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本文记述了我国西藏地区的婪步甲属Harpalus Latreille1新亚属:藏婪步甲亚属Zangohar palus,subgen.nov.和1新种:亚东婪步甲H.(Zangoharpalus)yadongensis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   
A review of data on the background of wing dimorphism in carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and especially of the closely relatedCalathus cinctus andC. melanocephalus is given. In bothCalathus species wing dimorphism is inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion with the brachypterous condition dominant, but inC. melanocephalus the expression of the long winged genotype is under environmental control as well. The development of long winged phenotypes in the latter species is favoured by relatively favourable environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and a high food-supply. The higher fecundity of the larger and heavier long winged females of both species may compensate for losses of long winged phenotypes by flight activities. The evolutionary significance of both types of inheritance is discussed in relation to dispersal. The ‘fixed type’ as found inC. cinctus is considered an opportunistic short term ‘between sites strategy’, whereas the ‘dynamic type’ ofC. melanocephalus represents a flexible long term ‘within sites strategy’.  相似文献   
Reproductive interference due to interspecific hybridization can lead to character displacement among related species with overlapping ranges. However, no studies have examined which reproductive traits are most important in reducing reproductive interference. We conducted molecular analyses of two nuclear genes (28S and Wingless) and a mitochondrial gene (COI) from two closely related ground beetle species, Pterostichus thunbergi and Pterostichus habui (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with overlapping distributions. In addition, we examined four reproductive traits (body size, organ morphologies of intromittent and non‐intromittent male genital organs, and female reproductive period) in sympatric and allopatric habitats. We compared male genital morphology using geometric morphometric analysis. The species determined by morphology were classified into separate groups based on the phylogenetic tree constructed by the nuclear gene (Wingless). However, according to the mitochondrial genes examined, P. thunbergi was not monophyletic, whereas at the sympatric sites, these species formed a monophyletic clade. This incongruence suggests that interspecific hybridization and subsequent mitochondrial introgression from P. habui to P. thunbergi have occurred. Concerning genital morphology, both of the intromittent and nonintromittent organs of P. thunbergi differed more from P. habui at the sympatric sites than between allopatric sites, suggesting reproductive character displacement. Pterostichus thunbergi, which likely arrived in P. habui habitat in small numbers, would have experienced stronger selection pressures than P. habui.  相似文献   
We characterized five microsatellite loci from Abax parallelepipedus, one of the most common forest ground beetles in central Europe. The polymorphism of the loci was assessed in 30 individuals from one population. The number of alleles ranged between two and 19 and the observed heterozygosities between 0.10 and 0.97. No deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected for any of the markers.  相似文献   
In the present paper two genera and species,Rugiluclivina wrasei Balkenohl,1996,and Pseudoclivina memnonia(Dejean,1831),are reported in China for the first time.Morphological features and illustrations for the genera and species are provided.  相似文献   
The antennal morphology and chaetotaxy were studied in 52 species of the endogean carabid genus Typhlocharis, using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The antennae are composed of 11 antennomeres (scape, pedicel, and nine flagellomeres). We found considerable variation between species in the third antennomere, with short‐stem and long‐stem forms, and flagellomere morphology, distinguishing two morphs: rounded (subovoid, subspheric and subquadrate, morph 1) and reniform shapes (morph 2). Antennal sensilla are grouped in six types of sensilla trichodea, three types of sensilla basiconica, one type of sensilla coeloconica, and one type of sensilla campaniformia. The distribution of sensilla along the antennomeres is described. The “rings” of trichoid sensilla in the antennomere body are affected by its shape and there is interspecific variation in the pattern of sensilla coeloconica in antennomere 11°, a novelty for the genus. The types of sensilla found in Typhlocharis are compared to those described in other Carabidae and the potential functionality and taxonomic interest of those variable antennal features are discussed. A correlation between the flagellomere morphology and the presence/absence of a stridulatory organ is suggested. The study also allowed comparing the observation of antennal features by SEM and light microscopy. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The impact of landscape structure on the genetic structure of an abundant and widespread carabid beetle Poecilus versicolor was analysed in a low mountain range (Lahn-Dill-Bergland, Germany) by means of RAPD-PCR. Habitat patch and landscape characteristics were included as independent variables into a GIS oriented correlative approach. Results indicated a high overall genetic diversity of the beetle population and suggest that the mobility of P. versicolor is much higher than previously thought. An equilibrium among migration and genetic drift has not been reached yet, therefore it is very likely that revealed differences in allele frequencies reflect current pattern of genetic diversity. Landscape characteristics at a scale of 1000 × 1000 m surrounding each study site significantly affected the genetic population structure of the carabid beetle, while it is only indirect affected by patch conditions. Opposite effects of grassland and arable land on genetic diversity demonstrated that grassland in the surrounding landscape facilitates dispersal, while arable land apparently decreases successful dispersal, but both factors increase population density on the study site. We conclude that the local population genetic structure of a widespread and highly mobile species as P. versicolor is strongly affected by the amount of suitable habitat in a landscape of large habitat proportion. The inclusion of landscape characteristics offers a powerful way for analysing effects on genetic diversity. Further studies on conservation genetics should incorporate a landscape perspective in order to assess the loss of local genetic diversity.  相似文献   
Mit dem integrierten Pflanzenschutz steht zu Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends eine Strategie zur Verfügung, die einer modernen, wettbewerbsfähigen Landwirtschaft eine nachhaltige und ökologisch fundierte Entwicklung sichert. Die Absicht, die biologische Bekämpfung in landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzenbeständen als Alternative zum chemischen Pflanzenschutz zu etablieren, hat sich als Fehlorientierung erwiesen. Gezielten, d.h. auf Basis wissenschaftlich fundierter Schad‐ oder Bekämpfungsschwellen beruhenden chemischen Maßnahmen gegen Schädlinge, Krankheitserreger und Unkräuter kommt auch zukünftig eine überragende Bedeutung zu. Im Vorfeld des chemischen Pflanzenschutzes verdienen acker‐ und pflanzenbauliche Kulturmaßnahmen und die Resistenzzüchtung besondere Beachtung. Letztere dürfte durch die Nutzung der modernen Gentechnik und Biotechnologie völlig neuartige Impulse erhalten, zu überraschenden Lösungen bei der Schaderregerbekämpfung führen und somit auch den Umfang des chemischen Pflanzenschutzes reduzieren helfen.

Die unverzichtbare Integration ökologischer Belange in den landwirtschaftlichen Pflanzenschutz muss mit Sachkunde, Realitätsnähe und auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlich fundierter Ergebnisse und Aussagen erfolgen. Wichtig ist vor allem die exakte Kenntnis der aktuellen ökologischen Situation, um Fehlinterpretationen zu vermeiden und Wunschdenken und spekulativen Aussagen den Nährboden zu entziehen.

In der ökologischen Forschung stehen seit Jahrzehnten die epigäischen Raubarthro‐poden, namentlich Webspinnen (Araneae), Laufkäfer (Carabidae) und Kurzflügelkäfer (Staphylinidae), im Mittelpunkt des Interesses, da sie wertvolle Bioindikatoren für Diversität, Stabilität und Belastbarkeit auch von Agrarökosystemen darstellen.

Vergleichende ökologische Studien auf großen Winterweizenflächen in einer “ausgeräumten”;, strukturarmen Agrarlandschaft in Sachsen‐Anhalt (Raum Halle/Saale) und auf einem kleinen Winterweizenfeld in einer reich strukturierten Feldflur in Niedersachsen (Raum Braunschweig) belegen eindrucksvoll, dass bei Beachtung der Normen des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes auf großen Schlägen keine ökologischen Defizite eintreten. Bei Webspinnen und Laufkäfern konnte in den großen Beständen sogar eine signifikant höhere Artendichte gegenüber der kleinen Fläche registriert werden.

Ergebnisse über den Einfiuss chemischer Maßnahmen auf die epigäische Fauna liegen von zwei großen Kulturflächen in Obhausen und Peißen (beide Sachsen‐Anhalt) für eine fünfjährige Fruchtfolge vor. Von den sechs Großparzellen (72 m x 200 m) auf jedem Feld dienten zwei als Kontrolle (ohne chemischen Pflanzenschutz), auf zwei Teilstücken gelangten chemische Pflanzenschutzmittel nach dem Schadschwellenkonzept zur Anwendung (integrierter Pflanzenschutz) und auf zwei weiteren Parzellen wurde ein intensiver Einsatz chemischer Mittel praktiziert. Insgesamt konnten etwa 350 000 Arthropoden gefangen und zumeist auch determiniert werden. Die Arten‐ und Individuendichten der Webspinnen, Laufkäfer und Kurzflügler erreichten während der Untersuchungszeit durchgängig hohe Werte, wobei zwischen den Varianten “Kontrolle”; und “integrierter Pflanzenschutz”; kaum Unterschiede auszumachen waren. Selbst im Versuchsglied “intensiver Pflanzenschutz”; erwiesen sich die gelegentlichen Defizite in den Arten‐ und Individuenspektren keineswegs als gravierend, sondern stets als kurzzeitige Effekte. Zum Versuchsende ergaben sich für alle Parzellen nahezu identische Werte für die Entomofauna.

Beachtung verdient auch die Tatsache, dass auf den Parzellen ein Drittel aller für Sachsen‐Anhalt bekannten Webspinnen gefunden wurde (158 Spezies). Gleichermaßen bedeutsam ist der Nachweis von zahlreichen “Rote‐Liste‐Arten”; an Webspinnen und Laufkäfern sowie der Wiederfund einer Webspinne, die in Deutschland als ausgestorben gilt (Nurscia albomaculata Lucas). “Ökologische Reparaturleistungen”; in Gestalt einer Anlage von Saumbiotopen, Hecken, Ackerrandstreifen usw. sind demnach nicht vonnöten. Der Landwirtschaft und dem chemischen Pflanzenschutz einen Verlust oder zumindest einen Rückgang der biologischen Diversität anzulasten, entbehrt angesichts der vorgelegten Fakten und Zahlen jeglicher Grundlage. Auch ein Vergleich der ökologischen Gegebenheiten in den Agrargebieten Mitteldeutschlands in den 50er und 90er Jahren lieferte für spekulative Annahmen keine Anhaltspunkte und Argumente. Es muss vielmehr angenommen werden, dass über das gesamte vergangene Jahrhundert hinweg die Agrarökosysteme mit ihrem Arteninventar, trotz aller Wandlungen in der Landwirtschaft und im Pflanzenschutz, stabil geblieben sind.  相似文献   
Thoracic structures of adult carabids were examined and analyzed phylogenetically. Geadephaga excl. Trachypachini are considered as a monohyletic unit based on correlated synapomorphic features of the posterior metathoracic region: the metepimeron is parallel-sided and at right angle to the body axis; the metacoxae do not project beyond the lateral margin of the preepisterum. Gehriniini are nor related to Trachypaciini. The metriine-paussine lineage is characterized as monopkyletic by exceptionally long and fairly broad metepimera. The presence of an elytral flange is considered a snapomorphy of Paussinae. The monophyly of Paussinae excluding My-stropomus is sugesred cy extended elytral epipleura, which cover large parts of the metepimera, and by the parallel body outline. The monohyly of Anisochaeta is not supported by conclusive synapomorphic features of the thorax. Cychrini, Carabini, Nebriini, Opistiini, and Notiohi lini seem to form a monophyletic unit, as suggested by the concealed external lamella of the metepimeron. Cicindelinae, Elaphrini, Loricerini, Migadopini, Rhysodini, and Caraboidea Limbata are considered as a monophletic unit based on the following correlated synapomor-phies: meso ‘sternum’ strongl modiled, hexagonal groove reduced, procoxal cavities closed, aex of prosternal process-redced. Caraboidea Limbata (Jeannel 1941–42) excl. Scrobifera are cgaracterized as a monophyletic group by lobate rnetepimera, and conjunct mesocoxal cavities. Caraboidea Limbata excl. Scrobifera and Stylifera (Jeannel 1941–42 are characterized by narrow meseimera. Masoreimorphi, Callistomorphi, Lebiomorphi and Pseudornorphinae are characterizei by biperforate procoxal cavities. It is quite likely that biperforate procoxal cavities are also a groundplan feature of Brachininae.  相似文献   
Several methods of seed exposure are used in seed predation studies, but how these methods influence the results remains poorly studied. In this article, two commonly used methods of seed exposure – seed cards and plasticine trays – were compared in the field and in the laboratory using three species of weed seeds. In the field, cards or trays with seeds were exposed either with or without cages to keep vertebrates out and either with or without impermeable roofs to provide protection from the weather. The overall seed retrieval from the control stands varied significantly between the methods of seed exposure, roof treatment and the species of seeds, and the scatter in the seed retrieval increased or decreased monotonically with the temperature or precipitation for some species of seeds. This indicates that the controls were more or less relevant depending on the weather conditions and species. The seed removal from cards varied between the species of seeds. The effect of exclosure cages indicated that invertebrates were the dominant seed predators of Capsella bursa‐pastoris, while in Poa annua and Stellaria media both vertebrates and invertebrates were important. Higher seed removal from plasticine trays compared to seed cards was found for all three species of seeds, and placing roofs over the seeds affected seed removal in C. bursa‐pastoris and P. annua. In the laboratory, seed consumption varied with the method of exposure in 10 out of 12 combinations of seed species and predator (two species of carabids and two species of isopods). The overall tendency was the opposite of the field observations: seed consumption was higher for seeds on filter paper and cards compared to seeds on tin trays. We conclude that seed cards are more convenient for short term studies in the field, while tin trays are useful in laboratory multi‐choice experiments. To measure the realistic consumption of invertebrate predators in the laboratory, filter paper seems to be the best option as it does not present an obstacle to predators eating the seed. Using roofs introduced further bias regarding the estimates of seed removal in the field and thus should be avoided.  相似文献   
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