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Rudolf VH  Armstrong J 《Oecologia》2008,157(4):675-686
Many organisms undergo ontogenetic niche shifts due to considerable changes in size during their development. These ontogenetic shifts can alter the trophic position of individuals, the type and strength of ecological interactions across species, and allow for cannibalism within species. In this study we ask if and how the interaction of a size refuge and cannibalism in the prey alters the dynamics of intraguild predation (IGP) systems. By manipulating the composition of large cannibalistic (Aeshna umbrosa) and predatory (Anax junius) dragonfly larvae in mesocosms we show that the interaction of cannibals and predators was non-linear and increased the survival of prey. The structure of the final resource community shared by prey and predator differed between small and large dragonfly treatments but not within size classes across species. In general, the small prey stage showed similar shifts in microhabitat use and refuge use when exposed to either conspecific cannibals or predators, while large cannibals showed no clear anti-predator response. However, further behavioral experiments revealed that specific behavioral components, such as distances between individuals or number of movements, differed when individuals were exposed to either cannibals or predators. This indicates that individuals discriminated between conspecific or heterospecific predators. Furthermore, in similar experiments large cannibals and predators showed different behaviors when exposed to conspecifics rather than to each other. These changes in behavior are consistent with the observed increase in prey survival. In general, the results indicate that cannibalism and ontogenetic niche shifts can result in behavior-mediated indirect interactions that reduce the impact of the predator on the mortality of its prey and alter the interactions of IGP systems. However, they also indicate that size is not the sole determinant and that we also need to account for the species identity when predicting the dynamics of communities.  相似文献   
On the Spectrum of Prebiotic Chemical Systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We reexamine Eigen’s paradox using the asymptotic limit theorems of information theory. Applying the homology between information source uncertainty and free energy density, under rate distortion constraints, the error catastrophe emerges as the lowest energy state for simple prebiotic systems without error correction. Invoking the usual compartmentalization – i.e., ‘vesicles’ – and using a Red Queen argument, suggests that information crosstalk between two or more properly interacting structures can initiate a coevolutionary dynamic having at least two quasi-stable states. The first is a low energy realm near the error threshold, and, depending on available energy, the second can approach zero error as a limit. A large deviations argument produces jet-like global transitions which, over sufficient time, may enable shifts between the many quasi-stable modes available to more complicated structures, ‘locking in’ to some subset of the various possible low error rate chemical systems, which become subject to development by selection and chance extinction. Energy availability, according to the model, is thus a powerful necessary condition for low error rate replication, suggesting that some fundamental prebiotic ecosystem transformation entrained reproductive fidelity. This work, then, supports speculation that our RNA/DNA world may indeed be only the chance result of a very broad prebiotic evolutionary phenomenon. Processes in vitro, or ex planeta, might have other outcomes.  相似文献   
Protein adsorption onto solid substrates usually takes place in an irreversible fashion and this irreversible adsorption also occurs in some enzymatic reactions. In this work the adsorption behavior of intact β-1, 4-glucan-cellobiohydrolase (CBH I) from Trichoderma reesei onto microcrystalline cellulose was monitored by surface plasmon resonance and UV-spectral method. It was found that there existed reversible binding and irreversible binding of CBH I during its interaction with cellulose substrate. To evaluate the influence of adsorption on cellulose enzymatic hydrolysis, the reaction dynamics on pure cellulose were determined. A plot of the hydrolysis rate against the surface density of irreversibly adsorbed CBH I, revealed an inverse relationship in which an apparent decrease in the hydrolysis rate was observed with increasing surface density. Taken together, results presented here should be useful for modifying the binding characteristics of CBH I and making them more effective in cellulose hydrolysis.  相似文献   
These data describe improved modulation of discharge rates (rate coding) of first dorsal interosseous motor units throughout the acquisition of a complex force-matching skill involving isometric index finger abduction. In each of 15 consecutive trials, subjects attempted to match their force to a trajectory consisting of the sum of two sine waves (0.15 and 0.5 Hz) and random oscillations (overall mean force level ˜20% MVC). Reductions in root-mean-square (RMS) error of each subject’s force relative to the trajectory indicated substantial improvements in force-matching ability (F=33.8, p<0.001). With the acquisition of this new skill, there was increased amplitude modulation of muscular force near both dominant frequencies of the force-matching trajectory (F=10.6, p=0.008). The standard deviation and coefficient of variation of motor unit inter-spike intervals both decreased with improved performance indicating a general reduction in the amplitude of firing rate modulations (SD: F=18.69, p=0.001; CV: F=43.6, p<0.001). After skill acquisition, there was decreased firing rate modulation outside of the two dominant frequencies and increased amplitude of firing rate modulation at the higher of the two dominant frequencies (0.5 Hz, F=8.23, p=0.015). These findings indicate that improved precision of rate coding was a contributor to the acquisition of the new force-matching task. That the change in rate coding was frequency dependent suggests that factors other than frequency coding may contribute to the improved force matching at 0.15 Hz.  相似文献   
This paper aims to study the fertility rate of the migrant Tibetans residing in Northern India and finding out the factors which are affecting the fertility level among them. Data are reported on age at menarche, age at marriage, first childbirth, use of contraception, widowhood, migration and on various fertility measures in the Tibetan of Northern India living at low and moderate altitude (600–2000 m), who have migrated from high altitude (4000 m above sea level) in Tibet. The migrant Tibetans reported a relatively lower fertility as compared to the high and moderate altitude populations. This lower fertility is mostly attributable to the use of contraception, the later mean age at marriage and first childbirth, and relatively high proportion of widows in the migrant Tibetans. However, the social as well as biological changes in population during migration should not be overlooked, which have a sufficient impact on fertility.  相似文献   
ZihengYANG 《动物学报》2004,50(4):645-656
众所周知 ,物种分化年代的估计对分子钟 (进化速率恒定 )假定很敏感。另一方面 ,在远缘物种 (例如哺乳纲不同目的动物 )的比较中 ,分子钟几乎总是不成立的。这样在估计分化时间时考虑不同进化区系的速率差异至为重要。最大似然法可以很自然地考虑这种速率差异 ,并且可以同时分析多个基因位点的资料以及同时利用多重化石校正数据。以前提出的似然法需要研究者将进化树的树枝按速率分组 ,本文提出一个近似方法以使这个过程自动化。本方法综合了以前的似然法、贝斯法及近似速率平滑法的一些特征。此外 ,还对算法加以改进 ,以适应综合数据分析时某些基因在某些物种中缺乏资料的情形。应用新提出的方法来分析马达加斯加的倭狐猴的分化年代 ,并与以前的似然法及贝斯法的分析进行了比较  相似文献   
本文讨论了一生中具有两个生长阶段-成年与未成年的种群模型,该模型收获成年种群并且成年种群食自身所产的卵,即模型为自食模型,得到了正平衡点全局渐近稳定的条件及收获成年种群的阈值和最优收获策略。  相似文献   
低溶氧量对怀头鲇呼吸代谢耗氧率的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在 ( 2 2± 1 )℃下 ,测定了怀头鲇在不同低溶氧量 (DO)时的摄氧量 (VO2 )和呼吸参数。结果表明 ,随着吸入水氧分压 (PiO2 )的降低 ,呼吸频率 (Fr)和VO2 略增 ;鳃通量 (Vg)和呼吸量 (Vb)显著增加 ;而氧利用率 (EO2 )则显著降低。在通常氧含量 ( 7 4 1mg L)时 ,怀头鲇呼吸代谢耗氧率 (Cr)仅为 2 6 3% ,但在严重缺氧 ( 2 5 8mg L)时 ,Cr 则增至 2 4 6 0 %。可见 ,低氧环境将严重抑制怀头鲇的生长。  相似文献   

Crassostrea madrasensis is an important fouling oyster in tropical industrial cooling water systems. C. madrasensis individuals attach to surfaces by cementing one of their two valves to the substratum. Therefore, oyster fouling creates more problems than mussel fouling in the cooling conduits of power stations, because unlike the latter, the shell of the former remains attached to the substratum even after the death of the animal. However, there are no published reports on the tolerance of this species to chlorination and heat treatment. The mortality pattern and physiological behaviour (oxygen consumption and filtration rate) of three size groups (13 mm, 44 mm and 64 mm mean shell length) of C. madrasensis were studied at different residual chlorine concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3 to 5 mg lm 1) and temperatures (30°C to 45°C). The effect of shell size (=age) on C. madrasensis mortality in the presence of chlorine and taking into account temperature was significant, with the largest size group oysters showing highest resistance. At 1 mg lm 1 residual chlorine, the 13 mm and 64 mm size group oysters took 504 h (21 d) and 744 h (31 d), respectively to reach 100% mortality. At 39°C, the 13 mm size group oysters took 218 min to reach 100% mortality, whereas the 64 mm size group oysters took 325 min. The oxygen consumption and filtration rate of C. madrasensis showed progressive reduction with increasing residual chlorine concentrations. However, the filtration rate and oxygen consumption responses of C. madrasensis were not significantly different between 30°C (control) and 37.5°C. There was a sharp decrease in the filtration rate and oxygen consumption at 38.5°C. A comparison of the present mortality data with previous reports on other bivalves suggests that the chlorine tolerance of C. madrasensis lies in between that of Perna viridis and Perna perna, while its temperature tolerance is significantly higher than that of the other two bivalve species. However, in power station heat exchangers, where simultaneous chlorine and thermal stresses are existent, C. madrasensis may have an edge over other common foulants, because of its high temperature tolerance.  相似文献   
Simple models are constructed to describe the rate of mating in insect populations. The models are based on the assumption of random mate-searching in a closed habitat, including four parameters, i.e., population size, sex ratio, searching efficiency and male's capacity on mating frequency. The modes of effects of these parameters on the rate of mating are analyzed and some principles deduced are discussed in relation to the mating process in natural populations.  相似文献   
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