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祁连山典型林区生态服务功能间接价值估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用常规和替代市场评估技术,对祁连山北坡东段哈溪林区有机质生产、水源涵养、水土保持、固定CO2和净化空气5种生态系统服务功能间接价值进行了估算,并对3种不同植被类型的生态服务功能价值进行了比较。结果表明,哈溪林区5种服务功能总价值为52061.00万元,其中森林、灌丛和草地分别为19510.34万元、25200.01万元和7350.65万元。按有林地面积推算,祁连山森林生态系统提供的服务功能间接经济价值是天祝县国民生产总值的3~5倍,森林生态系统所提供的生态服务功能价值远远超过了当地社会创造的经济价值。就水源涵养和水土保持服务功能而言,灌丛提供的总价值最大。  相似文献   
The reproductive success of female parasitoids is dependent on their ability to accurately assess the suitability of a host for larval development. For generalist parasitoids, which utilize a broad range of species and instars as hosts, a set of assessment criteria determines whether a host is accepted or rejected. The suitability of a host, however, can only be imperfectly assessed by the female parasitoid, which can result in the selection of lesser quality hosts for oviposition. In this study we explored the disparity between host quality and host preference using the generalist koinobiotic parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) and the host Aulacorthum solani (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), the foxglove aphid. The second instar hosts produced the highest level of reproductive success, while third and fourth instars resulted in a substantially reduced reproductive performance. When given a choice of host instars, parasitoids preferred the older hosts for oviposition disregarding their reduced suitability for larval development. Results are discussed in context of mechanisms involved in A. ervi host selection and biases in the criteria used to assess hosts that may arise when parasitoids transfer host species between generations.  相似文献   
According to optimal foraging theory, animals should decidewhether or not to leave a resource patch by comparing the currentprofitability of the patch with the expected profitability ofsearching elsewhere in the habitat. Although there is abundantevidence in the literature that foragers in general are wellable to estimate the value of a single resource patch, theirdecision making has rarely been investigated with respect tohabitat quality. This is especially true for invertebrates.We have conducted experiments to test whether parasitic waspsadjust patch residence time and exploitation in relation tothe abundance of patches within the environment. We used thebraconid Asobara tabida, a parasitoid of Drosophila larvae,as our model species. Our experiments show that these waspsreduce both the residence time and the degree of patch exploitationwhen patches become abundant in their environment, as predictedby optimal foraging models. Based upon a detailed analysis ofwasp foraging behavior, we discuss proximate mechanisms thatmight lead to the observed response. We suggest that parasitoidsuse a mechanism of sensitization and desensitization to chemicalsassociated with hosts and patches, in order to respond adaptivelyto the abundance of patches within their environment.  相似文献   
在这篇文章中,我们主要研究含参数的四阶微分方程Neumann边值问题:(?)解的存在性和多解性,其中f∈C([0,1]×R,R),ξ,η∈R,λ∈R~+都是参数,且满足条件:ξ/π~4+η/π~2〈1,ξ≥-η~2/4,η〈2π~2.  相似文献   
草地生态系统服务功能是指草地生态系统及其生态过程所形成和维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境及其有效性,中国干旱半干旱地区的草地退化严重制约着生态系统服务功能的。以乌鲁木齐市山地草地为研究靶区,利用遥感图像(Landsat TM/OLI)划分出7种不同草地类型并计算其生态系统服务价值(Ecosystem Service Values, ESV)。使用空间统计方法、网格分析、空间自相关等方法进一步分析研究区山地草地退化程度和ESV变化。结果表明:21年中,乌鲁木齐市草地生态系统服务价值呈现波动性下降趋势,年均减少0.27×10~7元。生态损失主要是由山地荒漠草地(7.44%)、山地荒漠草原草地(10.71%)、山地草甸草原草地(18.32%)和高寒草甸草地(40.69%)退化造成。单项生态系统服务价值中,草地对调节服务(土壤形成)和供给服务的贡献率较高。草地ESVs Moran平均值为0.869(1994—2015年),并且草地ESV与相邻网格(2 km×2 km)具有更高的空间相关性。草地ESV具有明显的空间分布特征,高ESV区基本上分布在南山山区,低ESV区主要分布在平原草地区,博格达山草地亚区呈现随机分布格局。研究区气候变化对草地的影响十分显著,平均气温、平均地表温度、湿度、蒸散量、降水量和风速对草地ESV变化均有一定的影响,过度放牧、不合理垦荒、药用植物过度开发、城市化等人为活动仍然是驱动草地退化的主要因子,因此亟需采取措施保育乌鲁木齐市山地草原生态系统。  相似文献   
目的:血清胆碱酯酶活性(CHE)是反应肝细胞损害的灵敏指标,对于肝炎疾病的临床应用具有重大的价值,评估血清胆碱酯酶的活性变化是本文的主要目的.方法:对各种类型肝炎患者的CHE活性采用医院引进的国外先进的全自动生化分析仪进行检测,并对患病肝炎组与正常组进行胆碱酯酶活性的对照(P<0.01).结果:三组肝炎患者在接触时间、基础疾病、血清肌酸激酶(CK)、昏迷时间等有差异有显著性(P<0.01),在年龄、性别、中毒原因方面没有显著性差异(P>0.05).迟发性脑病组和无迟发性脑病组在年龄、基础疾病、并发症、接触时间、昏迷时间、CK方面差异有显著性(P<0.01);而在性别、中毒原因方面差异无显著性(P>0.05).结论:最终结果表明,CHE活性检测对于判定肝炎患者的预后具有重大的价值和作用,应得到充分的重视,而广泛、有效的应用于临床.  相似文献   
目的:探讨一种新型一体化防护服(IPS)的抗荷性能.方法:在离心机上首先测定10名受试者的基础 Gz耐力,然后受试者穿IPS充气,测此时的松弛耐力,两者之差即为IPS的抗荷性能.结果:受试者穿IPS时的松弛耐力明显高于基础耐力(P<0.01),其抗荷性能达到(2.38±0.38)G.结论:IPS的抗荷性能较好,可满足我国高性能战斗机的需要.  相似文献   
麻疯树(Jatropha curcas L. )为大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)麻疯树属(Jatropha L. )植物,果实含油量高,种仁含油量在60%左右,可用于加工提炼优质生物柴油,以替代日益紧缺的石油能源~([1-2]).近年来,由国家科学技术部和联合国开发计划署共同开展的绿色扶贫项目中,麻疯树已经在中国石漠化最为严重的贵州、四川及云南等省区试种成功.麻疯树全株有毒,其种子、树皮、叶、根和乳汁中含有多种化学成分,可作为医药和生物农药资源;其种子加工后残留的油饼中蛋白质含量较高,可作为优质肥料,经脱毒后也可作为饲料~([3]).  相似文献   
This study consisted of sampling benthic algae at 32 sites in the Gangqu River, an important upstream tributary of the Yangtze River. Our aims were to characterize the benthic algae communities and relationships with environmental variables. Among the 162 taxa observed, Achnanthes linearis and Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica were the dominant species (17.10% and 14.30% of the total relative abundance, respectively). Major gradients and principal patterns of variation within the environmental variables were detected by principal component analysis (PCA). Then non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) divided all the sites into three groups, which were validated by multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that three environmental variables (TN, TDS, and TP) significantly affected the distribution of benthic algae. Weighted averaging regression and cross-calibration produced strong models for predicting TN and TDS concentration, which enabled selection of algae taxa as potentially sensitive indicators of certain TN and TDS levels: for TN, Achnanthes lanceolata, Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica, and Cymbella ventricosa var. semicircularis; for TDS, Cocconeis placentula, Cymbella alpina var. minuta, and Fragilaria virescens. The present study represents an early step in establishing baseline conditions. Further monitoring is suggested to gain a better understanding of this region.  相似文献   
This study investigated the interspecific differences in vulnerability to xylem embolism of four phreatophytes – two facultative phreatophytes ( Banksia attenuata and B. menziesii ) and two obligate phreatophytes ( B. ilicifolia and B. littoralis ). Species differences at the same position along an ecohydrological gradient on the Gnangara Groundwater Mound, Western Australia were determined in addition to intraspecific differences to water stress between populations in contrasting ecohydrological habitats. Stem- and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity, as well as Huber values (ratio of stem to leaf area), were also determined to support these findings. We found that where water is readily accessible, there were no interspecific differences in vulnerability to water stress. In contrast both facultative phreatophyte species were more resistant to xylem embolism at the more xeric dune crest site than at the wetter bottom slope site. B. ilicifolia did not differ in vulnerability to embolism, supporting its classification as an obligate phreatophyte. Other measured hydraulic traits ( K S, K L and Huber value) showed no adaptive responses, although there was a tendency for plants at the wetter site to have higher K S and K L. This study highlights the influence site hydrological attributes can have on plant hydraulic architecture across species and environmental gradients.  相似文献   
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