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Identical time-resolved fluorescence measurements with ~ 3.5-ps resolution were performed for three types of PSI preparations from the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: isolated PSI cores, isolated PSI–LHCI complexes and PSI–LHCI complexes in whole living cells. Fluorescence decay in these types of PSI preparations has been previously investigated but never under the same experimental conditions. As a result we present consistent picture of excitation dynamics in algal PSI. Temporal evolution of fluorescence spectra can be generally described by three decay components with similar lifetimes in all samples (6–8 ps, 25–30 ps, 166–314 ps). In the PSI cores, the fluorescence decay is dominated by the two fastest components (~ 90%), which can be assigned to excitation energy trapping in the reaction center by reversible primary charge separation. Excitation dynamics in the PSI–LHCI preparations is more complex because of the energy transfer between the LHCI antenna system and the core. The average trapping time of excitations created in the well coupled LHCI antenna system is about 12–15 ps longer than excitations formed in the PSI core antenna. Excitation dynamics in PSI–LHCI complexes in whole living cells is very similar to that observed in isolated complexes. Our data support the view that chlorophylls responsible for the long-wavelength emission are located mostly in LHCI. We also compared in detail our results with the literature data obtained for plant PSI.  相似文献   
Oriented cell division is a key regulator of tissue architecture and crucial for morphogenesis and homeostasis. Balanced regulation of proliferation and differentiation is an essential property of tissues not only to drive morphogenesis but also to maintain and restore homeostasis. In many tissues orientation of cell division is coupled to the regulation of differentiation producing daughters with similar (symmetric cell division, SCD) or differential fate (asymmetric cell division, ACD). This allows the organism to generate cell lineage diversity from a small pool of stem and progenitor cells. Division orientation and/or the ratio of ACD/SCD need to be tightly controlled. Loss of orientation or an altered ratio can promote overgrowth, alter tissue architecture and induce aberrant differentiation, and have been linked to morphogenetic diseases, cancer and aging. A key requirement for oriented division is the presence of a polarity axis, which can be established through cell intrinsic and/or extrinsic signals. Polarity proteins translate such internal and external cues to drive polarization. In this review we will focus on the role of the polarity complex aPKC/Par3/Par6 in the regulation of division orientation and cell fate in different mammalian epithelia. We will compare the conserved function of this complex in mitotic spindle orientation and distribution of cell fate determinants and highlight common and differential mechanisms in which this complex is used by tissues to adapt division orientation and cell fate to the specific properties of the epithelium.  相似文献   
Planar cell polarity or PCP refers to a uniform cellular organization within the plan, typically orthogonal to the apico-basal polarity axis. As such, PCP provides directional cues that control and coordinate the integration of cells in tissues to build a living organism. Although dysfunctions of this fundamental cellular process have been convincingly linked to the etiology of various pathologies such as cancer and developmental defects, the molecular mechanisms governing its establishment and maintenance remain poorly understood. Here, we review some aspects of invertebrate and vertebrate PCPs, highlighting similarities and differences, and discuss the prevalence of the non-canonical Wnt signaling as a central PCP pathway, as well as recent findings on the importance of cell contractility and cilia as promising avenues of investigation.  相似文献   
HvLhcb1 a major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein in barley, is a critical player in sustainable growth under Fe deficiency. Here, we demonstrate that Fe deficiency induces phosphorylation of HvLhcb1 proteins leading to their migration from grana stacks to stroma thylakoid membranes. HvLhcb1 remained phosphorylated even in the dark and apparently independently of state transition, which represents a mechanism for short-term acclimation. Our data suggest that the constitutive phosphorylation-triggered translocation of HvLhcb1 under Fe deficiency contributes to optimization of the excitation balance between photosystem II and photosystem I, the latter of which is a main target of Fe deficiency.  相似文献   
《FEBS letters》2014,588(8):1259-1270
Neuronal signaling in the CNS depends on the microenvironment around synapses and axons. To prevent fluctuations in blood composition affecting the interstitial fluid and CSF, two barriers, the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and blood–CSF barrier (BCSFB), are interposed between the blood and the brain/CSF compartment. Brain capillary endothelial cells (ECs) constitute the BBB whereas choroid plexus epithelial (CPE) cells form the BCSFB. The anatomical basis of these barriers is located at the level of an intercellular junctional complex that impedes paracellular diffusion. Tight and adherens junctions are known as the principal constituents of this junctional complex. Transmembrane connexins (Cxs) are the prime building blocks of plasma membrane hemichannels that combine to form intercellular gap junctions (GJ). Although Cxs co-exist within the junctional complex, their influence on tight/adherens junctions and their role in barrier function of BBB ECs and CPE has been mostly ignored. Here, we review current knowledge on the role of Cxs in the BBB, BCSFB and other interfaces that subside within the CNS. We conclude that Cxs are a rather unexplored but promising target for influencing CNS barrier function.  相似文献   
The Wnt pathway is a conserved signal transduction pathway that contributes to normal development and adult homeostasis, but is also misregulated in human diseases such as cancer. The tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is an essential negative regulator of Wnt signaling inactivated in >80% of colorectal cancers. APC participates in a multiprotein “destruction complex” that targets the proto-oncogene β-catenin for ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis; however, the mechanistic role of APC in the destruction complex remains unknown. Several models of APC function have recently been proposed, many of which have emphasized the importance of phosphorylation of high-affinity β-catenin-binding sites [20-amino-acid repeats (20Rs)] on APC. Here we test these models by generating a Drosophila APC2 mutant lacking all β-catenin-binding 20Rs and performing functional studies in human colon cancer cell lines and Drosophila embryos. Our results are inconsistent with current models, as we find that β-catenin binding to the 20Rs of APC is not required for destruction complex activity. In addition, we generate an APC2 mutant lacking all β-catenin-binding sites (including the 15Rs) and find that a direct β-catenin/APC interaction is also not essential for β-catenin destruction, although it increases destruction complex efficiency in certain developmental contexts. Overall, our findings support a model whereby β-catenin-binding sites on APC do not provide a critical mechanistic function per se, but rather dock β-catenin in the destruction complex to increase the efficiency of β-catenin destruction. Furthermore, in Drosophila embryos expressing some APC2 mutant transgenes we observe a separation of β-catenin destruction and Wg/Wnt signaling outputs and suggest that cytoplasmic retention of β-catenin likely accounts for this difference.  相似文献   
A novel chlorophyll a containing pigment–protein complex expressed by cells of Chromera velia adapted to growth under red/far-red illumination [1]. Purification of the complex was achieved by means of anion-exchange chromatography and gel-filtration. The antenna is shown to be an aggregate of ~ 20 kDa proteins of the light–harvesting complex (LHC) family, unstable in the isolated form. The complex possesses an absorption maximum at 705 nm at room temperature in addition to the main chlorophyll a maximum at 677 nm producing the major emission band at 714 nm at room temperature. The far-red absorption is shown to be the property of the isolated aggregate in the intact form and lost upon dissociation. The purified complex was further characterized by circular dichroism spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy. This work thus identified the third different class of antenna complex in C. velia after the recently described FCP-like and LHCr-like antennas. Possible candidates for red antennas are identified in other taxonomic groups, such as eustigmatophytes and the relevance of the present results to other known examples of red-shifted antenna from other organisms is discussed. This work appears to be the first successful isolation of a chlorophyll a-based far-red antenna complex absorbing above 700 nm unrelated to LHCI.  相似文献   
Swt1 is an RNA endonuclease that plays an important role in quality control of nuclear messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) in eukaryotes; however, its structural details remain to be elucidated. Here, we report the crystal structure of the C-terminal (CT) domain of Swt1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which shares common characteristics of higher eukaryotes and prokaryotes nucleotide binding (HEPN) domain superfamily. To study in detail the full-length protein structure, we analyzed the low-resolution architecture of Swt1 in solution using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method. Both the CT domain and middle domain exhibited a good fit upon superimposing onto the molecular envelope of Swt1. Our study provides the necessary structural information for detailed analysis of the functional role of Swt1, and its importance in the process of nuclear mRNP surveillance.  相似文献   
The binding affinity of the two substrate–water molecules to the water-oxidizing Mn4CaO5 catalyst in photosystem II core complexes of the extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae was studied in the S2 and S3 states by the exchange of bound 16O-substrate against 18O-labeled water. The rate of this exchange was detected via the membrane-inlet mass spectrometric analysis of flash-induced oxygen evolution. For both redox states a fast and slow phase of water-exchange was resolved at the mixed labeled m/z 34 mass peak: kf = 52 ± 8 s− 1 and ks = 1.9 ± 0.3 s− 1 in the S2 state, and kf = 42 ± 2 s− 1 and kslow = 1.2 ± 0.3 s− 1 in S3, respectively. Overall these exchange rates are similar to those observed previously with preparations of other organisms. The most remarkable finding is a significantly slower exchange at the fast substrate–water site in the S2 state, which confirms beyond doubt that both substrate–water molecules are already bound in the S2 state. This leads to a very small change of the affinity for both the fast and the slowly exchanging substrates during the S2 → S3 transition. Implications for recent models for water-oxidation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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