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As the number of Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) in captivity increases, an understanding of captive social dynamics and behavior is becoming increasingly important. In the wild, devils are solitary, although sometimes, they congregate to feed on a large carcass. However, it is common to house devils in groups as a form of social enrichment. This study investigated how behavior at feeding time of captive Tasmanian devils varied in groups of different sizes. Observations were made of individually housed devils and devils in groups of two, three, five, and six, when presented with a carcass on which to feed. Total feeding duration ranged from 6.5 to 47.4 minutes per observation period (70 minutes). There was no significant interaction between feeding duration and group size during the experiment. Feeding duration varied daily and depended on carcass size. Social housing of Tasmanian devils enabled them to display dyadic and agonistic behaviors during feeding. Observing behaviors and learning from the outcomes of these interactions can improve husbandry techniques. Creating a captive environment that encourages natural behaviors may enhance survival in the wild following translocation.  相似文献   
The structure of the population of forest elephants visiting a clearing in north-west Congo was studied over 8 months. Out of 3314 sightings, 629 elephants were identified (including 64%, of adults). The sex ratio was about 1:1. The number of offspring per female was 1.12. Solitary elephants (91.4%, of males) made up 35% of the population. Of females, 93.6% were grouped. Groups (mean size 3.5) included females and offspring (3.4), males and females (5.0), or males only (2.3). The return rate of elephants at the clearing suggested that up to 1900 individuals have visited the clearing. This confirms that elephant densities are especially high in north Congo.  相似文献   
Temperature affects growth rate of crocodiles. However, no information exists about the effects of temperature by El Niño-South Oscillation (ENSO) on crocodiles. In this paper, we present information about the effect of ENSO on total length and body mass of Crocodylus acutus in captivity during 1997–2001. We did not observe differences in total length among years, but we did so in body mass. Furthermore, we observed that warm episodes of ENSO were associated with a higher average total length and cold episodes represented a higher average of body mass. Sea surface temperature (SST) was significantly related with total length; however, the relationship between SST and body mass was unclear. We suggest that ENSO effects on growth rates of crocodiles need to be considered as an important factor on the management of captive populations.  相似文献   
The influence of elephants on woody vegetation cover varies from place to place. In part this may be due to the way elephants utilize space across landscapes and within their home ranges in response to the availability and distribution of food. We used location data from 18 cows at six study sites across an east to west rainfall gradient in southern Africa to test whether wet- and dry-season home-range sizes, evenness of space use within seasonal home ranges and range overlap between seasons and between years, differed between wet and dry savannas. We then tested whether the quantity, distribution and seasonal stability in vegetation productivity, a coarse measure of food for elephants, explained differences. Elephants in wet savannas had smaller wet- and dry-season home ranges and also returned to a higher proportion of previously visited grid cells between seasons and between years than elephants living in dry savannas. Wet-season home-range sizes were explained by seasonal vegetation productivity while dry-season home-range sizes were explained by heterogeneity in the distribution of vegetation productivity. The influence of the latter on dry-season home ranges differed among structural vegetation classes. Range overlap between seasons and between years was related to inter-seasonal and inter-annual stability in vegetation productivity, respectively. Evenness of elephant spatial use within home ranges did not differ between savanna types, but it was explained by seasonal vegetation productivity and heterogeneity in the distribution of vegetation productivity during the wet season. Differences in elephant spatial use patterns between wet and dry savannas according to vegetation structure and season may need to be included in the development of site-specific objectives and management approaches for African elephants.  相似文献   
The relationships between testosterone concentrations in male African rhinoceros and the presence of conspecific males and females were investigated. Serum testosterone concentrations were measured using enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) in 37 male black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) and 21 male white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) housed at 37 institutions in the USA. Testosterone concentrations in both black (n = 37) and white (n = 21) rhinoceros males rose with increasing numbers of females present (P < 0.05). Average testosterone concentrations also rose with an increased number of conspecific males (n = 34) in black rhinoceros (P < 0.05). However, no specific pattern was found among male white rhinoceros housed with other males. We inferred that introduction of females to a male may play an important role in stimulating libido and spermatogenesis. The similar response of black rhinoceros and white rhinoceros to increased numbers of females suggested that, at least historically, herd structure for blacks may have been more similar to whites than previously realized, and should be investigated further.  相似文献   
人工驯养下扬子鳄的生长规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究结果表明扬子鳄在饲养条件下的生长具有一定的规律性。饲养群体中,5龄以前的鳄生长速率较快,其中在2龄前生长速率最快,在5龄至7龄间生长速率明显减慢;鳄体长与体重之间呈正相关,两者在体长小于50cm时呈直线相关,体长大于50cm时呈曲线相关。不同性别的扬子鳄年生长状况不同,从5龄开始雌雄鳄体重出现显著差异,雄鳄重于雌鳄;从6龄开始雌雄鳄在体长方面的生长速率出现差异,雄鳄生长明显快于雌鳄;达到10龄后,雌雄鳄在体长和体重方面的增长均明显减慢,达到15龄时两者的体形已相差悬殊,雄性大于雌性。由von Berta-lanffy生长模型分析,雌鳄达到25龄而雄鳄达到35龄后,各自的体长几乎停止生长,雌鳄平均最大体长为173cm,雄鳄平均最大体长为219cm。在人工越冬下,除第一次越冬外,扬子鳄在越冬室内的冬眠中体况无明显变化,体能明显消耗出现在户外冬眠过程中。本研究为扬子鳄的科学化饲养提供理论依据。  相似文献   
牙茜葭  任惠泽  董孝斌  周旭 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1426-1436
2021年4月,我国15头野生亚洲象(Elephas maximus)从西双版纳一路北迁至昆明市受到了全世界的关注,分析我国野生亚洲象分布区土地利用变化、生态系统服务供需关系如何影响野生亚洲象分布,对保护亚洲象与提高当地人类福祉具有重要的意义。利用生态系统服务价值当量因子法和生态系统服务需求模型计算中国野生亚洲象分布区1990、2005、2015年生态系统服务供给价值与需求指数,通过空间标准化匹配出四种生态系统服务供需模式,探究我国野生亚洲象偏好分布的供需模式。结果表明,林地、草地和耕地是最主要的土地利用类型,1990—2015年,林地、草地和耕地的面积变化率分别为1.09%、-4.82%、-4.86%。1990、2005、2015年生态系统供给总价值分别为6108.55亿元、7434.41亿元、13973.37亿元;生态系统服务需求不断提高,整体呈现中间高,四周低的分布格局。在研究的25年内,亚洲象分布于高供给-高需求与高供给-低需求区域,且有向高供给-高需求区域迁徙的趋势。  相似文献   
西双版纳尚勇亚洲象的食物组成与取食生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈进  邓晓保  张玲  白智林 《生态学报》2006,26(2):309-316
于1998—2000在西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区的自然生境中,通过对亚洲象取食植物调查和粪便分析,了解亚洲象的食物组成与取食习性。结果显示,野外跟踪调查共记录有106种植物被亚洲象所取食。其中有83种出现在象的粪便中,这些种类分别属于:禾本科8种(10.0%)、桑科7种(9.9%)、蝶形花科4种(8.4%)、五加科3种(6.6%)、葡萄科3种(5.7%)、夹竹桃科3种(4.6%)、芭蕉科1种(4.2%)、姜科3种(3.7%)、紫金牛科3种(3.6%)、蔷薇科3种(3.6%)、大戟科5种(3.3%)、榆科2种(3.O%)、含羞草科4种(2.9%)13个植物科。根据食物中所占的比率,桑科的榕属(Ficus)、禾本科的竹类(Bambusoideae)、小果野芭蕉(Musa acuminate)和莠竹(Microstegium ciliatum)是亚洲象的主要食物资源。在觅食过程中,亚洲象取食包括乔木、藤本灌木和草本等各种生活型的植物,其中先锋种所占比率(59%)高于后续种;选择性啃食枝条的植物种类(77种)高于牧草式取食的种类(6种)。亚洲象取食植物种类的月变化与月平均温度和月降雨量成负相关,旱季取食植物种类高于雨季。本研究对制定保护区野生动物管理策略,以及解决保护区周边日趋恶化的人象矛盾,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
通过对宣城扬子鳄繁殖研究中心三代繁殖鳄1982—2003年繁殖力有关参数的分析,结果表明近三年来繁殖研究中心扬子鳄产卵量明显减少;亲代受精率为(83.80±2.37)%、孵化率为(89.53±0.86)%;发现F1受精率为(79.38±2.74)%、孵化率为(83.78±1.95)%;F2代个体受精率为(68.7±1.84)%、孵化率为(88.16±1.68)%;通过单因素方差分析F(受精率)=4.33(P<0.05)、F(孵化率)=4.56(P<0.05)差异显著。分析影响扬子鳄繁殖的因素发现:产卵量明显减少可能与亲代鳄逐渐退出繁殖期、F1代鳄整体产卵能力有下降趋势、F2代鳄没有大规模进入繁殖期有关;分析历史资料发现扬子鳄产卵窝数与4月份的温度相关性高(R=0.979,P<0.01);作者认为F1、F2代个体与亲代之间的受精率、孵化率有显著差异,近交衰退、遗传多样性的丧失有密切关系。利用时间序列分析建立理想状态下饲养扬子鳄种群数量估计模型,预测10年内扬子鳄饲养将可能达到19000尾;根据该种群增长模式及种群年龄结构特点,应扩大饲养规模,特别是育成鳄饲养池及幼鳄饲养池的建设。  相似文献   
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