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Summary Competition for light among species in a mixed canopy can be assessed quantitatively by a simulation model which evaluates the importance of different morphological and photosynthetic characteristics of each species. A model was developed that simulates how the foliage of all species attenuate radiation in the canopy and how much radiation is received by foliage of each species. The model can account for different kinds of foliage (leaf blades, stems, etc.) for each species. The photosynthesis and transpiration for sunlit and shaded foliage of each species is also computed for different layers in the canopy. The model is an extension of previously described single-species canopy photosynthesis simulation models. Model predictions of the fraction of foliage sunlit and interception of light by sunlit and shaded foliage for monoculture and mixed canopies of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and wild oat (Avena fatua) in the field compared very well with measured values. The model was used to calculate light interception and canopy photosynthesis for both species of wheat/wild oat mixtures grown under normal solar and enhanced ultraviolet-B (290–320 nm) radiation (UV-B) in a glasshouse experiment with no root competition. In these experiments, measurements showed that the mixtures receiving enhanced UV-B radiation had a greater proportion of the total foliage area composed of wheat compared to mixtures in the control treatments. The difference in species foliage area and its position in the canopy resulted in a calculated increase in the portion of total canopy radiation interception and photosynthesis by wheat. This, in turn, is consistent with greater canopy biomass of wheat reported in canopies irradiated with supplemental UV-B.  相似文献   
The early post-fire plant succession in fynbos vegetation in the Mediterranean-type climate area of South Africa was studied. Relatively little has been published on this early stage of plant succession in fynbos. Annual sampling over the first three post-fire years confirmed a steady, but relatively slow increase in plant canopy cover of shrubs and graminoids (mainly Restionaceae), whereas cover of geophytes and other herbs peaked in the first year and declined significantly, thereafter. Cover of annual plants increased each year, which may relate to the persistence of a relatively open vegetation cover by the third year. The responses of reseeder and resprouter species of the Restionaceae to the post-fire environment appeared to be habitat dependent. Cover of the reseeders increased rapidly in seep areas, but their recovery was distinctly delayed in dryland areas outside the seeps. Re-establishment of the many reseeder Erica species appeared to be delayed until the second post-fire year. Seed banks of these species were possibly negatively impacted by the fire, and required dispersal of seed from unburnt areas for recruitment. In contrast to some current generalisations, species richness appeared to increase after the fire; less certainly from the first to the second year, but more certainly from the second to the third year. Therefore, this study does not support a short-term monotonic decline in species richness after fire in fynbos.  相似文献   
Hymenoscyphus fraxineus causes a lethal disease known as “ash dieback” in the common ash, Fraxinus excelsior, in Europe. It is hypothesized that the fungus originated from East Asia. This fungus is found on the leaf litter of the Manchurian ash, Fraxinus mandshurica, in Japan and is reported to produce apothecia on pseudosclerotial plates formed mainly on decomposing rachises. However, dieback disease has not been reported in Japan, and little is known about the life cycle of H. fraxineus. This study was conducted to explore the behavior and life cycle of this fungus. It was revealed that, after infection by ascospores, H. fraxineus endophytically inhabits the living leaves of F. mandshurica. On fallen leaves, the fungus behaves saprophytically, producing apothecia on pseudosclerotial plates formed mainly on the decomposing rachises. Analysis by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) revealed that the amount of H. fraxineus DNA sharply increased in rachises, while such sharp increase of DNA was not found in leaflets.  相似文献   
麦田冠层气孔导度的分层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦灌浆期和乳熟期冠层各层叶片上、下表面的气孔导度之间呈正相关关系;冠层不同层的叶片气孔导度从早到傍晚有平行变化的趋势,数值上存在较大的差异,一般从冠层上到下递减。经分析,这主要与冠层叶片接受的光强自上而下递减有关,且这时所对应的叶片水势自冠层上到下递增的幅度大。测算结果表明,冠层气孔导度白天亦呈明显的日变化,灌浆期的值大于乳熟期的值。  相似文献   
Zea mays is cultivated in the Mediterranean regions where summer drought may lead to photoinhibition when irrigation is not available. In this work the response of maize to water stress was evaluated by gas exchange measurements at the canopy and leaf level. Leaf gas exchange was assessed before, during and after water stress, while canopy turbulent fluxes of mass and energy were performed on a continuous basis. In the early growth period, a linear increment of net ecosystem photosynthetic rate (P NE) to incoming of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was found and net leaf photosynthetic rate (P NL) showed the tendency to saturate under high irradiance. During water stress, the relationship between P NE and PPFD became curvilinear and both P NE and P NL saturated in a range between 1,000 and 1,500 μmol (photons) m−2 s−1. Leaf water potential (ψl) dropped from −1.50 to −1.88 MPa during water stress, indicating that leaf and canopy gas exchanges were limited by stomatal conductance. With the restoration of irrigation, P NE, P NL and ψl showed a recovery, and P NE and P NL reached the highest values of whole study period. Leaf area index (LAI) reached a value of 3.0 m2 m−2. The relationship between P NE and PPFD remained curvilinear and P NE values were lower than those of a typical well-irrigated maize crop. The recovery in P NE and P NL after stress, and ψl values during stress indicate that the photosynthetic apparatus was not damaged while soil moisture stress after-effects resulted in a sub-optimal LAI values, which in turn depressed P NE.  相似文献   
Can a difference in the heights at which plants place their leaves, a pattern we call canopy partitioning, make it possible for two competing plant species to coexist? To find out, we examine a model of clonal plants living in a nonseasonal environment that relates the dynamical behavior and competitive abilities of plant populations to the structural and functional features of the plants that form them. This examination emphasizes whole plant performance in the vertical light gradient caused by self-shading. This first of three related papers formulates a prototype single species Canopy Structure Model from biological first principles and shows how all plant properties work together to determine population persistence and equilibrium abundance. Population persistence is favored, and equilibrium abundance is increased, by high irradiance, high maximum photosynthesis rate, rapid saturation of the photosynthetic response to increased irradiance, low tissue respiration rate, small amounts of stem and root tissue necessary to support the needs of leaves, and low density of leaf, stem, and root tissues. In particular, equilibrium abundance decreases as mean leaf height increases because of the increased cost of manufacturing and maintaining stem tissue. All conclusions arise from this formulation by straightforward analysis. The argument concludes by stating this formulation's straightforward extension, called a Canopy Partitioning Model, to two competing species.  相似文献   
In winter 2000–2001, there was a serious outbreak of Gremmeniella abietina Morelet in southeastern Norway. During the outbreak, we noted that injured Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) developed secondary buds in response to the fungus attack, and we decided to study the relationship between injury, appearance of secondary buds and recovery of the trees thereafter. For this purpose, 143 trees from 10 to 50 years of age were chosen and grouped into crown density classes. Injury was assessed in detail, and buds were counted before bud burst in the spring of 2002. In addition, a subset of 15 trees was followed through the summer of 2002 to assess recovery. All injured trees developed secondary buds, with a clear overweight of dormant winter buds in proportion to interfoliar buds. Healthy control trees did not develop secondary buds at all. The secondary buds appeared predominantly on the injured parts of the tree; interfoliar buds in particular developed just beneath the damaged tissue. Most of the secondary buds died during the winter of 2001–2002, mainly because the fungus continued to spread after the first outbreak. Many of the remaining buds developed shoots with abnormal growth during the summer. Secondary buds may help trees to recover from Gremmeniella attacks, but this strategy may fail when the fungus continues to grow and injure the newly formed buds and shoots.  相似文献   
Different kinds of species interactions can lead to different structures within ecological networks. Antagonistic interactions (such as between herbivores and host plants) often promote increasing host specificity within a compartmentalized network structure, whereas mutualistic networks (such as pollination networks) are associated with higher levels of generalization and form nested network structures. However, we recently showed that the host specificity of flower‐visiting beetles from three different feeding guilds (herbivores, fungivores, and predators) in an Australian rainforest canopy was equal to that of herbivores on leaves, suggesting that antagonistic herbivores on leaves are no more specialized than flower‐visitors. We therefore set out to test whether similarities in the host specificity of these different assemblages reflect similarities in underlying network structures. As shown before at the species level, mutualistic communities on flowers showed levels of specialization at the network scale similar to those of the antagonistic herbivore community on leaves. However, the network structure differed, with flower‐visiting assemblages displaying a significantly more nested structure than folivores, and folivores displaying a significantly more compartmentalized structure than flower‐visitors. These results, which need further testing in other forest systems, demonstrate that both antagonistic and mutualistic interactions can result in equally high levels of host specialization among beetle assemblages in tropical rainforests. If this is a widespread phenomenon, it may alter our current perceptions of food web dynamics, species diversity patterns, and co‐evolution in tropical rainforests. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 287–295.  相似文献   
We measured eddy covariance fluxes of CO2 and H2O over a flat irrigated olive orchard during growth, in different periods from Leaf Area Index (LAI) of 0.3–1.9; measurements of soil respiration were also collected. The daily net ecosystem exchange flux (FNEE) was practically zero at LAI around 0.4 or when the orchard intercepted 11% of the incoming daily radiation; at the end of the experiment, with LAI of 1.9 (and the fraction of intercepted daily radiation close to 0.5), FNEE was around 10 g CO2 m−2 day−1. The night-time ecosystem respiration (Reco), calculated from eddy fluxes in well-mixed night conditions, show a clear but non-linear dependence with LAI; it ranged from 0.05 to 0.15 mg CO2 m−2 s−1 (in average), being the lower limit ideally close to the heterotrophic soil respiration at the site. The gross primary production flux (FGPP) was linearly related to LAI within the LAI range of this experiment (with 11 g CO2 m−2 day−1 increments per unit of LAI) and to the fraction of intercepted radiation. The maximum rates of FGPP (0.75 mg CO2 m−2 s−1) were obtained in the summer mornings of 2002, at LAI close to 1.9. FGPP was strongly modulated by vapour pressure deficit (VPD) through the canopy conductance, even in absence of water stress. Hence, especially in the summer, the maximum rates of carbon assimilation are reached always before noon. The daily course of FGPP shows a two-phase pattern, first related to irradiance and then to canopy conductance. The water use efficiency (WUE) was, in average, 3.8, 6.3 and 7 g CO2 L−1 in 1999, 2001 and 2002, respectively, with maxima always in the early morning. Hourly WUE was strongly related to VPD (WUE = −10.25 + 22.52 × VPD−0.34). Our results suggest that drip irrigated orchards in general, and olive in particular, deserve specific carbon exchange and carbon budget studies and cannot be easily included in other biomes.  相似文献   
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