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Hybridization between closely related lineages is a mechanism that might promote substantive changes in phenotypic traits of descendants, resulting in transgressive evolution. Interbreeding between divergent but morphologically similar lineages can produce exceptional phenotypes, but the potential for transgressive variation to facilitate long‐term trait changes in derived hybrid lineages has received little attention. We compare pollinator‐mediated selection on transgressive floral traits in both early‐generation and derived hybrid lineages of the Piriqueta cistoides ssp. caroliniana complex. The bowl‐shaped flowers of morphotypes in this complex have similar gross morphologies and attract a common suite of small insect pollinators. However, they are defined by significant differences in characters that generate pollinator interest and visitation, including floral area and petal separation. In common garden experiments, patterns of pollen deposition in early‐generation recombinant hybrids indicate that Piriqueta's pollinators favour flowers with greater area and reduced petal separation. Changes in floral morphology in derived hybrid lineages are consistent with predictions from selection gradients, but the magnitude of change is limited relative to the range of transgressive variation. These results suggest that hybridization provides variation for evolution of divergent floral traits. However, the potential for extreme transgressive variants to contribute to phenotypic shifts may be limited due to reduced heritability, evolutionary constraints or fitness trade‐offs.  相似文献   
生态位模型预测存在不确定性, 不同模型预测结果差别较大。在生态位保守的前提下, 在本土区域构建经典生态位模型, 利用入侵地独立样本数据检验并选择最优模型, 具有独特优势, 可为入侵物种风险分析提供可靠参考。水盾草(Cabomba caroliniana)是一种恶性水生入侵杂草, 原产于南美洲, 已在我国多个省市建立种群, 本文基于本土最优模型预测其在我国的潜在分布, 以期为其风险分析和综合治理提供依据, 并通过水盾草案例探讨如何提高生态位模型预测准确性的方法。本文按时间顺序梳理了水盾草在我国的分布记录, 然后根据水盾草已有分布记录和其所关联的环境因子比较了不同地理种群所占有的气候生态空间, 测试水盾草在世界入侵过程中的现实生态位保守性。采用两组环境变量和5种算法在南美洲本土地区构建10种生态位模型, 并将其转移至我国, 基于最小遗漏率和记账错率, 利用我国(入侵地)的样本数据选择最优模型预测水盾草在我国的适宜生态空间和潜在分布。研究发现当前水盾草在我国的分布集中在东部水域充沛地区, 沿京杭运河和南水北调工程等向北扩散。生态空间比对中发现水盾草在亚洲与其他大洲所占有的生态空间具有一定的重叠, 其在我国的入侵过程中生态位是保守的。与本土空间相比, 水盾草在我国所占有的生态空间存在较大的生态位空缺, 表明水盾草在我国的潜在分布范围较大。生态位模型预测显示水盾草的适生区主要分布于我国的北京、上海、山东、浙江、江苏、安徽、湖北和湖南等省(市)。水盾草的潜在分布区多聚集在我国东南部, 该地区河流、湖泊、运河和渠道较为密集, 人类活动及自然天敌的缺乏容易助长其入侵趋势, 应在这些适宜地区开展调查, 及时发现疫情并采取相应措施。  相似文献   
1 We assessed the importance of several factors potentially affecting the settlement rate of the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) on uninfested foliage of the eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis. We conducted our experiments in Massachusetts (U.S.A.) with overwintering sistens adelgids, and applied standard densities of infested foliage to uninfested branches in a planned multiple‐comparison design. 2 Settlement rates of progrediens crawlers produced by the overwintering sistens were highest when adelgid‐infested foliage was loosely attached to uninfested foliage and both branches were then enclosed in a mesh sleeve. 3 Early‐emerging crawlers settled at a higher rate than did late‐emerging crawlers. 4 Increasing the density of infested branches did not affect settlement rates. 5 We also tested whether less severe winter conditions improved settlement, and found that overwintering infested foliage in a refrigerator decreased settlement rate relative to foliage overwintered outdoors. 6 Our results suggest a protocol for adelgid inoculations that could substantially increase the success rate of experimental manipulations and encourage additional research on the population dynamics of this pest.  相似文献   
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