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  • 1 Morphological characters were elaborated and part of the mitochondrial COI gene was sequenced in order to facilitate the determination of the three European pine bark beetles Tomicus piniperda, T. destruens and T. minor. The sequence information also provided the first information on the phylogenetic and phylogeographical relationships of these species.
  • 2 Three hair rows were found on the antennal club of T. destruens between the second and third suture. Tomicus piniperda had only one row. Three different hair types were detected on the elytra – two hair types were found on T. piniperda, whereas the third hair type was only detected on the elytra of T. destruens.
  • 3 The COI region (445 bp) revealed high sequence divergence among T. destruens, T. piniperda and T. minor. The three species proved to be monophyletic species with 16.98–19.23% sequence divergence. A phylogenetic approach placed T. minor and T. destruens as sister taxa, which contradicts the morphological findings.
  • 4 European populations of T. piniperda shared two haplotypes, indicating a homogenous distribution of the genotypes. In the American populations only one of these European haplotypes was found. The Greek, Italian and Spanish T. destruens populations revealed three population‐specific haplotypes, indicating restricted gene flow.
  • 5 Species‐specific primers were designed to allow a rapid and definitive determination of the two sibling Tomicus species by PCR.
Most research on the biological effects of Pleistocene glaciation and refugia has been undertaken in the northern hemisphere and focuses on lowland taxa. Using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I, we explored the intraspecific phylogeography of a flightless orthopteran (the alpine scree weta, Deinacrida connectens) that is adapted to the alpine zone of South Island, New Zealand. We found that several mountain ranges and regions had their own reciprocally monophyletic, deeply differentiated lineages. Corrected genetic distance among lineages was 8.4% (Kimura 2-parameter [K2P]) / 13% (GTR + I + Gamma), whereas within-lineage distances were only 2.8% (K2P) / 3.2% (GTR + I + Gamma). We propose a model to explain this phylogeographical structure, which links the radiation of D. connectens to Pliocene mountain building, and maintenance of this structure through the combined effects of mountain-top isolation during Pleistocene interglacials and ice barriers to dispersal during glacials.  相似文献   
DNA barcoding involves the use of one or more short, standardized DNA fragments for the rapid identification of species. A 648‐bp segment near the 5′ terminus of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene has been adopted as the universal DNA barcode for members of the animal kingdom, but its utility in mushrooms is complicated by the frequent occurrence of large introns. As a consequence, ITS has been adopted as the standard DNA barcode marker for mushrooms despite several shortcomings. This study employed newly designed primers coupled with cDNA analysis to examine COI sequence diversity in six species of Pleurotus and compared these results with those for ITS. The ability of the COI gene to discriminate six species of Pleurotus, the commonly cultivated oyster mushroom, was examined by analysis of cDNA. The amplification success, sequence variation within and among species, and the ability to design effective primers was tested. We compared ITS sequences to their COI cDNA counterparts for all isolates. ITS discriminated between all six species, but some sequence results were uninterpretable, because of length variation among ITS copies. By comparison, a complete COI sequences were recovered from all but three individuals of Pleurotus giganteus where only the 5′ region was obtained. The COI sequences permitted the resolution of all species when partial data was excluded for P. giganteus. Our results suggest that COI can be a useful barcode marker for mushrooms when cDNA analysis is adopted, permitting identifications in cases where ITS cannot be recovered or where it offers higher resolution when fresh tissue is. The suitability of this approach remains to be confirmed for other mushrooms.  相似文献   
Inland salt marshes are rare habitats in the Great Lakes region of North America, formed on salt deposits from the Silurian period. These patchy habitats are abiotically stressful for the freshwater invertebrates that live there, and provide an opportunity to study the relationship between stress and diversity. We used morphological and COI metabarcoding data to assess changes in diversity and composition across both space (a transect from the salt seep to an adjacent freshwater area) and time (three sampling seasons). Richness was significantly lower at the seep site with both datatypes, while metabarcoding data additionally showed reduced richness at the freshwater transect end, consistent with a pattern where intermediate levels of stress show higher diversity. We found complementary, rather than redundant, patterns of community composition using the two datatypes: not all taxa were equally sequenced with the metabarcoding protocol. We identified taxa that are abundant at the salt seep of the marsh, including biting midges (Culicoides) and ostracods (Heterocypris). We conclude that (as found in other studies) molecular and morphological work should be used in tandem to identify the biodiversity in this rare habitat. Additionally, salinity may be a driver of community membership in this system, though further ecological research is needed to rule out alternate hypotheses.  相似文献   
The Indo‐Australian Archipelago (IAA) is the richest area of biodiversity in the marine realm, yet the processes that generate and maintain this diversity are poorly understood and have hardly been studied in the mangrove biotope. Cerithidea is a genus of marine and brackish‐water snails restricted to mangrove habitats in the Indo‐West Pacific, and its species are believed to have a short pelagic larval life. Using molecular and morphological techniques, we demonstrate the existence of 15 species, reconstruct their phylogeny and plot their geographical ranges. Sister species show a pattern of narrowly allopatric ranges across the IAA, with overlap only between clades that show evidence of ecological differentiation. These allopatric mosaic distributions suggest that speciation may have been driven by isolation during low sea‐level stands, during episodes preceding the Plio‐Pleistocene glaciations. The Makassar Strait forms a biogeographical barrier hindering eastward dispersal, corresponding to part of Wallace's Line in the terrestrial realm. Areas of maximum diversity of mangrove plants and their associated molluscs do not coincide closely. © 2013 The Natural History Museum. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, 2013, 110 , 564–580.  相似文献   
The taxonomy and systematics of the New Caledonian endemic caddisfly genus Gracilipsodes Sykora, 1967 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae: Grumichellini) are reviewed. Seven new species represented by males are described and illustrated: Gracilipsodes aoupiniensis sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes aureus sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes aurorus sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes grandis sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes koghiensis sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes lanceolatus sp. nov. , and Gracilipsodes robustus sp. nov. Molecular phylogenetic analyses are applied to discern the relationships among the species of the genus and their closest relatives, based on sequence characters from the nuclear gene translation elongation factor-1α (EF-1α) and the three mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase I (COI), COII, and ribosomal large subunit (16S). The data are analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian inference, revealing a monophyletic Gracilipsodes with the eastern Australian monotypic genus Triplexa as its closest relative. Gracilipsodes is in turn divided into two major lineages.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 153 , 425–452.  相似文献   
【目的】大豆食心虫Leguminivora glycinivorella (Matsumura)是一种危害大豆的主要害虫,在中国北方地区危害较重。本研究旨在探讨大豆食心虫在中国东北不同地理种群间的遗传变异。【方法】测定了10个不同地理种群153个个体的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ (mtCOI)基因的657 bp序列,利用DnaSP 5. 0和Arlequin 3. 5. 1. 2等软件对大豆食心虫种群间的遗传多样性、基因流水平和分子变异进行分析。【结果】结果表明:10个地理种群间的COI基因共有36个变异位点和17个单倍型,其中1个单倍型为10个种群所共享。总种群的单倍型多样性指数Hd为0.456,各地理种群单倍型多样度范围在0~0.634之间。总群体的固定系数Fst为0.12545,遗传分化系数Gst为0.06326,总基因流Nm为3.49,且各种群间的基因流均大于1,种群间基因交流的水平较高。【结论】大豆食心虫种群内遗传多样性水平处于中低等水平。总群体和各种群的Tajima’s D检验结果皆不显著,说明中国东北地区大豆食心虫在较近的历史时期内没有出现种群扩张现象。AMOVA分子变异分析结果表明,大豆食心虫的遗传分化主要来自种群内部,而种群间未发生明显的遗传分化。各地理种群的单倍型在系统发育树上和中介网络图上散布在不同的分布群中,缺乏明显的地理分布格局。各种群的遗传距离与地理距离之间没有显著线性相关性,种群间的基因交流并未受到地理距离的影响。  相似文献   
The European spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) is a suitable model organism to study the effects of past history and current oceanographic processes on the genetic diversity and population structure of marine species with a long-lived larval phase. A portion of the COI gene was sequenced in 227 individuals from 11 localities, covering most of the present distribution of the species. Divergence was found between Atlantic and Mediterranean regions, which could be explained by restricted gene flow between populations. Moreover, a principal component analysis detected differences within basins. The existence of genetic differentiation between Brittany and Ireland–Scotland populations could be accounted for by the large effect of the Gulf Stream, while mesoscale processes suffered by the incoming Atlantic waters could be responsible of genetic differentiation within the Mediterranean. Furthermore, historical processes could be responsible for a reduction on the overall genetic variability of P. elephas. The haplotypic distribution found in P. elephas, with the presence of one abundant haplotype and a large number of closely related haplotypes, is typical of species experiencing reduction in variability and subsequent expansions. Climatic fluctuations related to glacial cycles could explain the present level of variability and nucleotide diversity found. Interestingly, these glacial events do not seem to have the same impact in other species of the same genus. Our results indicate that recent glacial events could have had a lower impact on Palinurus mauritanicus, a congeneric species that presents an overlapping distribution area but is found in cooler waters than P. elephas.  相似文献   
North-Atlantic records of Schizymenia dubyi extend along the eastern shores of the North Atlantic from Morocco to southern Britain and Ireland, and the species is also recorded from Iceland. A study was undertaken to confirm the identity of the specimens from Iceland that were geographically separate from the main distribution of S. dubyi and in contrast to other species of the genus did not have gland cells. We analyzed rbcL and COI molecular sequence data from Icelandic specimens and compared the results with those for Schizymenia specimens available in GenBank. For both markers, Schizymenia was shown to be a monophyletic genus. The Icelandic specimens were clearly genetically distinct from S. dubyi and formed a well-supported clade with Schizymenia species from the Northern Pacific. Based on these results, we have described a new species, Schizymenia jonssonii, which can be distinguished by molecular phylogeny, its lack of gland cells and by being strictly intertidal. Crustose tetrasporophytes with identical COI and rbcL sequences were found at the same locations as foliose plants. Schizymenia apoda is reported for the first time in the UK, its identity confirmed by rbcL sequence data. In light of these findings, it is likely that by further molecular analysis of the genus Schizymenia in the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, a higher diversity of Schizymenia spp. will be discovered in this region.  相似文献   
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