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黑龙江依兰早第三纪植物群的古气候分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对黑龙江依兰煤矿煤层间的大量植物叶痕化石研究表明:依兰植物群有蕨类植物2 种,裸子植物10 种,被子植物58 种,分属34 科46属。植物群可分为两个植物组合:一个是下煤层上顶板的矿页岩层化石的组合,称A 段组合,时代为早始新世。植物种类丰富,含有较多常绿阔叶成分,属北亚热带的常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶、针阔叶混生林。通过植物叶相特征分析,其全缘叶比例为38% 。用气候诺模图得出其古气候为年均温13.2℃,年温差20℃;另一个植物组合是煤系地层之上,即上煤层顶部的油页岩层中的B段化石组合,时代为早渐新世。植物以落叶成分为主,属暖温带落叶阔叶林和针阔叶混生林。全缘叶比例为30% 。古气候年均温为11℃,年温差25℃。表明植物区系组成完全不同,显示出气候随时代发生了演变,而使区系逐渐发展到今日的寒温带气候和植被  相似文献   
Abstract. The native flora of tropical oceanic islands is known to be particularly susceptible both to displacement and extinction, following the invasion of alien organisms. Miconia calvescens DC. (Melastomataceae), first introduced to Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific Ocean) in 1937 as an ornamental plant, now covers over two-thirds of the Island. As it forms dense monotypic stands which have progressively overwhelmed the native forests, this plant pest is a direct threat to the rich Tahitian indigenous flora. Between 40 and 50 species of the 107 species endemic to Tahiti are thought to be on the verge of extinction. M. calvescens was finally declared a'noxious species in French Polynesia'in 1990. Without efficient control efforts and effective endangered plant conservation and protection legislation, M. calvescens could cause Tahiti and all the high islands of French Polynesia to become ecological deserts.  相似文献   
The mangroves of Kerala on the south-west coast of India are fast disappearing due to land reclamation and other anthropogenic disturbances. There are very few ecosystem level studies made in these much threatened biotopes in Kerala. The present study involves the measurement of heavy metals in the mangrove flora and sediments of three mangrove habitats along the Kerala coast. Sampling was carried out for a period of one year at bi-monthly intervals, with concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu,Zn,Pb and Co analysed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. An appreciable variation was observed in metal concentrations indifferent mangrove species. Cu, Zn and Pb were found to be in higher concentrations in Avicennia officinalis whereas higher levels of Fe, Mn and Co were observed in the species Barringtonia racemosa. The analysis of heavy metals indicated a high level of metal pollutants such as Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb in the mangrove habitats of Quilon and Veli compared to the relatively uncontaminated areas of Kumarakom. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The present paper analyzed 239 endemic genera in 67 families in the flora of seed plants in China.The results showed that there are five families containing more than ten endemic genera,namely,Gesneriaceae (27),which hereafter refers to the number of endemic genera in China,Composite (20),Labiatae (12),Cruciferae (11),and Umbelliferae (10),15 families with two endemic genera,and another 30 families with only one endemic genus.Four monotypic families (Ginkgoaceae,Davidiaceae,Eucommiaceae and Acanthochlamydaceae)are the most ancient,relict and characteristic in the flora of seed plants in China.Based on integrative data of systematics,fossil history,and morphological and molecular evidence of these genera,their origin,evolution and relationships were discussed.In gymnosperms,all endemic genera are relicts of the Arctic-Tertiary flora,having earlier evolutionary history,and can be traced back to the Cretaceous or to the Jurassic and even earlier.In angiosperms,the endemic genera are mostly relicts,and are represented in all lineages in the"Eight-Class System ofClassification of Angiosperms",and endemism can be found in almost every evolutionary stage of extant angiosperms.The relict genera once occupied huge areas in the northern hemisphere in the Tertiary or the late Cretaceous,while neo-endemism mostly originated in the late Tertiary.They came from Arctic-Tertiary,Paleo-tropical-Tertiary and Tethys-Tertiary florisitic elements,and the blend of the three elements with many genera of autochthonous origin.The endemism was formed when some dispersal routes such as the North Atlantic Land Bridge,and the Bering Bridge became discontinuous during the Tertiary,as well as the climate change and glaciations in the late Tertiary and the Quaternary.Therefore,the late Tertiary is the starting point of extant endemism of the flora in China.  相似文献   
Turbinaria foliosasp. nov. is described on the basis of several collections made from Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman. The new species is known only from southern Oman, a region of the northern Arabian Sea that is strongly impacted by the upwelling from the summertime monsoon. It is distinguished from other species of the genus by the shape of the leaves and by their loose, non‐congested arrangement. Air vesicles, embedded in the leaves, may be present, but more often are absent. A census of the currently recognized species in the genus Turbinaria is provided. Reference is made to Sargassum turbinarioides and Sargassum turbinati‐folium. These species possess discrete blades and spherical vesicles and thus conform to Sargassum.  相似文献   
广西下雷自然保护区种子植物区系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
依据实地调查以及馆藏标本的整理和鉴定,对下雷自然保护区种子植物区系统计分析.结果表明:(1)下雷植物种类丰富,已知维管束植物182科637属1 069种(含变种、亚种和变型),其中蕨类植物24科44属65种,裸子植物3科4属4种,被子植物150科589属1 000种.(2)居热带与亚热带过渡区,区系热带边缘性明显,热带...  相似文献   
刘阳  徐缨龙 《中国微生态学杂志》2020,32(11):1285-1288, 1296
目的 分析溃疡性结肠炎(UC)患者不同发病时期肠道菌群的差异,同时研究菌群变化及对患者血清TLRs/NFκB、SOCS3、Cingulin蛋白水平的影响。 方法 选取2015年5月至2017年2月在我院确诊的UC患者为研究对象。将活动性溃疡性结肠炎(AUC)患者和缓解性溃疡性结肠炎(RUC)患者按病情不同分为AUC组(48例)和RUC组(42例)。选取同期在我院发现的结肠息肉患者作为对照组(50例)。对3组患者的肠道菌群分布、Cingulin蛋白表达量、肠黏膜中TLRs/NFκB的表达量和外周血中SOCS3及TNFα水平进行对比。 结果 UC患者(AUC组及RUC组)肠道大肠埃希菌数量高于对照组,双歧杆菌数量低于对照组;同时RUC组患者肠道乳杆菌数量低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P结论 TNFα、SOCS3可能参与UC的病程,其在UC患者中存在高表达现象,可导致人体肠道菌群出现紊乱,最终引发人体多部位的炎症应激反应。  相似文献   
鄂西木林子种子植物区系与邻近区系的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
木林子地处武陵山脉东北端,自然地理条件优越,种子植物种系饱和度大。在2100公顷的面积内有种子植物134科~1 488属、1043种(包括亚种和变种)。本文选取11个较有代表性地区的自然种子植物区系与木林子区系进行比较分析,以求深化对木林子种子植物区系性质、起源及与邻近区系关系的认识。多区系比较研究中,优势科的确立和其相似性指标是一个指示区系特征异同的重要参数,木林子种子植物区系优势科与湖北神农架、江西庐山、广东黑石顶和海南尖峰岭区系的相似性指标分别为73.3%、46.7%、33.3%和13.3%,共有优势科下辖的各种系在各区系中具明显的替代现象。在各区系种子植物属的比较中,沿用经典的分布区类型的划分和相似性指标的比较分析,并运用数量分类方法,以11个不同种子植物区系的14个分布区类型进行聚类分析,将11个种子植物区系分为3组。实践证明数量分类方法可客观地反映各区系间的异同,以及起源上的内在同一性。  相似文献   
通过对新疆柳叶藓科(Amblystegiaceae)、青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和灰藓科(Hypnaceae)植物标本的野外采集和室内鉴定,报道了中国新疆地区柳叶藓科15属33种,青藓科12属51种,灰藓科11属30种,共计38属114种。其中,中国青藓科新记录种2种,新疆新记录4属37种。优势属10个,且以青藓属(Brachythecium BrushSchimp.)为代表的北温带成分为主;单种属19个,体现了新疆藓类植物区系的古老性和多样性。新疆3科藓类植物区系成分可划分为9种类型,其中北温带成分居主导地位,占中国新疆3科藓类植物总种数的52.08%,东亚成分次之,占25.01%,热带成分甚微。对中国新疆与中国内蒙古、中国西藏以及俄罗斯、蒙古、哈萨克斯坦、巴基斯坦和印度7个邻近地区的区系比较发现,印度物种丰富度最高,俄罗斯和中国新疆次之;中国新疆与中国内蒙古、俄罗斯在物种组成上相似度最高。地理成分区系谱及聚类分析结果表明,中国新疆与中国内蒙古地区的植物区系关系最为接近,而且与俄罗斯密切相关。  相似文献   
From the altitudinal ranges of species recorded for the Malesian mountain flora, in Flora of Java and the 6 or so volumes of Flora Malesiana it was concluded that there are critical altitudes where the floristic composition shows rather abrupt demarcations, namely at 1000, 1500, 2400 and 4000 m altitude. In a generalized way this also holds for the structure and stature of the vegetation. For cultivated plants the altitudes of 1000 and 1500 m are also distinct demarcations.  相似文献   
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