcification. Remnants of organic walls preserved in the calcispheres suggest that they represent various acanthomorphic acritarchs, characteristic members of the Palaeozoic marine phytoplankton. Taphonomic analysis combined with the light microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations of mineral and organic components of the investigated calcispheres suggest that a complex multi-stage process led to calcification of their in vivo non-mineralized acritarch forerunners. The ubiquity of acanthomorphic calcispheres in many Devonian shallow-water limestones is a testimony to little, thus far, documented acritarch crops that must have existed over extensive areas of carbonate-producing epicontinental seas. The scarcity of acritarchs described from Devonian shallow-water limestones may thus represent a taphonomic bias rather than real rarity or absence.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to demonstrate the benefits of digital surface-quantification and species identification in the study of coralline algae. Within the well-constrained context of the Miocene Sommières Basin (Southern France), whose sedimentological and paleontological setting has been reconstructed by previous researches, the abundance of coralline algae is estimated through quantification of the area occupied by the different species, which are thoroughly described in order to make future taxonomic-revisions as easy as possible. Coralline distribution patterns are studied along a bathymetric gradient to assess the response of the major groups and of the different species to variations in water depth. Surface quantification highlights clear trends both at the species level and higher taxonomic ranks, showing that coralline algae can be a quite accurate instrument in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Among the clearly identified species, Lithophyllum sp. A, Sporolithon sp. A, and Spongites fruticulosus prefer shallow-water; Mesophyllum roveretoi dominates at intermediate depth together with Lithothamnion ponzonense, while Phymatolithon sp. A occurs at the lower limit of the photic zone. The approach presented here can be applied to a variety of different contexts, providing a powerful instrument for the interpretation of coralline-algal associations.  相似文献   
Summary The Tertiary Lapsarna swamp sedimentary rocks include thin horizons (organic-rich sediments, up to 22% Corg). Analyses of major elements of carbonates, shaly and siliceous rocks, and a thin, intensively silicified coaly horizon were taken (10 representative samples). Pure carbonates consistalmost completely of calcite, the siliceous sediments of quartz and calcite, and the shales of montmorillonite, feldspar, quartz, dolomite and calcite. The shales contain montmorillonite as the only clay component. The presence of montmorillonite in all shales suggests that the chemistry of the clay-forming solutions lies within the stability field of montmorillonite. Geochemical data indicate that montmorillonite and associated immobile elements (La, Zr, Y, Nb) are the products of hydrolysis of volcanic material in a subtropical region. The intense silification of the coaly horizon is due to a contact with silica-rich solutions that formed during the formation of montmorillonite. Quartz is produced diagenetically by transformation of amorphous opal-A after burial.  相似文献   
Summary Geological, papaeontological and microfacies studies in the Lower Cambrian carbonate complex of the G?rlitz Synclinorium (eastern Germany/Saxony/Lusatian region) provide new data for the fossil content, depositional history and palaeogeography. The Lower Cambrian of the G?rlitz Synclinorium belongs to the facies zones 5, 7 and 8 ofWilson (1975)-platform rim with connections to the open ocean and to the restricted platform areas. An extraordinarily rich fauna was found with elements which are in some cases new for Europe (Rhombocorniculum cancellatum Cobbold,Fordilla sibirica Krasilova, Calodiscus lobatus Hall,Archaeooides granulatus Qian,Archiasterella pentactina Sdzuy,Allonia sp.,Obliquatheca aldanica Sysoiev,Conotheca circumflexa Missarzhevsky,Microcornus elongatus Missarzhevsky,Lenalituus sp.,Pelagiella cf.lorenzi Kobayashi,Beshtashella sp.,Comluella sp.,Cambroclavithidae gen. et sp. indet., Helcionellidae gen. et sp., indet. Eocrinoidea gen. et sp. indet.) This fauna indicates Lower Cambrian (higher Atdabanian/Botomian) age and reveals palaeobiogeographical connections to the Siberian Platform, to the Mediterranean area and to China. A somewhat new stratigraphical subdivision of the Lower Cambrian sequence (Zwetau Formation) is described. New units are established within the Ludwigsdorf Member (the carbonatic lower part of the sequence), the ‘Lower Ludwigsdorf Member’ (massive dolostone) and the ‘Upper Ludwigsdorf Member’ (bedeed limestones and their equivalents). The subsequentLusatiops Member is subdivided intoSerrodiscus Bed (claystones) andLusatiops Bed (siltstones).  相似文献   
Summary The Late Jurassic epicontinental sea of South Germany protruded far to the North forming a wide bay which was rimmed by shallow-water platforms (Swiss and French Jura). This wide shelf is characterized by extensive downslope mud accumulations including siliceous sponge buildups. The bioherms are aligned along the more pericontinental parts of this shelf, which graded to the South into the Helvetic Basin of the Tethys Ocean. Five sedimentary cycles of Oxfordian to Middle Kimmeridgian age (ox. 2–ox. 3, ki.1.–ki.1.2, ki.3, ki.1.3–ki.2.1, ki. 2.1–ki. 2.2) were used for interregional correlation. Each cycle is characterized by a vertical suite from marl to pure limestone. The bases of the marls are characterized by abundant open-marine fossils, glauconite and phosphate (fish teeth and pellets) and interpreted as condensed sections. Deepening is indicated by bioherms changing their growth form before demise from large structures into small isolated buildups, which commonly occur within deeper water. Sequence boundaries, are present at the transition from marl into limestone. Two phases (middle ki. 1.3 and ki. 1/2) of debris-flow deposition, one accompanied by the sudden spreadout of biostromes and basinward shift of bioherms, are interpreted as lowstand phases associated with sequence boundaries. The remaining sedimentary cycles described here lack such lowstand deposits. Instead, corresponding positions in the cycles are characterized by omission features. This problem is still unresolved. It may either be due to sediment trapping on the ramp or to a changing origin of the cycles compared. It is proposed here that highstand sediments, having higher contents of fine-grained siliciclastics than lowstand deposits, formed during a humid and warm climate with high rates of continued runoff and sediment transport. Lowstand deposits consist of pure offbank carbonates, because the associated drier climate reduced fluvial input of terrigenous material. Corresponding patterns of climatic change are also seen in platform sediments from the Swiss Jura Range; however, climatic cycles correlate with eustatic sea level fluctuations in only about 50% of the cases. This misfit may partially result from problems with biostratigraphic correlation (boreal— Tethyan). Small-scale sedimentary cycles with an average duration of 66’000 years (Mutabilis chron, ki. 2) to 95’000 years (Planula chron, ox. 3) provide a tool for detailed stratigraphic correlation in biostromes, small scale lenticular bioherms (1–2 m thickness) and large bedded bioherms (many tens of metres thickness). Interruptions of bioherm growth are due to temporal oxygen deficiency related to plankton blooms. The bathymetrically deepest bioherms-small and lenticular in shape—therefore suffered the highest number of ecological break-downs, whereas massive bioherms continuously remained above the critical level.  相似文献   
Summary This study presents sedimentological and micropaleontological data on ostracods from a cold-temperate inner shelf setting in the Troms District, northern Norway. The coarse fraction analyses carried out on sediment surface samples from coastal platforms and adjacent outer fjord troughs reveal a considerable contribution from ostracods to the accumulation of skeletal carbonates in distinct depositional settings. Ostracod accumulation is highest along wave-sheltered areas of coastal platforms where fleshy seaweed and coralline algal communities thrive in 10 to 30 m water depth. Current-exposed slopes of outer fjord troughs show a highly mixed ostracod assemblage consisting of imported species from the shallow coastal platform which is mixed with the trough assemblage. The hydrodynamic transport of ostracods into deeper areas results from the strong tidal current regime. Because of this mixing process, only the end members, the coastal platform and the fjord trough assemblages can be defined. The former is characterized byBaffinicythere emarginata, Cythere lutea, Finmarchinella angulata, Hemicytherura clathrata, Robertsonites tuberculatus, Sclerochilus rudjakovi, Semicytherura undata andXestoleberis cf.depressa. The outer fjord trough assemblage is characterized byCluthia cluthae, Cytherella abyssorum, Cytheropteron alatum, Krithe cf.adelspergi, Muellerina abyssicola, Cytherella cf.vulgatella andCytheropteron testudo. Members of the northern Norwegian trough assemblage are known to occur in deeper open shelf environments of the NE-Atlantic.  相似文献   
Summary The island of Cres is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea. The island is built up of predominantly Cretaceous carbonates deposited in north-western part of extensive and long-lasting Adriatic Carbonate Platform. Owing to the influence of synsedimentary tectonics supported by eustatic changes during the latest Albian/Early Cenomanian, different sedimentary environments were established: from shallow intraplatform basin and related slope, across basin margin to protected shallow-platform. During the Early to Middle Cenomanian rudist communities (ichthyosarcolitid/caprinid/radiolitid)flourished along a relatively high-energy intraplatform basin margin. Fair amounts of coarse-grained bioclasts, derived almost exclusively from broken rudist shells, were deposited over a marginal depocenter. Contemporaneously, pithonellid wackestone-packstones containing microbioclasts and planktonic foraminifera were deposited basinward while marginal bioclastic sediments and limestone blocks of the basin margin origin were sporadically deposited within the basin. The opening of the Cres intraplatform basin was aborted and the basin was finally filled up during the Late Cenomanian. Since the Cres intraplatform basin was established at the beginning of the Cenomanian it probably represented the initiation phase in the north-western extension of the later Adriatic Trough development.  相似文献   
Book reviews     

A total of 59 taxa of epibionts and endobionts occurred on experimentally deployed gastropod shells within one year of emplacement at depths ranging from 15 m to 260 m in the Bahamas. Most of the diversity occurred within 73 m of water depth. The experimental shells at the deepest sites (210 m, 260 m) were essentially pristine. Differences in experimental treatment affected the results: shells in bags contained more bionts than tethered shells, suggesting the bags had more protective areas for biont settlement. Soft‐bodied encrusters were restricted to the upper 73 m while foraminiferans and bryozoans exhibited bathymetric trends to the deepest sites. While boring algae and cyanobacteria were ubiquitous on the shells to 73 m, other bioeroders (e.g., clionid sponges) were rare. Bioaccumulation, rather than bioerosion, is the predominant process affecting mollusc shells during the first year of taphonomic exposure in carbonate systems to depths of 260 m.  相似文献   
Two new compounds, 2′,3′-di-O-ethoxycarbonyluridine and 2′,3′-di-O-ethoxycarbonylinosine, were obtained through a Candida antarctica lipase B catalysed regioselective ethanolysis of the corresponding trialcoxycarbonylated nucleosides with benzyl alcohol in 1,4-dioxane at 30°C.  相似文献   
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