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A case-control study on the morbidity of Chagas heart disease was carried out in the municipality of Barcelos in the microregion of the Rio Negro, state of Amazonas. One hundred and six individuals, who were serologically positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, as confirmed by at least two techniques with different principles, were matched according to age and sex with an equal number of seronegative individuals. The cases and controls were evaluated using an epidemiological questionnaire and clinical, electrocardiograph and echocardiograph examinations. In the seroepidemiological evaluation, 62% of the interviewees recognised triatomines and most of them confirmed that they had seen these insects in the piassava plantations of the riverside communities of the Negro River tributaries. Of the seropositive patients, 25.8% affirmed that they had been stung by the triatomines and 11.7% denied having been stung. The principal clinical manifestations of the seropositive individuals were palpitations, chest pain and dyspnoea upon effort. Cardiac auscultation revealed extrasystoles, bradycardia and systolic murmurs. The electrocardiographic alterations were ventricular extrasystoles, left and right bundle branch block, atrioventricular block and primary T wave alterations. The echocardiogram was altered in 22.6% of the seropositive individuals and in 8.5% of the seronegative individuals.  相似文献   
Pollen grains of 30, mainly annual, species from 134 populations of the genus Veronica (Plantaginaceae, formerly Scrophulariaceae) from the Mediterranean Region, have been studied with light and scanning electron microscopy. Three pollen types are defined based on pollen size and exine surface sculpture. In some cases within the study group pollen size can be useful in species determination. Hypothetical relationships of pollen grain size and aperture number with ploidy level, style length and corolla diameter are discussed. The ornamentation of the exine in Veronica, although generally a conservative character within the genus, gives some additional support to the most recent infrageneric classification of Veronica.  相似文献   
对蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫标本鉴定和资料整理,共得到5属34种。其中,种类最多的是草盲蝽属Lygus13种(38.24%),占绝对优势。在世界动物地理区划中,蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫以古北界为主,种数占15种(44.12%)。在中国动物地理区划中,草盲蝽复合组单独分布于蒙新区的物种有8种,约占物种总数的1/4(23.54%),其次是蒙新区与华北区共有5种(14.72%),蒙新区与东北区共有3种(8.82%),其它动物区系分布的物种均较少。在蒙新区动物地理区划中,蒙新区草盲蝽复合组昆虫以西部荒漠亚区种数最多,共14种(41.18%),其次为东部草原亚区和西部荒漠亚区共有9种(26.47%)。  相似文献   
Piophila megastigmata McAlpine (Diptera: Piophilidae) is recorded for the first time from Algeria, northern Africa. This is the first Palaearctic record of the species outside the Iberian Peninsula, and the only record from Africa apart from its type locality in eastern South Africa. The current report extends significantly the known distribution in the Palaearctic Region of a species of forensic interest and of potential economic importance as a food pest.  相似文献   
In East Africa, cape hares (Lepus capensis) and savanna hares (L. victoriae) look much alike where their ranges overlap. Earlier studies suggested discrimination between the two species by several skull traits, but did not present morphometric statisitics. Our present discriminant analysis based on seven metric variables of the occipital bone related to skull length (condylobasal length) resulted in a high (95.1%) overall probability of correct separation of the two species. While all cape hares were classified correctly, correct classification was a bit lower in savanna hares (88.2%). A principal components analysis of the same variables confirmed the shape difference for the two species. Both region and sex-specific variation in the shape of the studied occipital bone complex was found in savanna hares but not in cape hares. The somewhat reduced level of correct identification of savanna hares might be due to a tendency for higher shape variation. Application of our discriminant analysis to other regions in East Africa is discussed.  相似文献   
The magnitude of natural disturbances by treefalls and their spatial occurrence were studied in a pine-oak forest of Sierra de La Laguna, located at the southern part of the Peninsula of Baja California in Mexico.Twenty transects covering 4 ha, perpendicular to north- and south-facing slopes were sampled. The percentages of rocky outcrops, slope, orientation, and gap size created by treefalls were recorded. The mode of tree death, treefall direction, trunk length, and basal diameter were also measured. Data were analyzed using principal component analysis, one-way ANOVA, multiple comparison tests by contrasts, and chi-square independence tests.Results suggest that exogenous disturbances have an important effect in this community. A mean number of 80 gaps per ha was recorded comprising 18.1% of the observed area. Gap sizes were fitted to a lognormal distribution as 2.3±1.4 and patches were found to be created by single treefalls. Analysis of dead material shows that there are significant differences between numbers of fallen trees on N vs S facing slopes, and that forms of dead trees are significantly associated with species. Snapped trees represent 39.5% of treefalls, dead standing trees 26.4%, uprooted trees 20.5% and cut-down trees 0.9%. The frequency of occurrence of various forms of the dead trees suggests that the cause of mortality is primarily due to the high incidence of tropical hurricanes, and secondly to the combined effect of wind and natural fire which occurs during the rainy summer season.  相似文献   
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex multifactorial autoimmune disease, whose sex- and age-adjusted prevalence in Sardinia (Italy) is among the highest worldwide. To date, 233 loci were associated with MS and almost 20% of risk heritability is attributable to common genetic variants, but many low-frequency and rare variants remain to be discovered. Here, we aimed to contribute to the understanding of the genetic basis of MS by investigating potentially functional rare variants. To this end, we analyzed thirteen multiplex Sardinian families with Immunochip genotyping data. For five families, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data were also available. Firstly, we performed a non-parametric Homozygosity Haplotype analysis for identifying the Region from Common Ancestor (RCA). Then, on these potential disease-linked RCA, we searched for the presence of rare variants shared by the affected individuals by analyzing WES data. We found: (i) a variant (43181034 T > G) in the splicing region on exon 27 of CUL9; (ii) a variant (50245517 A > C) in the splicing region on exon 16 of ATP9A; (iii) a non-synonymous variant (43223539 A > C), on exon 9 of TTBK1; (iv) a non-synonymous variant (42976917 A > C) on exon 9 of PPP2R5D; and v) a variant (109859349-109859354) in 3′UTR of MYO16.  相似文献   
三江源地区位于青藏高原的腹地, 是典型的生态脆弱区, 刺柏属(Juniperus)植物群落是该地区天然林资源的重要组分, 在维持生物多样性与水生态安全方面发挥着重要作用。该研究调查了刺柏属植物群落的主要植被类型, 通过对53个样地的样方数据分析, 量化描述了其各个群落类型的主要特征。结果表明: (1)根据生活型和优势度原则, 该区刺柏属植物群落可划分为祁连圆柏(J. przewalskii)林、大果圆柏(J. tibetica)林、密枝圆柏(J. convallium)林、塔枝圆柏(J. komarovii)林、大果圆柏灌丛和密枝圆柏灌丛, 进一步分为15个群丛。(2)调查所得维管植物共有142种, 隶属34科90属, 其中菊科种数最多, 占总种数的16.20%。(3)群落垂直结构明显, 其中乔木层优势种单一, 灌木层优势种主要有鲜黄小檗(Berberis diaphana)、银露梅(Potentilla glabra)及灌木状的大果圆柏, 草本层以薹草属(Carex)和马先蒿属(Pedicularis)占优势。(4)该区种子植物种的地理成分中, 温带成分占总种数的52.59%, 温带亚洲分布、东亚分布和中亚分布等为本区分布占比较大的分布区类型; 中国特有种占47.41%; 区系成分呈现横断山植物区系和唐古特植物区系成分互相交融的特点。  相似文献   
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