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韭菜迟眼蕈蚊简便人工饲养技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了以鲜净韭菜假茎为饲料,温度为20~25℃,相对湿度为50~70%条件下,可正常累代饲养韭菜迟眼簟蚊幼虫及繁殖后代的方法。用该方法经14代累代饲养的韭菜迟眼簟蚊,各代幼虫成活率、幼虫历期、平均蛹重、羽化率、单雌产卵量及孵化率均无明显差异,证明了方法的可靠性。  相似文献   
为准确掌握苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)的田间发生动态,本文对苹果园中苹果蠹蛾卵的空间分布格局和抽样技术进行了研究。结果表明:在第2代卵发生高峰期,苹果叶片上的苹果蠹蛾卵量显著高于果实上的卵量(叶片上着卵量占总卵量的58.2%,P<0.05),叶片上的卵主要分布于叶片正面(正面着卵量占叶片上总卵量的69.6%,P<0.05);在树冠不同方位上,东、南两面的着卵量最大,但在不同空间层次上分布的卵量没有差异。卵在叶片和果实上均呈聚集分布,且聚集强度随种群密度的升高而增加,其聚集是由环境因素造成的。文中还根据Taylor幂法则参数建立了苹果蠹蛾卵的理论抽样数模型。  相似文献   
利用大豆粉、玉米粉、麦胚和鲜茭白等成分配制了大螟Sesamia inferens(Walker)的半合成人工饲料,利用该饲料配方,发展了大螟的长期、继代饲养技术,即初孵-2日龄幼虫在茭白上饲养,3日龄-化蛹在人工饲料上饲养。利用该方法连续饲养大螟3代,幼虫的发育历期、蛹重、幼虫存活率、化蛹率、羽化率、卵孵化率和单雌产卵量等生活史参数与在天然饲料茭白上饲养的大螟相比,二者没有任何显著差异。而且利用该方法饲养,成本低、省工省力,能显著减少病原菌的感染。这说明该饲养技术适于大螟种群的长期、继代饲养。  相似文献   
用凹玻片饲养棕榈蓟马   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用 2 5.4 mm× 76.2 mm,凹面直径为 18mm的两片凹玻片 ,相对合在一起 ,使凹面相对合而形成一个封闭的空间 ,组成小型的饲养器 ,内放 10 mm× 10 mm新鲜的茄子叶片 ,供虫子取食并保湿。应用凹玻片饲养棕榈蓟马技术 ,具有装置简单、不易逃逸、操作方便以及便于在显微镜下连续观察等特点。在2 0 ,2 5,2 8,30和 32℃下 ,用凹玻片饲养 ,棕榈蓟马从初孵若虫到羽化成虫阶段的成活率分别为 77.78% ,65.96% ,82 .61% ,66.67%和 56.52 %。  相似文献   
风洞技术在昆虫化学通讯研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
周弘春  杜家纬 《昆虫知识》2001,38(4):267-272
综述了昆虫化学生态学中所使用的风洞技术。内容包括风洞的构造 ,风洞的工作条件 ,风洞操作中的技巧和数据采集 ,昆虫在风洞中表现出的典型行为特征以及一些需要注意的问题  相似文献   
A U(VI) reduction-deficient mutant (Urr) screening technique was developed and combined with chemical mutagenesis procedures to identify a Urr mutant of Shewanella putrefaciens strain 200. The Urr mutant lacked the ability to grow anaerobically on U(VI) and NO(2)(-), yet retained the ability to grow anaerobically on eight other compounds as terminal electron acceptor. All 11 members of previously isolated sets of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reduction-deficient mutants of S. putrefaciens 200 displayed Urr-positive phenotypes with the Urr screen and were capable of anaerobic growth on U(VI). This is the first reported isolation of a respiratory mutant that is unable to grow anaerobically on U(VI) as terminal electron acceptor.  相似文献   
目的和方法:采用全细胞膜片钳技术观察神经生长因子(NGF)分化后的PC12细胞对乙酰胆碱(ACh)的敏感性,并对ACh诱发电流(IACh)的特性进行分析。结果:NGF处理后的PC12乐仅形态上向交感神经元分化,而且具有电学兴奋性,它对ACh敏感性比未分化前显著提高。药理学鉴定表明PC12上的IACh是由烟碱受体(nAChR)引起的,具有明显的失敏特性。宏观IACh呈内向整流和浓度依赖性。结论:PC12细胞培养方便,同源性好,加入NGF后向交感神经元分化,且其具有神经元烟碱受体,可以作为交感神经元烟碱受体研究的很好的模型系统。  相似文献   
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-6 binds insulin-like growth factor-II with a marked preferential affinity over insulin-like growth factor-I. The kinetic basis of this binding preference was studied using surface plasmon resonance. Binding of insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor-II to immobilized insulin-like growth factor binding protein-6 fitted a two-site binding kinetic model. Insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor-II association rates were similar whereas the dissociation rate was approximately 60-fold lower for insulin-like growth factor-II, resulting in a higher equilibrium binding affinity for insulin-like growth factor-II. The equilibrium binding affinities of a series of insulin-like growth factor-II mutants were also explained by differential dissociation kinetics. O-glycosylation had a small effect on the association kinetics of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-6. The insulin-like growth factor binding properties of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-6 are explained by differential dissociation kinetics.  相似文献   
黄土丘陵区三种典型土壤地类造林技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹世雄  陈莉  高旺盛 《生态学杂志》2005,24(12):1537-1542,1552
中国黄土高原丘陵沟壑区是世界上水土流失最严重的区域之一,由于长期水土流失的侵蚀切割作用,表层土壤流失殆尽,黄绵土母质、红胶泥土以及土壤与岩石过渡类型--风化岩沫土等土壤类型依次裸露了出来,形成了3种典型的土壤地类,增加了造林的难度.由于红胶泥与风化岩沫土土壤瘠薄,当地林业部门认为这两种土壤地类不能造林,因此,传统造林只在黄棉土进行.为此,提出了"适土适树,因土制宜"的造林原则和"穴衬膜栽植技术",以扩大适宜造林的土壤类型.穴衬膜栽植技术是指树木栽植时,在挖好的栽树坑底部和四周衬贴一层防渗薄膜(厚度为0.0007 mm可降解塑料薄膜),树木栽好覆土浇水后,再在地表面覆膜,防止栽树浇水(施肥)的渗漏和蒸发,使树根在较长时间内处于含水量较高、四周封闭的潮湿土壤之中,从而达到提高成活率和促进林木前期生长的目的.1997~2001年,我们在黄土丘陵区陕西省延安市下砭沟小流域采用田间对比试验法进行了5年试验,结果表明,穴衬膜栽植技术促进浅层根系的生长发育,保水作用可持续4个月以上,对各种树木成活率和生长量均有显著促进作用,在黄土丘陵地区这3种土壤地类采用穴衬膜栽植技术可达到良好的造林效果,特别是红胶泥和风化岩沫土地类主要位于沟谷两岸,地下水供给较为充裕,是浅根性植物生长发育的良好土壤类型,科学混交可获得更好效果.  相似文献   
The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) has been used to suppress or eradicate populations of the melon fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett), a pest of various fruits and vegetables throughout Asia, Africa, and South Pacific Islands. The success of the SIT depends largely on the ability of released, sterile males to compete successfully with wild males for copulations with wild females. Unfortunately, both the sterilization process (via gamma irradiation) and artificial selection under mass-rearing conditions generally reduce the biological competence, including the mating competitiveness, of the released males. However, previous data on Z. cucurbitae show that irradiation has minimal adverse effects and prolonged mass-rearing may or may not result in decreased mating ability. The present study first confirms that neither irradiation nor mass-rearing had deleterious effects on male mating ability of males from a pupal-color, genetic sexing strain (termed T1). Then, the influence of male lures (cue-lure and its natural analogue raspberry ketone) on the mating success of sterile T1 males was measured as a potential pre-release procedure to improve the effectiveness of SIT. Feeding on cue-lure enhanced male mating success, but the effect was short-lived (1 d but not 3 d post-feeding). Feeding on raspberry ketone boosted mating success over a longer time, i.e., at least 5 d but not 10 d post-feeding. However, mixing raspberry ketone into the adult diet had no detectable effect on male mating performance. The implications of these results for SIT against Z. cucurbitae are discussed.  相似文献   
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