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Contrary to our expectations, soil salinity and moisture explained little of the spatial variation in plant establishment in the upper intertidal marsh of three southern California wetlands, but did explain the timing of germination. Seedlings of 27 species were identified in 1996 and 1997. The seedlings were abundant (maximum densities of 2143/m2 in 1996 and 1819/m2 in 1997) and predominantly annual species. CCAs quantified the spatial variation in seedling density that could be explained by three groups of predictor variables: (1) perennial plant cover, elevation and soil texture (16% of variation), (2) wetland identity (14% of variation) and (3) surface soil salinity and moisture (2% of variation). Increasing the spatial scale of analysis changed the variables that best predicted patterns of species densities. Timing of germination depended on surface soil salinity and, to a lesser extent, soil moisture. Germination occurred after salinity had dropped below a threshold or, in some cases, after moisture had increased above a critical level. Between 32% and 92% of the seedlings were exotic and most of these occurred at lower soil salinity than native species. However, Parapholis incurva and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum were found in the same environments as the native species. In 1997, the year of a strong El Niño/Southern Oscillation event with high rainfall and sea levels, the elevation distribution of species narrowed and densities of P. incurva and other exotic species decreased but densities of native and rare species did not change. The ‘regeneration niche’ of wetland plant communities includes the effects of multiple abiotic and biotic factors on both the spatial and temporal variations in plant establishment.  相似文献   
We analyzed data from Section 404 permits issued in California from January 1971 through November 1987 that involved impacts to wetlands and required compensatory mitigation (wetland creation, restoration, or preservation). The purpose of this study was to determine patterns and trends in permitting activity and to document cumulative effects of associated management decisions on the California wetland resource. The 324 permits examined documented that 387 compensatory wetlands (1255.9 ha) were required as mitigation for impacts to 368 wetlands (1176.3 ha). The utility of the data on wetland area was limited, however, since 38.0% of the impacted wetlands and 41.6% of the compensatory wetlands lacked acreage data. The wetland type most frequently impacted (37.8% of impacted wetlands) and used in compensation (38.2% of compensatory wetlands) was palustrine forested wetlands. Estuarine intertidal emergent wetlands had the most area impacted (52.3%) and compensated (62.5%). The majority of the wetlands were small (less than or equal to 4.0 ha in size). Wildlife habitat was the most frequently listed function of impacted wetlands (90.7% of the permits) and objective of compensatory wetlands (83.3%). Endangered species were listed as affected in 20.4% of impacted and 21.0% of compensatory projects. The number of permits requiring compensatory mitigation and the number of impacted and compensatory wetlands increased from 1971 to 1986.Documentation of the details of Section 404 permit decisions was inadequate for the permits we examined. Area information and specific locations of impacted and compensatory wetlands were lacking or of poor quality. Follow-up information was also inadequate. For example, project completion dates were specified in the permit for only 2.2% of compensatory wetlands. Furthermore, less than one-third (31.5%) of the permits required the compensatory wetland to be monitored by at least one site visit. We recommend improved documentation, regular reporting, and increased monitoring for better evaluation of the Section 404 permitting system.  相似文献   
Synopsis Seasonal cycles of reserve deposition and utilization in many fishes, amphibians and reptiles alleviate temporal mismatches of energy supply and demand. Utilization of reserves can be related to maintenance during periods of reduced food supply, to reproduction, particularly during periods of poor food availability, and to migration. Published data on the seasonal cycles of reserves and reproduction inSebastes suggest that reserves are important for maintenance during wintertime periods of low food availability. Unlike many other ectothermic vertebrates, some species ofSebastes deposit fat reserves at the same time as gametogenesis, a pattern consistent with the longevity and iteroparity evident in the genus. Other species ofSebastes have similar seasonal timing of fat cycles, but since reproduction takes place later in the year, the decline in reserves during winter coincides with the main period of reproductive activity. The significance of this is not clear. Interspecific differences in amounts of reserves may be related to geographical differences in the seasonality or abundance of food. Intraspecific variation in reserves, marked most strongly by allometry of reserves with regard to fish legth, bears further study, since it may link the proces of sexual maturation and the responses of repeat spawners to variability in food supply and other environmental factors.  相似文献   
The effects of retinoic acid (RA) on the induction of antibody-producing cells from human tonsillar lymphocytes sensitized to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) have been evaluated. Our results indicated that 10(-5) to 10(-7) M RA caused up to a three-fold increase in the number of plaque-forming cells (PFC) and a qualitative increase in the size of the plaques during the induction of PFC in 5- to 7-day cultures. Enhancement also occurred when tonsil cells were preincubated with RA for 24 hr and then washed, or when RA was added any time in the first 4 days after initiation of the culture. When T- and B-cell fractions were pretreated with RA for 24 hr, washed, and recombined with SRBC, RA-induced augmentation of PFC occurred only in conjunction with RA treatment of the B-cell fraction. Pretreatment of the T-cell fraction had no effect on PFC induction or on the RA-enhanced response when the B-cell fraction was simultaneously treated with RA. Other experiments suggested that RA did not modulate PFC induction by influencing regulatory functions of adherent accessory cells. Our study demonstrates that RA can enhance human antibody responses and shows that this effect is not caused by increased activity of T cells or adherent accessory cells, but is instead the result of a direct effect of RA on B-cell populations.  相似文献   
We have examined the behavior of two reaction-diffusion models, originally proposed by Gierer & Meinhardt (1972) and by Kauffman, Shymko & Trabert (1978), for biological pattern formation. Calculations are presented for pattern formation on a disc (approximating the geometry of a number of embryonic anlagen including the frog eye rudiment), emphasizing the sensitivity of patterns to changes in initial conditions and to perturbations in the geometry of the morphogen-producing space. Analysis of the linearized equations from the models enabled us to select appropriate parameters and disc size for pattern growth. A computer-implemented finite element method was used to solve the non-linear model equations reiteratively. For the Gierer-Meinhardt model, initial activation (varying in size over two orders of magnitude) of one point on the disc's edge was sufficient to generate the primary gradient. Various parts of the disc were removed (remaining only as diffusible space) from the morphogen-producing cycle to investigate the effects of cells dropping out of the cycle due to cell death or malfunction (single point removed) or differentiation (center removed), as occur in the Xenopus eye rudiment. The resulting patterns had the same general shape and amplitude as normal gradients. Nor did a two-fold increase in disc size affect the pattern-generating ability of the model. Disc fragments bearing their primary gradient patterns were fused (with gradients in opposite directions, but each parallel to the fusion line). The resulting patterns generated by the model showed many similarities to results of "compound eye" experiments in Xenopus. Similar patterns were obtained with the model of Kauffman's group (1978), but we found less stability of the pattern subject to simulations of central differentiation. However, removal of a single point from the morphogen cycle (cell death) did not result in any change. The sensitivity of the Kauffman et al. model to shape perturbations is not surprising since the model was originally designed to use shape and increasing size during growth to generate a sequence of transient patterns. However, the Gierer-Meinhardt model is remarkably stable even when subjected to a wide range of perturbations in the diffusible space, thus allowing it to cope with normal biological variability, and offering an exciting range of possibilities for reaction-diffusion models as mechanisms underlying the spatial patterns of tissue structures.  相似文献   
Two electroejaculators were used to collect semen from 40 adult male coyotes. The most effective apparatus used a two-ring rectal probe and an AC voltage of 18 (Vrms) at 1000 Hz. With this ejaculator, 11 of 15 coyotes produced a satisfactory semen sample, which averaged 0.9 ml in volume and 70 million spermatozoa per ml.  相似文献   
The activation of lymphocytes has been used to study the regulation of mammalian gene expression. Concanavalin A (Con A) added to mouse spleen lymphocytes in serum-free medium leads to an increase in the rate of DNA synthesis as great as 1000 fold, commencing 20 hr after its addition. Prior to 20 hr, the rate of purine synthesis increases 10–100 fold as measured by accumulation of the purine intermediate, formyl glycineamide ribonucleotide (FGAR). Addition of dibutyryl cyclic GMP to the lymphocyte suspensions results in a 10 fold increase in the rate of DNA synthesis in the absence of Con A and enhances both purine synthesis and DNA synthesis in its presence. The activity of phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase (PRPP synthetase), an enzyme central to purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis, is increased 2–10 fold during the activation. The increase begins to appear 8 hr after Con A addition and requires concomitant protein synthesis. The induced PRPP synthetase activity is stimulated by the presence of cyclic GMP in the enzyme assay. Addition of dibutyryl cyclic AMP to Con A-stimulated lymphocytes inhibits FGAR production, the stimulation of DNA synthesis, and the appearance of cyclic GMP-sensitive PRPP synthetase. These studies suggest that cyclic nucleotides play a significant role in the molecular mechanism of lymphocyte activation, the regulation of purine biosynthesis, and of eucaryotic genetic expression.  相似文献   
Latitudinal gradients of tree species composition along the Sierran/Cascade axis in northern California were explored by comparing forests of Lassen Volcanic and Yosemite National Parks, USA. A calibration procedure based on canonical correspondence analysis predicted a mean rate of elevational displacement of 172.1 m/° latitude for Lassen sites in Yosemite. This is a steep latitudinal gradient compared with other temperate uplands (which average around 100 m/0 latitude), but it corresponds with the magnitude of the July mean temperature gradient (143 m/0 latitude) and the annual precipitation gradient (230 m/0 latitude). Elevational displacement of basal-area weighted species means showed considerable variation. The range for montane species was 20–153 m/0 latitude; for subalpine species the range was 142–305 m/0 latitude. This disparity is related to differential temperature lapse rates between regions and is reinforced by contrasting biogeographic affinities of montane vs. subalpine species. Whereas it is uniformly hot and dry during the growing season at lower elevations in both regions, growing seasons in the subalpine zone are significantly warmer and drier (at comparable elevations) in Yosemite, the more southerly locale. Furthermore, montane species are principally of Sierran affinity, whereas subalpine are primarily of Pacific Northwestern affinity.  相似文献   
Abstract Efficient and accurate vegetation sampling techniques are essential for the assessment of wetland restoration success. Remotely acquired data, used extensively in many locations, have not been widely used to monitor restored wetlands. We compared three different vegetation sampling techniques to determine the accuracy associated with each method when used to determine species composition and cover in restored Pacific coast wetlands dominated by Salicornia virginica (perennial pickleweed). Two ground‐based techniques, using quadrat and line intercept sampling, and a remote sensing technique, using low altitude, high resolution, color and color infrared photographs, were applied to estimate cover in three small restoration sites. The remote technique provided an accurate and efficient means of sampling vegetation cover, but individual species could not be identified, precluding estimates of species density and distribution. Aerial photography was determined to be an effective tool for vegetation monitoring of simple (i.e., single‐species) habitat types or when species identities are not important (e.g., when vegetation is developing on a new restoration site). The efficiency associated with these vegetation sampling techniques was dependent on the scale of the assessment, with aerial photography more efficient than ground‐based sampling methods for assessing large areas. However, the inability of aerial photography to identify individual species, especially mixed‐species stands common in southern California salt marshes, limits its usefulness for monitoring restoration success. A combination of aerial photography and ground‐based methods may be the most effective means of monitoring the success of large wetland restoration projects.  相似文献   
The archaeological evidence of ancient cranial surgery is limited to cases of trepanation and cauterization. I report here on the only known case of cranial surgery in direct association with the osseous image of a nontrauma-induced soft tissue lesion (sinus pericranii). This case, from Alameda County, California (Late Middle Period, ca. 300–500 AD), is the earliest and only definitive evidence of invasive surgery from prehistoric North America.
  • 1 Throughout this work, all reference to North American evidence excludes cases from south of the border between the United States and Mexico.
  • Because this individual presents the only bony evidence of cranial surgery other than trepanation or cauterization, it contributes substantially to our extremely limited understanding of medical practices in preliterate societies. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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