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复合生态系统动态足迹分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
王健民  王伟  张毅  胡梦春  唐晓燕  陈敏 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2920-2926
由Rees W E.于1992年提出、由Wackernagel M.于1996年完善的生态占用(生态足迹)原理与方法,其主要成果是评价出全球52个有代表性的国家和地区的生态占用盈亏情况,进一步得出全球人均生态占用阈值为1.74hm^2(量纲,下同)、基准值为2.0hm^2,而人均实际生态占用为2.4hm^2,人均生态赤字达0.4hm^2以上,评价结果表明全球生态环境进人了危机阶段,因此具有重要的预警战略意义。但是该方法也存在一些不足之处,如:(1)主要是反映自然生态系统承载力,未能全面反映出社会经济反馈力(人力、物资、资金、管理等方面的投人效用),尤其是忽略了现代科学技术在提高复合生态系统承载力方面的巨大作用和贡献;(2)将各生态类型加权抽象化后所得到的等量化综合指标,难于反映复合生态系统要素与要素间的复杂变化规律;(3)最初创建的方法未反映动态变化情况:(4)新开发的4种时间序列的方法,仍不能反映复合生态要素间生动地相关关系。针对以上主要缺陷,旨在将复合生态系统进行要素分解,进行要素与时间相关分析及要素间动态相关分析。将社会经济冲击力、自然生态环境资源承载力及社会经济科学技术反馈力三者相结合进行分析综合性研究的基础上,于2002年创建了复合生态系统动态足迹(生态史迹)分析原理、方法和研究案例。鉴于社会经济系统对自然生态系统的冲击力、生态环境资源系统的承载力及社会经济科学技术的反馈力都是在变动的,必需进行复合生态系统动态足迹的相关分析。在做出复合生态系统单要素(含因子,下同)随时间要素动态变化、双要素间动态相关分析的基础上;进一步建立了可反映出复合生态系统冲击力、承载力及反馈力的多要素间动态足迹相关模式图。模式图的基本原理是:反映冲击力的人均生态需求(I/P)应小于或等于复合生态承载力的人均有效生态空间(E/P)与单位有效生态空间产出(I’/E)的乘积。以E/P为横轴、I’/E为纵轴作图,图中各点为I/P;图中系列I/P理论等值线可构成复合生态系统承载力基准和序列标准曲线。模式图的基本功能和作用有:(1)通过理论研究和经验分析,可以绘制出复合生态系统有关要素承载力基准与序列标准曲线;(2)通过历史统计资料,可以绘制出复合生态系统相关生态因子冲击力的动态变化曲线;(3)可以对冲击力与承载力基准与标准序列间进行静态和动态评价;(4)可以对反馈力增加复合生态系统承载力的情况进行评价;(5)进一步再进行针对性的原因分析及包括提高反馈力在内的对策性研究。  相似文献   
The resonance Raman spectrum of β-carotene in photosystem Ⅱ (PS Ⅱ )reaction center complex was characterized by four main bands, peaking at 1532 (νl), 1156 (ν2), 1010 (ν3) and 970 (ν4) cm -1, respectively, with several additional small Raman bands in the region between 1100 cm-1 and 1500 cm-1 It was suggested that β-carotene molecules of the reaction center complex were in all-trans configuration. The resonance Raman spectrum of an acetone extract from the reaction center complex also showed four main bands. The peak position of νl, ν3 and ν4 band shifted 5 cm-1 to the shorter wave number. The most dramatic changes were the reduction of the intensity of ν4. From the above results it was demon- strated that the conformation of β-carotene molecules in the PS Ⅰ reaction center was not the same as that of free β-carotene molecules in solution, but similar to that of carotenoid molecules in the photosynthetic bacterial reaction center, in other words, they are likely to be in a twisted conformation.  相似文献   
The design, synthesis and characterization of a phosphonate inhibitor of N-acetylneuraminate-9-phosphate phosphatase (HDHD4) is described. Compound 3, where the substrate C-9 oxygen was replaced with a nonlabile CH2 group, inhibits HDHD4 with a binding affinity (IC50 11 μM) in the range of the native substrate Neu5Ac-9-P (compound 1, Km 47 μM). Combined SAR, modeling and NMR studies are consistent with the phosphonate group in inhibitor 3 forming a stable complex with native Mg2+. In addition to this key interaction, the C-1 carboxylate of the sugar interacts with a cluster of basic residues, K141, R104 and R72. Comparative NMR studies of compounds 3 and 1 with Ca2+ and Mg2+ are indicative of a highly dynamic process in the active site for the HDHD4/Mg2+/3 complex. Possible explanations for this observation are discussed.  相似文献   
Utilizing a two-beam technique in the frequency domain, the pumped absorption of PS II membrane fragments from spinach and of acetonic chlorophyll-a solutions was measured at room temperature. In a very narrow wavelength region (0.2 nm around the pump pulse wavelength) the relative test beam transmission exhibited either a decrease or an increase, respectively, dependent on the intensity of a strong pump beam. In contrast, the transmission changes of chl-a solutions were not affected by the wavelength mistuning between pump and test beam. The data obtained for PS II membrane fragments were interpreted in terms of excited state absorption of pigment-protein clusters within the light-harvesting complex of PS II. The interpretation of the small absorption band as a homogeneously broadened line led to a transversal relaxation time for chlorophyll in vivo of about 1 ps.Abbreviations PS I photosystem I of green plants - PS II photosystem II of green plants - P700 primary donor of PS I - P680 primary donor of PS II  相似文献   
Previously, we showed that inoculation of tobacco with Pseudomonas syringae incompatible pv. maculicola results in a rapid and persistent burst of superoxide (O2) from mitochondria, no change in amount of mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) and induction of the hypersensitive response (HR). However, inoculation with incompatible pv. phaseolicola resulted in increased AOX, no O2 burst and no HR. Here, we show that in transgenic plants unable to induce AOX in response to pv. phaseolicola, there is now a strong mitochondrial O2 burst, similar to that normally seen only with pv. maculicola. This interaction did not however result in a HR. This indicates that AOX amount is a key determinant of the mitochondrial O2 burst but also that the burst itself is not sufficient to induce the HR. Surprisingly, the O2 burst normally seen towards pv. maculicola is delayed in plants lacking AOX. This delay is associated with a delayed HR, suggesting that the burst does promote the HR. A O2 burst can also be induced by the complex III inhibitor antimycin A (AA), but is again delayed in plants lacking AOX. The similar mitochondrial response induced by pv. maculicola and AA suggests that electron transport is a target during HR‐inducing biotic interactions.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨与分析游离股前外侧皮瓣修复对急诊肢体复合组织缺损患者近期和远期预后的影响。方法:2015年4月到2021年9月选择在本院急诊的下肢复合组织缺损患者66例作为研究对象,根据1:1随机分配原则把患者分为研究组与对照组各33例。研究组给予游离股前外侧皮瓣修复治疗,对照组给予下肢外侧皮瓣修复治疗,观察与随访患者的近期和远期预后情况。结果:所有患者都顺利完成急诊修复治疗,所有皮瓣都创面都Ⅰ期愈合,研究组的术后住院时间、术后换药次数、术后上皮组织完全覆盖创面时间、术后创面愈合时间少于对照组(P<0.05)。研究组术后3个月的皮瓣血供优良率为100.0 %,高于对照组的84.8 %(P<0.05)。研究组术后3个月的血肿、伤口感染、血管危象、骨髓炎等并发症发生率为3.0 %,低于对照组的27.3 %(P<0.05)。研究组术后12个月的皮瓣保护性感觉率为100.0 %,高于对照组的78.8 %(P<0.05)。结论:游离股前外侧皮瓣修复在急诊肢体复合组织缺损患者的应用能促进患者康复,提高皮瓣血供优良率,还可减少并发症的发生,改善患者远期的皮瓣保护性感觉状况。  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated caspase-mediated cleavage of p130cas during apoptosis and identified two caspase-3 cleavage sites [1]. In this study, we investigated the phosphorylation-dependent cleavage of p130cas in apoptotic Rat-1 fibroblast cells. Lysophosphatidic acid and fibronectin induced p130cas phosphorylation, which in turn resulted in resistance to caspase-mediated cleavage. Alternatively, dephosphorylation by calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase, PP1, and LAR stimulated cleavage of p130cas by caspase-3, generating a 31-kDa fragment. During apoptosis, p130cas dephosphorylation seems to precede its cleavage. The phosphorylation of tyrosine and serine residues immediately adjacent to the two cleavage sites (DVPD(416) and DSPD(748)) strongly affected p130cas cleavage by caspase-3, both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, the generation of the 31-kDa cleavage fragment was strongly regulated by phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue at position 751 (DSPD(748) and GQY(751)). Our results collectively suggest that degradation of p130cas during apoptosis is modulated in a phosphorylation-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Two parapatric chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) in Poland differ in their complement of metacentric arm combinations: hk, io, gr, nm (race IV), and hi, ko, gm, np (race II). In hybrids, these eight race-diagnostic metacentrics form two randomly segregating complexes. The first complex (C1) occurs in the form of a ring configuration ok/kh/hi/io, or a chain o/ok/kh/hi/i (when there is Robertsonian polymorphism of the element io). The second complex (C2) always takes the form of a six-element chain configuration r/rg/gm/mn/np/p. The C2 complex may be shortened to five or even four elements, when acrocentrics g, m and n are present. In the contact zone we found shrews of pure races (race II or IV), as well as hybrids with C1 or C2 complexes, and recombinants hi, ko, gr, nm. Complex heterozygotes are likely to suffer reduced fertility due to malsegregation at meiosis. However, the C1 hybrids with ring configurations occur with a high frequency throughout the contact zone. This suggest that their fitness is only slightly lowered relative to pure race individuals, in contrast to the hybrids with C1 or C2 chain configurations, which presumably have a more heavily reduced fertility. On the other hand, at the center of the zone there is a high proportion of recombinants, which, being chromosomal homozygotes, should display normal meiotic segregation. Furthermore, the high frequencies of recombinants within the contact zone should facilitate gene flow between the races. The occurrence of recombinants plays a similar role as the appearance of the maximum frequencies of acrocentric homozygotes described in several contact zones of S. araneus.  相似文献   
Copper-containing nitrite reductase is able to catalyze the reduction of nitrite with a turnover rate of several hundreds per second. Electrons for the reaction are donated by the electron transfer protein pseudoazurin. The process of protein complex formation, electron transfer and dissociation must occur on the millisecond timescale to enable the fast turnover of the enzyme. The structure of this transient protein complex has been studied using paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy. Gadolinium complexes were attached specifically through two engineered Cys residues on three sites on the surface of nitrite reductase, causing strong distance-dependent relaxation effects on the residues of pseudoazurin. Docking of the two proteins based on these NMR-derived distance restraints and the chemical shift perturbation data shows convergence to a cluster of structures with an average root-mean-square deviation of 1.5 Å. The binding interface consists of polar and non-polar residues surrounded by charges. The interprotein distance between the two type-1 copper sites is 15.5(± 0.5) Å, enabling fast interprotein electron transfer. The NMR-based lower limit estimate of 600 s−1 for the dissociation rate constant and the fast electron transfer are consistent with the transient nature of the complex.  相似文献   
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