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The Gnaphalieae are a group of sunflowers that have their greatest diversity in South America, Southern Africa, and Australia. The objective of this study was to reconstruct a phylogeny of the South African Gnaphalieae using sequence data from two noncoding chloroplast DNA sequences, the trnL intron and trnL/trnF intergenic spacer. Included in this investigation are the genera of the Gnaphalieae from the African basal groups, members of the subtribes Cassiniinae, Gnaphaliinae, and Relhaniinae, and African representatives from the large Old World genus Helichrysum. Results indicate that two Gnaphaloid genera, Printzia and Callilepis, should be excluded from the Gnaphalieae. In most trees the Relhaniinae s.s. (sensu stricto) and some of the basal taxa comprise a clade that is sister to the remainder of the tribe Gnaphalieae. The Relhaniinae, which are restricted to Africa, are not a monophyletic group as presently circumscribed, nor are the South African members of Helichrysum, the Cassiniinae and Gnaphaliinae. There is general agreement between our molecular analysis and that of morphology, particularly in the terminal branches of the trees.  相似文献   
Abstract: Late Ordovician rhynchonelliformean brachiopods, typical of the North American Red River fauna, are found sporadically in the Børglum River Formation of the Centrum Sø area, Kronprins Christian Land, eastern North Greenland. The geographical distribution of this characteristic brachiopod fauna is thus extended to the easternmost extremity of the Laurentian craton. The assemblage compares specifically with the Hiscobeccus brachiopod fauna, based on key taxa such as notably Hiscobeccus gigas (Wang, 1949), and indicates a late Katian age for this part of the succession. For the first time, this typically inland, shallow‐water fauna is found associated with genera like Bimuria, suggesting a transitional marginal facies with outer shelf benthos. The current study describes a Hiscobeccus fauna that lived at the seaward edge of its preferred habitat. Furthermore, an unpublished Hiscobeccus fauna, from the Børglum River Formation of Peary Land, central North Greenland, as well as several occurrences from the Kap Jackson and Cape Calhoun formations in various parts of Washington Land, western North Greenland, are described here. These show a distinct shift from older strata containing H. capax (Conrad, 1842) to younger strata exclusively yielding specimens of H. gigas. As H. gigas occurs in the upper part of the Cape Calhoun Formation in Washington Land, it indicates that the upper boundary of the Cape Calhoun Formation is considerably younger than previous estimates, reaching into the uppermost Katian (middle Cautleyan–Rawtheyan). The Cape Calhoun Formation correlates with the upper member of the Børglum River Formation and further demonstrates that the Hiscobeccus fauna was widespread in Laurentian marginal settings of North Greenland. Even though the Hiscobeccus fauna was pan‐continental during the late Katian (Richmondian), it possesses a strong provincial signal during the later Ordovician. The new occurrences indicate that this fauna extended to the north‐eastern margin of the Laurentian Craton. It lived in close association with cosmopolitan faunal elements that may have been the earliest sign of the succeeding invasion of migrants from Baltica that arrived later during the Hirnantian. The offshore migration of this atypical Hiscobeccus fauna likely demonstrates the path of warm‐water currents as the Centrum Sø locality was located at the equator during the Late Ordovician.  相似文献   
We analyzed the spatial distributions of two congeneric tree species, Neolistea aciculata and Neolistea sericea (Lauraceae), in a warm‐temperate forest on Miyajima Island, south‐western Japan. Both species were mainly found in valley sites on the island. Hence, these species shared the same topographic habitat niche. However, we found a clear difference between the spatial distributions of the two species in relation to the light environment. Neolistea aciculata was predominantly found in stands with low light, such as beneath the canopy of dense evergreen broadleaved forest. In contrast, N. sericea was predominantly associated with ample light, such as in secondary Pinus densiflora forest. In stands with moderate light conditions, both species were found. This habitat niche segregation in relation to light conditions presumably allows the coexistence of these two species in the predominantly successional forest on Miyajima Island.  相似文献   
Herein, we describe a case of an infertile man detected in postnatal diagnosis with FISH characterization and array-CGH used for genome-wide screening which allowed the identification of a complex rearrangement involving sex chromosomes, apparently without severe phenotypic consequences. The deletion detected in our patient has been compared with previously reported cases leading us to propose a hypothetical diagnostic algorithm that would be useful in similar clinical situations, with imperative multi disciplinary approach integrated with genetic counseling. Our patient, uniquely of reproductive age, is one of six reported cases of duplication of Xp22.3 (~ 8.4 Mb) segment and contemporary deletion of Yq (~ 42.9 Mb) with final karyotype as follows:
46,X,der(Y),t(X;Y)(Ypter → Yq11.221::Xp22.33 → Xpter).ish der(Y) (Yptel+,Ycen+,RP11-529I21+,RP11-506M9-Yqtel −,Xptel +). arrXp22.33p22.31(702–8,395,963, 8,408,289x1), Yq11.221q12 (14,569,317x1, 14,587,321–57,440,839x0)  相似文献   
冉家路口旧石器遗址初步研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
冉家路口遗址位于重庆市丰都县境内,是三峡地区一处重要的旧石器时代遗址。遗址埋藏于长江干流的第Ⅲ级基座阶地底部,石制品经过了短距离的搬运和扰动。2001年进行的第2次发掘揭露面积500m^2,出土石制品680件,类型包括石核、石片、断块和石器等,原料全部就地选取河滩砾石,以锤击法生产石片。石器以大型和中型为主,砍砸器和刮削器是主要类型,其它有凹缺器、薄刃斧、手镐、两面器和石球等;石器毛坯以石片为主,占80.5%;石器采用锤击法加工,以单向加工为主,另外有少数错向和双面加工,器型比较稳定;石器类型具有中国南方旧石器时代主工业的特点,同时呈现较强的石片工业特点。地貌对比和光释光测年结果表明,冉家路口遗址的时代处于中更新世晚期,属旧石器时代中期文化。  相似文献   
 地瓜藤(Ficus tikoua)、荻(Triarrhena sacchariflora)、牛鞭草(Hemarthria altissima)和狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)是三峡库区常见的岸生植物, 自然分布于河岸带不同垂直高程的地段。为了明确它们在成库后“三峡库区消落区”长期完全水淹条件下的存活和生长情况, 实验设置对照(不进行水淹, 常规供水管理)和完全水淹两个处理, 30、60、90、120、150和180 d 6个水淹时间水平, 研究了4种植物在完全水淹条件下的存活、生物量变化和恢复生长。结果发现: 1) 4种植物在完全水淹条件下的存活率与其在河岸带上的垂直分布高程密切相关。分布于距江面高程较高的河岸段的地瓜藤植株, 在全淹30 d后就全部死亡; 分布在中高程河岸段的荻在全淹150和180 d后全部死亡; 可以分布于低高程河岸段的牛鞭草和狗牙根, 淹没180 d后存活率分别为90%和100%。2)全淹抑制了荻、牛鞭草和狗牙根的生长, 总生物量增量显著低于对照植株。与水淹0 d相比, 全淹处理植株的地上部分生物量显著降低, 荻在全淹60和120 d后, 地下部分生物量显著降低, 但牛鞭草和狗牙根的地下部分生物量与水淹0 d水平相比无显著差异。3)水淹处理结束后, 存活的荻、牛鞭草和狗牙根植株都能很好地恢复生长。在恢复生长过程中, 全淹30、60和90 d后, 荻、牛鞭草和狗牙根植株的总分枝长相对生长速率与对照植株无显著差异, 全淹120、150和180 d后, 牛鞭草和狗牙根植株的总分枝长相对生长速率显著高于对照植株。全淹处理的荻、牛鞭草和狗牙根植株的总叶片数相对生长速率始终显著高于对照植株。遭受长期完全水淹后, 植株在有限的营养储备条件下, 快速产生叶片以迅速积聚光合产物可能是植物更为优化的恢复生长方式。  相似文献   
论述中国西南纵向岭谷区外来入侵植物对生物多样性的影响。中国西南纵向岭谷区是我国生物多样性保护的关键地区。目前,该区域已成为外来植物入侵的重灾区,外来入侵植物种类多达70余种,其中,紫茎泽兰Ageratina adenophora(Eupatoriumadenophorum)、飞机草Chromolaena odorata(Eupatorium odoratum)和肿柄菊Tithonia diversifolia等在该区域危害严重,该区域的生态系统的结构与功能遭受破坏,本地物种面临灭绝,农、林、牧生产乃至区域的生态安全受到威胁。该区域的外来入侵植物的危害居全国之冠。研究该区域的外来入侵植物,揭示其危害规律,遏制其危害速度,最终清除该区域的外来入侵植物,恢复该区域的生态平衡,具有十分重要的现实意义和科学价值。文中详细论述了外来入侵植物对植物物种多样性、植物群落多样性、生态系统多样性、农牧业及林业的影响,最后指出消除和控制外来入侵植物的途径。  相似文献   
晋陕宁黄土丘陵区生态修复与农林牧业持续发展仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晋陕宁黄土丘陵区土壤侵蚀严重,生态环境脆弱,不合理利用土地是其主要原因,生态修复与环境重建是该区生态与经济持续发展的重要战略措施。应用系统动力学(System Dynamic,简称SD)和“反馈控制(Feedback control)理论建立了该区生态修复和环境重建的SD模型,它分为人口、农业、林业、牧业、农村经济、土壤侵蚀和生态环境6个模块,仿真时间1990~2080年,步长1a。经检验该SD模型的有效性为93.5%,可用于未来仿真预测。根据该区的生态环境特点和农牧业发展现状,选择生态环境恢复重建的3种典型模式——同步发展模式(A模式)、逐步调整模式(B模式)和现状发展模式(C模式)进行仿真研究,预测3种模式2000~2080年的土壤侵蚀、土地利用的发展动态以及农林牧业和生态环境演化趋势。仿真结果表明:土地利用与农、林、牧业持续发展密切相关,坡耕地和草场退化是制约农林牧业发展的主要因素。合理调整土地利用结构和加速治理侵蚀,可促进生态环境逐步恢复和农林牧业持续发展。同步发展模式(A模式)是该区生态修复和环境重建的3个仿真模式中的最优策略,它可促进农林牧协调发展和生态一经济趋向良性循环,并提出该区生态修复与环境重建的对策措施。该SD模型结构合理,运行功能良好,能较真实的模拟具有多变量、非线性变量的复杂生态系统的动态行为,为生态修复研究提供一种有效工具。  相似文献   
Despite recent work, uncertainty remains concerning how abiotic and biotic factors affect duckling survival. Additionally, upland habitat characteristics may affect duckling survival rates but this potential relationship has largely been ignored. We evaluated several unresolved hypotheses about causes of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) duckling survival variation, with an emphasis on assessing effects of managed and remnant natural upland habitats. During 1993–2000, 617 radio-marked females provided information about brood habitat use and duckling survival on 27 sites in prairie Canada. We contrasted a priori and exploratory models that incorporated effects of upland, wetland, weather, female, and brood-related variables on duckling survival rates. Survival was highest for ducklings when a greater proportion of their surrounding landscape (i.e., within a 500-m radius buffer around the brood) was comprised of wetlands characterized by a central expanse of open water and a peripheral ring of flooded emergent vegetation. Cold and wet weather in the first week of life resulted in lower duckling survival. In a post hoc analysis, duckling survival (of older ducklings) was negatively related to increasing proportions of managed hayland. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
目的观察栀子粗提物对慢性轻度应激模型小鼠行为学及海马神经发生的影响。方法采用10种不同应激源实施对小鼠连续10周刺激,从第3周开始口服给予栀子粗提物3个剂量治疗8周后,测定各组小鼠行为学改变,并采用NeuN和BrdU免疫组化观察海马区神经细胞的增殖情况。结果栀子粗提物高剂量组蔗糖饮水量明显增加(P〈0.05),强迫游泳不动时间明显缩短(P〈0.05);NeuN阳性表达升高(P〈0.01),BrdU阳性细胞的面数密度亦显著增加(P〈0.05)。结论栀子粗提物对抑郁模型小鼠行为有明显改善作用,并能显著促进海马区神经元发生,提示栀子粗提物具有良好的抗抑郁作用。  相似文献   
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