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Summary Forty-three strains of feeder root colonizing fluorescent pseudomonads from rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) roots were examined for effects on rough lemon and sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) seedlings. Plants inoculated with a single bacterial soil-drench had, after 10 months, a range of stimulatory (to 116%) and inhibitory effects (to 52%). Stimulatory bacteria particularly increased growth of root systems. Cultivar-specific inhibition and stimulation was evident in inoculations of rough lemon and sweet orange seedlings. Populations of fluorescent rhizobacteria on inoculated and noninoculated, as well as on stimulated and nonstimulated seedlings, did not differ significantly (10.8×106 to 30.3×106 CFU/g root). Population of fluorescent rhizobacteria on seedlings were higher than populations on feeder roots from grove trees (2.8 to 5.7×106 CFU/g). Ninety-four and 81% of 251 fluorescent strains produced antibiotics against the fungusGeotrichum candidum and the bacteriumErwinia stewartii, respectively. Antibiotic activities of 90% of the antibiotic producing strains were repressed by Fe3+, indicating siderophore production. In comparison, only 9.6 and 15% of 94 randomly selected nonfluorescentPseudomonas strains were antibiotic producers. Differences between stimulatory and inhibitory or neutral bacteria were not apparent from antibiosis tests. On the basis of physiological tests,Pseudomonas putida was the most abundant (>62%) pseudomonad species on rough lemon roots. Growth stimulating strains appeared to be in bothP. putida andP. fluorescens groups. FewP. aeruginosa strains were identified on citrus roots.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No.  相似文献   
The Southern Ocean contains some of the most isolated islands on Earth, and fundamental questions remain regarding their colonization and the connectivity of their coastal biotas. Here, we conduct a genetic investigation into the Cellana strigilis (limpet) complex that was originally classified based on morphological characters into six subspecies, five of which are endemic to the New Zealand (NZ) subantarctic and Chatham islands (44–52°S). Previous genetic analyses of C. strigilis from six of the seven island groups revealed two lineages with little or no within‐lineage variation. We analysed C. strigilis samples from all seven island groups using two mitochondrial (COI and 16S), one nuclear (ATPase β) and 58 loci from four randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) and confirmed the existence of two distinct lineages. The pronounced genetic structuring within each lineage and the presence of private haplotypes in individual islands are the result of little genetic connectivity and therefore very high self‐recruitment. This study supports the significance of the subantarctic islands as refugia during the last glacial maximum and adds to the knowledge of contemporary population connectivity among coastal populations of remote islands in large oceans and the distance barrier to gene flow that exists in the sea (despite its continuous medium) for most taxa.  相似文献   
In Egypt, sesame cultivation is subject to attack by wilt and root-rot diseases caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. sesami (Zap) Cast. and Macrophomina phaseolina (Maubl) Ashby causing losses in quality and quantity of sesame seed yield. Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma viride isolates which were isolated from sesame rhizosphere were the most effective to antagonise fungal pathogens, causing high reduction of hyphal fungal growth. Trichoderma viride was found to be mycoparasitic on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. sesami and M. phaseolina causing morphological atternation of fungal cells and sclerotial formation. In general, Bacillus subtilis, T. viride, avirulent Fusarium oxysporum isolate and Glomus spp. (Amycorrhizae) significantly reduced wilt and root-rot incidence of sesame plants at artificially infested potted soil by each one or two pathogens. Data obtained indicate that Glomus spp significantly reduced wilt and disease severity development on sesame plants followed by T. viride. Meanwhile, avirulent Fusarium oxysporum isolate followed by Glomus spp. were effective against root-rot disease incidence caused by M. phaseolina. Glomus spp. followed by B. subtilis significantly reduced wilt and root-rot disease of sesame plants. All biotic agents significantly reduced F. oxysporum f.sp. sesami and M. phaseolina counts in sesame rhizosphere at the lowest level. Glomus spp. and the avirulent isolate of F. oxysporum eliminated M. phaseolina in sesame rhizosphere. Meanwhile T. viride was the best agent at reducing F. oxysporum at a lower level than other treatments. Application of VA mycorrhizae (Glomus spp.) in fields naturally infested by pathogens significantly reduced wilt and root-rot incidence and it significantly colonised sesame root systems and rhizospheres compared to untreated sesame transplantings.  相似文献   


To isolate and characterize bacteriocins produced by predominant species of lactic acid bacteria from faeces of elderly subjects.

Methods and Results

Screening over 70 000 colonies, from faecal samples collected from 266 subjects, using the indicator organisms Lactobacillus bulgaricus LMG 6901 and Listeria innocua DPC 3572, identified 55 antimicrobial‐producing bacteria. Genomic fingerprinting following ApaI digestion revealed 15 distinct strains. The antimicrobial activities associated with 13 of the 15 strains were sensitive to protease treatment. The predominant antimicrobial‐producing species were identified as Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus crispatus and Enterococcus spp. A number of previously characterized bacteriocins, including ABP‐118 and salivaricin B (from Lact. salivarius), enterocin B (Enterococcus faecium), lactacin B (Lact. acidophilus), gassericin T and a variant of gassericin A (Lact. gasseri), were identified. Interestingly, two antimicrobial‐producing species, not generally associated with intestinally derived microorganisms were also isolated: Lactococcus lactis producing nisin Z and Streptococcus mutans producing mutacin II.


These data suggest that bacteriocin production by intestinal isolates against our chosen targets under the screening conditions used was not frequent (0·08%).

Significance and Impact of the Study

The results presented are important due to growing evidence indicating bacteriocin production as a potential probiotic trait by virtue of strain dominance and/or pathogen inhibition in the mammalian intestine.  相似文献   

The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover was found to be the only aphid species infesting the tested roselle varieties (Sudani, Masri and White), Hibiscus sabdariffa L. which were cultivated in El-Kanater El-khayria (about 30 km north Cairo) as ex situ old land. The vertical distribution of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.); the leafhopper, Empoasca spp. and the pink hibiscus mealy bug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus Green, as insect pests attacking this crop had been studied. Moreover, certain morphological characters and amino acids concentrations in the three varieties of roselle, were obtained. The obtained results indicated that the experimental insect pests severely attacked leaves of the stem nodes from the 8th to the 11th (counting from the top of the plant), whereas whitefly were more abundant on these nodes. All tested insect species were less abundant on the 4th stem node. This may be due to the extensive existence of gland hairs, that excrete some compound especially phenols that might prevent the insects from reproducing on the leaves. The opposite was, however, true for M. hirsutus as it did not attack Sudani and Masri varieties but the infestation occurred at the highest level on the White variety.  相似文献   
bacterial consortium has been isolated containing Pseudomonas spp. strains S1 and S2, which was able to degrade p‐nitrophenol (PNP). The strains were isolated from agricultural soil contaminated with organophosphorus pesticides. Pseudomonas spp. strain S2 could convert p‐nitrophenol to 4‐nitrocatechol (4NC) after pre‐exposure to phenol, when PNP was used as the only carbon source in the medium. Pseudomonas spp. strain S2, when mixed with strain S1 in the ratio 1:5 respectively, decolorised PNP completely.  相似文献   
In this study, Pseudomonas species were isolated from the rhizospheres of two plant hosts: rice (Oryza sativa cultivar Pathum Thani 1) and maize (Zea mays cultivar DK888). The genotypic diversity of isolates was determined on basis of amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). This analysis showed that both plant varieties selected for two distinct populations of Pseudomonas. The actual biocontrol and plant promotion abilities of these strains was confirmed by bioassays on fungal (Verticillum sp., Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium sp.) and bacterial (Ralstonia solanacearum and Bacillus subtilis) plant pathogens, as well as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production and carbon source utilization. There was a significant difference between isolates from rice and maize rhizosphere in terms of biological control against R.  solanacearum and B.  subtilis. Interestingly, none of the pseudomonads isolated from maize rhizosphere showed antagonistic activity against R.  solanacearum. This study indicated that the percentage of pseudomonad isolates obtained from rice rhizosphere which showed the ability to produce fluorescent pigments was almost threefold higher than pseudomonad isolates obtained from maize rhizosphere. Furthermore, the biocontrol assay results indicated that pseudomonad isolated from rice showed a higher ability to control bacterial and fungal root pathogens than pseudomonad isolates obtained from maize. This work clearly identified a number of isolates with potential for use as plant growth-promoting and biocontrol agents on rice and maize.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria blooms (especially Microcystis spp.) are thought to alter dominance of large-sized daphnids into small-sized metazoan zooplankton. However, several field investigations show different phenomena. Laboratory experiments were conducted based on the hypothesis that different Microcystis spp. concentrations would influence competitive outcomes using two algal combinations of different concentrations and four species of cladocerans. In the algal combination of 50 mg l−1 colonial Microcystis spp. + 1 mg l−1 Scenedesmus obliquus (fresh weight), Daphnia carinata was absent during the experiment in competition with other cladocerans. Decreasing colonial Microcystis spp. concentration (10 mg l−1) resulted in a shift from dominance by small-sized cladocerans to dominance by D. carinata. No significant effects of different concentrations of colonial Microcystis spp. on competitive outcomes were shown among three small-sized cladocerans. These results support the idea that cyanobacteria concentration affects the dominance status of large-bodied daphnid.  相似文献   
The burgeoning cellulosic ethanol industry necessitates advancements in enzymatic saccharification, effective pretreatments for lignin removal, and the cultivation of crops more amenable to saccharification. Studies have demonstrated that natural inhibitors of lignin biosynthesis can enhance the saccharification of lignocellulose, even in tissues generated several months post-treatment. In this study, we applied daidzin (a competitive inhibitor of coniferaldehyde dehydrogenase), piperonylic acid (a quasi-irreversible inhibitor of cinnamate 4-hydroxylase), and methylenedioxy cinnamic acid (a competitive inhibitor of 4-coenzyme A ligase) to 60-day-old crops of two conventional Brazilian sugarcane cultivars and two energy cane clones, bred specifically for enhanced biomass production. The resultant biomasses were evaluated for lignin content and enzymatic saccharification efficiency without additional lignin-removal pretreatments. The treatments amplified the production of fermentable sugars in both the sugarcane cultivars and energy cane clones. The most successful results softened the most recalcitrant lignocellulose to the level of the least recalcitrant of the biomasses tested. Interestingly, the softest material became even more susceptible to saccharification.  相似文献   
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