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建立自然保护区是保护和维持生物多样性最有效、最基本的措施。在有限的资金和人力条件下,如何参考不同人类干扰在保护优先区建设中的影响并选择合适的保护规划方案,在更大程度上的保护本区域的生物多样性,一直以来都是保护生物学家争论的焦点。以横断山南段区为例,重点关注保护区建设过程中不同的人类干扰程度,以人类干扰的高低为切入点,基于多准则决策分析的原理和方法,以横断山南植被生态系统和人类干扰强度因子为基础,对比分析横断山南的生态系统保护价值分布、人类干扰格局和保护成效,结果显示:一是区域内森林生态系统(针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、落叶混交林、常绿针叶林)、湿地生态系统(湖泊、河流、草本湿地)、高山生态系统(冰川和永久积雪、高寒草甸、高寒草原)价值高且分值在21分以上;二是从人类干扰高低分析入手,基于维持和提升区域生物多样性的角度出发,提出了不同的保护优先区域和保护策略。三是识别出横断山南段区的保护优先区主要包括峨边县、马边县、石棉县、越西县、保山市、腾冲市、维西县、德钦县、察隅县等区域。  相似文献   

Nothia ex gr. excelsa (Grzybowski, 1898) branched, agglutinated, tubular foraminifera is documented for the first time from the Karpatian (latest Burdigalian) molasse sediments of the Paratethys. Excellently preserved specimens allowed the study of the macro- and microstructure of the test using reflected and polarized light microscopes, SEM and Raman spectroscopy. The mineralogical components of the agglutinated grains, the appearance of the protruded aperture with a scalloped-edge, the microstructure of the bilamellar wall, the presence of the calcite microgranular cement could all be described in detail. Based on autecology, the test morphology and the associated fauna indicate that Nothia ex gr. excelsa was a surface-dwelling detritivore with a seasonal-phytophagous mode of life.  相似文献   
透射电子显微镜(TEM)具有优异的纳米尺度显微成像性能,因此被广泛应用于材料科学、物理学和生物学等学科的超微结构研究领域。文中根据应用TEM技术研究大孢子化石壁超微结构的实践体会,系统归纳和总结了大孢子化石TEM样品制备的前处理过程,主要步骤包括:材料选取、梯度脱水、包埋剂配比、梯度渗透、包埋、聚合、超薄切片和染色。运用上述TEM实验技术,文中以云南省曲靖市沾益区龙华山剖面中泥盆统吉维特阶上双河组分散拟网龙华山大孢(Longhuashanispora reticuloides Lu and Ouyang, 1978)的壁层超微结构为研究案例,揭示了这类孢子壁主要由三层薄壁组成,包括内部基底层、中部疏松层和外部致密层,其射线唇基底层下部具有近平行排列的多细纹带结构。此类大孢子的多细纹带结构与从加拿大新不伦瑞克省下泥盆统埃姆斯阶Campbellton组同孢植物化石Leclercqia complexa Banks et al., 1972中发现的原位小孢子射线唇基底层下部的多细纹带结构特征非常相似。此外,两者都具有相似的完全弓形脊和远极表面刺瘤状二型纹饰。因此综合外壁超微结构和纹饰形态特征...  相似文献   
Carbonate and total organic carbon stable isotope analyses of the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic succession in the Masore section in western Slovenia indicate a high storage of organic matter during the Upper Permian, as well as the well known worldwide light carbon isotope event across the P/Tr boundary. The perturbations in the global carbon cycle observed in the investigated section span an approximately 50 cm thick interval (from –11 cm below to +41 cm above the lithostratigraphically determined P/Tr boundary), and coincide more or less with changes in lithology, as well as with an abrupt disappearance of Upper Permian marine fauna. In this section changes in the sedimentary environment are most probably related to Upper Permian—Lower Triassic sea level changes. The carbonate and organic carbon negative peak anomaly could be explained by accelerated changes in the end Permian carbon cycle, due to some co-occurring events, such as pronounced erosion and oxidation of organic carbon, a possible release of methane from stored hydrates, and volcanic activity, as well as by a sudden reduction in primary productivity triggered by not yet completely satisfactorily explained mechanisms.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨急诊危重孕产妇5分钟紧急剖宫产的临床效果,并分析新生儿不良结局的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2018年1月~2022年6月在河北省儿童医院妇产科收治的急诊危重孕产妇139例的临床资料。根据急诊剖宫产流程分为对照组(n=68,常规紧急剖宫产流程下进行手术)及观察组(n=71,5分钟紧急剖宫产)。观察两组孕产妇的手术情况、手术反应时间、孕产妇并发症、新生儿不良结局发生率。采用多因素Logistic回归模型分析新生儿不良结局的危险因素。结果:两组住院时间、术中出血量、术中输血情况组间对比,未见统计学差异(P>0.05)。与对照组相比,观察组进手术室至手术开始时间、决定手术至胎儿娩出的时间间隔(DDI)、决定手术至进手术室时间、手术开始至胎儿娩出时间均更短,新生儿不良结局发生率、并发症发生率更低(P<0.05)。根据新生儿不良结局将孕产妇分为不良组(n=38)、良好组(n=101)。单因素分析结果显示:新生儿不良结局与受教育程度、新生儿体重、孕周、剖宫产类型、DDI、妊娠合并症、采用辅助生殖技术有关(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,受教育程度为小学及其以下、新生儿体重偏低、剖宫产类型为I类剖宫产、孕周偏短、DDI偏长均是新生儿不良结局的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:急诊危重孕产妇5分钟紧急剖宫产可缩短各项手术反应时间,降低孕产妇并发症和新生儿不良结局发生率。此外,新生儿不良结局的发生与受教育程度、新生儿体重、剖宫产类型、孕周、DDI等因素有关。  相似文献   
Gene fusion vectors based on the gene for staphylococcal protein A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two plasmid vectors, containing the gene coding for staphylococcal protein A and adapted for gene fusion, have been constructed. These vectors will allow fusion of any gene to the protein A gene, thus giving hybrid proteins which can be purified, in a one-step procedure, by IgG affinity chromatography. As an example of the practical use of such vectors, the protein A gene has been fused to the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. E. coli strains containing such plasmids produce hybrid proteins with both IgG binding and β-galactosidase activities. The hybrid protein(s) can be immobilized on IgG-Sepharose by its protein A moiety with high efficiency without losing its enzymatic activity and they can be eluted from the column by competitive elution with pure protein A. The fused protein(s) also binds to IgG-coated microtiter wells which means that the in vivo product can be used as an enzyme conjugate in ELISA tests.  相似文献   
精子储存是蝙蝠的生殖对策之一,有些种类的蝙蝠能将成熟精子在交配前(雄性)或交配后(雌性)储存在附睾或者输卵管及子宫内数月。采用冰冻切片和苏木精-伊红(H.E)染色法,观察了6种蝙蝠的睾丸、附睾、卵巢、输卵管和子宫,发现5种蝙蝠有精子储存现象。另外,本文还讨论了不同生殖对策蝙蝠的地理分布。  相似文献   
Using HeLa S-3 cells synchronized by selective detachment, in this paper we report a parallel study of nuclear morphology and autoradiography grain patterns between middle G1 and middle S phases: Our results show two distinct [3H]-thymidine labeling patterns. The first “peripheral” labeling pattern has a characteristic nuclear size distribution, in contrast to the heterogeneous and varying size distributions of Feulgen-stained nuclei, and apparently is characteristic of very early S phase. The sizes of the second labeling pattern—homogeneous or inhomogeneous grain distribution throughout the nucleus—are equal or larger than the first and vary with S phase progression. Together, the corresponding nuclear sizes of the labeled nuclei represent the larger extreme of nuclear areas, and the labeling index closely parallels the fraction of nuclei with areas larger than the minimum size of the labeled nuclei. These results suggest a characteristic nuclear size (reflecting unique intranuclear DNA distribution) as a necessary, if not sufficient, requirement for S phase initiation. Parallel experimentation with rat liver cells—synchronized in vivo by partial hepatectomy and analyzed by thin section autoradiography—confirms the existence of a peripheral labeling pattern in both the very early part and the very late part of S phase, which reconciles our data with previous results and points to the fact that both initiation and termination sites for DNA replication are near the nuclear periphery.  相似文献   
The conodont faunas of Tournaisian shallow-water carbonates from central Guangxi are described mainly for biostratigraphic purposes. A complete series of samples was collected from the Long’an and Du’an formations in the Long’an section. These formations are characterized by lime-mudstone, skeletal and peloidal wackestone, packstone and grainstone with typical shallow-water biota. Overall, these samples produced 809 identifiable Pl elements, belonging to 50 species in 11 genera, of which one species and one subspecies are new. The fauna enables the establishment of seven biozones (in ascending order): Polygnathus spicatus, Siphonodella homosimplex, S. sinensis, S. dasaibaensis, Polygnathus communis carina Acme, Gnathodus cuneiformis, and P. communis porcatus zones. Based on these new collections from central Guangxi and on data from the literature, a conflated Tournaisian conodont zonation is proposed for shallow-water successions in South China. Most of the conodont zones correlate well with their counterparts recognized in Western Europe, which may be of greater significance in stratigraphic correlation than previously thought.  相似文献   
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