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Seed densities, estimated from germinations under glasshouse conditions, were determined for fire-treated and control soils sampled from north and south facing stands of mixedAdenostoma fasciculatum-Ceanothus greggii chaparral that last burned 10, 17, 36, 62 and 86 years before 1987. A total of 53 species was recorded. Total germinable seed density was not influenced by aspect nor by an experimental fire treatment, however, densities varied significantly, but not predictably, over the time since fire sequence. Species diversity was significantly lower in the 86 year old stand, but neither diversity or richness was influenced by the fire treatment. Soils from north facing slopes supported a higher species diversity overall, and seed densities of six species were significantly higher on north than on south slopes.We identify two functional groups in the seed bank on the basis of the direct effects of fire on seed densities: a fire-dependent group, comprising 6 species and about 21% of the total seed bank, in which germinable densities increased after the fire treatment, and a fire-independent group, made up of 11 species and almost two-thirds of the seed bank. The fire-independent group is further separated into two: a shrub-centred sub-group (Crassula erecta, Filago californica, Pterostegia drymarioides, Streptanthus heterophyllus andCryptantha intermedia) maintained larger seed banks in older stands and was associated with shrub cover; and an opportunistic sub-group (Camissonia hirtella, Gnaphalium chilense, Mimulus pilosus andSenecio vulgaris) tended to have larger seed banks in younger stands and was associated with canopy gaps.Overall, the soil seed assemblage from this mixed chaparral does not appear to be tightly coupled to fire-generated opportunities for recruitment. The reason for this is that the fire-dependent group represents only 6 species. In addition, among the fire-independent species, the shrub-centred group of 5 annuals made up almost 40% of total soil seed density. This group shows ecological and taxonomic affinities with desert annuals.  相似文献   
Conceptual models of drought‐adaptive traits have been used in breeding to accumulate complementary physiological traits (PT) in selected progeny, resulting in distribution of advanced lines to rain‐fed environments worldwide by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Key steps in PT breeding at CIMMYT include characterisation of crossing block lines for stress adaptive mechanisms, strategic crossing among parents that encompass as many target traits as possible and early generation selection (EGS) of bulks for canopy temperature (CT). The approach has been successful using both elite × elite crosses as well as three way crosses involving stress adapted landraces. Other EGS techniques that are amenable to high throughput include measurement of spectral reflectance indices and stomatal aperture‐related traits. Their genetic‐ and cost‐effectiveness are supported by realisation of genetic yield gains in response to trait selection, and by economic analysis, respectively. Continual reselection within restricted gene pools is likely to lead to diminishing returns, however, exotic parents can be used to introduce new allelic diversity. Examples include landraces from the primary gene pool, and products of inter‐specific hybridisation with the secondary gene pool consisting of closely related wheat genomes. Both approaches have been successful in introducing stress‐adaptive traits. The main problem with knowing which genetic resource to use in wide‐crossing is the uncertainty with which phenotypic expression can be extrapolated from one genome/genepool to another because of their unimproved or undomesticated genetic backgrounds. Nonetheless, their PT expression can be measured and used as a basis for investing in crossing or wide crossing. Discovering the genetic basis of PT is highly complex because putative QTLs may interact with environment and genetic background, including genes of major effect. Detection of QTLs was improved in mapping populations where flowering time was controlled, while new mapping populations have been designed by screening potential parents that do not contrast in the Rht, Ppd and Vrn alleles. Association genetics mapping is another approach that can be employed for gene discovery using exclusively agronomically improved material, thereby minimising the probability of identifying yield QTLs whose alleles have been already improved by conventional breeding.  相似文献   
Question: Do traits of liana regeneration differ among secondary forest types of varying land‐use history and primary forest? Location: Eighty kilometers north of Manaus, Brazil. Methods: We compared plant functional traits and growth rates of liana regeneration (<1.7‐m length) among two secondary forest types and primary forest. Secondary forest types were: Vismia (on land formerly clear‐cut, used for pasture and intensively burned) and Cecropia (no pasture usage or intensive fires after clear‐cut). Results: A principal components analysis indicated that most of the primary forest species exhibited a similar habit and were characterized by short shoots and small, round leaves with low specific leaf area, whereas secondary forest species had a broad range of trait values. At the plot level, primary and secondary forest communities were separated mainly by plant length and leaf size. Plant size varied more within secondary than within primary forest plots. The two secondary forest types could not be separated based on the traits of liana regeneration. Relative growth rate (RGR) did not correlate significantly with any measured plant trait, except for a negative relation to initial length. RGR increased with decreasing canopy cover and was highest in Vismia forest plots. Conclusion: Plant functional traits of liana regeneration were more similar in the primary forest and differed substantially from secondary forests, yet canopy cover only partly explained the observed differences.  相似文献   
Elephants occur in landscapes where temperatures can reach 50 °C. Due to their large size they may face physiological problems of dissipating heat during such high temperatures. In spite of this, no one seems to have considered ambient temperature as limiting landscape choices in elephants. We recorded hourly landscape use in free-ranging elephants using GPS collars. We also placed temperature data loggers in each of the landscapes, to obtain corresponding ambient temperatures for each hour. Our results suggest that elephants may select landscapes based on the rate at which temperatures changed and also for shade. We suggest that these selected variables provide a thermal benefit to individuals. As such, we propose that landscape use in elephants may be constrained by their thermal physiological requirements as well as other resources such as food and water.  相似文献   
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