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The bacterial H+-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) catalyzes electron transfer from NADH to quinone coupled with proton pumping across the cytoplasmic membrane. The NuoK subunit (counterpart of the mitochondrial ND4L subunit) is one of the seven hydrophobic subunits in the membrane domain and bears three transmembrane segments (TM1–3). Two glutamic residues located in the adjacent transmembrane helices of NuoK are important for the energy coupled activity of NDH-1. In particular, mutation of the highly conserved carboxyl residue (KGlu-36 in TM2) to Ala led to a complete loss of the NDH-1 activities. Mutation of the second conserved carboxyl residue (KGlu-72 in TM3) moderately reduced the activities. To clarify the contribution of NuoK to the mechanism of proton translocation, we relocated these two conserved residues. When we shifted KGlu-36 along TM2 to positions 32, 38, 39, and 40, the mutants largely retained energy transducing NDH-1 activities. According to the recent structural information, these positions are located in the vicinity of KGlu-36, present in the same helix phase, in an immediately before and after helix turn. In an earlier study, a double mutation of two arginine residues located in a short cytoplasmic loop between TM1 and TM2 (loop-1) showed a drastic effect on energy transducing activities. Therefore, the importance of this cytosolic loop of NuoK (KArg-25, KArg-26, and KAsn-27) for the energy transducing activities was extensively studied. The probable roles of subunit NuoK in the energy transducing mechanism of NDH-1 are discussed.  相似文献   
In this study we compared the properties of cytochrome-c oxidase (COX) in cultured fibroblasts from two patients with Leigh Syndrome with COX from control fibroblasts. The fibroblasts from patients showed decreased growth reates and elevated lactate production. COX activity of patients fibroblasts was about 25% of control. Kinetic studies with isolated mitochondria showed a higher Km for cytochrome c and a markedly reduced molecular turnover of COX from patients, indicating a different structure of the enzyme. A biphasic change of COX activity was obtained by titration of dodecylmaltoside solubilized mitochondria from control fibroblasts with increasing concentrations of anions. With patient mitochondria we found only the inhibiting phase of COX activity and, in contrast to control mitochondria, irreversible inhibition of COX activity by guanidinium chloride. ELISA titrations with monoclonal antibodies to subunit II, IV, Vab, VIac and VIIab indicated a normal amount of mitochondrial coded subunit II, but a reduced amound of nuclear coded subunits. The data indicate incompletely assembled nuclear coded subunits of COX from patient fibroblasts.  相似文献   
Summary The Upper Triassic Dachsteinkalk of the Hochk?nig Massif, situated 50 km south of Salzburg in the Northern Calcareous Alps, corresponds to a platform margin reef complex of exceptional thickness. The platform interior limestones form equally thick sequences of the well known cyclic Lofer facies. Sedimentation in the reef complex was not so strongly controlled by low-amplitude sea-level oscillations as was the Lofer facies. The westernmost of the 8 facies of the reef complex is an oncolite-dominated lagoon, in which wave-resistant stromatolite mounds with a relief of a few metres were periodically developed. The transition to the central reef area is accomplished across the back-reef facies. In the back-reef facies patch reefs and calcisponges appear. The proportion of coarse bioclastic sediment increases rapidly over a few hundred metres before the central reef area is encountered. The central reef area consists of relatively widely spaced small patch reefs that did not develop wave-resistant reef framework structures. The bulk of the sediment in the central reef area is coarse bioclastic material, provided by the dense growth of reef organisms and the wave-induced disintegration of patch reefs. Collapse of the reef margin is recorded by the supply of large blocks of patch reef material to the upper reef slope. Additionally, coarse, loose bioclastic debris was supplied to the upper reef slope and this was incorporated into debris flows on the reef slope and turbidites found at the base of the slope and in the off-reef facies. Partially lithified packstones and wackestones of the lower to middle reef slope were modified by mass movement to form breccia and rudstone sheets. The latter reach out hundreds of metres into the off-reef facies environment. A reef profile is presented which was derived by the restoration of strike and dip information. In conjunction with constraints imposed by sedimentary facies related to slope processes, the angle of slope in the reef margin area ranged from 11° to 5°, forming a concave (dished downwards) slope. Water depth estimations require that the central reef area did not develop in water of less than 10 metres depth. At the reef margin water depths were about 30 metres, at the base of the reef slope 200 metres and deepening in the off-reef facies to 250 metres. While previous work on reef complexes from this type of setting suggests growth in a heavily storm-dominated environment, the present author finds little evidence for the storm generation of the fore reef breccias, although there is good evidence for storm-influenced sedimentation and reworking in the central reef area. Post-depositional processes were characterised by continued slope processes causing brecciation and hydraulic injection of red internal sediments downwards into the reef slope and off-reef limestones. Hydrothermal circulation caused a number of phases of post-depositional (diagenetic) brecciation. There appears not to have been an important period of emergence at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   
Age-Dependent Impairment of Mitochondrial Function in Primate Brain   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
Abstract: It has been hypothesized that some of the functional impairments associated with aging are the result of increasing oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA that produces defects in oxidative phosphorylation. To test this hypothesis, we examined the enzymes that catalyze oxidative phosphorylation in crude mitochondrial preparations from frontoparietal cortex of 20 rhesus monkeys (5-34 years old). Samples were assayed for complex I, complex II-III, complex IV, complex V, and citrate synthase activities. When enzyme activities were corrected for citrate synthase activities (to account for variable degrees of mitochondrial enrichment), linear regression analysis demonstrated a significant negative correlation of the activities of complex I (p < 0.002) and complex IV (p < 0.03) with age but no significant change in complex II-III or complex V activities. Relative to animals 6.9 ± 0.9 years old (n = 7), the citrate synthase-corrected activity of complex I was reduced by 17% in animals 22.5 ± 0.9 years old (n = 6) (p < 0.05) and by 22% in animals 30.7 ± 0.9 years old (n = 7) (p < 0.01). Similar age-related reductions in the activities of complexes I and IV were obtained when enzyme activities were corrected for complex II-III activity. These findings show an age-associated progressive impairment of mitochondrial complex I and complex IV activities in cerebral cortices of primates.  相似文献   
The cross-immunoreactivity, topography, and fiber projections of the alpha MSH-immunoreactive specific neurons in the forebrain of the rat appear to be distinctly different from that of the neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate opiocortin system. The cell bodies, immunoreactive only to -MSH, have a specific pattern of distribution in the dorsal and lateral hypothalamic regions from the level of the retrochiasmatic region to the premammillary area of the posterior hypothalamus. Immunoreactive fibers of these cells appear to extend into regions of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. An antomical relationship between the immunostained fibers and/or terminals of the arcuate opiocortin pool of neurons and the -MSH-immunoreactive perikarya is described utilizing the ABC (Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex) and ABC-GO (Glucose Oxidase) or glucose oxidase-antiglucose oxidase complex methods of immunocytochemistry in which two tissue antigens with contrasting colors are demonstrated in the same tissue section.  相似文献   
Population dynamics of Heliothis virescens (F.) and Heliothis zea (Boddie ) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs and larvae were studied for two years in a small plot of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (L.). Due to morphological and ecological similarities, the pooled Heliothis population was considered for most of the analyses. Two generations of Heliothis eggs and larvae were completed during each year. Stage recruitment was estimated for the eggs and larval instars 2–6, and recruitment variances were estimated by a Monte Carlo method. A modified form of the Weibull distribution was developed and used as a model to characterize survivorship curves for each of the four Heliothis generations. A Type I survivorship curve (mortality rate increasing with age) was inferred for both Generation 1 (early season) data sets, whereas a Type II survivorship curve (mortality rate constant and thus independent of age) was inferred for both Generation 2 (late season) data sets. The shapes of the survivorship curves for the individual H. virescens and H. zea populations were inferred to be the same as those for the pooled populations. Analysis of the contributions of various factors to Heliothis stage-specific mortality indicated that natural enemies (predators and parasites) and the availability of food for larvae were responsible for between-generation differences in survivorship patterns.  相似文献   
Summary The existence of internal sequence homologies between the N-terminal halves of the gram-negative bacterial major sigma factors and their C-terminal halves, which correspond to minor factors, is reported. In the case of Escherichia-Salmonella sigma-70, an apparent homology was even found between the C-terminal helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif and the corresponding region of the peptide N half, which, however, is not directly engaged in promoter recognition. It is proposed that major sigma factors may have originated by duplication and fusion of a DNA unit related to the ancestral gene for the whole sigma family. Coevolution of major sigma structures and complex promoters is suggested.  相似文献   
Envelope- and stroma-free thylakoid membranes of Vicia faba chloroplasts were incubated with trypsin or pronase for several hours. The indigestible residue was analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Trypsinization resulted in a complete digestion of all proteins with the exception of the pigment-protein complexes as well as a polypeptide not yet characterized. Yet, as compared with untreated material, Complex II was found to have higher electrophoretic mobility. Electron-microscopic studies illustrate that the indigestible residue still has a preserved membrane structure. Disintegration of the thylakoid membranes by sodium dodecyl sulfate followed by trypsinization also resulted in the two complexes while all the other proteins were found to be digested. However, after removal of the lipids the protein moieties of the complexes proved to be easily digestible. From these results it is concluded that pigment-protein interaction may be an important factor in maintaining a conformation rather resistant to perturbants and proteases. In contrast to trypsin, pronase completely digested the polypeptides of the thylakoid membranes including the protein moieties of the pigment-protein complexes leaving an amorphous lipid mass. The results support the assumption that the complexes are necessary to maintain the membrane structure.  相似文献   
All eukaryotic mRNAs contain a 5′ terminal cap structure, which consists of 7-methylguanosine linked by a 5′-5′ triphosphate bridge to the first transcribed nucleoside (m7GpppN). Specific recognition of the cap by the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E plays a key role in regulation of translation initiation as a rate-limiting step. Using dynamic light scattering (DLS), the apo-form of murine eIF4E (33–217) was shown to aggregate. After addition of m7GTP, progressive deaggregation with the time of incubation in the presence of the cap analogue has been observed.  相似文献   
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