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We have identified three germ cell surface carbohydrate antigens that exhibit a common, stage-specific pattern of expression during spermatogenesis in the mouse. IgM-class monoclonal antibodies designated "J1," "C6," and "A5" were absorbed by adult testis, but not by any adult somatic tissue tested. In indirect immunofluorescence assays using collagenase-dissociated prepuberal and adult testicular cells, these antibodies labeled the surfaces of early and late pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. Gonocytes from fetal and neonatal testes were not labeled. In paraffin sections of prepuberal and adult testes, sialidase treatment exposed antigens recognized by antibodies C6 and A5 on preleptotene, leptotene, and zygotene spermatocytes located near the perimeter of seminiferous tubules. The determinants recognized by antibodies J1, C6, and A5 were characterized partially using a sugar hapten inhibition assay. The binding of J1 to adult testicular cells was inhibited specifically by N-acetylglucosamine and the binding of both C6 and A5 was inhibited by N-acetyllactosamine. The glycoconjugates recognized by J1, C6, and A5 eluted from gel filtration columns with an apparent molecular weight greater than 1 X 10(6) and were sensitive to endo-beta-galactosidase (keratanase) treatment. The apparent high molecular weight of these glycoconjugates was confirmed by immunolabeling Western blots of testis extracts separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results suggest that polylactosamine (keratan) glycoconjugates of high molecular weight are associated with the plasma membranes of meiotic and haploid male germ cells. The effects of sialidase on antibody labeling patterns suggest that changes in cell surface sialylation accompany the transition of early meiotic germ cells to pachytene spermatocytes during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
Chondrocytes obtained from epiphyseal cartilage of fetal guinea pigs or ear cartilage of young rabbits were cultured in monolayer. The influence of colchicine, cytochalasin B, and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-xylopyranoside on secretion of proteoglycans was investigated. Radioactive sulfate was used as a precursor. As observed previously in other systems, β-d-xylosides initiated the synthesis of free chondroitin sulfate chains, competing with the endogenous proteoglycan core protein acceptor. The molecular weights of the chondroitin sulfate chains synthesized both on the xyloside and on the core-protein acceptor in maximally stimulated cells were similar and significantly lower than in proteoglycans synthesized in the absence of xyloside. The size of the chondroitin sulfate chains synthesized on the xyloside was inversely related to the concentration of this compound. This finding suggests that the chain length is dependent on the ratio between available acceptor and chain-lengthening enzymes or precursors. Cytochalasin B, a microfilament-modifying agent, inhibited proteoglycan synthesis, without any effect on secretion. Cells treated with cytochalasin B could be stimulated with β-d-xyloside to synthesize free chondroitin sulfate chains to the same relative degree as cells with intact microfilaments. Colchicine, an antimicrotubular agent, partially inhibited synthesis and secretion of proteoglycan. However, cells treated with colchicine could be stimulated with β-d-xyloside to synthesize and secrete free chondroitin sulfate chains to about the same relative degree as cells with intact microtubules. The data suggest that microtubules may have a facilitatory rather than an obligatory role in the secretion of proteoglycans and that at least part of the effect of colchicine is located at or after the site of glycosaminoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   
This study describes the first preparation and spectroscopic characterization of naturally occurring phospholipids separated according to degree of unsaturation. Phosphatidylserines (PS) have been prepared from bovine brain and shown to be pure by extensive thin layer chromatographic analysis as well as by infrared spectroscopy and fatty acid analysis. The PS has been separated according to degree of unsaturation and prepared using AgNO3-impregnated silica gel H thin-layer chromatography. Fatty acid analysis of the two principal PS subfractions indicates that they are enriched in the molecular species 1-octadecanoyl-2-docosahexaenoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylserine and 1-octadecanoyl-2-octadecenoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylserine. The identity of the two PS subfractions was further verified by rechromatographing on several thin layer systems and by infrared spectroscopy. With the use of a 100 MHz Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer, the spectra of bovine whole brain, white matter, gray matter, monoenoic, and hexaenoic PS were obtained. Distinct proton resonances were assigned to double bond protons, protons adjacent to a double bond, and protons between two double bonds, using fatty acid methyl ester standards. The various PS preparations gave different intensities of the various proton resonances which correlated with differences in fatty acid composition. The method provides a convenient, non-destructive spectroscopic method for distinguishing monoenoic and polyunsaturated species of intact phospholipids. Electron spin resonance studies of nitroxide-labelled cholestane in sonicated PS vesicles showed greater probe motion as the unsaturation of the acyl chains was increased. The hexaenoic PS vesicles were more fluid than monoenoic PS vesicles at all temperatures in the range 10-55 degrees C. These results suggest that neuronal membranes are more fluid than myelin membranes as neuronal membranes contain more hexaenoic phospholipids.  相似文献   
The pH dependence of proton uptake upon binding of NADH to porcine heart mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (l-malate: NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC has been investigated. The enzyme has been shown to exhibit a pH-dependent uptake of protons upon binding NADH at pH values from 6.0 to 8.5. Enzyme in which one histidine residue has been modified per subunit by the reagent iodoacetamide (E. M. Gregory, M. S. Rohrbach, and J. H. Harrison, 1971, Biochim. Biophys. Acta253, 489–497) was used to establish that this specific histidine residue was responsible for the uptake of a proton upon binding of NADH to the native enzyme. It has also been established that while there is no enhancement of the nucleotide fluorescence upon addition of NADH to the iodoacetamide-modified enzyme, NADH is nevertheless binding to the modified enzyme with the same stoichiometry as with native enzyme. The data are discussed in relation to the involvement of the essential histidine residue in the catalytic mechanism of “histidine dehydrogenases” recently proposed by Lodola et al. (A. Lodola, D. M. Parker, R. Jeck, and J. J. Holbrook, 1978, Biochem. J.173, 597–605) and the catalytic mechanism of “malate dehydrogenases” recently proposed by L. H. Bernstein and J. Everse (1978, J. Biol. Chem.253, 8702–8707).  相似文献   
It has been reported recently that parts of the nucleotide sequences present in the 5′- and 3′-terminal regions of cytoplasmic mRNA are derived from double-stranded hairpin structures of heterogeneous nuclear RNA—a putative mRNA precursor (Naora, 1979). In order to explore the nature of double-stranded hairpin structures, using the sequencing data of human and rabbit globin mRNA and hen ovalbumin mRNA, we examined the following possibility: that certain regions of both the 5′- and 3′-terminal nucleotide sequences of mature mRNA were present in double-stranded hairpin structures covalently linked to both sides of the message sequence in the precursor mRNA molecule and that these double-stranded hairpin structures are similar to each other. The results support the above possibility by showing substantial similarity of nucleotide sequences between the 5′- and 3′-terminal regions of these mRNAs in terms of the formation of similar double-stranded hairpin structures.  相似文献   
Stopped-flow kinetic studies of the formation of ferrioxamine B were performed. Formation of the complex follows the rate law
where Ka is the acid dissociation constant of the iron(III) aquo species in 0.1 M formate buffer. At 25°C k1 = 3.94 × 102M?1 sec?1, k2Ka = 1.18 × 10?1 sec?1, k3 = 3.6 × 10?1 sec?1. Activation parameters for k1 are ΔH = 11.7 kcal mole?1 and ΔS = ?8 cal K?1 mole?1. An associative mechanism is proposed. Attachment of the first chelate ring is the slow step and favorably positions the second chelate ring for attachment. Coordination of two chelate rings favorably positions the third chelate ring for attachment. These results are compared to kinetics of formation of model complexes and to a previous study of the formation of ferrioxamine B in which attachment of the third chelate ring was proposed as the slow step  相似文献   
Two strains, JW 200 and JW 201, of an extreme thermophilic, non-spore-forming anaerobic bacterium were isolated from alkaline and slightly acidic hot springs located in Yellowstone National Park. Both strains were peritrichously flagellated rods. Cell size varied from 0.5–0.8 by 4–100 m; coccoid-shaped cells of about 1 m in diameter frequently occurred. Division was often unequal. Spheroplast-like forms were visible at the late logarithmic growth phase. The Gram reaction was variable. The DNA base composition of the two strains was between 37 and 39 mol% guanine plus cytosine as determined by buoyant density measurements and approximately 32% by the thermal denaturation method. The main fermentation products from hexoses were ethanol and CO2. Growth occurred between 37 and 78°C and from pH 4.4 to 9.8. The name Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus gen. nov., spec. nov. was proposed for the two, new isolates. Strain JW 200 was designated as the type strain.A preliminary account of this work was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Los Angeles, CA, 1979 (J. Wiegel and L. G. Ljungdahl, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol., 1979, 163, p. 105) and at the 27th IUPAC Congress Helsinki, 1979 (L. G. Ljungdahl and J. Wiegel, Abstracts p. 546)  相似文献   
Transfer of purified herpes virus thymidine kinase gene to cultured mouse cells.   总被引:342,自引:0,他引:342  
Treatment of Ltk?, mouse L cells deficient in thymidine kinase (tk), with Bam I restriction endonuclease cleaved DNA from herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) produced tk+ clones with a frequency of 10?6/2 μg of HSV-1 DNA. Untreated cells or cells treated with Eco RI restriction endonuclease fragments produced no tk+ clones under the same conditions. The thymidine kinase activities of four independently derived clones were characterized by biochemical and serological techniques. By these criteria, the tk activities were found to be identical to HSV-1 tk and different from host wildtype tk. The tk+ phenotype was stable over several hundred cell generations, although the rate of reversion to the tk? phenotype, as judged by cloning efficiency in the presence of bromodeoxyuridine, was high (1–5 × 10?3). HSV-1 DNA Bam restriction fragments were separated by gel electrophoresis, and virtually all activity, as assayed by transfection, was found to reside in a 3.4 kb fragment. Transformation efficiency with the isolated fragment is 20 fold higher per gene equivalent than with the unfractionated total Bam digest. These results prove the usefulness of transfection assays as a means for the bioassay and isolation of restriction fragments carrying specific genetic information. Cells expressing HSV-1 tk may also provide a useful model system for the detailed analysis of eucaryotic and viral gene regulation.  相似文献   
Normal rat spleens contain suppressor cells which can inhibit proliferative and cytotoxic responses of lymphocytes to alloantigens in vitro. The suppressor cells are adherent, phagocytic, resistant to treatment with ATS and C, radioresistant, resistant to treatment with mitomycin C, apparently absent from the thymus, and found in very high concentrations in peritoneal exudates. These characteristics indicate that the suppressor cell is a macrophages and not a T cell. When suppressor cells were removed from spleen cell suspensions, strong in vitro proliferative and cytotoxic responses to alloantigens could consistently be observed.  相似文献   
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