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In response to our paper on the evolutionary history of the Chinese flora, Qian suggests that certain features of the divergence time estimation employed might have led to biased conclusions in Lu et al (2018). Here, we consider Qian's specific criticisms, explore the extent of uncertainty in the data and demonstrate that (i) no systematic bias toward dates that are too young or too old is detected in Lu et al.; (ii) constraint of the crown age of angiosperms does not bias the generic ages estimated by Lu et al.; and (iii) ages derived from the Chinese regional phylogeny do not bias the conclusions reported by Lu et al. All these analyses confirm that the conclusions reported previously are robust. We argue that, like many large-scale biodiversity analyses, sources of noise in divergence time estimation are to be expected, but these should not be confused with bias.  相似文献   
Depending on their specificity to gypsum, plants can be classified as gypsophiles (gypsum exclusive) and gypsovags (non‐exclusive). The former may further be segregated into wide and narrow gypsophiles, depending on the breadth of their distribution area. Narrow gypsum endemics have a putative similar chemical composition to plants non‐exclusive to gypsum (i.e. gypsovags), which may indicate their similar ecological strategy as stress‐tolerant plant refugees on gypsum. However, this hypothesis awaits testing in different regions of the world. We compared the chemical composition of four narrow gypsum endemics, one widely distributed gypsophile and six gypsovags from Turkey. Further, we explored the plasticity in chemical composition of Turkish gypsovags growing on high‐ and low‐gypsum content soils. Differences were explored with multivariate analyses (RDA) and mixed models (REML). Narrow gypsum endemics segregated from gypsovags in their chemical composition according to RDAs (mainly due to higher K and ash content in the former). Nevertheless, differences were small and disappeared when different nutrients were analysed individually. All the gypsovags studied accumulated more S and ash when growing on high‐gypsum than on low‐gypsum soils. Similar to narrow gypsum endemics from other regions of the world, most local gypsum endemics from Turkey show a similar chemical composition to gypsovags. This may indicate a shared ecological strategy as stress‐tolerant plants not specifically adapted to gypsum. Nevertheless, the narrow gypsum endemic Gypsophila parva showed a chemical composition typical of gypsum specialists, indicating that various strategies are feasible within narrowly distributed gypsophiles.  相似文献   
A cladistic analysis of the genusAnisopappus (Asteraceae: Inuleae) has been undertaken. A hypothesis of species interrelationships in the genus is presented for the first time. The analysis also includedArctotis (Arctoteae), used as outgroup, and five additional genera from theInuleae: Geigeria, Calostephane, Asteriscus, Buphthalmum, Pulicaria, andInula. It is concluded thatAnisopappus is a monophyletic group situated at the base of the tribe, diagnosed by, e.g., their obtuse stylar sweeping-hairs. The species with acute sweeping-hairs were found to be derived within the genus. Problems concerning species delimitation, biogeography and character evolution in the genus are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Spores belonging to 43 taxa of pteridophytes were observed from the ambient air of 11 localities in India. It is suggested that pteridophyte spores could be listed among viable particulate air pollutants, especially in the light of the earlier reports regarding their allergenicity.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: We have previously reported that Wasagamack, a Canadian First Nations community has a seroprevalence rate of Helicobacter pylori of 95% and a prevalence rate among children aged 0-12 years as measured by stool antigen testing of 56%. We aimed to determine the rate of infection acquisition and possible modes of transmission of childhood Helicobacter pylori infection in this Canadian First Nations community. METHODS: Children who were previously negative for H. pylori by stool antigen testing in August 1999 were eligible for enrollment in August 2000; 50 (77%) eligible children underwent stool collection. H. pylori stool antigen status was tested using the Premier Platinum HpSA test. Drinking water samples, maternal saliva, breast milk, local berries and flies were tested by three complementary H. pylori-specific PCR assays. Soothers or bottle nipples, collected from 16 children whose H. pylori stool antigen status was determined, were bathed in sterile water and this water was tested by PCR. RESULTS: Stool was positive for H. pylori in 16% (8/ 50) of children retested. Five had no other siblings infected and three had infected siblings. The mothers of all children infected were positive for H. pylori. The median age of newly infected children was 6 years (range 1-13 years). By PCR, 78% (18/23) mothers' saliva samples, 69% (11/16) soother water samples and 9% (1/11) water samples from infected homes tested positive. All of 24 sequenced PCR-produced DNA fragments from samples showed 99% homology with that from ATCC type strain H. pylori. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of childhood H. pylori acquisition was 16% over 1 year, and was not dependent on number of siblings infected. The finding of homologous H. pylori DNA in saliva and in soother water suggests the possibility of human to human transmission, particularly via an oral-oral route. Thus, there is the potential for further investigations in this population and other endemic communities that are directed at prevention of infection transmission via this modality.  相似文献   
首次描述埋葬于长兴期海相地层中的一个高地植物群,计14属23种,包括4新种,2相似种和11未定种。概略论述植物群的性质及其埋葬特征和生态意义。以松柏植物和Taeniopteris等为代表的裸子植物在这一植物群中占61%,显示由古生代向中生代过渡的性质。这一植物群与华北同期的高地植物群在属种组成上很不相同,显示两地在区系性质上的差异。  相似文献   
Two new species of Esenbeckia (Rutaceae, Pilocarpinae) are described and illustrated. Esenbeckia decidua Pirani sp. nov. is probably endemic to deciduous forests of northern Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, and is distinct from other unifoliolate species in the genus because of its narrowly winged petiole, glabrous, not connate carpels that protrude beyond the annular disc, and its relatively elongated style. Esenbeckia kallunkiae Pirani sp. nov. is known from a few collections from Rondonia, the Brazilian Amazon and adjacent Bolivia. It is a species with trifoliolate, glabrous leaves, an elongate, narrowly paniculate inflorescence, relatively small flowers with cup-shaped discs, short styles, and capsules densely muricate with hooked spines. New couplets to Kaastra's available key to species are provided.  相似文献   
大中山自然保护区种子植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董琼  李乡旺  樊国盛   《广西植物》2006,26(5):541-545
云南省大中山自然保护区有种子植物749种,隶属于137科396属。区系成分中,世界分布33属,占全部总属数的8.33%;热带分布206属,占除世界分布属以外的56.75%(下同),温带分布148属,占40.77%,中国特有9属,占2.48%。该地区植物种类丰富,种子植物区系起源古老,地理成分复杂,具有明显的亚热带特性。从区系成分和植物类群多样性所占比例上看,是一个需要重点保护的区域。  相似文献   
张恒  金森  邸雪颖 《生态学杂志》2014,25(7):2049-2055
加拿大火险天气指标系统(FWI)是目前世界上应用最广的火险天气系统,其可燃物含水率预测方法成为一种重要的研究方法.本文以黑龙江省大兴安岭地区塔河林业局典型林分为研究对象,通过野外地表凋落物含水率的连续观测,分析了凋落物含水率与FWI系统3个湿度码\[细小可燃物湿度码(FFMC)、枯落物下层湿度码(DMC)、干旱码(DC)\]之间的关系.结果表明: 对于研究地区8个样地单独取样的地表凋落物,用FWI系统的湿度码FFMC所建立的线性预测方程的平均绝对误差和平均相对误差分别为14.9%和70.7%,低于气象要素回归模型,说明采用FWI湿度码来预测地表凋落物含水率具有一定优势,可用于预测可燃物含水率,但这种优势是有限的.今后应加强对FWI系统在我国应用的修正工作,特别是雨后可燃物湿度码的修正.  相似文献   
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